Hypocrisy and Stupidity in Organizations - Organizational Sociology Notes

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Hypocrisy and Stupidity in Organizations

Lecture 13

Key concepts

Hypocrisy - The incongruence between talk/decisions and action. So the difference between what is
decided or communicated and what is actually done. This is always tied to an actor 
Functional stupidity - The term describes how actors sometimes act without reflection or reasoning,
but by doing so can be more productive. 

Stupidity-Based Theory of Organizations

Stupidity is prevalent in present day organizations

Decision-making in organizations:
- Can be a rational process
o Subject to bounded rationality  actor’s inability to make completely rational
decisions due to lack of time, information and information processing capacity
- Can be described as being stupid
o Behavior rarely remains hidden because of its rather obvious negative consequences
for the organization

Functional stupidity = “organizationally supported lack of reflexivity, substantive reasoning, and

- Amounts to the “refusal to use intellectual resource outside a narrow and safe terrain”
 it has nothing to do with ignorance, carelessness or lack of thought

Functional stupidity is a manifestation of people’s unwillingness to consider or think about

solutions that lie outside the arbitrary boundary
- “business as usual” scenarios  hard to detect in an organization
- When certain topics are explicitly deemed as being out of bounds for discussion

Elements to functional stupidity:

1. Lack of reflexivity = inability of unwillingness to question claims and commonly accepted
o Loyalty, chain of command
2. Lack of substantive reasoning = reasoning based on a small set of concerns that do not span
the whole issue
o When organizations focus their efforts on achieving certain objectives with little or
no questioning of the objectives themselves
3. Lack of justification = when employees do not question managers, or do not provide
explanations regarding their own actions
o Consequence of power relations in organizations

Pros of functional stupidity

- When certain topics are out of bound  organizations can avoid discussions about
potentially controversial topics and thus keep conflict and certainty at bay
- Maintains harmony
- Strengthens the existing organizational order which in turn serves to reinforce functional
Positive consequences:
- Provides a sense of certainty that allows organizations to function smoothly.
- Saves the organization from the frictions provoked by doubt and reflection.
- Contributes to maintaining and strengthening organizational order.
- Can motivate people, help them to cultivate their careers, and subordinate them to socially
acceptable forms of management and leadership.

Cons of functional stupidity

- Prevents organizations from finding solutions to issues that involve topics that have been
arbitrarily deemed as being out of bounds
Negative consequences:
- Decreased autonomy and organizational mistakes.
- Trapping individuals and organizations into problematic patterns of thinking, which
engender the conditions for individual and organizational dissonance.


“That’s just the way things are done around here” or “business as usual”

 Phrases used to label practices that are ritually applied without much thought or reflection
 Practices remain unremarked because it is not easy to link them to negative outcomes

Author points out:

“most managerial practices are adopted on the basis of faulty reasoning, accepted wisdom and
complete lack of evidence”

 Companies adopt HR practices that are detrimental to employee and organizational wellbeing

Cause of stupidity within organizations

Root cause  organization’s attempt to short-circuit critical thinking through what they call
economies of persuasion
- Activities such as corporate culture initiatives, leadership training or team/identity building,
relabeling positions with pretentious titles
o Activities aimed at influencing employees through the use of symbols and images
rather than substance

Stupidity is not just a cognitive issue:

 Emotional aspect: Anxiety at work and personal insecurity may reinforce functional
stupidity. Reflexivity, critical questioning and engaging with difficult questions can be
anxiety-provoking and put ones’ identity into question.
 Motivational aspect: An unwillingness to use one’s cognitive capacities. A lack of
curiosity, closed-mindedness and an identity construction as an ‘organizational person’ or a
‘professional’ (who is inclined to see the organizational paradigm as unquestionable), can be
a very important barrier to broader thinking.

Symbolic manipulation
- Increase employee’s sense of commitment to the organization
- “seeking to shape the mind-set of employees”
- Employee’s buy in to such efforts and thereby identify with the organization
- Makes employees uncritical of the organization’s goals

This ‘symbolic manipulation’ is not just directed at customers, but also the firms employees:
Culture initiatives, spirituality in the workplace, linking work to the pursuit of the social good,
impressive titles etc.
 Efforts to persuade and seduce employees into believing in something that improves the
image of their organizations, their work and, ultimately, themselves. Indicates appropriate
feelings, convictions, and identities.

Stupidity management  managerial actions that prevent/discourage organizational actors from

thinking for themselves
- Attempts to limit the fully shared exercise of employees’ cognitive capacities.
- Achieved through reinforcement of positive images of the organization

Blocking of communicative action: Systematically distorted communication that prevents the

emergence of dialogues that allow validity claims to be questioned. The search for good reasons for
accepting a truth or normative claim is cut short.
Emphasis on positive understandings of the organization: Focus on uplifting messages such as
organizational visions, missions, values, and strategies that promise an impressive, up-beat, and
identity-confirming organizational world. Independent, critical thinking is discouraged

Effect of managerial actions that encourage stupidity:

- Employees start to cast aside their own doubts and questions --> behave in corporately
acceptable ways
- They perform their jobs in an unreflective and unquestioning way
- Employees stop questioning what they are asked to do, and just do it
- Doubts fade and this becomes the accepted way of working

Consequence: “that’s just the way things are done around here”

The paradoxes and consequences of stupidity

Functional stupidity --> cause feelings of certainty and dissonance in members of an organization
- Suppressing critical thinking --> easy acceptance of the way things are
Those who act in line with the organizational goals/values --> likely to be offered rewards and
promotions than those who don't
- Reinforces functional stupidity --> others will be tempted to behave in a similar fashion
Can also result in serious negative consequences for the organization
Stupidity management may have beneficial outcomes in the short run, but there is a price to pay in
the long run
- Employees will see the contradictions between the real organization and the one they were
asked to believe in --> result in alienation and cynicism about the organization and its

Main message --> despite the general belief that organizations enlist the cognitive and intellectual
capacities of their members in positive ways, the truth is that organizational behavior often exhibit a
willful ignorance of facts and/or lack of logic
--> Functional stupidity
Advantages --> maintaining harmony in the short term
Consequences --> functional stupidity acts as a barrier that can stop members of an organization
from developing potentially interesting perspectives on the problems the organizations face

--> The term ‘functional’ implies how stupidity can be helpful in producing results for both organizations
and individuals, whereas the term ‘stupidity’ implies the risks and problems involved.

Organized Hypocrisy

--> Hypocracy is a discrepancy between talk, decisions and action

Hypocrisy is generally a problem, as actors should be consistent in what they say, decide and do
- Implementation problem --> when organizations do not execute the visions stated or the
decisions made

However, sometimes hypocrisy can be a solution --> can be seen as morally valuable

Hypocrisy is a response to a world with conflict

To satisfy one demand fully may be to satisfy poorly another --> because people have differing
ideas of how organizations should work
Modern organizations --> pretend they can satisfy a series of conflicting demands
- It is not easy for a company or state to satisfy all demands --> success in one dimension
often decreases success in another

Hypocrisy is a way of handling conflicts by reflecting them in inconsistencies among talk, decisions
and actions
- An organization can meet some demands through decisions, some through talk and some
through action
o Becomes difficult to act consistently with what is said/decided
hypocrisy is a solution = it makes it easier to act forcefully in one direction, even with a number of
- Becomes easier to say controversial things and to make controversial decisions
Without hypocrisy --> one party would be completely satisfied or completely dissatisfied
- Strong dissatisfaction would be more common
With hypocrisy --> several parties and interest can be somewhat satisfied

 Can arise as an answer to conflict

 Can arise as a result of conflict

Hypocrisy is one of many ways of handling conflicts among groups

 As long as people care about what is said and what is decided upon, their interests can be met
through talk and decisions

Further way of resolving conflict --> satisfy all need simultaneously by either talk or decisions
- Easier to satisfy conflicting demands by talk and decision-making than by actions
--> lead to some hypocrisy --> can be difficult to act according to talk and decisions made in

Conflict over time

--> different demands are made on the organizations at different times
--> organization cannot keep up
--> demands can only be handled if followed by hypocrisy
--> organization adapts talk and decisions quick enough to reflect new demands, but not slow
enough to reflect its actions

Hypocrisy becomes a way of handling situations when what is said cannot be done and when what
is done cannot be talked about
- Hypocrisy means that we can continue to talk about things than can be talked about and do
things that can be done


Norm in society --> idea that talk, decisions and actions should be consistent --> should not engage
in hypocrisy
Actors can become discredited
- Organizations can be accused of not being a coordinated unit
Hypocrisy works for materialists only if they do not believe in hypocrisy
- Therefor important to convince materialists that the organization is one actor and that there
is no hypocrisy
o That the only function is to create the corresponding action
--> higher level of hypocrisy = meta-hypocrisy --> that a hypocritical organization is not a hypocrite
- One continues to be hypocrite but one claims that one is not
o An organization is presented as being consistent with regards to what is said, decided
and done, but in practice this is not the case

--> Hypocrisy is not necessarily a bad thing:

 You can satisfy more people
 We need ideals to strive towards
o We need the discrepancy between what we say and what we do to have morals

Why hypocrisy works

Idealists: Organizational talk and decisions are important in themselves. It is important to ‘send the
right message’.
 Susceptible to hypocrisy because they consider their interests and values at least partly
satisfied through what is said and decided.
Materialists: What matters is what is actually done.
 Traditional: There is a somewhat causal connection between talk, decision and actions
o Susceptible to hypocrisy because they believe that talk and decisions will lead to
 Cynical: There is no (or perhaps a reverse) causal connection between talk decisions and
o Not susceptible to hypocrisy. If everyone were cynical materialists, hypocrisy would
not work.

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