Dynamics D3

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• Newton Law’s
• Force Components
• Free Body Diagram
• Circular Motion
• Torque and Angular Acceleration
Newton’s laws
• First Law
– A body continues in a state of rest or uniform
motion unless there are forces acting on it.
No external force means no change in velocity

• Second Law
– A net force F acting on a body of mass m [kg]
produces an acceleration a = F /m [ms-2]
• Relates motion to its cause

∑F = ma
Newton’s laws
• Third Law
– The force exerted by A on B is equal and opposite in
direction to the force exerted by B on A

Block on table •Force exerted by
block on table is Fa
•Force exerted by
Fa table on block is Fb

Fa= -Fb
Force Components
•Force is a Vector F1
•Resultant from vector sum R
R  F1  F2 F2

•Resolve into perpendicular components


F Fx  F cos
Fx  Fx iˆ
Fy  Fy ˆj Fx Fy  F sin 
Free Body Diagram
• Apply Newton’s laws to particular body
• Only forces acting on the body matter
– Net Force F
• Separate problem into each body
Body 2
Body 1
• A contact force resisting sliding
– Origin is chemical forces between atoms in the two surfaces.
• Static Friction (fs)
– Must be overcome before an objects starts to move
• Kinetic Friction (fk)
– The resisting force once sliding has started
• does not depend on speed

n fs  s N
fs or fk
fk  k N

Circular Motion
• Rotate in circle with constant angular speed 
R – radius of circle
s – distance moved along circumference R s
=t, angle  (radians) = s/R y
• Co-ordinates
x= R cos  = R cos t t=0
y= R sin  = R sin t
• Velocity vx 
( R cost )   R sin t
v y  ( R sin t )  R cost
d d
a x  (vx )  ( R sin t )   R 2 cost
dt dt
d d
a y  (v y )  ( R cos wt )   R 2 sin t
dt dt
Circular Motion
•Velocity v 2  v 2  v 2  R 2 2 sin 2 t  R 2 2 cos2 t   2 R 2
x y

v  ωR
And direction of velocity vector v
Is tangential to the circle
•Acceleration 
a 2  ax  a y
2 2

a 2  R 2 4 cos2 t  R 2 4 sin 2 t   4 R 2
a = 2R=(R)2/R=v2/R
a x   2 x
And direction of acceleration vector a a   2 y
a = - r Acceleration is towards centre of circle
Circular Motion
• Particle is accelerating
– So must be a Force
• Accelerating towards centre of circle
– So force is towards centre of circle
F=ma= mv2/R in direction (– r)
or using unit vector v2
F   m rˆ
• Examples of central Force
1. Tension in a rope
2. Gravity acting on a satellite
Torque and Angular Acceleration

The tangensial force is

We have

So we get I is moment of inertia

Tugas Presentasi

Sebuah benda di putar vertikal, tentukan

tegangan tali saat benda m berada di atas
dan berada di bawah ?
Tugas Presentasi
Sebuah benda bermassa 80 kg
ditaruh di atas timbangan.
Timbangan tersebut berada di
dalam lift, tentukan :
a. Berat benda saat lift
bergerak ke atas dengan
percepatan 5 m/s2
b. Berat benda saat lift
bergerak ke bawah
dengan percepatan 8 m/s2

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