Jean Piaget

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Jean Piaget’s Stage of Cognitive Development

The Sensorimotor stage

(Birth to 2 years)
 Learning occurs in six substages
Substage 1. Practice with Reflexes;
 reflex accommodation is a result of experience

Substage 2. Primary circular reactions;

 change movements lead to interesting result, which the child reproduced by trial and error.
 the infant does not distinguish between body and outside events.

Substage 3. Secondary Circular Reaction;

 the child makes an interesting thing happen
 He or she begins to coordinate two types of sensory information
 The connection between action and result are perceived and the action is repeated.

Substage 4. Coordination Secondary Schemes;12 to 8 mos

 The infant combines action to attain goal.
 Familial strategies are used in combination and in new situations.

Substage 5. Experimentation;
 the infants try new ways of playing, moving, and manipulating objects and begins
to understand the concept of cause and effect.

Substage 6. Beginning of Thought;

 object now have permanence
 the child uses image, words or actions to represent objects.

Preoperational stage
(2 to 6 years)
 The child uses symbols and internalized actions in everyday activity and thinks that images.
 the content of though is magical.
 In the beginning of this stage the child is “centered”, he or she can focus on only one aspect
of a thought or situation at a time.
ex; The newborn acts as if the world is centered about himself;
Similarity, to a child thinks from a limited perspective and must widen
Eric Ericson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development

Stages Age (years)

1. Trust – mistrust 0-1

2. Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt 1-3

3. Initiative vs. Guilt 4-5

Sigmund Freud stages of Psychosocial Development

Stages Age (years)

1. Oral 0-1

2. Anal 2-3

3. Phallic 4-5

LEVEL I Pre- Moral (4 to 10 years).

 Primary emphasis is on external control and ideas of others.
 These standards are followed either to avoid punishment or gain a reward.

Type I- Punishment and Obedience; The Childs obeys to avoid punishment.

Type II- Naive Instrumental Dedonism; Conformity to rules is out of self- interest.


• 1st year of a child is full of developmental task from infancy to childhood.

• To infancy to Childhood, abilities for independence;

I. Locomotion in sequential events:

1. Rolling

2. Crawling

3. Creeping

4. Perhaps to walking
II. Communication Skills;

 meaningful sound & gestures

III. Self- Feeding;

 from holding the child bottle to finger foods

IV. Personality;

 Egocentric/ Self- centered

 primarily with satisfying their needs such as hunger.

V. Postural Stability;

 The ability to control the body position in space/ movement & balance.

 Early movement begin with reflexive basis.

ex: Turn Head either Right or Left/ neck righting align/ trunk and limbs follows.

spontaneously, Rolls Thus equivalent to Skill of Rolling begins for Crawling for forward

progression or process of development.

 Positive Support Reaction = Tactile stimulation of foot.

 Creeping in all 4,s = requires dynamic stability on shoulder & Hip and allows movement.

 If matured enough, child to stand position

In Developing Progression child moves sideways with support him or herself on a couch/table or toy
box, using his/ her flexor 7 extensors muscles to “Bounce ‘ .

 As a child practicing upright position carefully “Letting go” of supporting surfaces

 Postural Stability emerge to stand independently in preparatory for walking activity.

at tentative steps are taken with wide base to support its gait

arms held in “high guard or abducted to provide balance.

 Learning to walk occurs at 9 – 15mos.

 Biologic “Readiness” is applied to each developmental task.

- its clear that 1week old could not be ready to walk.

- The time period 0 to 3 years represent the growth period from infancy to toddlerhood.
Infancy to Toddlerhood

Issues in this time period;

1. Learning to walk

2. Learning to take solid foods

3. Learning to talk

4. Learning to control of elimination of waste product.

Skills and Issues of Toddler to Preschoolers (Ages 3 to 5 years)

(Refining his/ Her Motor Skills)

1. Learning Sex differences and sexual modesty.

2. Forming Concept and Learning Language to described social and physical reality.

3. Getting Ready to read and learning to distinguish Right to Wrong and develop conscience.

The Period of Birth to 5 years old.

Sensorimotor Period.

Spatial Relation and Gross Motor Activities have provided

1. Gross Motor Activities

2. Fine Motor Activities

Skills and Motor Venture occurs

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