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Benefits of Playing Sports

Carl Luis Medina

Have you ever try playing sports? Sports are even fun to play? Don’t you know that playing
sports brings happiness and joy that can eliminates stress? A sports playing person would certainly
experience less depression. Sport is an excellent tool to build up confidence.

According to research playing sports cleans the blood and reduces the amount of cholesterol
and fat in the body, it makes the heart stronger because it is one of the excellent prevention against
heart diseases.

Sports involves physical activity and skill that improves the quality of muscle and bone that
preventing individual getting injury.

Sports also could be done as a team that improves being competitive, cooperative and most
important is sports brings the value of discipline, dedication, patience and how to handle failure.

Sports give a lot of positive effect on both mind and body that enriches the life and personality
to the one who playing it. "Sports do not build character they reveal it".
Benefits of Playing Sports

Carl Luis Medina

Have you ever try playing sports? Don’t you know that playing sports brings happiness
and joy that can eliminates stress?

According to research, playing sports cleans the blood and reduces the amount of
cholesterol and fat in the body, it makes the heart stronger because it is one of the excellent
prevention against heart diseases. Sports are even fun to play. It is an excellent tool to build
up confidence.

A sports playing person would certainly experience less depression. He/ She develops
management skills, negotiation skills, communication skills, conflict management and

Sports involves physical activity and skill that improves the quality of muscle and bone
that preventing individual getting injury.

Sports also could be done as a team that improves being competitive, cooperative and
most important is sports brings the value of discipline, dedication, patience and how to
handle failure.

Sports give a lot of positive effect on both mind and body that enriches the life and
personality to the one who playing it. Sports helps an individual much more than in the
physical aspects alone. It builds character, teaches and develops strategic thinking, analytical
thinking, leadership skills, goal setting and risk taking.

Playing sports helps release pressure and tension in a healthy way. Sports improves
sleep patterns and levels of anxiety. It develops motor skills and mind/body connection and it
reduces the risk of many physical diseases.

Participating in sports can lead to higher self-esteem and better social interaction. It
helps students have a positive outlook on life.

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