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Vol.24,aNo *.,a2011

Effects ofComprehensiveEccentricityofInvoluteCamonGearProfileDeviations
1,2 1, 1 1, 1 WANGLiding ,LINGSiying *,MA Yong , WANGXiaodong 2,LOUZhifeng

1KeyLaboratoryforPrecision&NontraditionalandMicroSystemMachiningofMinistryofEducation, DalianUniversityofTechnology, Dalian116023, China 2KeyLaboratoryforMicro/NanoTechnologyandSystemofLiaoningProvince,DalianUniversityofTechnology, Dalian116023,China

Received June 9,2010revised January 6,2011 accepted January **,2011published electronically January**,2011

Abstract:Themanufacturingaccuracyofultraprecisionmastergearssignifiesthetechnologicalcapabilityoftheultraprecisiongear. Currently,thereislittlereportabout themanufacturing technologiesof ultraprecisionmastergearsathomeandaboard.Inordertomeet therequirementofgrindingultraprecisionmastergear,thegeargrinderwithflatfacedwheelY7125ischosenastheobjectmachine toolandthegeometricmodelofitsprecisiongeneratingpart,theinvolutecam,isestablished.Accordingtothestructureoftheinvolute cam,theeffectiveworkingsectionanditsadjustablerangeofthecamare determined,andthe mathematicalexpressionsof theeffectsof comprehensiveeccentricity oftheinvolutecamongearprofiledeviationsarederived.Accordingtotheprimaryharmonictrendsofthe deviation curve, it isshownthat gearprofile formand slope deviationsin different work generating sections of the involute cam are different which the latter changes with the cam eccentricity obviously. Then, the issues of extreme values and methods of error compensationarestudiedandtheconclusionthatlargeadjustablerangeisbenefittosearchtheoptimalinvolutecamsectionwhichis respondingtotheminimumgearprofiledeviationsisobtained.Agroupofexamplesarecalculatedbychoosingmastergearswith d=120 mmandm=26mmandaninvolutecamwithbasediameterdjcam=117mm.Anditisfoundthatthemaximumgearprofiledeviation countsfornomorethan5%ofthecameccentricityaftererrorcompensation.Ageargrindingexperimentonthemastergearwithm=2 mmisconductedbychoosingdifferentsectionsoftheinvolutecamandthedifferencesofgearprofiledeviationsthentheexistenceof thecameccentricityareverified.Theresearchdisclosestheruleofgearprofiledeviationscausedbythecomprehensiveeccentricityof theinvolutecamandprovidesthe theoreticalguidanceandtheprocessingmethodsforgrindingprofileofthe ultraprecisionmastergear. Keywords: geargrinderwithflatfacedwheel, involutecam, ultraprecisionmastergear,gearprofiledeviations, errorcompensation

1 Introduction
Thegeargrinderwithflatfacedwheel,whichisofhigh geargrindingaccuracy, can be used to grindgear shaping cutters,gearshavingcutters,mastergearsandsoon.There are two generating motion types of the gear grinder, the steel triproller (such as SRS400) and the involute cambaffle (such as Y7125 and Y7431). Featured with simplestructureandhighrigidityoftransmissionchain,the latter has the higher accuracy. The gear grinder with flatfaced wheel has the ability of manufacturing ultraprecision gear above class 2 (ISO13281:1995, the same as follows) after refining and refitting was demonstrated inRef.[1]. In order to improve the accuracy of gear profile
* Thisresearchis supported byNationalHighTechnologyResearchand Development Program of China (863 Program, Grant No. 2008AA042506)

deviations and grinding performances, previous work mainly concentrated on the grinding wheel and some [25] achievements were obtained . The involute cam is the most important precision part in the gear grinder with flatfaced wheel (the involute cambaffle type). Its profile errors and comprehensive eccentric errors also have large influences on gear profile deviations. The domestic researches on the involute camonly limited tothe aspects [67] of manufacture and little foreign research is found about the involute cam. A gear grinder accompanied with two theinvolutecamseats, oneisforgrindinggear, andthe other is for grinding the involute cam. When the involute cam is fixed to processing spindle sleeve through the involute camseatlapped with it,two kinds ofmain errors of installation eccentricity will bought out, the error of installation eccentricity of the cam seat to the spindle rotation center and that of the involute cam to its seat. In order to meet the requirement of grinding ultraprecision master gear, this paper mainly analyzed the effects of

WANGLiding,etal:Effects ofComprehensiveEccentricity ofInvoluteCam onGearProfileDeviations

comprehensive eccentricity of the involute cam on gear profile deviations to guide ultraprecision gear grinding practice.

2 Designof theInvoluteCam
L N P HP HN M 20 O 60 HM rjcam XM

The reference diameter of common master gear is 120 mm,andtheinvolutecamwithbasediameterdjcam equalto 117mm can be used. According toEq.(2), the dimension of ends N of the involute cam can be obtained, i.e., HN=101.09 mm, L=170.50mmandthe generatingangle of designsectionMNequalto90.

3 DeterminationofEffectiveWorkSectionof theInvoluteCam
As for different gear tooth number, the length of effective worksectionanditspositionoftheinvolutecam are also different. The following work will determine the lengthof effectiveworksectionanditsadjustablerange. For the section nearby onsets M and ends N of the involutecamdont involve inwork, inordertoimprovethe gear profile accuracy and motion stability of head frame, 90% of design section MN is taken as available section MN and its corresponding generating angleis defined as jc,asshowninFig.2.The corresponding generatinglength ofsectionMMcountsfor6%ofthatofdesignsectionMN. The processing of gear grinding and indexing is both finished intheavailable section MN.The lowest point of the involute cam is defined as I when grinding the start point of gear involute, and its corresponding curvature radiusasicam.Thepositionoftheinvolutecamisdefined as E when grinding the addendum of gear, and its corresponding curvature radius as ecam. The position correspondingto the indexing process oftheinvolute cam is from pointEto pointGwhosecurvatureradius isgcam and the work generating angle of the involute cam is definedas jw.
N Basecircle Involutecam

Fig.1. Designof theinvolutecam

ThemiddlepointOofthebottomsurfaceoftheinvolute camistakenasthecoordinateorigin,andthedirectionsof Xaxis and Yaxis are shown in Fig. 1. Let the base diameter of the involute cam be djcam, and the distance of top point P of the involute cam to Yaxis be base radius (rjcam). Given the positions of onsets M and ends N, the profileofinvolutecanbedetermined completely. Accordingtothebasediameter oftheinvolutecam,the designof theinvolutecam isoftwo conditions: (1)Whendjcam>130mm,theparametersXM,KL,KM,KN, KP,CL,CM, CN and CP canbeobtainedfromservicemanual of the geargrinder,and otherparameterscanbeobtainedas follows:
L = K L rjcam + C , L H = K r - C , M M jcam M H N = K N rjcam - C , N H P = K P rjcam - CP.

rgcam jd jc recam jei ricam


(2)Whendjcam130mm,letXM=70mm andHM=20mm, respectively. Other parameters can be obtained by the followingexpressions:

cos a M = 0.0095415r , jcam tan = 2 + tan a , aN M j = 0.7313 + a M + a N, jcam R = r (2) , N cosa N L = R cos j + 70, N H = R sin j - 58, N N H P = rjcam (2.3022 + tan a M - a M) - 58

jw jin

Fig.2. Determinationofeffectiveworksection of theinvolutecam

Theidlestrokeofinvolutecam,whichisthestrokefrom beingawaypointE toenteringpointEreversely,isdefined asindexingstroke.Thefollowingequationisobvious

whereMandN arepressureanglesoftheinvolutecamat theonsetsMandendsN,respectively.

jw =

r gcam - ricam

= j ei +j in ,


where jei isthegeneratingangleofgeargrinding,i.e.,the effective work generating angle of the involute cam, and jin is the generatingangle ofgearindexing. In orderto ensure smooth performance of gear grinding and gear indexing, let the indexing stroke be at least 3/4 timeoftheeffectiveworkstroke.The relationshipbetween jw and jei canbeexpressedas

Obviously, the work generating angle of gear has no relationship with the module of gear. Taking a=20 for example,therelationship between jei, ja and zare shown inFig. 3.
Generatingangle jei anditsadjustablerange ja /

80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0

j w 1. jei . 75


The practical generating length of the involute cam is definedaswcam whichlengthcanbeadjustedbychanging the crank length of crankrocker mechanism, to meet the followinginequality

Effectiveworkgeneratingangle Adjustablerange

175 eirjcam r wcam j cr . . j jcam








Theadjustablerange of effective work generatingangle of the involute cam is defined as ja and its expression is givenby


Fig.3. Relationship between jei, ja and z

j a =j c -

r wcam


In order to increase the adjustable range of effective work generating angle of the involute cam, make jw be equalto1.75jei generally,theexpressionof ja becomes

The effective work generating angle jei, the practical generating length wcam and its adjustable range ja of differentgeartoothnumbercanbecomputedbyEqs.(3)to (10) as grinding gear with reference diameter d=120 mm and choosing involue cam with base diameter djcam=117 mm.The resultsareshowninTable1.
Table 1. Resultsof jei, wcam, and ja
Mould m/mm 2 3 4 5 6
Tooth number Generating angle Generating angle Generating length Adjustable range

j a =j c - 1. j ei. 75


Asfor differentgeartoothnumber,thegeneratingangle and its corresponding generating length of effective work section are also different. According to the geometry of involute,wecanobtainthefollowingequations

z 60 40 30 24 20

jei /() 14.739 3 28.564 9 30.775 0 32.868 2 34.865 5

jei /rad 0.257 2 0.498 6 0.537 1 0.573 7 0.608 5

wcam/mm 15.049 1 29.165 2 31.421 9 33.559 0 35.598 3

ja /() 66.260 7 52.435 1 50.225 0 48.131 8 46.134 5

re = re2 - r2 = j

m (zsina )2 + 4 z+ 1 , ( ) 2


4 EffectsonGear ProfileDeviations
(9) The involute cam is fixed to processing spindle sleeve through the involute cam seat lapped with it. For the installation eccentricerroroftheinvolutecamtocamseat and its rotation error, the profile of work surface of the involute cam is not standard involute any more to the rotation centre, which results in the gear deviations inevitably. The following research work will focus on the effects of comprehensive geometric eccentricity of the involutecamongearprofiledeviations. 4.1 Establishmentofgeometrymodel Theeccentricityof theinvolutecam toitsseatissetase1, andthe eccentricity oftheinvolute camseat toprocessing spindle rotation center is set as e2. The comprehensive eccentricityeoftheinvolutecamtospindlerotationcentre

m ri = ri2 - r2 = (zsina )2 - 5z+ 625 , . j 2

where m is the module of gear, z is the tooth number of gear, isthe pressure angle of gearreference circle, e is the involutecurvatureradiusas grindingtheaddendumof gear, ri is dedendum circle radius, re is addendum circle radius, and i is the involute curvature radius as grinding the start pointofgearinvolute.If ri<rj,seti=0. Forthereisnorelativemotionbetweentheinvolutecam and gear during the processing, they have the same work generatingangle. Theequationof jei canbederivedas

jei =

r e - r i . r cos a


WANGLiding,etal:Effects ofComprehensiveEccentricity ofInvoluteCam onGearProfileDeviations

canbeexpressedas e = e1 +e . 2


Foralltheeccentricdirectionsareunknown,thenorme can be estimated by comprehensive method of accidental errors,i.e.

Consideredtheadjustabilityofeffectiveworksectionof the involute cam, the corresponding generating angle between the lowest point icam of the work section and the lowest point M of the available section is defined as jm, gives

q0 =q - 1956 . .


e = e2 + e2 . 1 2


Therotation centreois takenas coordinate origin, and the coordinate system is established, as shown in Fig. 4. The deviation between real profile curve and theoretical involute atrandom pointxinthe effective work section is lxx, and norm e of comprehensive eccentricity meet the following equation

Combined Eq. (14), the gear profile deviations in the effective work section of the involute cam can be derived as

fcam = e [cos( x - q 0)- cos( m - q 0)], j j

where jm[0ja], jx[jmjm+jei].


e=l x = l c = l o , x c o
and itsphaseangleto Xaxis isdefinedas .
Y Realprofilecurve Theory involute lxx x x M c lcc c n 19.56 x


4.2 Expressionsofgearprofiledeviations For the existence of head frame setting angle ay, the effects of comprehensive eccentricity of the involute cam ongearprofiledeviationsmeetthefollowingexpression

f gear = fcam cos ay

= ecos y [cos( x - q 0)- cos( m - q 0)].(17) a j j

fgear ffa o Fa


jx jm jei

loo o


Fig.5. Errorcurveofgearprofiledeviations

Fig.4. Effectsofcomprehensiveeccentricityof theinvolute cam ongearprofiledeviations

According to the design of the involute cam, of which thedistancefromthebottomfaceoftheinvolutecamtoits rotationcenteris58mm,andthedefinitionofpointM,the anglebetweenMn and Xaxiscanbeworkedoutas19.56. Thegenerating angleofMx is setas jx,andits easy to obtaintheanglebetweencxandXaxis,i.e. jx canbeconsideredasthenormaloftheoryinvoluteatpoint x,and xx can be considered as the tangent of theoretical involuteatpoint x.Accordingtothegeometric relationship shown in Fig. 4, the deviation of real involute can be expressedas

According to the definitions of total gear profile deviation (Fa), gear profile form deviation (ffa) and gear [8] profile slope deviation (fHa) of cylindricalinvolute gear , thosedeviationsaffected bycomprehensiveeccentricity of theinvolutecamareshowninFig.5,andtheirexpressions canbewrittenas

Fa =

(fgear )max - (fgear )min 2


ecosa y {[cos( x - q 0)] - [cos( x - q 0)] } j j max min 2

f Ha =fgear( m + j ei)- f gear j m) j ( = ecos y [cos( ei + j m - q 0)- cos( m - q 0)],(19) a j j

l x = ecos( - j x - 1956 ). q . x



f fa = fgear - fgearjm

j x - j m fHa max j e j + j - j x =[cos( x - q 0)- ei m j cos( m - q 0) j jei j -j (20) - x m cos(j ei + j m - q 0)] . max j ei

4.3 Studyonextremevaluesofgearprofiledefinitions As shown in Table1, we can know that therange of jei changesfromapproximately 14to 35.Itseasy tofindthe positions of extreme value of gear deviations by geometrygraphicsmethod,asshowninFig.6.




5 deviation are the same, though the bending directions of themareopposite.Inthosepositions,thegearprofileform deviations are equal to the gear profile total deviations. Howeverthe gearprofileslopedeviationsare zero,sothere is no compensation space. In the position II, the gear profile slope deviation reaches to negative maximum, and its amplitude is equal to gear profile total deviation. The gear profile slope deviation can be compensated by increasing ay. After compensation, the residual deviation (i.e. Fa) is equal to gear profile form deviation. In the position IV, the gear profile slope deviation reaches to positive maximum, and its amplitude also is equal to gear profiletotaldeviation.Thegearprofileslopedeviationcan becompensatedbydecreasing ay.Aftercompensation,the residual deviation is also equal to gear profile form deviation. The deviation expressions in the four extreme positionsduringacycleofgrinding areshowninTable 2.





5 Discussion


No compensation

No compensation


Fig.6. Positionsofextremevalues ofgeardeviations

Takinggrindingthemastergearwithreferencediameter d=120 mm and the involute cam with base diameter djcam =117mmforexample,theheadframesettingangle ay can be worked out as 15.466 3. Acoording to the values of the effectiveworkgeneratingangle jei,asshowninTable 1 andtheextremedeviationexpressions,asshowninTable 2, thedeviationsofpreandpostcompensationintheextreme positions of the master gears with different tooth number andmodulecanbeshowninTable3(takingthepositionI and IIforexample).

post pre compensation compensation

In thepositionsIand III,theamplitudes of gear profile

Table 2. Deviationexpressionsofpreandpostcompensationinthe fourextremepositions
Position Precompensation Postcompensation

F = ffa = ecosa - cos a y 1

fHa = 0

j ei




2 j ei j ei ffa ecos sin - sin a y 2 4 2 j ei F = ffa = ecosa - cos a y 1 2

fHa = 0

Fa = - fHa = 2 cos ysin e a

j ei
fHa = 0

F = ffa ecosa sin a y 2

j ei

- sin




2 j ei j ffa ecos sin - sin ei a y 2 4 2

Fa = f Ha = 2e cos a ysin

j ei
fHa = 0

F = ffa ecosa sin a y 2

j ei

- sin


As can be observed from the results in Table 3, the effects of comprehensive eccentricity of the involute cam on gear profile deviations increase with decreasing the tooth number and head frame setting angle. For the eccentric direction of the involute cam is unknown,

thereforethecorrespondingactionsectionof jei,asshown in Fig. 6, is also unknown. Effects on gear profile deviations in positions II and IV are greatest without compensation. However, after compensating the gear profileslopedeviationsofpositionsIIandIV,thepositions

WANGLiding,etal:Effects ofComprehensiveEccentricity ofInvoluteCam onGearProfileDeviations

with greatest deviations will change to I and III, and the profiledeviationtakeonmiddleconcaveormiddleconvex. In fact, the involute cam work in the position II or IV, where the least deviations can be obtained after error compensation byadjustingtheheadframesettingangleof grinderslightly,andthepositions II and IV arecalled asthe best work positions of the involute cam. Though in the worst case (ay=10, z=18 and in position I or III), the theoreticalmaximumgearprofiledeviationonlycountsfor 5%ofeccentricerror,itcannotbeignoredasforgrinding ultraprecisionmastergear.
Table 3. Effectsofcomprehensiveeccentricity oftheinvolutecam ongearprofiledeviations in the extremepositions
Generating Mould m/mm angle I II

Fig.7. Grindingexperiment with m=2mm, a=20, andz=60

jei /()
Fa=0.008 0e ffa=0.008 0e fHa=0 Precomposition: Fa=fHa=0.247 3e ffa0.000 3e Postcomposition: Fa=ffa0.000 3e fHa=0 Precomposition: Fa=fHa=0.475 5e ffa0.001 9e Postcomposition: Fa= ffa0.001 9e fHa=0 Precomposition: Fa=fHa=0.511 5e ffa0.002 3e Postcomposition: Fa= ffa0.002 3e fHa=0 Precomposition: Fa=fHa=0.545 3e ffa0.002 8e Postcomposition: Fa= ffa0.002 8e fHa=0 Precomposition: Fa=fHa=0.577 5e ffa0.003 4e Postcomposition: Fa= ffa0.003 4e fHa=0

14.739 3

28.564 9

Fa=0.029 8e ffa=0.029 8e fHa=0

As can be seen from Table 4, the gear profile form deviationhasnotmuch changed,however thegear profile slop deviation changed near 0.5 mm when choosing differentsectionsoftheinvolutecam(changing jm)witha comprehensiveeccentricity. Iftheinvolutecamworksinthebestworkingpositions, thegearprofileformdeviationshouldbethe minimum,and after compensation, the gear profile deviations should be demolished. If the rage of available section ja of the involute cam is large, the probability as the involute cam working at or near the best working positions by experimental method would be large. There are two ways to increase ja, one way is to increase the designed generating length,as shown in Fig. 8, the other way is to increasethe head frame setting angle ay and decrease the workgenerating angle jw oftheinvolutecam.
Table4. Resultsofgeargrindingexperiment
Section ofthe involute cam Profilecurve Themean valueofffa (mm) Themean valueof fHa (mm)

30.775 0

Fa=0.034 5e ffa=0.034 5e fHa=0

32.868 2

Fa=0.039 4e ffa=0.039 4e fHa=0

34.865 5

Fa=0.044 3e ffa=0.044 3e fHa=0




If there is an eccentricity of the involute cam, the obviousphenomenonisthatthegearprofile slope deviation willchangewhenchoosingdifferentworkingsectionofthe involute cam. The phenomenon can be verified by an grinding experimentas shownin Fig.7,and theresults of thegearprofileareshownin Table 4.




Fig.8. Newdesignofthe involutecam

6 Conclusions

(1) The effective work section and its adjustable range are determined according to the structure of the involute cam. (2) The numerical expressions of comprehensive eccentricity ofthe involute cam on gear profile deviations are derived andthe extreme valueand error compensation methodwerestudied. (3) Theresults showthatthetheoreticalmaximum gear profile deviation counts for no more than 5% of eccentric error increasing the designed generating length and head frame setting angle and decreasing the work generating length of the involute cam can improve the gear profile accuracy. References
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WANG Liding, born in 1934, is CAS Academician, doctoral supervisor and currently a professor and director in Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Technologyand SystemofLiaoning Province, Dalian University of Technology, China. His research interests include processing and test of ultraprecision gear, precisemechanicdesign and micronanomachinery. Tel:+8641184708917Email: LINGSiying,bornin1978,iscurrentlyaPhDcandidateinKey Laboratory for Micro/Nano Technology and SystemofLiaoning Province, Dalian University of Technology, China. His research interestsinclude processingofultraprecisiongear. Email: MA Yong, born in 1956, is currently an associate professor in Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Technology and System of Liaoning Province,Dalian University of Technology, China.His researchinterestsinclude processingofultraprecisiongear. Email: WANG Xiaodong, born in 1967, is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor in Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano TechnologyandSystemofLiaoningProvince,DalianUniversity of Technology, China. His research interests include technology of microinstallation and microfabrication. Email: LOU Zhifeng, born in 1978, is currently an instructor in Key Laboratory for Micro/Nano Technology and SystemofLiaoning Province, Dalian University of Technology, China. He received hisPhDdegreefromDalianUniversityofTechnology,China,in 2008. His research interests include test technique of ultraprecisiongear. Email:

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