10 Commandments and Its Prohibitions

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1 Sacrilige – Profane or superstitious use of blessed objects [Irreverent use of a crucifix, rosary or statue

of Jesus, Mary or the Saints.]

Boasting of sin. [Bragging about stealing, cheating on income tax, hurting or humiliating someone.]

Superstitious practices: divination, consulting fortune-tellers, attaching undue importance to dreams

and omens. [Seeking help from spirits that are not God.]

2 Cursing [calling down evil on someone]

Breaking or deferring lawful vows [promises, marriage vows, vows taken by priests and those in the
religious life, vows taken by public servants, etc.

Blasphemy [words of hatred, reproach or defiance against God; speaking ill of God, the Church, the
Saints and sacred things; use of God’s name to cover up criminal practices, reduce peoples to servitude,
to torture persons or put them to death]

3 Missing Mass through one’s own fault on Sundays or Holy Days

Doing unnecessary servile (physical) work on Sunday. [Servile work is allowed when the honor of God,
our own need, or that of our neighbor requires it. Examples of servile work are cutting the grass,
painting the house, changing the oil in the car, building a house and raking leaves.]

? Conducting unnecessary business [or shopping] on Sunday

4 Insulting them

Contempt or disobedience to their lawful commands. [Serious disrespect. Acting as if their commands
are worthless.]

? Neglecting them in their necessity [not helping when needed; not caring from them when they are

5 Abortion

Reckless driving.

Exposing life or limb to danger without reasonable cause [dangerous pranks, doing something
dangerous to yourself or others because someone dared you to do it]



Kidnapping, hostage taking, terrorism and torture

6 polygamy [having more than one wife]

free union [living together without being married].

homosexuality [sexual relations between people of the same sex].

7 Accepting of bribes by public officials.

Delay in paying lawful debts or in making restitution when able to make it. Neglect to make reasonable
efforts and sacrifices to pay back debts or make restitution.

Keeping something that was originally borrowed.

8 Lies [speaking a falsehood with the intention of deceiving]

Frauds [deceiving someone into giving up property or money], public and private.

Telling of secrets we are bound to keep. [We are bound to keep secrets when we have promised to do
so, when our office requires it, or when the good of another demands it. For example, trade secrets and
the secret of the Sacrament of Reconciliation]

Encouraging detraction or slander in others.

9 masturbation

Fornification sexual
intercourse between an unmarried man and an
unmarried woman.
Pornography [third party viewing of sexual relations],

 10 Government official taking taxpayers' money to buy a mansion.

A person at work who takes credit for the hard work of others and who takes a larger
share of the bonus money or prize for sales, even if he didn't actually do anything to earn

 Paying your workers a very low salary while making millions yourself.
The 10 Commandments (Decalogue)

I) I am the LORD your God: you shall not have strange gods before me.

II) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

III) Remember to keep holy the LORD’s Day.

IV) Honor your father and your mother.

V) You shall not kill.

VI) You shall not commit adultery.

VII) You shall not steal.

VIII) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

IX) You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.

X) You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods

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