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Instructing the research on evaluating leadership in the fashion sector is explained by the sector's
monetary essence, distinctive attributes, the research void in comprehending leadership in the
fashion sector, possible contributions to leadership models, and practical importance for fashion
companies. As the industry evolves significantly digitized, analyzing how leaders guide and
augment technology-driven modifications is essential for the victory and adaptability of fashion
companies. The variety of qualitative and quantitative approaches delivers a vigorous and
holistic insight into leadership procedures, authorizing for complete discernment that can
contribute to both educational understanding and valuable substances for supervisors in the
apparel industry. Sincere communication between supervisors and workers is necessary for
improving work productivity. It produces faith, uplifts partnership, and promotes practical
problem-solving. By facilitating an atmosphere where notions and feedback can be willingly
transferred, firms can reap the advantages of improved worker concentration and higher
productivity classes. A shared vision between supervisors and employees plays an important part
in extending job enactment. It sets a standard purpose, boosts cooperation, facilitates worker
engagement, and promotes functional goal-setting. Associations that prioritize and promote a
transferred vision are likely to partake in revamped overall interpretation and accomplish their
preferred results. While numerous may approve that transformational leaders have the prospect
to promote employees' enthusiasm by aiding them in identifying their potential, others may
consider it as just one aspect among many. The interplay between supervision, corporate culture,
and individual elements shapes the overall confidence of workers. Emphasizing training and
growth prospects for workers is necessary for adequate leadership. By doing so, leaders
formulate a competent and motivated workforce, navigate organizational conquest, and form an
optimistic and flourishing workplace culture. By incorporating leadership methods that integrate
with present marketing sensations, fashion sector firms can optimize their functions, stimulate
creativity, and remain competitive in the ever-evolving marketplace terrain.
Both professional organizations and leaders can establish the direction of the organization's goal
which can be developed by an effective approach. An effective leader of the fashion industry
should be able to accrue the right leadership approach in the organization. Communicators are
related within a discussion so that it determines the problems. Communication is an exact point
in developing the organization and with good communication; leaders can create the right

decision. It is the daily schedule of transformational leadership to develop connections between
individuals. Some fashion brands always deliver good communication to carry out different
activities and avoid conflict between the activities.


I am very grateful to my professor who has helped me with valuable advice in the academic
research along with guiding me towards providing suggestions regarding the experiment. I would
like to thank all the people who have helped me to complete this thesis appropriately. Without
the guidance and support from my professors and family members, it will not become possible to
complete this thesis.


I declare that the work presented for assessment in this dissertation is my own, that it has not
previously been presented for another assessment, and that my debts (for words, data, arguments,
and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged that the work conforms to the guidelines for
presentation and style set out in the relevant documentation.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction....................................................................................................................8

1.1 Introduction............................................................................................................................8

1.2 Background............................................................................................................................8

1.3 Research Rationale.................................................................................................................9

1.4 Research Problem................................................................................................................10

1.5 Research Aim.......................................................................................................................10

1.6 Research Objectives.............................................................................................................10

1.7 Research Questions..............................................................................................................10

Chapter 2: Literature Review.........................................................................................................11

2.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................11

2.2 Identification of the various leadership approaches in developing suitable leadership for
fashion industry establishment...................................................................................................11

2.3 Determination of appropriate leadership methods for evaluating the fashion industry
considering business objectives.................................................................................................15

2.3 Leadership approaches of the fashion industry to acquire benefits to accomplish business
goals in apprehending marketplace trends and patterns.............................................................17

2.4 Literature Gap......................................................................................................................20

Chapter 3: Research Methodology................................................................................................22

3.1 Research Philosophy............................................................................................................22

3.2 Research Approach..............................................................................................................23

3.3 Research Strategy.................................................................................................................24

3.4 Research Method..................................................................................................................25

3.5 Data Collection Method.......................................................................................................27

3.6 Data Analysis.......................................................................................................................28

3.7 Sampling..............................................................................................................................28

3.8 Research Ethics....................................................................................................................29

Chapter 4: Key Findings and Analysis..........................................................................................30

4.1 Introduction..........................................................................................................................30

4.2 Findings................................................................................................................................30

4.3 Analysis................................................................................................................................33

4.4 Discussion............................................................................................................................36

Chapter 5: Limitations...................................................................................................................39

Chapter 6: Concussion and Recommendations.............................................................................40

6.1 Recommendation.................................................................................................................40

6.2 Further Research..................................................................................................................40

6.3 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................41

Reference list.................................................................................................................................43


List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Leadership Styles....................................................................................................................14
Figure 2.2: Leadership management impact on Business..........................................................................17
Figure 2.3: Collaborative Leadership........................................................................................................19
Figure 2.4: Consumer Engagement............................................................................................................20
Figure 2.5: Steps for executing Data-driven Decision making...................................................................21
Figure 3.1: Post-positivism research Philosophy.......................................................................................23
Figure 3.2: Deductive research approach...................................................................................................25
Figure 3.3: Descriptive research design.....................................................................................................27
Figure 3.4: Data collection methods..........................................................................................................29
Figure 4.1: Gender.....................................................................................................................................33
Figure 4.2: Working period.......................................................................................................................34
Figure 4.3: Open communication enhances productivity...........................................................................34
Figure 4.4: Contribution of the shared vision of Leaders and Employees..................................................35
Figure 4.5: Transformational Leaders Activities.......................................................................................36
Figure 4.6: Activities of a proper leader....................................................................................................36

Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction
Fashion leaders serve various fundamental responsibilities related to the fashion business.
Instructing team members in terms of making them understand their roles and responsibilities
towards a particular project while showing a strategic approach to follow business goals. Fashion
leaders use diverse type of skill sets to showcase their management qualities in making effective
decisions to enhance the project's success. Appropriate leadership roles aid fashion leaders to
discover various opportunities while working on their skills and abilities to improve the process
of decision-making and problem-solving. Good fashion leaders encourage their team members to
share their opinion and ideas about the ongoing project to identify a strategic plan for finalizing
the project plan in addressing various challenges throughout the process.
1.2 Background
The fashion industry is a complicated and dynamic sector that plays a vital part in shaping
tendencies, motivating consumer manners, and driving monetary development. Within this
sector, appropriate leadership is vital for organizations to prosper in the face of instantaneous
alterations and severe contests. Comprehending the dynamics of leadership in the apparel sector
is therefore of crucial significance. While there is a consequential body of study on leadership in
diverse sectors, restricted attention has been provided to examining leadership within the
particular context of the apparel sector. Numerous existing research on leadership has
concentrated on conventional industries such as finance, manufacturing, and technology.
However, the fashion sector operates in a diverse atmosphere characterized by its distinctive
complications, creative procedures and quickly altering customers' selections.
The fashion sector is recognized for its high class of creativity, invention, and setting trends.
Supervisors in this industry must retain various skill sets that contain innovative concepts,
direction forecasting, brand administration, and effective transmission. Moreover, fashion
corporations frequently work in a highly globalized and connected marketplace, instructing
leaders to steer cultural nuances, organize global teams, and adapt to various customer
appreciation. By examining the leadership within the fashion sector, the study aspires to estimate
the previous void in the literature and contribute to a more in-depth of effective leadership
customs in this distinctive context. The research will examine the attributes, manners, and
techniques directed by effective fashion sector leaders to steer innovation, facilitate creativity

and develop a sustainable competitive edge. It can also scrutinize the consequences of leadership
styles on organizational culture, worker motivation, and business enactment within the fashion
1.3 Research Rationale
The findings of the study deliver useful discernments for fashion sector policymakers,
practitioners, and researchers, permitting them to make knowledgeable decisions regarding
leadership growth, talent optimization, and organizational technique within the industry. The
rationale for performing the analysis on evaluating leadership in the apparel sector is driven by
various aspects. The fashion industry is a substantial international monetary sector, contributing
to trade, cultural impact, and employment. Comprehending leadership within this industry can
alleviate light on effective practices that can augment corporate performance, invention, and
sustainability. The fashion industry runs distinctively and within a changing atmosphere,
characterized by continuous alterations. A higher level of creativeness and customer-driven
tendencies can evaluate the business procedure.
Leadership plays a vital part in directing companies through these complications and augmenting
possibilities. By scrutinizing leadership in the fashion sector, investigators can discover
techniques and manners that contribute to victory in the particular fashion sector context. The
previous body of the analysis on leadership significantly concentrates on conventional
components, such as finance and manufacturing. The fashion sector has distinct attributes and
necessities, incorporating a high reliance on brand control, creativity, and movement forecasting.
The apparel sector's emphasis on effectiveness, creativity and innovation, and consumer-centric
perspectives can deliver new notions and dimensions to the present leadership styles. This study
can extend the wisdom and contribute to the growth of more useful leadership models that
incorporate various sectors and business contexts. This study has practical importance for the
fashion sector professionals, policymakers, and corporations. These outcomes can notify
leadership development agendas, talent control techniques, and corporate policies. Apprehending
the leadership styles of business culture, worker inspiration, and corporate interpretation can
permit fashion businesses to make educated decisions and revamp their leadership customs.
1.4 Research problem
One of the problems chosen by the researcher is the inflexibility of the different leadership styles
in the fashion industry. This research is fail to adjust the various leadership styles to transform

the situations as well as the fashion industry. Moreover, in this research, the interview procedure
has not been taken by the researcher due to the limited research amount. In the context of this
research, this research is investigated the appropriate leadership approach within the fashion
industry. Furthermore, the research has a lack of understanding of the exact fact that can be
related to leadership style.
1.5 Research Aim
The study aims to explore different leadership methods and significance applicable to the fashion
industry in which this industry can acquire benefits by understanding market patterns and trends.
1.6 Research Objectives
● To discover various leadership approaches in the requirement of specifying suitable
leadership for operating the fashion industry effectively.
● To determine applicable leadership methods with the essence for the fashion industry to
align with their business objectives.
● To identify the benefits of leadership approaches that the fashion industry utilizes to
fulfill their business goals while comprehending marketing trends and patterns.
1.7 Research Questions
1. What are the different leadership methods in the necessity of determining applicable
leadership for running the fashion industry?
2. What are the appropriate leadership approaches for the fashion industry to authorize in
integrating their business objectives?
3. What are the potential benefits of leadership techniques in the fashion sector that
implement to accomplish their business goals in understanding market patterns and

Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Proper leadership approaches are associated with the management system of any organization to
evaluate the business procedure. A proper leader always maintains the work environment as
well as the interest of the employees to get the desired result within the time. In addition, a
proper leader considers different skills such as management skills, sociological skills, and
economic skills to evaluate the business processes appropriately. In the context of the fashion
industry, business approaches under the current economic situations need to be developed an
ethical leadership approach to becoming more effective. In this chapter, various leadership
approaches will be considered to enhance the fashion industry by mitigating lots of threats. This
chapter will also evaluate the most suitable leadership approach that can influence the fashion
industry with a competitive as well as innovative culture. This chapter will also find the
connection between organizational leadership and a company’s ethics, thereby developing
beneficiation toward enhancing organizational quality.
2.2 Identification of the various leadership approaches in developing suitable
leadership for fashion industry establishment.
Leadership style can impact organizational commitment as well as job satisfaction positively and
job satisfaction also intern can affect the workplace culture and employee performance. In recent
eras fashion industry is one of the leading industries in the global market. This industry is also
transformed day by day due to customer satisfaction. By considering customer value this
industry involves different perceptions of leadership approaches. Leadership behavior can affect
employees' trust in the workplace, and organizational behavior further increases the connection
between leadership style and the company’s commitment (Specchia et al. 2021). Different
relations styles have a deep positive relationship with perceptions regarding higher authority’s
encouragement factors.
In addition with it, leadership style is the consistent framework that affects the behavior of a
leader. The fashion industry is also trying to develop those leadership styles for understanding
the complexities of the continuously transforming global market. Several leadership styles can
affect the electiveness of the fashion industry by considering the success and failure of the
organizations. Leadership is a procedure that impacts the commitment to gaining the desired
outcome as well as the vision with emotion. However, the multiple dimensions of the leadership

style can affect job satisfaction, team performance, organizational transformation, and employee
engagement in the fashion industry.
Various styles of leadership
Classical leadership
The classical style has a great impact on organizations, for its properly structured, hierarchical
framework creates it one of the most reliable and authentic styles of leadership. A leader of
groups has the major power to drive the work procedure and it also motivates the employees to
develop an accurate mode of business across the market. After all, the control is centralized and
often beneficial to decision-making and creating consistent ideas (Elkhwesky et al. 2022).
Workers are fulfilled the leader’s demand out of fear or esteem, but they do not have enough
pieces of information on how the projects are being developed.
Historically, the most popular brands have developed centralized leadership approaches that can
simultaneously chief executive officer or the founder. It naturally develops a hierarchy where the
top of the group is the CEO. Fashion companies need to be adapted leadership styles according
to transforming consumer interests. Some companies could foretell customers' demands and
subsequently design their products which would be contentious in the future market.
Furthermore, the classical leadership style is successful because of its outstanding innovation as
well as uniqueness. The followers are more likely to follow the command of the leader and it is
ideal for the classical leadership.

Figure 2.1: Leadership styles

(Source: Wen et al. 2019)

Visionary leadership
Visionary leadership establishes one type of vision between the leader and the worker. The
components of this leadership are the influences considering charisma, inspirational quote,
individualized recognition, and openness to taking feedback. Under this style, the workers are
not only included in the work process but are also influenced to make the decision. This
visionary leadership style is receptive to taking input regarding follower engagement and
upholding the overall group’s vision (Wen et al. 2019). On the other hand, the leader can
establish a proper work culture within the organization to execute the work procedure without
any maladministration. It needs to be implemented properly to maintain the engagement of the
Developing a vision is characteristic of visionary leadership, and without any vision, fashion
companies will face challenges within today’s market. Though centralization power is
characteristic of classical leadership, this inflexibility often is not appropriate for some renowned
fashion companies. Moreover, to compete in today’s market, it may be in an organization’s best
concern to develop a more flexible leadership style like visionary leadership. However, because
of this involvement, some companies are continuously generating revenue and gaining
popularity. This style is based on the shared vision among the leader and worker to maintain a
sustainable approach across the market. Fashion companies have now reinvented themselves
through legitimate visionary leaders to fit in the current market scenario.
Organic leadership
The newest leadership style is the organic leadership style which does not have any formal
leader. Rather, there are different small groups, each managed by a leader, and finally worked
together to facilitate the work procedure within the proper time. This style is developed upon the
idea that each worker can interact as well as share their experiences within the group.
Subsequently, this process is also related to other groups within the same organizations. There is
no hierarchy, so, the small groups almost entirely make the decisions, and these decisions
enhance the overall value of the work.
The organic style works synergistically to develop new energy in the fashion company. The
classical and visionary leadership styles, both are the most considerable style in the fashion

market. The organic style also has an impact on this industry, especially when the visionary
approach is developed. Organic leadership is related to transformational leadership and both
styles have to install to mitigate collapse considering customer demographic (Asgari et al. 2020).
However, the flexibility of the organic style has been determined through the implementation.
More than ever, this leadership style has different elements, and some of these are promoting
risk-taking ability, motivating followers, and identifying a group's vision. So, the fashion
company's executive needs to be considered that leadership approach to avoid biases.
Demographic Instability and fashion leadership
Age is negatively related to fashion leadership and according to Khan et al. (2020), younger
women have a high fashion interest rather than women who are more than 30 years. Heightened
fashion awareness is shown among younger women. In addition with it, consumers with a high-
income rate as well as high education also have more sense and awareness in the fashion industry
rather than low-educated customers. By considering these demographic transformations different
companies are trying to establish a proper leadership approach to maintain sustainability in the
global market. Moreover, education parameters, income level, and marital status differentiate
this industry. So the purchase behavior of a consumer is an important aspect.
Social Merit and fashion leadership
A “means-end chain” is a social model that aids to describe how a product choice facilitates the
acquirement of the desired outcome within the time. Thus, the fashion industry develops the
proper business procedure considering this model day by day. The specific social merit is
described by some technologies such as the Yankelovich monitor service. Although, the merits
can influence the purchase behavior of the consumer and it helps to devote the fashion industry
(Saputra and Mahaputra, 2022). Several social items are related to fashion consciousness. The
fashion industry appears to be unambiguously connected to the younger age group and it drives
the fashion industry to get the desired goal within the time.
2.3 Determination of appropriate leadership methods for evaluating the fashion
industry considering business objectives.
Partnering for performance is the main skill of an effective leader within the organization. The
leaders initiate a “one-to-one” meeting process with the enhancement of the quality of work.
Moreover, the leaders inspire the vision of the organization in the employers. This element of
partnering for performance has reverberated with the transformational leadership process. In the

context of the fashion industry, transformational leadership can enhance the business approach
by considering the elements which are also based on organizational culture. Transformational
leaders inspire followers by promoting some elements such as taking risks, enabling others to act
with their heart, and facilitating vision properly.
Additionally, the leader ensures that barriers are omitted and organizational systems are easier
for followers to act on the proposed vision. The leaders and the workers both agree on the
analysis of the individual's development concerning developing a particular task (Busari et al.
2019). The leaders also monitor the performance level as well as the developmental level to
understand the overall progress.
Partnering of performance is presented through this figure to understand the role of the
leadership in facilitating the work process. The model enhances the performance through some
facilitative activities that the leader considers during the partnering of performance juncture.
Leadership is the framework to regulate the subordinates to follow the vision as well as a mission
that has been proposed previously. A leader used influence to motivate the whole group to
achieve the goal that has been developed by the higher authority. The fashion industry also has to
choose the proper leadership approach to provide the best performance by considering role
models. A transformational leader always influences his/her subordinates by using the
appropriate leadership methods so that subordinates can be influenced and feel they are part of
the company. In the current era fashion industry revolution, every company is required to be able
to diagnose the work process critically.
Both professional organizations as well as leaders can determine the direction of the company’s
goal which can be achievable by an effective approach. An effective leader of the fashion
industry must be able to develop the right leadership approach in the organization. Subordinates
are associated within a discussion so that it determines the problems (Boukis et al. 2020).
Communication is an important point in running the organization and with good communication;
leaders can create the right decision. It is the daily activity of transformational leadership to
develop interaction between individuals. Some fashion brands always consider good
communication to canary out different activities and avoid conflict between the activities.
In addition, transformational leadership in the fashion industry develops work motivation and
enhances the more productive approach by realizing the vision that has been made previously.
However, having good motivation is not easy often because only a tiny amount of individuals

can be influenced through highly motivational engrossment. Every individual who is working
within the company always needs to be motivated (Kelly and MacDonald, 2019). Without
motivation, they feel bored with the work pressure. The leader of the fashion industry always
influences to achieve organizational required goals by considering the value and the culture.
Moreover, work motivation can be done by giving rewards to workers.

Figure 2.2: Leadership management impact on business

(Source: Kanat-Maymon et al. 2020)

Effective business culture can be enhanced by experienced managers. It aids in the development
of a long-term plan in addition to the personal growth of each employee. A true leader also
supports the development of a suitable team through the use of various strategies. A suitable
organizational structure assists in recognizing an employee's ability as well as mitigating the
numerous hazards linked to the management system and the organizational cultures involved
with this approach. An efficient manager increases team effectiveness, and this organization
adopts a strong management strategy to expand its business. In this way, the fashion industry can
develop a good business culture.
Workplace culture is one of the most significant variables impacting productivity and the rate of
growth for a company. Workplace culture leads to high employee retention and stimulated
performance. However, recognizing cultural diversity is essential to creating a positive

workplace environment. Promoting diversity among cultures and enacting policies that foster
diversity of culture in the workplace may result in a positive work environment (Kanat-Maymon
et al. 2020). Because the business world continues to evolve, the process of performing company
activities must be supported by a capacity to carry out business operations skillfully. On the other
hand, the effective leader of the fashion industry always understands the overall business
perspective to develop a good work atmosphere.
2.3 Leadership approaches of the fashion industry to acquire benefits to accomplish
business goals in apprehending marketplace trends and patterns.
The fashion sector is a vibrant and fast-paced business atmosphere that mandates effective
leadership techniques to navigate the transition and attain business pursuits. In recent years,
fashion corporations have encountered myriad complications due to growing customer choices,
immediate technological improvements, and altering market tendencies (Shah et al., 2020). This
literature review seeks to specify the advantages of leadership methods employed by the fashion
sector to satisfy their business objectives while understanding marketing tendencies and
Leadership Approaches in the Fashion Industry
Transformational Leadership: Transformational leadership has been widely acknowledged as
an effective method in the apparel industry. This leadership style fosters invention, imagination,
and worker engagement. Transformational leaders uplift their groups to believe outside the box,
adopt modification, and adjust to appearing market tendencies (Khan et al., 2020). By promoting
a favorable work culture, these supervisors can compel corporate conquest, improve worker
happiness, and entice supreme talent.
Authentic Leadership: Authentic leadership highlights self-awareness, clarity, and ethical
manners. In the fashion sector, where prestige and brand appearance are essential, authentic
leaders can create confidence with stakeholders, incorporating consumers, workers, and investors
(Liedong et al., 2022). By integrating personal importance with organizational objectives,
authentic leaders can select a robust brand essence, boost brand commitment, and develop a
favorable public appearance.
Collaborative Leadership: In an industry indicated by comprehensive cooperation and
teamwork, cooperative leadership plays a critical role in the apparel sector. Collaborative
supervisors facilitate partnership, promote sincere communication, and foster cross-functional

teamwork (Kolling et al., 2022). By leveraging the manifold expertise within the association and
developing strategic coalitions, these leaders can improve the invention, simplify procedures, and
react effectively to marketplace needs.

Figure 2.3: Collaborative Leadership

(Source: Cabrera, 2019)

Benefits of Leadership Approaches
Enhanced Agility and Adaptability: Leadership practices in the fashion sector that boost
dexterity and adaptability boost businesses to react swiftly to altering market movements. By
stimulating investigation and risk-taking, supervisors can propel invention, present the latest
product lines, and capitalize on rising prospects (Martín-Rojas et al., 2020). Such flexibility
permits fashion enterprises to stay appropriate, acquire a competitive advantage, and fulfill
developing consumer needs effectively.
Enhanced Consumer Engagement: Leadership methods that prioritize consumer attention and
knowledge are crucial in the apparel industry. By comprehending and anticipating customer
selections, leaders can navigate their communities to provide products and assistance that
reverberate with the target audience. Customer-centric leadership promotes brand adherence,

improves consumer happiness, and promotes repeat investments, eventually pushing business

Figure 2.4: Consumer Engagement

(Source: Barney and Biscobing, 2023)

Augmented Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability: Leadership techniques that
adopt corporate social responsibility and sustainability have acquired distinction in the fashion
sector. With increasing cognition of environmental and social problems, customers anticipate
fashion corporations to embrace reliable methods (Mason et al., 2022). Ethical leadership pushes
sustainable systems, declines environmental consequences, and facilitates appropriate labor
conventions. This course improves brand prominence, draws socially cognizant customers, and
contributes to long-term corporation victory.
Comprehending Marketing Trends and Patterns
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Supervisors in the fashion sector are increasingly using data-
driven decision-making to understand marketing tendencies and practices. Through the
examination of customer data, market analysis, and social media analytics, managers can acquire
wisdom about customer conduct, choices, and arising market trends (Kurdi et al., 2022). This
detail allows fashion organizations to create targeted marketing techniques, augment product
offerings, and distribute sources effectively.

Figure 2.5: Steps for executing Data-driven Decision making

(Source: Yusov, 2022)

Omni-Channel Marketing: Omni-channel marketing has evolved important in the fashion sector
where customers engage with trademarks through numerous touch points. Leaders must
comprehend the significance of an integrated and seamless consumer experience across diverse
media, including online media, physical shops, and social media platforms. By aligning
marketing measures across media, leaders can improve trademark visibility, regale consumers at
various phases of the purchasing voyage, and propel sales.
2.4 Literature Gap
The literature gap in the evaluation of leadership in the apparel industry directs to the existing
analysis constraints and sites that have not been considerably investigated within this precise
subject. While there is a substantial body of analysis on leadership in widespread use, there is a
deficiency of complete analyses particularly concentrating on leadership within the context of the
fashion sector.
According to (Alrowwad et al., 2020) there is a dearth of studies that particularly scrutinizes
leadership styles and approaches embraced by fashion industry executives. This interlude hinders
researchers' knowledge of the special intricacies and possibilities confronted by supervisors in
this industry and restricts the expansion of effective leadership standards tailored to the apparel
Contrary to the above statement (Lutfi et al., 2022) the consequence of leadership on corporate
performance and invention in the fashion enterprise stays moderately unknown. Comprehending
how leadership styles impact imagination, teamwork, and decision-making procedures in fashion

firms is essential for revamping business consequences and augmenting competitive benefits in
this rapidly growing sector.
According to (Arayssi et al., 2020) Furthermore, the position of supervision in facilitating
sustainability and social accountability in the fashion drive is an extent that needs further
examination. With rising crises about environmental and moral problems in fashion, there is a
requirement to explore how leaders can navigate optimistic shifts and foster sustainable methods
throughout the supply chain network.
Contrary to the above statement (Weche and Wagner, 2021) finally, the impact of digitalization
and technical improvements on leadership in the apparel industry is an arising site that mandates
more concentration.

Chapter 3: Research Methodology
3.1 Research Philosophy
Post-positivism is a research philosophy that underscores the essence of practical proof while
realizing the constraints and subjectivity of mortal understanding. It recognizes that investigators
fetch their inclinations and standpoints to the research procedures, and seeks to reduce these
preconceptions through stringent data accumulation and analysis. In the context of evaluating
leadership in the fashion sector, post-positivism delivers a proper research philosophy due to
various rationales. The fashion sector is an intricate and multifaceted discipline that concerns
diverse stakeholders and personal renditions. Post-positivism acknowledges the intrinsic
intricacy of social sensations and realizes the necessity for systematic investigation to
comprehend leadership dynamics within the sector (de Wet and Rothmann, 2023). By utilizing
empirical approaches, such as surveys, discussions, and adherence, experimenters can
accumulate data from numerous resources and perspectives, delivering a more complete
acquaintance of leadership in the fashion sector.

Figure 3.1: Post-positivism research philosophy

(Source: Muhaise et al. 2020)

Post-positivism promotes investigators to critically inspect their hypotheses and tendencies,
facilitating reflexivity and clarity. Leadership in the fashion sector is frequently affected by
societal standards, cultural matters, and personal sentiments (Bracciale et al., 2021). By
recognizing and handling these consequences, investigators can desire objectivity and build more
dependable discoveries. Furthermore, the post-positivist philosophy stimulates investigators to

frame suppositions and experiment with them against practical evidence. This process is
especially useful when examining leadership in the fashion sector, as it permits the investigation
of cause-and-effect connections and the designation of practices and movements. By embracing
a post-positivist perspective, investigators can estimate the significance of various leadership
styles, techniques, and courses within the industry, contributing to evidence-based wisdom.
Other research philosophies, such as interpretivism and realism, may concentrate more on
impressionistic renditions, social structures, and authority dynamics. However, for the
examination of leadership in the fashion sector, post-positivism delivers a more reasonable
method due to its intensity on empirical proof and inference testing. The post-positivist research
philosophy is well-suited for examining management in the fashion sector due to its stress on
observed evidence, reflexivity, and assumption testing.
3.2 Research Approach
A deductive research approach is suitable for the subject of "Examination of Leadership in the
Fashion sector" due to its structured and rational essence. This approach concerns initiating a
theory or assumption and then accumulating and interpreting data to either verify or disavow it.
The deductive approach is widely utilized in social sciences and business studies to experiment
with existing approaches and develop observed evidence (HR and Aithal, 2022). In the context
of investigating leadership in the apparel industry, the deductive approach permits investigators
to prepare precise hypotheses about the attributes, manners, and influence of supervisors in this
distinct sector. By pulling on existing leadership approaches and standards, experimenters can
devise a framework to direct their breakdown. For instance, hypotheses may be developed based
on ideas such as "authentic leadership", "transformational leadership" and "ethical leadership"
and their relevance in the fashion sector.

Figure 3.2: Deductive research approach

(Source: Self-created)
The deductive approach delivers a methodical and immersed approach to analyzing the research
issue. It authorizes investigators to gather suitable data to experiment with hypotheses and entice
judgments based on empirical proof. This approach fosters neutrality and severity in research by
confirming that the data collection method is integrated with the research pursuits and
suppositions. Furthermore, the deductive approach permits the conception and the evolution of
theories appropriate beyond the exact context of the analysis (Hays and McKibben, 2021). By
experimenting with suppositions emanated from existing leadership theses, experimenters can
contribute to the body of wisdom on leadership in the apparel industry and potentially advise
leadership courses in other sectors as well. The inductive research approach was not selected for
the breakdown of leadership in the apparel industry. It does not deliver the tier of layout and
severity needed to experiment with explicit hypotheses and systematically induce observed
3.3 Research Strategy
The preferred research strategy integrates qualitative and quantitative strategies to deliver
complete research on leadership in the apparel industry. Qualitative research techniques such as
scholarly journals, articles, and books entitled for in-depth investigation and learning of

leadership styles and courses. These strategies deliver prosperous, contextual discernment into
the ventures, perceptions, and conducts of industry professionals, supervisors, and workers. The
qualitative data analysis can recognize frequent practices and themes, presenting a subtle insight
into leadership in the fashion sector.
In completing the qualitative study, quantitative approaches through surveys facilitate the
accumulation of an enormous sample of data, permitting statistical research. By dispensing
validated rankings, the research can estimate leadership styles, worker inspiration, job
fulfillment, and corporate performance (Asif et al., 2023). This procedure facilitates the analysis
of connections and interrelations between variables, supplying a more comprehensive outlook on
the influence of leadership styles on diverse results.
By integrating qualitative and quantitative strategies, this research strategy confirms a holistic
acquaintance of leadership in the apparel sector. The qualitative data deliver rich discernment
into the backgrounds and perceptions of people, while the quantitative data propose a more
comprehensive standpoint and authorize the generalizability of determinations (Jones et al.,
2019). This mixed-method strategy reinforces the reality and dependability of the research
discoveries and contributes to a thorough learning of leadership in the fashion sector.
3.4 Research Method
The research method utilized for the examination of leadership in the fashion sector involves a
mixed-methods procedure. This contains qualitative data collection through secondary data, such
as books, articles, and journals as well as quantitative data collection through surveys and
investigation of monetary interpretation indicators.
The preferred research design for the breakdown of leadership in the fashion sector is
descriptive. This design has allowed for a thorough analysis and explanation of leadership
approaches and styles operated by fashion industry executives. The primary purpose is to deliver
an in-depth learning of the leadership dynamics within the apparel industry and to specify the
fundamental features and techniques that contribute to adequate leadership in this explicit
context. A descriptive research design facilitates the investigation of different leadership styles
predominant in the fashion sector. It permits the exhibition of qualitative data through industry
reports, business articles, and journals which can deliver discernment into the leadership
procedures embraced by thriving fashion industry authorities. Descriptive research delivers an
option to acquire a precise definition of leadership manners, grades, and decision-making

procedures (Daulay, 2020). Through surveys and discussions with supervisors, researchers can
collect rich data on how supervisors perform, motivate groups, address complications, and propel
invention within the apparel industry.

Figure 3.3: Descriptive research design

(Source: Self-created)
The descriptive research design permits investigators to explore leadership within the explicit
context of the apparel industry. It takes into interpretation the distinctive complications,
tendencies, and dynamics that impact leadership techniques in this industry, such as fast-paced
movements, invention, international supply chain networks, and customer needs. By examining
leadership procedures, the results of this study can have helpful importance for fashion industry
experts, aspiring supervisors, and associations (Eng et al., 2023). The understandings acquired
can notify leadership evolution agendas, mentorship endeavors, and techniques to improve
leadership significance within the industry. Other research designs such as exploratory,
experimental, or correlational research designs are not appropriate for the investigation of
leadership in the fashion sector due to the intricacy of the topic. The requirement for in-depth
qualitative data and the emphasis on comprehending and expressing leadership courses within a
precise context rather than demonstrating reason or connections between variables are the main

3.5 Data Collection Method
For performing a thorough examination of leadership in the fashion sector, a variety of
qualitative and quantitative data collection techniques are applicable.
Creating and disseminating surveys to a comprehensive spectrum of experts performing in
various sectors of the apparel industry, such as innovators, marketers, and supply chain leaders,
have assisted in accumulating quantitative data. The surveys can concentrate on leadership
methods, viewpoints of effective leadership attributes, and the effect of leadership on corporate
results (Abu-Rumman, 2021). This approach permits extensive sample size and statistical
examination of the gathered data.
Conducting in-depth case studies of fashion corporations known for their thriving leadership has
provided exact discernment into distinct leadership methods and their impact on corporate
interpretation. These case analyses can concern examining leadership styles, organizational
systems, and decision-making procedures within the organizations (Sulich et al., 2021).
Following leaders in activity within the fashion sector, such as following industry occasions,
fashion presentations, or business appointments, can deliver firsthand discernment into their
leadership manners, contact styles, and interchange with workers and stakeholders. The
observational analysis counts as a qualitative measurement of the analysis, grasping non-verbal
alerts and contextual aspects that may impact leadership efficacy.

Figure 3.4: Data collection methods

(Source: SINGH, 2023)

By utilizing a variety of qualitative and quantitative data collection procedures, this analysis can
present a thorough understanding of leadership in the fashion sector. Discussions and case
analyses permit an in-depth investigation of leadership methods, inspirations, and complications
encountered by industry supervisors. Surveys deliver a more comprehensive outlook by
accumulating data from an enormous sample measure, permitting statistical research and
movements and practice identifications (Wang et al., 2020). Observational research completes
the other forms by grasping real-time manners and relations, counting profoundness and context
to the examination. The fashion sector is a vibrant and fast-paced specialization with distinctive
attributes, and a multi-method process confirms that the study grasps the intricacy of leadership
within this sector.
3.6 Data analysis
The qualitative data collected through interviews and industry reports journals, as well as
articles, have been analyzed using thematic analysis. This analysis recognizes patterns, themes,
as well as categories by considering the data. The transcripts and feedback forms from the
meetings can be carefully checked and coded to collect essential frameworks and concepts (Cho
et al. 2019). Equivalent information will be grouped to develop themes that promote standard
practices and opinions throughout the research. The themes have been decrypted and analyzed to
develop a proper knowledge of the experiences, motivations, complications, and profits related
to the leadership style in the fashion industry.
The quantitative data gathered from fashion marketplaces and related parties have been
examined by considering statistical research. This search procedure delivers a concept of the
fashion market and the leadership roles of this fashion industry (Decuypere and Schaufeli, 2020).
Furthermore, survey analysis approaches have been delivered to specify elements and practices
in leadership adoption, customer experiences, and market dynamics across fashion marketplaces.
Additionally, this research is considered for authentic analysis of the part of diverse leadership in
fashion sectors and their influence on business development.
3.7 Sampling
Data analysis has been done through both random and nonrandom analysis. Researchers have
chosen the process to implement random or non-random sampling strategies to collect data.

Random sampling involves picking different data and pieces of information haphazardly from
the target sectors, confirming that every associate of the sectors has a huge possibility of being
associated with the analysis. This procedure can provide a metaphorical idea and support
generalizing the final result to the large population. In the context of the fashion market, random
sampling could consider randomly choosing fashion companies and organizations from several
platforms to assimilate their business procedure and productivity (Mi et al. 2019).
On the other hand, non-random sampling methods help to target specific individuals or data
points based on authentic measures. Non-random sampling procedures, such as purposive as well
as snowball sampling, are often developed when researchers want to collect in-depth data from
authentic or fundamental collectors in the field. For explanation, the researcher could decide on
fashion artists, collectors, as well as marketplace operators who have an impact on the fashion
industry and also know the importance of leadership.
3.8 Research ethics
Environmental consequences: Due to the energy-intensive operation of creating and exchanging
them, leadership has contributed to worsening situations regarding their carbon footprint. The
study must assess the environmental impact and look over methods to mitigate negative results.
Honesty and reliability: The fashion industry's leadership relies on different strategies for
validation and permitting (Katsaros et al. 2020). To ensure the precision and realism of fashion
trades, ethical analysis ought to investigate the clarity and virtue of the underlying blockchain
Occlusion: Experimenters should be aware of potential issues related to intellectual property
ownership, cultural allocation, and the monetization of art and digital assets. Understanding any
potential ethical problems requires assessing the effects of leadership on many stakeholders in
the fashion business.

3.9 Research Timeline


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 1
1 5

Introduction 6

Topic Selection 1

Formulating Aims and 2


Resource Collection 3

Literature Review 10

Section of journals 2

Retrieving Journals 1

Formulating Themes 3

Documentation of relevant 4

Research Methodology 12

Methodology selection 1

Developing survey 3

Conducting online survey 4

Performing secondary data 4


Data analysis 11

Conduction of Primary 5
data analysis

Conduction of secondary 4

data analysis

Documentation of the 2

Conclusion and 5
Recommendations days

Objective linking 2

Recommendation 2

Final Submission 1

Figure 3.7: Research timeline

(Source: Self-created)

Chapter 4: Key Findings and Analysis
4.1 Introduction
Leadership plays a crucial role to evaluate the business processes of the fashion industry by
considering different approaches. Several types of leadership styles have effective roles in the
fashion industry sector across the global market. On the other hand, different types of leadership
approaches will be analyzed in this chapter by considering the situation of the fashion industry.
The study will examine the appropriate leadership style to facilitate the fashion industry by
utilizing the different skills of a leader. Moreover, this chapter will also evaluate the
effectiveness of different leadership styles in the context of the fashion industry. Moreover, this
section will pay attention to the whole impact of the leadership approaches which enhance the
fashion industry properly.
4.2 Findings

Figure 4.1: Gender

(Source: Derived from survey result)

As per this survey report, based on demographic data nearly 80% of the participants were male
whereas the remaining 20% were female participants.

Figure 4.2: Working period

(Source: Derived from survey result)

According to this survey report, 52% of the participants worked for 5 years in this field. On the
other hand, 34% of the participants worked for 2 to 3 years in this fashion industry sector. 12%
of the participants have been doing their job for near about 1 year and lastly, very few percent
were considering this sector for more than 5 years.

Figure 4.3: Open communication enhances productivity

(Source: Derived from survey result)

As per the survey report, 86% of the participants strongly agreed that open communication
between the leader and the worker could enhance the company's productivity. On the other hand,

this open communication can reduce conflict within the fashion company, and a good
environment will be established.

Figure 4.4: Contribution of the shared vision of Leaders and Employees

(Source: Derived from survey result)

As per this survey method, 80% of the participants strongly agreed that the shared vision
between the leader as well as the employees could contribute to the work performance by
mitigating different issues such as internal conflict, economic issues, and management-oriented
issues. An appropriate vision needs to be implemented properly by teh leader to develop a
fashion organizational business. Without the proper vision, the fashion industry can not get the
desired result within an accurate time.

Figure 4.5: Transformational Leaders Activities

(Source: Derived from survey result)

According to the survey result, 82% of the participants think that transformational leadership can
accelerate morale by helping them to understand their potential. The transformational leadership
approach has lots of benefits such as taking challenges, providing morale support, and
encouraging employees. By implementing this transformational leadership approach fashion
companies can get the desired outcome. Furthermore, transformational leadership also reduces
the leader-worker conflict by taking effective strategies. Therefore, the higher authority needs to
consider this transformational leadership for the establishment of accurate business.

Figure 4.6: Activities of a proper leader

(Source: Derived from survey result)

As per this survey result, 80% of the participants strongly agreed that a leader needs to
implement proper training procedures as well as development opportunities for every employee
by considering different innovative approaches such as advanced technological approaches. On
the other hand, an efficient leader can develop good training methods for the workers. The
fashion industry should consider an effective leader who can establish proper training methods to
enhance productivity across the market.
4.3 Analysis
4.3.1 Various leadership approaches in implementing suitable leadership for fashion
industry establishment.
The approach to leadership is an unchanging structure that influences a leader's behavior. The
fashion industry is additionally attempting to establish those leadership styles to better

understand the intricacy of a constantly evolving international market. Several leadership styles
may impact the electiveness of the fashion sector by considering organizational achievement and
failure. Leadership is a psychological method that impacts the commitment to accomplishing the
desired result as well as the vision (Novitasari et al. 2020). However, in the fashion business,
many different aspects of leadership style may impact work satisfaction, teamwork,
organizational conversion, and engagement among workers. The reputation of the brand also is
maintained by the appropriate leader.
As per the survey report, 86% of the individuals strongly agreed that open communication
between the leader and the employer could increase the productivity of the company. On the
other hand, this type of open communication can minimize conflict within the fashion company
and a good atmosphere will be delivered. According to this survey method, 80% of the
participants strongly agreed that the recommended vision between the leader as well as the
employees could deliver the work performance by reducing different issues such as internal
issues, economical problems, and management-oriented conflict. A proper vision needs to be
developed properly by the leader to establish a fashion organizational business. Without the
appropriate vision, the fashion industry cannot get the desired outcome within the proper time.
4.3.2 Accurate leadership methods for evaluating the fashion industry considering business
Professional organizations and leaders may both set the path of the company's endeavor, which
can be achieved through a successful approach. An effective fashion industry leader needs to be
able to establish the right kind of leadership in the organization as a whole. The subordinates
collaborate in a discussion to solve obstacles. Communication is essential in running an
organization, and effective communication enables leaders to arrive at the best decisions. The
daily job of transformational leadership is to encourage personal involvement. Some fashion
firms think that solid interaction is essential for differentiating different activities and avoiding
inconvenience between individuals.
Leaders play an influential role in establishing the climate of the fashion firm. Empowering
leaders helps to create a proper organizational climate in which the employees are well informed
about their activities. Additionally, empowering leaders provides independence for the
employees to perform their jobs freely and make their decision as per the rules and regulations.
Leadership develops a proper organizational climate that encourages employees to achieve

organizational goals as well as enhances the desired outcome. By providing employee
involvement the leaders offer opportunities to the followers to achieve new knowledge. The
fashion industry also tries to empower the leader by encouraging employees.
As per the survey report, 82% of the participants think that transformational leadership is one of
the most important leadership which can influence the overall business procedure. The
transformational leadership approaches have lots of benefits such as taking challenges, providing
morale support, and encouraging employees. By considering this transformational leadership
approach fashion industry can get the desired outcome. Furthermore, transformational leadership
also minimizes the leader-worker conflict by taking effective procedures. Therefore, the higher
authority needs to develop this transformational leadership for the development of accurate
4.3.3 Leadership approaches of the fashion industry to gain benefits to achieving business
outcomes by considering marketplace trends as well as patterns.
Leadership behaviors in the fashion industry that improves flexibility and adaptability allow
organizations to react quickly to shifting market conditions. Supervisors may promote the
creation, show the latest lines of goods, and maximize rising prospects through promoting
investigation and risk-taking (Nurbaeti, 2022). Such adaptability enables fashion businesses to
stay pertinent acquire a competitive advantage, and efficiently fulfill evolving demands from
customers. In the fashion sector, leadership strategies that focus on consumer attention and
understanding are crucial. Leaders can explore their surroundings to create products and services
that engage with their target demographic by recognizing and foreseeing customer choices.
Customer-centric leadership promotes brand loyalty, increases consumer happiness, and
encourages returning customers, which ultimately drives business development.
Transformational leadership plays an important role to evaluate the business of the fashion
industry. Transformational leadership behavior is positively related to innovation capacities
based on inspiring employees in discussing innovative ideas. This leadership approach also plays
an important role in the fashion industry in generating a proper work climate which helps to
introduce new ideas. Transformational leadership also develops a supporting working
environment within the organization to facilitate the work process. The fashion industry needs to
be developed a positive work atmosphere by providing justice as well as establishing trust. Thus
the overall business of the fashion industry can be evolved through this strategy.

As per this survey result, 80% of the participants strongly agreed that a leader needs to
implement proper training procedures as well as development opportunities for every employee
by considering different innovative approaches such as advanced technological approaches. On
the other hand, an effective leader can develop proper training methods for the workers. The
fashion industry should consider an effective leader who can establish proper training methods to
enhance productivity across the market.
4.4 Discussion
The inquiry of whether sincere communication between leaders and workers can augment job
productivity is an essential one. Genuine communication is a crucial factor in a nutritious and
effective work atmosphere. When leaders facilitate open discussion and construct a culture of
clarity, it boosts confidence and cooperation among workers (Çoban et al., 2023). Honest
communication permits the free outpour of opinions, feedback, and details between leaders and
workers. It allows workers to voice their situations, supply recommendations, and communicate
their outlooks, which can direct to more knowledgeable decision-making. When workers feel
listened to and appreciated, they are more likely to be committed and inspired in their job, which
can eventually improve productivity (Ratnasari et al., 2020). Furthermore, sincere
communication aids in determining and handling problems and complications promptly. It
authorizes leaders to comprehend the requirements and anticipations of workers, deliver the
essential approval, and create adjustments as mandated. This assertive method can avert
misconceptions, disputes, and uncertainties, thereby enhancing overall productivity.
The query of whether a shared concept between leaders and workers can contribute towards
improved job performance is a vital one. When supervisors and employees are integrated with a
common concept, it forms the intent of pursuit and leadership within the association.
A shared vision aids an ushering light that boosts workers to work towards a shared purpose
(Westlund et al., 2021). It facilitates intent of accordance and partnership, as everyone
comprehends the enormous objective and how their assistance suits the immense view. This
alignment improves communication, affiliation, and partnership, directing to augmented
productivity and efficiency.
Moreover, a shared idea formulates worker attention and dedication. When workers feel
connected to the association's concept, they are more likely to be decisive, ingenious, and willing
to reach the extra mile (Monteiro et al., 2020). It produces a purpose of ownership, satisfaction,

and career fulfillment, which directly affects their interpretation. Furthermore, a shared idea
assists leaders in effectively entrusting projects and setting performance anticipations. Workers
have a clear wisdom of what is anticipated from them and can incorporate their criteria
The query of whether transformational supervisors can foster workers' enthusiasm by helping
them in recognizing their prospects is an impressive one that stimulates various viewpoints.
Some people may agree with this information, emphasizing the positive influence
transformational supervisors can have on their associates' confidence. Transformational leaders
retain the capacity to encourage and uplift workers by forming a transparent concept and
questioning them to surpass their anticipations (Asmawi et al., 2023). By identifying and
promoting the prospect of their team associates, these leaders form an atmosphere that facilitates
individual and professional development, directing to enhanced morale.
On the other hand, some people may retain a distinct outlook, sounding doubt regarding the
explicit relationship between transformational leadership and worker morale. They might claim
that while transformational leaders can motivate and authorize their workers, expanding morale
is affected by different aspects, incorporating organizational culture, job fulfillment, and work-
life harmony (Miao and Cao, 2019). They might accept that leaders independently cannot solely
specify employees' confidence, as personal experiences and individual possibilities also play
important parts.
The survey question introduces an essential component of adequate leadership. The solution is a
vibrant yes. Supervisors should prioritize and underline activity and developmental possibilities
for workers within the association. Sponsoring worker growth not only satisfies the respective
workers but also improves the overall interpretation and productivity of the association (Paramita
et al., 2020). By presenting training agendas, leaders provide workers with the essential crafts
and proficiency to excel in their positions. This not only facilitates worker spirit and job pleasure
but also guides to augmented efficiency and invention.
Furthermore, delivering developmental prospects indicates a devotion to the development and
advancement of workers. When leaders actively help their team associates' professional progress,
it promotes a culture of education and constant refinement (Kools et al., 2020). This, in turn,
fosters worker engagement, inspiration, and devotion. Leaders who prioritize exercise and
growth also form positive job circumstances. Workers feel esteemed and sponsored, ushering

higher confidence and a purpose of belonging within the association. Additionally, it aids entice
and possess top talent, as people are more likely to enter and remain in an association that funds
their personal and professional development.

Chapter 5: Limitations
There are also several leadership styles such as transactional leadership and servant leadership
that this research does not explain properly. Hence, transactional leadership does not consider by
the fashion industry because of some negative impact of this approach. On the other hand, during
the quantitative analysis, the interview method does not consider by the researcher. Only the
survey method between 50 participants has been developed through the online portal. There is
also some limited information regarding the proper leadership style for evaluating the fashion
industry. Moreover, this research can be considered a more effective number that relates
leadership styles of the fashion industry properly.

Chapter 6: Concussion and Recommendations
6.1 Recommendation
● Various leadership approaches are required to evaluate to find the relevant leadership for
the fashion industry. It is suggested that leaders examine various attributes of suitable
leadership in the case of operating their job roles and responsibilities within the fashion
industry. Leaders within the fashion industry must focus on adapting changes in
leadership approaches while opening to learning new things to improve the process of
leadership styles. Employees and leaders must focus on the effective communication
process to clarify their ideas and concepts towards handling projects associated with
fashions in the apparel sector. Leaders must address various challenges in assessing
leadership approaches to develop an operating framework for the fashion sector.
● Leaders must embrace a suitable leadership approach such as Laissez-faire to direct their
team members to perform their roles and responsibilities effectively. This leadership style
can enable leaders to encourage team members to share their ideas and concepts in
various projects in the fashion sector. This leadership can direct leaders to uplift their
workers regarding the ongoing project to bring efficiency to the work process. Leaders
can adjust their leadership skills with this leadership style to revamp their skills to serve
their responsibilities effectively. Attributes of this leadership can guide leaders to align
their direction and work process with business objectives to enhance the scope of
finalizing project success.
● Based on the examination's purpose to specify the advantages of leadership practices in
the apparel industry for attaining business objectives and comprehending marketing
trends, it is suggested to perform a thorough analysis. This should contain analyzing
different leadership styles and their influence on worker inspiration, invention, and
adaptability. Furthermore, comprehending marketing tendencies and practices will aid
determine effective methods to contact target audiences, improve brand impression, and
boost market share.
6.2 Further Research
Further study on the evaluation of leadership in the apparel sector could delve into various
phases to acquire a more in-depth understanding of the complicated and vibrant area. Analyzing
the effect of leadership styles on worker inspiration, engagement, and interpretation can deliver

useful discernment into effective leadership courses (Renzi, 2020). This could incorporate
examining diverse leadership models such as transactional, servant, and transformational
leadership and their appropriateness in the context of the apparel sector. Furthermore, examining
the function of leadership in boosting invention and creativity within fashion organizations can
be worthwhile. Evaluating how leaders can develop a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere
that uplifts risk-taking approaches, experimentation, and cooperation could alleviate light on
techniques in this competitive fashion sector.
Furthermore exploring the impact of leadership on ethical traditions in the fashion sector would
be meaningful. Examining how leaders can foster sustainable and reliable business procedures,
confirm reasonable treatment of employees, and manage environmental problems would
contribute to the rising priority of CSR in the industry (Mukhuty et al., 2022). Overall further
analysis of leadership in the apparel industry has the prospect to deliver useful discernment into
effective leadership techniques, inventions, and ethical approaches that can contribute to the
victory and sustainability of apparel corporations.
6.3 Conclusion
By filling the analyzed void in comprehending the leadership within the fashion industry, the
research can deliver useful discernments for both educational and sector experts. Furthermore
examining leadership in the fashion sector can contribute to a more profound comprehension of
the leadership models and customs. Finally, a complete understanding of leadership in the
fashion sector can contribute to the victory and development of fashion corporations in the ever-
altering international marketplace. The literature gap in the breakdown of leadership in the
fashion sector emphasizes the necessity for more analysis that especially handles leadership
styles, their effect on implementation and creation, sustainability endeavors, and the impact of
digitalization. Estimating these voids will deliver useful discernment and contribute to the
growth of effective leadership approaches within the distinctive context of the fashion sector. By
utilizing this method, investigators can acquire a more profound wisdom of leadership dynamics,
inquire about preconceived concepts, and contribute to the progress of understanding within the
domain. Overall, the deductive research method is quite applicable to the evaluation of
leadership in the fashion sector. It delivers a methodical and logical framework for
experimenting with assumptions, developing practical evidence, and contributing to the current
wisdom in the specialization of leadership analyses.

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Appendix 1: Survey question
I. Demographic
1. State your gender
● Male
● Female
2. State your age
● 25 to 30
● 31 to 35
● 36 to 40
● Above 40
3. How long have you been working in this field?
● 1 year
● 2 to 3 years
● 5 years
● Above 5 years
4. What is the highest level of education completed?
● High school
● Bachelor degree
● Master degree
● Ph.D. or higher
5. State your income
● Less than $25,000
● $25,000 - $50,000
● $50,000 - $100,000
● Above $100,000
6. Do you believe that leaders within the fashion industry are required to adjust to
innovative business models for accelerating organizational success?
● Strongly agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
7. In your opinion, what strategies should leaders within the fashion industry adopt for
fostering organizational culture?
● Promote continuous learning
● Maintain open communication

● Promote cooperation and collaboration
● All of the above
8. Do you agree that transformational leaders can boost employees morale by assisting
them in realizing their potential?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
9. Do you believe open communication between leaders and employees can enhance
work productivity?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
10. Do you agree that shared vision between leaders and employees can contribute
towards enhanced work performance?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
11. Do you agree that technological transformation has broadened challenges for
leaders within the fashion industry?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
12. In your opinion, what strategies must be adopted by leaders to overcome challenges

of technological disruptions?
● Rethink organizational models
● Adopt flat structure
● Creation of dedicated force
● Encourage greater team autonomy
13. Do you agree that leaders should emphasize upon training and developmental
opportunities for employees within the organization?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
14. Do you agree that organizational culture plays a crucial role in stimulating a
leader's efficiency within the organization?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
15. Do you agree that leaders should focus on individual needs of the employees for
enhancing better employee performance?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
16. Do you agree that usage of data analytics can help leaders gain competitive
advantage in the current business scenario?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral

● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
17. What strategies can be adopted by leaders within the fashion industry to enhance
employee morale?
● Understand employee needs
● Promote two-way communication
● Communicate organizational goals
● Encourage growth and development
18. Do you agree that problem solving and critical thinking skills of leaders within the
fashion industry can enhance corporate performance?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
19. Do you agree that leaders should be responsive to the psychological and
socioemotional requirements of employees for enhancing organization's efficiency?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree
20. Do you agree that leaders within the fashion industry play a vital role in enhancing
effective commitment of employees?
● Strongly Agree
● Agree
● Neutral
● Disagree
● Strongly Disagree

Appendix 2: Survey results


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