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Kitty Dumont

30mm, Sz 2

Ten Thunders
Cost: 9
Health: 8
Mv: 6
Df: 5
Wp: 5
Incorporeal: Reduce all damage this model
suffers from Attack Actions by 1, to a those models must each pass a TN 13 Mv
minimum of 0. This model ignores Terrain duels or gain a Brilliance Token.
while moving and ignores the Hazardous
Rig the Deck +2: At the start of this
Terrain Trait. This model may move through
model's Activation, it may draw +2 cards
other models and vice versa. and then place +2 cards from its Control
Succumbed +3: When this model enters Hand on top of its deck in any order (before
play, it gains +3 Brilliance Tokens. discarding for Maximum Hand Size).

Brilliance Saturation: After resolving an

Action in which this model moved through
one or more other models (or vice versa),
Attack Actions - Rg Stat Rst TN
Deadly Claws y1" 6 Df -
Target suffers 2/4/5 damage.
t Armor Piercing: When resolving, damage from this Action ignores Armor.
c Sharpened Brilliance: Discard a Brilliance Token from either this model or the
target. When resolving, the target suffers +1 damage.
Reaching Tendrils z8" 6 Df 12
This Action ignores Friendly Fire. Target is Pushed 6" in any direction.
R Siphon Life: When resolving, the target suffers +1 damage and this model Heals
M You're Comin' With Me: Push the target up to 3" in any direction, then place this
model into base contact with it.
Tactical Actions - Rg Stat Rst TN
Draw Essence p3" - - -
This model suffers 1 damage. Models within range must each pass a TN 12 Df
duel or suffer 2 damage. For each other model damaged by this Action, this model
Heals 1.
FDrawn to Brilliance 12" - - -
Discard a Brilliance Token from the target. Push this model 5" towards the target.
FLingering Contamination - - - -
Discard a Brilliance Token. Place a Scheme Marker into base contact with this

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