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Progress tests Straight to Advanced

4 Living in the past

1 Match sentences 1–10 with a phrase a–j 2 Complete each gap with a word from the box.
which best conveys its meaning.
messy  ​ softly  ​ neat  ​
cosy  ​ shabby  ​
1 I went to visit my great grandmother solidly  ​
light  ​ retro  ​
minimally  ​
last weekend, and we had a lovely time cramped  ​ old-fashioned  ​cheerful
talking about her childhood.
2 He hasn’t said anything specific to me, 1 There are often high winds in this area so the
but I think your brother doesn’t like me stone cottage had been
for some reason. built. It was very small inside meaning it felt
very and cluttered.
3 I have no idea, I’m sorry. I couldn’t
even guess what the answer might be! 2 The entire house was very
and tidy. He cleans up every day to make sure it
4 I still have such vivid memories about
doesn’t get  .
the time my older sister tried to teach me
to swim. It was an awful experience! 3 It all depends on your point of view.
Some would say 1960s furniture is
5 I’m not sure why, but 9 o’clock on the
 ; others would call it cool
6th of June is very clear in my mind.
and  .
Oh yes, it’s Susan’s party!
6 Can you remember the first time we met? 4 The big windows made the living room very
and airy. It had also been
It was so many years ago now.
very furnished with only a
7 She really does need to do something sofa and a coffee table.
about her terrible memory. She can’t even
seem to remember her own address.
5 The restaurant was very lit
by just candles and a fireplace, which made it
8 Was that the time when we went for that feel really warm and  .
really long walk with Peter in the park?
I can only just remember it.
6 The peeling paint on the outside of the
house is making it look  .
9 What a match! I couldn’t believe she scored Let’s paint it white so it’s more bright and
seven times during her first game.
10 Is it already a year since we completed
that race together? I’m going to put that   / 12
picture online so everyone can see how
well we did!
3 For sentences 1−8, underline the correct
adverb in italics.
a to be haunted by a memory
1 Time extremely/really goes by quickly when
b to have a memory like a sieve you’re busy, doesn’t it?
c to reminisce about something 2 I can’t quite believe how that man spoke
d something sticks in your mind to the receptionist. That kind of language is
e to share (happy) memories enormously/totally unacceptable, if you ask
f to have/get the distinct impression (that)
3 My cousin is a(n) highly/absolutely intelligent
g to have a faint recollection
guy, he has a PhD from Harvard.
h to (not) have the foggiest idea
4 I’m terribly/severely sorry. I know you from
i the dim and distant past somewhere, but I simply can’t recall your name.
j a memorable (performance) 5 He was shocked when they showed him to
  / 10 his accommodation. It was badly/entirely
inadequate for his needs as someone in a
6 Did you listen to that podcast about how
light can aid your memory? It was quite/very

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Progress tests Straight to Advanced

7 I remember a time when my brother used to

be massive compared to me, but I’m actually
Reading and Use of English Part 4
fairly/slightly taller than him now. Key word transformation
8 My sister revisited our old primary school 5 For questions 1–6, complete the second
last weekend. It was perfectly/completely sentence so that it has a similar meaning to
different from when we went there.
the first sentence, using the word given. Do
  /8 not change the word given. You must use
between three and six words, including the
4 Rearrange the words to make comparative word given. Here is an example (0).
sentences. Example:
1 do, / fitter / become / should / the /
0 Hugo said that Sam had taken his phone.
exercise / you / more / The / you


2 art / before / say / now / galleries / than /
Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
Researchers / more / we / visit / ever
1 There is nowhere near as much space in this room as
in the other.
3 is / have / tallest / so / the / visited / It / NEARLY
building / far / easily / we This room is the
other one.
2 We can meet the targets really quickly.
4 more / had / He / relaxed / considerably / NO
when / he / than / arrived / felt The targets  time.
3 Some say the Health Minister lied to the public
about the figures.
5 as / memory / My / hers / not / as / nearly / ALLEGED
is / bad The Health Minister
lied to the public
about the figures.
6 hoped / expensive / had / little / a / I / was / 4 Looking at those lighter clouds, the weather seems
more / It / than to be improving now.
Looking at those lighter clouds, the weather
7 and / up / More / are / people / signing / improving now.
the / more / for / course 5 The dodo existed peacefully until humans settled in
8 I / good / photos / as / he / is / as / am / The dodo until
just / taking / at humans settled in Mauritius.
6 For me, remembering what I should be doing
without a diary is just not possible.
I find it what
I should be doing without a diary.

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