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Name:Kenneth Jake Q.

Course & Section:BSN 2D
Clinical Instructor:

1. Nurse JL was deployed as a nurse in a far-flung area, he plans to

conduct IEC regarding HOME DELIVERIES. As a nurse you know that IEC
is important because? (10pts)

As a nursing student, I’m aware that Information, Education,

and Communication is important on conducting Home Deliveries
because IEM is a public health system aiming at changing or
reinforcing health-related behaviors in a target audience. Sharing
vital information is one of our duties as a student nurse, to
spread awareness about the most common health problems existing in
a community. Health teaching is our innate ability as a student
nurse to teach those people who needs health education to improve
their health as well as, to correct the spread of misinformation
about a health problem inside the community. Communication is very
important in creating rapport inside the community. It allows us to
make a strong relationship and connection to the people inside the
community to make them cooperate, help, open up and become self-

2. As a future nurse, what can you contribute to the society with

regards to accessibility of DOH programs in the community? (10pts)

I can contribute by conducting seminars about the different DOH

programs, so that the people in the far-flung area will be aware
about the different DOH programs that was implemented in the
Philippines which has the key to attain “health for all” the
Filipino people.
3. What is the role of the nurse in maternal child care in the
community? (10pts)

The role of a nurse in maternal child care is to prevent the

mortality rates of pregnant women as well as to prevent the death
rates of children, make sure that children are fully vaccinated,
monitor the health of both mother and child, contribute to
childbearing and childrearing and to conduct health teaching inside
the community. As well as, to encourage pregnant women to have
checkups for at least 4 times throughout their pregnancy, give them
5 doses of Tdap immunizations to make them fully immune to tetanus
toxoid, and encourage them to take Vitamin B to reduce the risk of
abnormal pregnancy.

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