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DIET COUNSELING TOPICS - ETHICS IN COUNSELING UNIT-I SUBMITTED By: SUBMITTED TO: B. BOOMIKA, DR. R. ARIVUCHUDAR , J.mse¢ (CD), ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, PERIYAR UNIVERSITY, PERIYAR UNIVERSITY, SALEM. SALEM. ETHICS IN COUNSELLING ¥ Ethicat pounciples F Ahical ccs ancl Creetdeliness K Ethical dus and chil emmas KEMIcal and degat isscus Ethical psuinciples: * Ethics umeans smog procerrce PLS pnilosophical thar Corio OY influence o pexson's behoviow: =o that ds Concennedt with human conduct disitpline deasion aTnaning. ang nosed Amade (2005) ethics axe snovmakive #F Actosiding to ib Netuie and OU on — Psinciples ana Bandar that gowns Stelouivrship — erweon iPdividuals , Suck as Cowrselosts anol uLtovTls . x Ethics code potovides a “ommon set ob — peunerples and Standards up whith Gwunselogu built dineiy Peofesonal Oud RUdovitific Wovtk, F Councloss, ihe a priodpossionals, Jnave ethical osporsibilities avd obligations. The feintipat suute Suppositing ethical Obligations ds thar the Counseloy must eee i) eT Ot wut bull Stezaqnilion oh dhe — WPastance ob whene’s — SEQMS, dhe GOL the Porwepesion. K DUBELIng ds Mot vale HEH eUBHAL Activity COmant 1992) Th dis Rotofermsion based on values HORI OLE Coumnting bebous Ahout Anat good howd be achieved (Bergin 1985) «whe — Swlationship Op — dmoval Standaxids and values, dndividuat G4 — cuttumal , cin othe ibe ob dhe dion - K Crononcl — Potinerples eexe- nsperectional vin Netw. thet) intone us de uide | and = unspew — Counselouts towards dhe ighh of andividuak to pauvacy, Confidentiality ard self determination ¥ Counsclar ane aware bthat special Hobequascls may be necessary 1D — RHorect dhe stignts ancl Luelpaxe ob persons 01 communities Lunose Autonomous — deetsiovd stEspect : . mauarng . Vutneiabiite — impais fi # Counseloos ase awose ob ancl anc stole — a fferenws age, gender, gover Osrgin . cultusal, dndividual ‘including those based on id sonal Golontry , srace , ethnicity roulwe , Natrona Heligson , geruel osuintakion » oaability , and Consider these danguage and soto ewromic Atatus actos when wasting Wilh MeMnenrs of 3UCH Groups. | Fscnuals ob Counseling * Empathy the ability do communicate Cundetstaneling ob AMELHEH —_POWON'E —AxpEPMoINE — sean Lat — porgon ts Powpective Suncese ty SP personal wonmmiment vo wonsigtxy beteoeen 18 Rawfewect anet is done Thteguiily: hy olnens. edCormnitment to being yw dn cleatings tou é (| ENON Peworal Abvraight — horwaridycss Vonesty Qvel Coenen Resitionce: ci 1 OUVLS edthe Capacity Ab Avowlk uit the dente dovresd without being — personally — dimcushed ; cl Lien a sowing LAPRIORATALE —ESteany LO OLNOG cunel " Understanding ob — cthenuelves. Quilty: =JThe Ability 1D Lanes accwwiately and OWN akxeNglh anel — LUEcKI2ess, IPE LENCE * = ihe ebbective deuetopment Ob athe SKIL Knowleelge waco uo do ds suquired SFr cack notutedge ore's and . i tenia bb ihe consistent application eb ceppmopeiccle Couikeniia WMfoom — decisions and — actions wisdom = Possexion ob wwund Judgment thal infoyent Rowaeriee. Cowiage. She “apauity vto act up spite ob Known peasy, SKS anal aenesttaiinty | | | | Fiical codes gnd Quiiclelinen K Ehis ane suggested standards ob conduct pased On a Comment value vet. Ethical Standaxds ote gerorally hosimatized vin twos ob G ode ob arnice Hat = Babe = AAcre of ANe — RHOFEHION- Powsfersionat bodes of vounselling dave developed ethial Standards awhich hey shave unacle oval ale to dhe — Pxactitioneu. € Poferssional Osiqanizatiom shust counseling and — psychotherapy oe Ro1cLetiosi 9G = Amesican Prychological Asgodattor carp) =) Poitsh Amouativn buy counselling (BAC) oJ American Counselling Aaspaation (ACA) oor uvere Abnecty —Unvolved cin Tn each case ,memb examined & ansdting — the Coole owviewed and wwicle stange ob ethical — benawiour and = Rxoblems Ob powofessional — Pavactice trat were ob worann do a hwoadly based umembownip. AU codes ALA Adhexang uo — stigowtous Potobessional —Steurdlancls and ato exemplary — behawiowr, dntagaity and ohjecivity anwaxcs won « x Thae wo the ethical wos = and Curdodinass . Reuss fae gibi jut sheip proqiwionalize a ae Restart an ayouanon by Geveanmaent ard RAomore Stability apie the Ructewion Help contol Untixnal ddagainwnt now Aten? the pune se Recrt alte ar dememprant — reurselacts ante Especially in madRhahie visiua Sting “an abe une &dy to praluae Quassorake « tuabene bee the Cautillo Bra) ut aot diem PSs Quuwenemy and cunt aunty Qivesity oc, ap Lents sti gns Fespecng gre pits quoremy gud = Following Ruoblet corr iSpe Cte don $xtedem axe Wot ae sing dependene up 4lane ior hang ao haxd dime feminating @ Case = Cow Challenging Alarrin ue clo boy themselves Mey ote dwrabie de cle keeping Welping — PHOLES MYsiEoudus = Bisixi mination - Fofoamed (onbent : | \ ® Involucs tne | otignts ob dion, do be ngosimod © about — their qetetionshiys uth = he Counelovt ut, ental «and dp make cunynornpis — doeisiv™s K Slants auith intake = intestvielw and — Continues bor the duvtation ob dhe — Suelationship - Usually ornpruhersive wuuilien Abaterent He uusec (ACA Code ob Ethie) Confidentiabity : KConbiclontialiky us dontidoucl as owt a vonuept dn te “ont dnetper stelatreship- the Qsieatest vingle s0uUxwe Ob erhial didamma te Counding vwrula “bom Questions of tenbiclentiality. # CoMidentiadity Needs ato be | lacumed rutith udion peu = Ane OVBeE Ob dhe = otatt oshiP K Minoct a4 — dialompetant Cuong. Counse lots ack un dhe best West Ob — dhose unable ke gue = voluntary = Corlost Revouds - # Potovide eto uo xecosids when stequorted by donb - K Oisuoswe of drousfer # Pewnision do vteoed ged Yea! ssugs- ATWO Umposirant Chica sue cin the paactice ALxistibecl below Heer. geass | # Duc Mlationshing ¥ Pasilesting * Mubiple cients ®) omen Mesponsity x Knoweldge ob Standasias F Pducntising and sodiwhing .ationls # Couecentials # Faluabon, Axeyment and dnierpsotation | Peering = tela hip Weofow anal - SDUA Sidlatonship sub do Powhionas axuning wo OF Mose ots SIMUareowsly oy — Sequentially ob loulselling Asie Racfeniongy :- | | ith the = pertgun Bling help, Auer 8 — shaionclshie | ond = tudgment ancl busmen deals | | TMdgement is dinoly to be Alspected , Impaired , | | as dhe selatonanip 6b upunseloots and lions wi aus Ore wunequal, Wrus ecploikebron | Power avd | May ctw. | | ago s | m Aebaty lo due | = Emviged xe fons. dent - Counreloy Sexual stele | dhe nate ob | Uspod Uprusicloviti oly — eae) olner and do maintaco guour - guiound ule. on dhe wpoust — Place, otne Counselor Ahoulol = Select group Compatible Meecls ancl goal. membou vi th ee Peri biiny ie V ata 2B Courselos : RHA CeHting dhe own? fe Pro won should have me ‘bellowing = knowetd ge about Standasds Roo fexional codes ob ethics Compotance = Ihe | COUNselley should ave Rewofersivnal Competence p patie dhe Poon Following comperenies ame ouaquirted # Bourdasizs op Cornprtame ee ee BUPOHVision # MONICA —ebpectiveness ¥ Poi ment fventising and gotiotng lian. =) Acustate oduasitigivig = Testimonial - aduvtising Anoutl Quusecdly — Atel (1 Oduecttipnal hoegewund and expnstions. tawmene by obnou Ww duoled Ame wirene Should be stealisic and ducugate uo bres coedentals . 2 Rooduds ond dicing — Aduerkisement Anoutel | be wdleastly stated and Laduottised do potential tdicnts = Rroforsivnal — awourtation dnvolyement. The Youwellor shoud dave & membership op — profesional Modation and ave adyorre at cuxortty, gq and Sodiacting deltonls , The ase adwertsun speckion : HPS AHR Powodinti HenCY Pebwoddiealky. enamine the spataeting Ob ERBONS vss ° came erat Rogistrati mn SEY tatite yy : Submss ¥ submission cb nbosunation to the — fencemeel.. quthoaly ageiticel eg BOS! getting . ONesAb:. seequbgrgdl Qs... gaactiaing., fouNselove ceitification: : : Flat OO ob he Gatadenitials stequdxemenly Conceton ani Hensuee Y hae cLonsiclexable puesige. licensusg . ¥Lienswg ds equiced bar diie felotertion . Ths Heqaiaes SMA — ecletccional and — pratical erupp goer Ws as clesettibedd Above har aatifiation Aoluction -Arseyment @nd Phienpretatvn Kfompecance cto use And einterpack deals ¥ Explanations vo ws =I the counselor tuullt be will case aout ake Imposttane — Leste avid up dounselling ¥1K\ che uuu be abl cp euiptain and Anus Sodsby uehein Wen ¥ Diagnosis 0b amantal dis urdeu ¥TWr_ SHelLction ¥ Test stosding ane rniexpswtakton, * Knowledge about chvowrty dn dering wk Heauisiod « VR os ee aS ea ts eS

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