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An area I did well in during Unit 3 in was my photographs, I am pleased with how the images

were both pre and post processing. This was down to my skills in turn gained in Unit 1
relating to DSLR photography. I learned many new skills in this unit, one of these was using a
film camera and how to process the images in the darkroom afterwards. Going into this I
had zero knowledge on how to use and produce images in this format. After completing
multiple workshops on how to create photos and prints successfully I am very confident on
using a film camera going forward. Another new skill I have learned in this unit is using a
scanner, this a simple but yet effective way to get images of objects that would be otherwise
difficult to photograph in a certain way. I was pleased with the photographs I produced
when I merged lots of football memorabilia together on top of the scanner. Going forward
to next unit I am not sure whether I will include the skills learned in regards to the scanner.

In Unit 3 I was very happy with the outcome of my images, I feel the way to carry on in the
right way would be to continue on with my football photography. I don’t think I will take any
of these photos using a film camera as it would be extremely difficult to get the sharp
coloured shots I am after. One area I struggled with in this unit was how I conveyed my
photographs, I created a section on my website to show these photographs but I feel they
deserve more with hindsight. I have thought about creating a virtual showcase for them but
I’ve settled on the idea to create some interviews and then create an article relating to the
images I have taken.

Another area I feel I need to improve on is my research and written supporting work. I have
always struggled to write large amounts of words so I need to allow myself more time to
write my research as well as my problem solving sections. One way that I will improve my
supporting work will be setting up constant feedback with George via teams chat. I also
struggled with creating a book in the last unit, this was partially down to my fine motor skills
issues, going forward I won’t be doing anything that involves excessive cutting, sticking and

In regards to my images I found that grassroots football was the most accessible and easy to
photograph as many people were very happy to have their photographs, I also had access to
all 4 sides of the pitch, meaning I could position myself where ever I wanted to in regards to
the light. One area that I haven’t explored on my level 4 course is interviewing people, when
I create my photo journalistic pieces I will include interviews relating to my photographs. On
my level 3 course I did many interviews on camera but these will be different and I will need
to look into how to do it differently.

Another that I didn’t do properly in my last unit was critically reviewing my photographs.
After taking my shots I will set up a section on my website where I will analyse my own
photographs, similar to how I will do it in my research. These will only be the edited versions
of the photographs as they are the ones I will be including in my final piece. Prior to
interviewing the players and other people involved in the game I intend to send an email to
the clubs involved explaining who I am, my intentions as well as the questions I plan on
asking and what I plan on doing with all the information I have gathered. This is common
courtesy and it is what I did last year when speaking to and making contact with
Another thing I need to include in this unit that I didn’t last time is creating and using a
practise sketch before creating the final piece for the unit. I feel if I had done this for Unit 3 I
would have found it much easier going forward to displaying my final images. I plan on just
creating a small sketch of what I plan on producing and the writing about it and annotating.

Overall I am pleased with the images I have produced for this unit but I believe creating
articles will expand my photography skills massively.

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