Script For Play

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Script for Play

Opening Conversation re business ventures and Party

(Stage opens with the dealer coming into view.)

Dealer talking to someone: Make sure everything ready fi when the boss reach here. Nothing can
be out
of place.

Side character coming in: HIM DEH YERE!!

(Music ensues)

(Don comes with his bodyguards.)

(We nuh fraid a nobody - Vybz Kartel)
(First 23 seconds)

Dealer: Ah Mr. Blackwell, on time as usual.

Don: Time is money and I assure you that I take my money very seriously.

Dealer: Well you know what they say-

(Don cuts him off)

Don: Look make wi cut the bag a long talking. Yuh have the shipments dem or not?

Dealer: Yes they arrived this morning. They should be on their way to your warehouse in
Clarendon as
we speak.

Don: Good. Would have rathered it be done before the last minute, but I guess that’s ok. You’ll
get the
payments once I get word that they have safely arrived at the warehouse.

(Don stands up to leave.)

Don: If that will be all, I have places to be-

Dealer: Now wait one second Boss. Mi wah have a likkle word with you before you leave. Look,
see di
pree, we know say yuh already (pause) up in age…and no disrespect ting and is nothing
but how mi suh sure say mi can rely on your partnership…long term.

(Right hand man steps forward)

RHM: OI! You know who yaah talk to? Put some respect in yuh voice or-
(Don motions for RHM to stand down)

Don: That concern won’t be necessary. I may be ageing but I’m not out of it yet. I want you to
meet the
future of my empire…

(Don motions to the door.)

(MC walks in [cue music, Boss - Tanaania)*

(10 seconds)

MC: Pleasure to meet you gentlemen.

Don: This is my daughter, Alejandra.

Dealer: Nice to meet you too ma’am…suh like, where is this future you speak of? Weh him deh.

Don: You ARE looking at the future. She’ll be taking over once I’m gone.

Dealer: …Yuh serious?

MC: Is there a problem?

Dealer: It’s just that this business requires some serious decisions to be made. It requires
someone who will be able to look danger in the eyes and command armies of men. It requires a-

(MC cuts him off)

MC: A man?
Look If you’re referring to me being a female and how I’ll run the business I assure you
mi can run
it better than how you run yuh mouth.

Don: See? Perfect fit for the position. This business is in safe hands.
(Don gets a call) (ring)
Alejandra finish up here, I have to take this call. Donavon stay with her in case anything
though I doubt she won’t be able to handle herself.

(Don leaves, exit stage)

(Dealer hands MC some documents and exits stage)
RHM: Look mi think yuh fi just guh home and leave this to me, yuh nuh waah break a nail or

MC: No, I'm good. Dad left me here to finish this up so I think I’ll manage.

(RHM grabs the documents from her hands)

RHM: Look this anuh your type a crowd. Anuh a woman ting dis. I don’t know what your father
thinking putting you in charge. Only time girl like yuh see blood a when a yuh time a di

(MC grabs the documents back)

MC: Sound like yaah talk from experience, anuh my fault your own come early. Mi nuh want
yuh ah
question question mi authority, yuh lucky if when mi take over mi even give yuh a secretary
position. (“it was funny tho but very disrespectful” -kartel meme)
Now guh round guh get the car and I’ll finish up in here.

RHM (shouts angrily): Aye mind how you a deal wid big man innuh -

(Re-Enter Don)
Don: RHM leave us . I have important business to discuss with my blood.

RHM: But sir-

Don: Leave us!

(doh bawl to mi sound effect)
(RHM leaves angrily while murmuring under his breath)

MC: You need to control your dog and put him on a leash

Don : (Slight laugh) Don't Mind Donavon, he just believes that he is owed reapings from seeds
which he
has not sowed.
But down to the meat of the matter.

Don: (Dramatic Monologue type ting)

If you’ve been hearing talks, whispers or anything of the sort of a new rival business man in
then i can confirm, the rumours are true. This “Demetri” person infiltrated the scene with
his “new
business tactics”. I suppose that he thinks that these new means can hold a candle to what us
men have done.

Back alley investments, under the table stocks while great men like us!, who've worked for
what we
have and passed down the traits from generation to generation, who've earned our title are
supposed to
what ? step aside ?

If he thinks that he can overthrow my hard work , my power, my empire huh then he'd be
mistaken. A commoner can't do the job of a king.

MC: I see how this can be an issue. No one should even dare to usurp you.

Don: Good, so we're on the same page then.

With great power comes great responsibility and if you are to some day take over all of this
then you
will really know what the pleasures
of power taste like .

MC: Whatever it takes. I am a Blackwell after all and the blood of the Blackwell runs deep.

Don: (Don slowly gets up and paces and hovers over daughter’s shoulder to deliver lines)

On the night of the 15th, he'll be hosting a masquerade ball at a Club in the Red Hills
My dear daughter, I need you to do what women do best , advertise your assets.

MC: What!? And what is that supposed to mean, father?

Don: Infiltrate his life. Lore him in, get him to fall for you, make him believe that he's met the
love of his
life. Make him fall so hard that he believes there is no one else in the world for him except
you and
when he reaches that point, that's when you get everything you need.
Obtain his secrets, his plans, his motives, any confidential information that you can and
when it's all
said and done, report every ounce of it back to me.

MC: So is that all that I'm good for? Running around doing the errands of other men. Just being
pretty and
hoping that men fall for my appealing ways is the only asset that I carry?
Don: No my darling I don't solely see you as a toy to play with when I deem fit, but the way I see
it, if
you're skilled at something, why not use the skill?
This is simply a business venture which is why I expect you to keep it strictly professional.
Stay head
strong and whatever you do don’t catch feelings for the enemy.

MC: Oh father, don't insult me. I'm not that juvenile to catch feelings on a job, this isn't my first
time out in
the field after all. I'm a Harvard law graduate, I have my Bachelors so check who you are
Nevertheless, Whatever it takes I'm with you all the way father, we never betray our own.

Always and forever

Don: Always and Forever.

(Corner by Masicka plays to end scene*)

(End scene)

Masquerade Ball Scene

(Open next scene with the club)

(People previously dancing)

(Vitamin String Quartet - Thank you next)

Club Dj: Hello Everyone, How are we feeling tonight?

(Crowd cheers)

Wonderful, Wonderful.
First up, we will have the club girls showing off the pieces from the New Dunn’s line
Lets go


Club Dj: That was a great showcase of what the Dunn’s women’s and men’s wearline has to offer
Now I'm pleased to announce that we have a very special guest tonight. *Taking time
from her
world tour, Grammy award winning artist* (PERFORMER):

Club Dj: I’m glad you enjoyed that performance

Now we're about to have our seasonal masquerade dance featuring the man himself
(Demetri waves to the crowd making his presence known)
So all dancers to the stage please, all dancers to the stage
Lets go


(MC and Rival Don meets via waltz, chemistry builds and tension rises)

(Mc gives don a lustful look and walks of to the “balcony”[other actors and dancers on stage
exist leaving the two mains alone])
(Rival Don hastily walks after her)

RD: Now why do you run from me? Are you trying to ignore the desire that I so felt radiating
from you?

MC: Is it desire that you felt? Or is that you projecting your own longing?

RD: There is no need for projection when a man like me knows what he wants.

MC: And what is it that you want?

RD: I fear saying such a thing isn’t…appropriate for such a formal setting as this. Unless you so

MC: My commands for you will prove quite problematic…unless you want to make this THAT
kind of show.

RD: You know, you didn’t strike me as the bold type.

MC: How so? Did you expect one of your groupies? To be throwing myself all over you?

RD: Short answer? Yes

MC: Long answer?

RD: I thought you’d be like all the others at this party. Only here to try and get in my good books
for my money or for the fame that comes with me. OR y’know because of my devilishly good

MC: Wah we say Demetri the gyal dem sugar.

RD: We been knew. But in all seriousness you’re different. You’re witty, elegant and you have
this air of dominance about you that I can't seem to get over. That scares me.

MC: Why’s that? You aren't afraid of me are you?

RD: Afraid? Don’t be silly. While I do feel a swarm of things when I’m around you, fear isn’t
one of them.

MC: Then why are you scared?

RD: I’m scared because a man like me can be dangerous for a girl like you.

MC: What do you mean?

RD: The business that I’m in is very dangerous. While I look like an upstanding business man on
the outside, what happens behind closed doors is another story. I run an empire that deals with
things so dark it makes the devil himself quiver in fear.

MC: El oh el, you’re reaching. You work at the equivalent of Grace Kennedy, let’s be for real for
a second .

Demetri: Mi shame, shame a kill me. Couldn’t let me have the moment?

(Both laugh)
Demetri: But in all honesty the business I do is quite risky.

MC: What kind of business?

RD: Let's just say I have a special hold on the stock market and shipping industry. One that me
and my "partners" benefit from.

MC: Wow, that is really risky. How do you stay hidden and how do you know when it's gonna
stay consistent?

RD: We have our eyes on the inside who keep us off the radar. Any time we start to get a tail she
cuts it off immediately and sends them off our scent. To keep the cash flow consistent we give a
few friendly incentives to our acquaintances who oversee the stock exchange making sure my
company is seen by the highest investors. We also give our investors a few "wellness packages"
to keep them happy.

MC: Sounds like you have all of this figured out. I like a man who’s good at planning.

RD: And I like a woman who doesn’t shy away from dangerous situations. You’re no ordinary
MC: You’re no ordinary man.

Rival don: You don’t amass such an empire by being just ordinary.

Eye contact chemistry builds

MC: I have to go now.

(MC goes to leave but RD holds onto her hand)

RD: Wait before you go, may I have your name?

MC: It's Alejandra.

RD: Can I see you again?

MC: Only time will tell.

(MC leaves the ball)

(Bob Marley wait in vain plays to end scene)
(End scene)

Post Masquerade Ball Scene

(Open scene with MC arriving home from ball )

(MC enters with with a cheerful nostalgic look on her face while reminiscing about the night)
(Takes of shoes and earrings and walks into the living quarters)

(Father Don turns on light)

(Main Character is slightly startled)

Don: well look at the hour that you decided to roll in.

MC: Jeez are you trying to put me into shock

Why sneak up on me ?

Don: You will soon come to learn that the skill of sneaking is a useful one. So is spying and
information. And oh what are the chances that that's exactly what you were supposed to do
Now the million dollar question is did you perfect those skills Alejandra ?

MC: (MC says in a mocking lustful voice )

No, I was too consumed with Demetri's charm, sensuality, and desirability to even do the
one job I
was employed to do.
(rolls eyes, laughs in a joking tone)
Obviously I acquired all that needs to be acquired. A Blackwell always repays their debts.
No man can resist all this.

Don: So what secrets did your irresistibility gain?

MC: Well here's a list of everything he told me. And I must say he went into great detail.
(Hands Don paper with list)

(Don glances at paper and goes to formally hug MC more like a business partner and not a
family member)
Don: Great, I knew I could count on you. This new found knowledge will surely help me to
Demetri’s organization and show him that power is the thin line that separates boys and

I must go and inform my business partners and instruct my men on what moves to make

(Don leaves the stage)

(Daughter gets up to leave stage)

(Receives call from Demetri)

MC: Hello?

Demetri: I'd like to take you out to finish what we started.

MC: Demetri ? How did you even get this number?

Demetri: As I said I'm no ordinary man, I have my ways.

MC: I didn't plan for this to be a more than one round occasion.

Demetri: Oh when you're around me we’ll definitely be going more than one round
I promise it'll be a night you won't forget

MC: I-
Demetri: Don't think just show up
AC Lounge Saturday at 8

MC: OK I'll be there.

(Lighter - Shenseea )
(End Scene)

Pre Date Scene

(Enter MC)
(Main Character is getting all dolled up to go on date)
(Maid is helping MC get ready)

MC: (humming a jovial tune while doing makeup)

MC: Not gonna lie Maggie I’m really excited for tonight

Maid: No sah is which man coulda a get u so riled up

(MC laughs)
MC: No that's not case

Maid: Yow Alejandra you know you can tell me anything right. My mouth nuh mek fi chat

(RHM enters out of nosiness)

RHM: Where are you going to be getting all dressed up like that

(MC gets startled)

MC: you have no right to be in my room much less in my business
And for your information i'm just going out in the town to hang out with some friends
Now it's best we both be on our separate ways

(Enters Driver)
Driver: Are you ready to go ma'am?

MC: Yes i am Nick

(Kisses teeth) oh shoot i left my phone

(Runs off stage to get phone)

RHM: There is no way that she's getting all dressed up just to hang out with a few girls
Do me a favour Nick, keep tabs on who she's meeting and where she's going and report it
back to

(RHM hands Nick a 100 dollar bill)

Driver: Will do sir

(MC comes back on stage)

MC: Come on Nick, don't want to be late.

(Exchanges nasty looks with RHM)

(RHM leaves stage)

Do me a favour Nick, don't let anyone know what i'm up to.

(MC hands Nick a 500 dollar bill)

(MC and Driver leave stage)

(Spice - Jim Screechy Intro )

(First 41 seconds)
(End Scene)

Date Scene

(Whatever you like by T.I plays for opening lounge scene)

(MC enters the club and sees Demetri sitting in a “booth” surrounded by some bodyguards and 2
dons ladies)

(Demetri sees her and stands up to greet her)

Demetri: Ah MC you’re here. I was wondering if I had to send my guards to look for you.

MC: Now why would I miss a chance like this to have you all to myself. Although I see that
we’re not completely alone.

(MC gestures to the myriad of bodyguards surrounding them)

(Careless whisper er - George Michael plays in background )

Demetri: Oh right.

(Demetri motions for his guards to leave them,)

(Demetri takes her by her hand and leads her to sit down in the booth)

Demetri: I was starting to think you weren’t going to come.

MC: Well a certain someone talked a big game so I had to see what the hype was about.

Demetri: I am a man of my word.

MC: I’ll hold you to that.

Demetri: You look stunning tonight.

MC: Why thank you. You look rather handsome yourself. I’m sure all the girls were just fighting
to be next to THEE Demetri (insert last name).

Demetri: What are you saying you’re not one of them?

MC: I don’t fight over what already belongs to me.

Demetri: Once again you’ve left me speechless. No woman has been able to do that, you know.
You are the first woman to actually give me a run for my money.

MC: Well I’m not just any woman now am I?

Demetri: Certainly not. You’re the type of woman who’ll keep a man on his toes, who’ll keep a
man in check.

(Demetri looks her into her eyes intensely)

The type of woman I'd like to see by my side running my empire some day.

(Announcer comes on saying that the chair dance will commence.)

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, I hope we're all having a wonderful night here at the AC

(Crowd cheers)

Announcer: Let's give a big warm welcome to (performer).


Announcer: Alright, Alright that's what i'm talking about! Now we’re bouta take things slow and
welcome Stenntett’s Dancers with an original dance piece. Make some noise!


Post Chair Dance

(crowd Applauds for the dance)

MC: Wow that was spectacular.

Demetri: Really? I didn't notice I was more focused on something even more beautiful sitting
right next to me.

MC: You’re quick with the words aren’t you?

Demetri: With a muse such as you the prose comes easily.

MC: Well why don’t we take the announcer’s advice and take things slow for a bit.

Demetri: Am I going too fast with things?

MC: That’s not what I meant exactly. I’d even say not fast enough. I want to show you

Demetri: Show me what?

MC: That’s a surprise.

Demetri: Well then after you.

(MC takes Demetri’s hand and leads him off stage while “Under the Influence” [fades to black])
(scene reopens with them coming back on stage looking dishevelled)

Demetri: You are one good planner when it comes to surprises.

MC: And you live up to the hype.

Demetri: I told you I am a man of my word.

(Both walk for a bit holding hands)

(MC shows haste as she considers telling demetri of the ruse because she starts to fall for him)
MC: Demetri I have something I have to tell you.
Demetri: Yes my love.

MC: I-

(She is cut off by a call from the Maid)

MC: Wah yuh want Maggie?

(Maggie explains that her father is starting to get suspicious of where she is at this hour)
(just kinda adlib the call)

MC: I really enjoyed tonight and I want to see you again but I have to go.

Demetri: But the night isn’t over yet.

MC: I know I’m sorry.

Demetri: Ok Cinderella I guess you have no choice, but since I don’t have a glass slipper I’ll
leave you with this…

(Demetri kisses her on the cheek)

MC: Goodbye Demetri.

Demetri: Goodbye MC.

(Chorus of Feelings by Dyani plays )

(scene closes)

Post Date Scene / Shady Interaction

(Enters MC in jovial reminiscing mood )

(Sneaking into her house for a second time)

(RHM stands beside the don with condescending look on his face)
Don: Where are you coming from at this hour?

(MC gets startled)

MC: Jeezam again with the sneaking up in the dark

Don: That doesn't answer the question

Where have you been?
MC: Hey, Now i do understand that you are my father and technically my boss.
But let me remind you that I am still an adult, my own person……. Im incharge of my own
life and i
have the right to do with it as i please

Don: Now let me remind you yes I am your father and yes I am your boss but I am also your
caretaker, the
man that provides for you, the man that's always there for you, the man that gives you the
luxury of
living this plentiful life and you'd think that you'd be so grateful enough to the one thing i
ask which
is to listen! So no you are not in charge of your own life. That is a right reserved only for
Now back to my question, where were you ?

MC: If you wanted the answer you could have asked your lost puppy standing right beside you
that always
seems to be following me around. I was out with some friends

Don: see now was that so hard to do

(Don approaches daughter and gives her formal cold distant hug)
Now I never want you to be doing anything behind my back again ok?
The blood of the Blackwell runs deep

MC: The blood of the Blackwell runs deep

Don: you may be on your way now

(MC exits stage)

Don: It's hard enough being in charge of so much, now I have to be running behind my daughter.
pickney yah man
Night Donovan

RHM: Night Sir

(Don exits the stage)

(RHM begins to exit stage)

(Driver enters the stage)

Driver: Hey Donovan, I didn't get much but I still got a little information to give.

RHM: Ok spill
(Driver holds out hand to get another 100 dollar bill)

(RHM rolls his eyes and regrettable gives him a $100 bill)

RHM: Ugh here take it

Driver: Ok so i dropped her off at this club in red hills. I think it was called ABC lounge or
something and then she was greeted by this man. I didn't hear much of their conversation but I
distinctly remember that she uttered the name Demetri.

RHM: Demetri you say? Interesting.

(Fades to black)
(Informer - Black ryno)
(Starts at 0:19 to 0:38)
(Both characters exit stage)

(End Scene)

RHM and Don Argument

(Don already sitting in office)

(Enter RHM with the excitement to tell new found information)

RHM: Yow Reggie, beg yuh a likkle word

Don: That's Mr.Blackwell to you and yes you may. Just make it quick, i only have the time for
matters of great vitality

RHM: Alright “Mr. Blackwell”, I think this news might pique your interest. I've been keeping
tabs on your daughter and having someone report back to me about-

Don : You've been doing what !?

RHM: A speak me a speak low or something. “I HAVE BEEN KEEPING TABS” -

Don: this has nothing to do with volume, what do u mean you've been keeping tabs on my

RHM: I thought you would have wanted to know what she's been up to.

Don: Let's get one thing clear. I'm up here while you…. you are down here. A man cannot think
like a God.
Don't think for me cause you don’t have the capacity to think like this. Like a head, like a
man of
power, like anything more than a common halfwit, an insolent fool.

RHM: But sir - I just believed that if i had sourced information that you might need then maybe
you'd view me as more of an equal.

Don: My equal? (slight chuckle) please don't let me laugh

You've been tailing my daughter without my permission

For what? your own selfish gain?

(Don gets closer to RHM and starts to look down and point at him and slightly push his
Let's get one thing clear Donovan
You cannot rise the ranks.
You were nothing, you are nothing, and you will never be anything.
You’re the damn dirt I spit on.
Know your place.

(exit Don)

(RHM gets angry and starts dramatic monologue)

RHM: Decades in this damn industry, giving these people my heart and soul yet still they see me
as nothing
more than a rug that they can just walk over.
I'm sick and tired of this !

A call himself king, well guess what, health is temporary but disease is inevitable
And best believe me is a whole plague.

A time fi an uprising and this commoner bout fi feel how comfortable the throne truly is.

(Fades to black)
(End Scene)

Demetri finds out scene

(Demetri and his bodyguard/trusted friends are playing a game of Dominoes)

Demetri: Mi really like dah girl yere enuh.

Bodyguard: Mi realise.(jokingly) to how yuh likkle spoogie have you a giggle when you talk
and all dem tings.

Demetri: (Mock Seriousness) OI! Bigman nuh giggle. No giggling ting round here.

Bodyguard: Sorry sorry, but we been knew you a di gyal dem honey bun from long time enuh.

Demetri: Kotch e gad…A lie?

(Both Laugh as Donavon walks towards them in a hooded jacket)

(Bodyguards stand in front of Demetri and open their jacket)

RHM: Yo A you name Demetri?

Demetri: Who’s asking?

(RHM steps forward)

(Bodyguard steps in front of Demetri)

Bodyguard: I’m going to need you to step back.

Demetri: Who are you and what do you want?

RHM: Who I am doesn’t matter, but I’m here to tell you that your little girlfriend isn’t what she

Demetri: What do you mean by that?

RHM: What I mean is that she’s been sent to collect intel on you in order to sell you out to her
father. They’ve both been plotting to take you down, taking your investors one by one.

Demetri: That’s a good story and all but what makes you think I’d believe you?

RHM: I think I have something that might backup my claims.

(RHM steps forward with a folder but the bodyguard stops him)

Bodyguard: I said I’m gonna need you to step back.

Demetri: No hold on a bit let me see what he’s talking about.

(Demetri takes the folder with information)

RHM: Here is a list of every bank statement, the names of every investor, and most importantly
messages between your “little spoogie” and her father.

Demetri: (incredulous) No…I don’t believe this. These must be fake-

RHM: Maybe this will convince you then.

(RHM plays a voice note of MC saying that she’ll take Demetri down “ Don - This is simply a
business venture which is why I expect you to keep it strictly professional. Stay head strong and
whatever you do don’t catch feelings for the enemy. MC - Oh father, don't insult me. I'm not that
juvenile to catch feelings on a job, this isn't my first time out in the field after all. Nevertheless,
Whatever it takes”)

RHM: Do you believe me now? She can’t be trusted and for your sake I advise you to cut this off

Demetri: (heart broken) Thank you for this.

(RHM begins to exit stage)

(While exiting stage he adjusts his hood to the audience, to reveal that it was him)
(RHM Exits stage)

Bodyguard: Boss…you Ok?

Demetri: How could she? After everything we’ve been through…(getting increasingly angry/
throws papers) HOW COULD SHE!?

Demetri:(Visibly angry and breathing heavily) She think she can just come in…break MY heart,
mess wid MY business and think seh she can just get weh wid it? Naw..dat will neva happen.
She think a she one can play wid people? Just watch me.

Bodyguard: Boss wah yaah plan fi do?

Demetri: Mi ago give har a taste of her own medicine. Use her how she used me.
(Goes to exit stage)
She ago find out why a me name Demetri.

(Exit Demetri and Bodyguards)

MC shares details with Demetri/Second date scene

(Scene opens with MC sorting some papers, spot light is on her)
(She gets a call and smiles to her phone as she answers it)

MC: Hey babe

(Second spotlight comes onto Demetri on the other side of the stage)

Demetri: Hey. Missed me?

MC: Maybe.

Demetri: Well I missed you and I want to see you. Can you meet me today at Blue’s Cafe?

MC: Of Course I’d love to.

Demetri: Great. I’ll see you around 5pm then?

MC: I’ll be there, see you soon!

(both hang up, spotlight lingers on Demetri for a second showing him nodding to one of his
guards before the spotlight goes off him, he exits the stage)
(spotlight lingers on MC as she exits the stage smiling to herself)

(Scene reopens with Demetri sitting at a table, enters MC)

Demetri:MC I’m so happy to see you!

(he hugs her)

MC: I'm happy to see you too!

(MC sits across from him)

MC: So did you really miss me that much or is there something you want to talk to me about?

Demetri: What can’t a man just want to see his girl’s pretty face?

MC: Oh come on.

Demetri: Sharp as always. Can’t get anything past you huh?

MC: Not at all. Now talk.

Demetri: While I did miss you, I must admit that isn’t my only reason for meeting with you. I
realised that I don't really know much about you. I want to know more about the woman who
will run my empire with me. (He takes hold of her hand)

MC: (Hesitant) Um…Sure what is it that you want to know?

Demetri: Well I don’t really know about your family. I mean we’ve only brushed over your
father but I haven't heard anything else.

MC: There’s really nothing to say about my family. It’s been me and my dad for my entire life,
He’s an only child so I've never had any aunts or uncles.

Demetri: What about your mom?

MC: I’ve never met her. She passed away shortly after I was born. I haven’t really met any of her

Demetri: Oh I’m sorry for your loss i didn’t know.

MC: It’s Ok you couldn’t have.

Demetri: So how did your dad take it? I can just imagine how hard it is for the two of you to talk
about her.

MC: (Slightly annoyed) Ha…yeah “talk about her” My dad barely acknowledges that I’m his
daughter nowadays let alone sit with me and talk about my mom. He treats me more like a
business partner in his operations than his own flesh and blood. Sending me on all sorts of
business deals, money lodging, investor acquisition. He always has me running around doing his
dirty work all in the Blackwell name

Demetri: Dirty work? What do you mean by that?

MC: (Dismisses the situation) Nevermind that. It’s not important. What’s important right now is
that I'm here with you.

(MC gets a text [Notification sound here])

MC:(visibly annoyed) You have got to be kidding me. I'm sorry my love but I have to cut our
date short. It seems I'm needed by his highness to run another errand.
(she gets up)

Demetri: It’s ok I understand. You are a busy woman after all.

(He gets up to hug her and kisses her on the cheek)
Wait, you're coming to the Dancehall Party right?

MC: Have to be. Can’t leave you all alone to those women now can I?

Demetri: I guarantee no woman has my heart but you.

(MC smiles to herself)
MC: I’ll call you later.

Demetri: I’ll be waiting.

(exit MC)
(Demetri sits back down, takes out his phone to make a call)

Demetri: Yo…Yeah everything is going to plan. Don’t worry she doesn’t suspect a thing. I also
got some more info. (pause) Yeah she’ll regret the day she messed with me.

(Demetri hangs up the phone and gets up)

(Demetri Exits stage)
(lights fade to black)

Maggie finds out from Donovan that Demetri knows and tells MC

(Scene opens with stage still black)

(Two voices are heard whispering and speaking in a flirtatious manner)

Maid: Yow baby me miss yuh innuh, i barely see you at work anymore

RHM: Don't worry baby, me soon give yuh that special type a love that you've been missing

(Stage fades to light to reveal Donovan and Maggie together canoodling)

Maid: You've just been all about the place, even when you're free you're out doing God knows
what. I might just start to think that you're seeing another woman.

(RHM gets slightly nervous)

RHM: Well to be honest baby I-

Maid: Me did know! That's why you’ve been so sneaky, That's why you're always coming in
late, Thats why youre always tired when it's time for us to -

RHM: No baby I swear is not that. Is just that…. well I……

Maid: Is Shawna the gardener don't !? me did see the gyal a eyes you from other day. IS A
(Maggie rushes in a fighting stance to the door)
(Donovan grabs her and stops her)

RHM: No babes a nuh she (kisses teeth and stutters), i mean dat a nuh dat

Maid: Me cyaah believe me owna man woulda do this to me. A wah me do fi deserve this fada?

RHM: Baby me naah cheat pan yuh mi promise. Is just that i cant tell you what it really is

Maid: Dat even worse, my man dont trust me. I might just end it all
(Fake wails and cry)

RHM: I'm just trying to keep you out of this

Maid: (Fake wailing and crying intensifies)

RHM: I only want to protect you

Maid: (Fake wailing and crying intensifies even more)

RHM: Alright I'll tell you!

Maid: (Stops Fake wailing and crying immediately)

Really ? Aww, you care
Now tell me what it is

RHM: Ok Ok but you can't tell anyone. You hear me, no one at all
Promise me, Promise me !

Maid: Alright, Alright! I promise

RHM: Good, you know how as much as I work my fingers to the bone, The Blackwell dem still
see me as a servant. Well no more, I will no longer stand for it.

Maid: And how exactly do you plan to not stand for it dear

RHM: Oh I already made sure that I don't have to stand for it. You know that new rival boss in
town named Demetri

Maid: Yh i heard a likkle bit about him.

RHM: Well that night that Alejandra went to the Masquerade Ball, it wasn't just for fun and
games. The boss did send her as a setup to meet the new rival and get some information. She was
successful in tricking him but he didn't know that so I just made it sure that he did. Now they will
be sure to take each other down.


(RHM covers her mouth)

RHM: shhhhhh keep your voice down man

Maid: Alr Alr

RHM: They will no longer send me out as if I am some measly errand boy. Donovan is about to
be on top now

Maid: You sure will baby, and don't worry, i won’t let anyone know.

(Fade to black )

Post maggie finding out scene

(Fade to light)
(Reopen scene with Maggie running to MC)
(Alejandra is in her room passing time)


MC: Yesss Maggie?


(kisses her teeth)
But it's so juicy, maybe i can just, should I, its that, no just change the topic
Watch yah doooiiiiinnnnnn

(In a laughing tone )

MC: All a dat for nothing maggie? No man you're too giddy
But if you're really interested in what i'm doing, I'm just going to the store to get some
clothes for a party that I'm going to next week.
Maid: Oh let me help you get ready

(Maggie starts to fluff her hair and pick out her clothes)
Maid: So what's this party about? Which big strong man are you meeting?

MC: Well i cannot tell a lie, is a nice big strong man fr

Maid: Ouuu

MC: High End Business man

Maid: Yeh

MC: Handsome

Maid: Mhm

MC: Great Body

Maid: Yes goodz

MC: Rich

Maid: A lie
(The two share a laugh)

MC: Just the sound of his name makes me think of unspeakable things, Demetri

Maid: (High pitched meep)

(Nervously delivers lines)
Demetri, such a common name

MC: To be honest Maggie, i don't think my father would have approved of this one, he's kind of
his enemy

Maid: (Breathes down heavily)

Ally, I cannot tell a lie
Ik who you’re talking about
Yuh know me easily ketch sus
But don't worry my i don’t spread things like that
MC: God nobody shoulda know but you're always around me so I guess it wasn't as hard for you
to put the pieces together, but it's between me and you right?

Maid: Promise I won't tell a soul

(The two pinky promise and share a slight chuckle)

(Maggie continues to help her to get ready)

Maid: Is a shame though that Donovan told him that you were using him.
(Maggie quickly covers her mouth)

MC: He….. did…… WHAT?

Maid: Nothn me neva seh nothn at all. Are you thirsty? Let me go for some water
(Maggie slowly backs away with arms in the air as she nervously laughs )

MC: Hold it right there!

(MC holds maggie by shirt)
Now listen here, you’re going to tell me everything you know right now or I swear the only
you'll be cleaning is your own blood off the floor.

Maid: Ok I'll spill I’ll spill

Donovan doesn't want to see you take over the empire so he told Demetri about the
masquerade setup after your date so that he could try and take down your father.

MC: (to the Audience type if delivery)

Yow dat likkle -

Me cyaah even begin to describe the things i'm going to do to him.
I can't believe that two-faced backstabber would really go as far as to betray his boss of 20
years just
to try and take his place.

Shows you who and who you can and can’t trust
(Realization kicks in)

Oh God-
So that means all this time Demetri, has just been using me
Was nothing we shared real?
Was everything just an act?
I can't believe my father put me up to this, that's how this all started after all
My father, Demetri, Donovan…… all of them just constantly using me as a pawn in their
twisted game
Well no more, never again!
If these men think that they can do this to me and get away with it then i'll show them how
much the
wrath of a woman can truly burn.

(MC has a look of just getting an idea on her face)

MC: I can't wait to go into business with Demetri though.

Maid: You're opening up a business with Demetri!? - (covers mouth)

MC: Yes i am, but i don't want my father or Donovan to find out though
Can I trust you not to tell my secret maggie?

Maid: (delivers lines in a nervous, unsure tone)

Oh you know I'm very dependable.
I guarantee that they won't find out from me

(Maggie exits stage)

MC: (Delivers lines in a mocking sarcastic tone)

Sure you definitely won't run your mouth.
I wouldn't want that happening now would I

(slight evil chuckle as she walks off stage)

(Fade to black)

(End scene)

Dancehall Party Scene -

(Crowd is seen dancing)

(Enters Demetri talking to Side characters (share holders))

Demetri:(laughing and talking with the crowd)...I told you there is nothing to worry about. The
business is doing well and I ensure growth in the near future.

(Enters MC)
(Demetri’s back is turned to the entrance where MC enters from)
(MC touches his shoulder notifying her presence)

Demetri: Ah Alejandra I was wondering when you'd arrive.

MC: Hello Demetri darling, I wouldn't miss this for anything. I'm just so happy to see you. I even
got you a drink.

(Hands him drink)

Demetri: Awwww…(turns to crowd) isn't she the sweetest.

(Crowd mutters in agreement)

(Demetri drinks the entire thing)
(Crowd disperses leaving MC and Demetri)

Demetri: Now MC I've been meaning to talk to you about something-

(Demetri gets cut off by the Master of Ceremonies)


(Crowd cheers) 

Master of Ceremonies: Good, Good. I want you to bawl, scream and cry for our first act.
Delivering an original piece. Make some noise for (performer) !!!


Master of Ceremonies: Alright alright. A time fi di main event of the night. We were lucky
enough to be sponsored by Dunn’s couture and as such we have some lovely ladies and
gentlemen here ready to strut their stuff. GIVE IT UP EVERYBODY.

MC: wasn't that a lovely performance?

Demetri: yeah it was but as I was saying I needed to talk to you-

(MC cuts him off)

MC: Would you like another drink darling?

(She hands him another bottle)

Demetri: Oh thank you.

(Demetri drinks the 2nd drink)

(Demetri starts to sway a bit)

MC: Are you feeling alright darling?

Demetri: y-...yeah man mi good.

MC: Yuh nuh look suh good. Here, have another drink.

Demetri: Ah yeah man yeah man you right.

(Demetri takes the drink not paying attention)

Demetri:(Now tipsy) Babez you know from long time mi realize say yuh love me enuh. Look
how yah take care a mi.

MC: Anything for you my love. Anywayyyyyyy… you know babe I've been thinking…

(Takes out papers)

I've been wanting to go back into law. I've decided that I'm not gonna waste my degree running
around for my father. I want to start my own firm, be my own boss. But I need a partner to start
out, and I'm asking you.

Demetri: Awwwwwwwwww… anything you want from me babez…anything for you.

MC: Awwww this is why I love you. Just sign here.

(She hands him the papers and he drunkenly signs them)

MC: Thank you Demetri you don’t know how much this means to me.

(Side character comes in)

Side character: Hey bossie, Mr. Edwards waah talk to yuh bout the new project.

Demetri: SSSHHHHHHH! Yuh cyah deh talk out mi business so loud man. Cho man. MC sorry
babez but it seems i’m needed elsewhere.

MC: It’s ok my love i have a meeting i have to attend anyway. I'll talk to you later.
(Signals to the Other shareholders at a different table)

Demetri: Goodbye my love.

(Exit stage)

(MC looking through the papers that Demetri just signed)

MC: This is the start of a new beginning.

(MC approaches Other Shareholders)

MC: Good evening Gentlemen

Other Shareholders: Good day Alejandra

(Don’s Ladies Rubbing up the shareholders and adlibbing flirting)

Don’s Lady 1: Yow baby when yuh ago ditch di wife and come marry me. A long time yuh
promise me

Don’s Lady 2: Yh babes look how long yuh promise jewellery and me deeven a see nuh diamond

Don’s Lady 3: Yow bae remember the time you took me out to Bali on you and your girlfriends 5
anniversary? Good times

Don’s Lady 4: Boo, you want to sneak up to the penthouse and spend some “quality time”
together. I think
your son is asleep
Don’s Lady 5: Honey, I think it's time to increase my allowance innuh. I have my eyes on a new

MC: Excuse me fellows, but i'd rather us have our meeting without the help hanging around

Other shareholder 1: You are right, sorry, our bad. Ladies (claps twice)
(Don’s Lady adlib cussing MC)

Don’s Lady 1: A wah do dah B yah man

Don’s Lady 2: (kisses teeth) Big and tuff like

Don’s Lady 3: Ar face fava rock stone

Don’s Lady 4: Come a rush we from we man

Don’s Lady 5: A gwaan like we a beg ar nothn

MC: Well now that we are alone I can go right into it.
As we all know you all are the other shareholders of Blackwell industries and have been
under the
same management for sometime now.

But what if i showed you a better path that would benefit everyone here.

Other Shareholder 2: Keep talking

(Other Shareholder 3 folds hands and delivers in an ominous tone)

Other Shareholder 3: We are very interested

(Fade to black)
(End Scene)

Final Grand opening / Takedown Scene -

(Scene opens with Maggie and MC entering, spotlight on only them)

Maid: MC mi nervous enuh. Mi neva do nuttn like this before. I mean..A whole Law firm by
yuhself? You sure you can do that.
MC: There’s nothing to be scared of Maggie, I told you I have everything sorted out. You didn’t
tell my father nor Donovan right?

Maid: Ummm…yeah man…um(nervous laugh)i would never.

MC: Good, I knew I could count on you. I don't want them to know just yet. There is a major
surprise I have for them. Now let's go. Our guests are waiting for the unveiling.

(Lights come on revealing crowd on the stage)

MC: I want to thank you all for attending this unveiling. It means so much to me that you came
out to support me as it comes to my new endeavours-

(Enters Don and RHM cutting MC off)

Don: MC what is the meaning of this!?

MC: Father, what are you doing here?

Don: What I’m doing is witnessing my own daughter, MY OWN BLOOD, betraying the family
name and going behind my back. Why did I have to find out from some loose mouthed maid that
you’re starting your own firm?

Maid: Let me just see myself out.

(She tries to leave but MC stops her)

MC: No Maggie, stay. What is it to you that I’m venturing out on my own? Did you really think
I’d stay under your thumb my entire life? That would neva happen. Mi a leff and mi a make
something of myself and there is nothing you nor yuh dog can do.

Don: Watch who yaah talk to enuh. I am still your father. Do you really think that YOU have
what it takes to be a boss? You know nothing of the real world. You’re nothing more than a
spoiled brat who THINKS she knows a thing or two because she watched daddy take on the big
reins. You WERE nothing without me, you ARE nothing without me and you WILL BE nothing
without me.

(MC places her face in her hands and begins to fake sob, sobbing turns into laughter)

MC: Is that what you really think dad? That YOU were the one at the reins? Years I was doing
your dirty work while you ran around with your dobermann. Business deals that I closed,
investors that I secured, and you want to tell me that I am nothing without YOU? Don’t make
me laugh. You don’t even know what’s going on under your own nose.
(Enter Demetri)

Demetri: MC i came as soon as you called you said it was urgent- what’s happening here?

MC: Ah the entire party is finally here. Now let the fun really begin. Demetri, this is my Dad and
I’m sure you’ve already met Donovan.

Demetri: Um…Darling what do you mean? I’ve never met this man before.

MC: Oh please don’t play stupid I already know you’ve been conversing with him behind the

Don: WHAT?!

MC: That’s right father. Your precious little dobermann has been playing matey with the both of
you. He’s been running back and forth between owners getting whatever scraps of respect he
could acquire. You didn't even realise because you were too absorbed with preserving your
fragile empire.

(Don drapes up RHM)


(RHM pushes Don off him)

RHM: All that you’ve done for me? I spent nearly three decades working for you, working by
your side only for you to turn around and call me a commoner? If anything you bring this pon

(MC interrupts the argument)

MC: Now gentlemen, gentlemen let's not get too physical just yet. I haven’t even talked about
my dearest partner Demetri. See now, Demetri here was using my love for him as a way to get
information on my dear father in order to bring him down and in association bring me down as

Demetri: That’s because you used my love against me to do the same. I heard the recordings and
saw the papers.
MC: While it did start out as nothing but a business transaction I did end up falling for you. My
feelings were genuine, I was even planning to tell you of my father’s plan but I found out you
were plotting against me. I couldn’t let you just destroy all my hard work so I had to get to you
before you got to me.

Demetri: Ha. Get to me? You forgot that I own half this firm according to those papers.

MC: See, darling, you may want to check those papers that you signed.

(MC hands him the papers where he sees he signed away all his assets)

Demetri: No…NO! What is this!?

MC: That is your signature on an agreement that signs all your company’s assets over to me. You
know Demetri you really shouldn’t sign paperwork while intoxicated, it’s not a safe practice.

(Demetri distressed in the background)

(Don starts to wheeze and laugh )

Don: That's the oldest trick in the book. I can't believe that you were that naive.

MC: Well to be frank father you are not one to talk. You are in a worse position than dad.

Don: That's not possible. He lost everything. All I lost was my relationship with my daughter, at
least I'm still a successful business owner.

MC: Was a successful business owner. Father, I'd like to introduce you to my partners.

(Other Shareholders enter stage)

Don: There must be some sort of mistake here. These are the partners of my company.

MC: Well after little convincing, these fine men right here saw that your leadership skills are
what they call non-existent. You don't have what it takes to run a company anymore and it was
time for a new head to be appointed. So with their combined shares talking up more than yours,
they voted you out and appointed me as the Head of Blackwell Industries. So actually father,
these are the partners of my company and this new “law firm” is the new headquarters of my

Other Shareholder 1: You just don't cut it anymore Reggie.

Other Shareholder 2: It was nice while it lasted

Other Shareholder 3 & 4: Hush yah

Don: Yow unnuh stop

(slight homelander laugh) This can't be happening. This can't be for real. This has to be a sick
joke. My own daughter did not sneak behind my back and do this to me !?

MC: “You will soon come to learn that the skill of sneaking is a useful one. So is spying and
information.” you taught me that.

(RHM laughs hysterically)

RHM: So you're telling me, i didn't even have to lift a finger yet you two still got taken down
I ought to laugh
(continues laughing)

(MC starts to laugh with him )

MC: You know Donovan, I wouldn't laugh seeing that you're going right to jail with them.

(All three says simultaneously)

Don: JAIL!?
Demetri: JAIL!?
Donovan: JAIL!?

Donovan: What do you mean jail?

MC: Well to be frank, you are all criminals. In a business and made it to the top with enemies
conveniently disappearing and money rapidly multiplying like that? The math just doesn't math

Demetri: As if you have any proof of any of that.

MC: Oh best believe I do

Can you come with the evidence please.

(Enters Chauffeur)
Chauffeur: Yes ma'am here you go
(Hands MC document)
(Looks at Don, Donovan and Demetri)
Well I believe that's what you call a checkmate

(speaks to Donovan)
And I must say sir, you are a lousy tipper

(Donovan jumps to him in a swinging motion)

(Chauffeur jumps back)

MC: I knew you three were dangerous, but so much illegal activity. That's gonna be hard to work

(Don takes documents and tears them up)

(All three has smug look on their face)

MC: (speaks in a sarcastic tone) oh no I can't believe that you destroyed the only evidence that I
Oh please I’m not that dumb

You think that I'd just reveal my cards this early without already putting things in motion.
The police
should be here any second so there's no point in running.

May I just say to you dad and to you Demetri, even though I lied to you for different reasons, I
loved you both and that was the one thing that was truly genuine. But I also learnt that love
makes you weak and ill never be seen as weak again.

And to you Donovan burn in hell.

(Blue and Red lights Flash)

(Enter police)

Policeman 1: Yow me a look fi a Demetri

Policeman 2: Yow weh Donovan deh
Policeman 3: Mr. Blackwell you are under arrest for being involved in multiple illegal activities.

(Chaos ensues)
(Music Plays)
(The three Run off in different Directions both on the stage and through the audience while the
policemen chase after them)
(Police do their arresting adlibs)
Policeman 4: You are being charged with countless criminal activities
Policeman 1: You have the right to remain silent
Policeman 2: You have the right to an attorney
Policeman 3: Anything you say can and will be used against you

(All three men do their “being arrested” adlibs)

Don: You'll never take me alive

(RHM pushes down Demetri)

RHM: Me naah get ketch

Demetri: It can’t end like this, it can't!

(Men get caught and are being taken away)





(Fades to black)
(While the stage is still dark)
(All for us by Labrinth starts to play to end scene)
(Right before the beat drops MC delivers last line)

MC: I guess I’ll now know what the pleasures of power actually taste like

(End Scene)


(While off stage MC changes into final Boss Suit)
(When modeling is about to end, all models need to be on stage and bow down showcasing that
the MC is now the new queen of the empire)
(spotlight is on MC when she takes her final boss pose)
(Big Rich Town - 50 Cent starts to play) *
(Song ends)
(Fade to black)
(The End)

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