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Kabuki Warrior

Minion (2), Living

40mm, Sz 2

Ten Thunders
Cost: 8
Health: 8
Mv: 6
Df: 5
Wp: 5
Combat Finesse: y Actions targeting this
model cannot be Cheated.
Distraction: Enemy models within a2 of
this model suffer - to Wp duels.
Leverage: During the Start Phase, if the
opposing player has any revealed Schemes,
this model's Crew gains a Pass Token. When
performing a duel, this model may discard a
Pass Token to receive a + to that duel.

Attack Actions - Rg Stat Rst TN

Greatsword y2" 6 Df -
Target suffers 3/4/5 damage. If this model did not take the Charge Action this
Activation, this Action receives a + to its damage flip.
t Beautiful Clothes: Target gains Distracted +1.
Lure 12" 5 Wp 12
Move the target its Mv toward this model.
R Rip and Tear: Take a y Action targeting the same model. This Action receives a
+ to its duel.
Tactical Actions - Rg Stat Rst TN
FA New Horizon 6" 5 - 10t
Target a Scheme Marker. Place the target anywhere within 6" of its current location.

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