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Name :Vitor Marissa Ortiz Date : April, 03.


Course and Year :BEED-III

1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages.

Answer : They are so noisy and they could not sit down to their chairs. They have different
behaviors, and ages.

2. How many boys are there? How many girls?

Answer : They are 18 boys and 17 girls. In their classroom.

3. Fucos on their behavior. Are they already able to manage their own behavior?

Answer : They don't know how to manage their own behavior. Because they are younger they
need a guidance of their teacher.

4. Can the learners already work independently?

Answer : Not all time because they teacher guide them what is right, because at in their young
age they don't know what is right.

5. Describe their span of attention.

Answer : they are 10 minutes only listening to their teacher after that they back to normal they
are noisy they talk with their classmates.

6. Look into their listening skills and ability to concern.

Answer : They listen to their teacher, they can read, right and answer their lessons.

An Observation Guide for the CLASSROOM VISIT

1. Are there areas in the classroom for specific purposes (storage of teaching aids, books,
students' belongings, supplies, etc.)

Answer : Their room are clean and had a lot of visual aids posted and rules their books are
organized, and have a lot of story books.
2. Are there rules and procedures posted in the room?

Answer : Their different educational activities; the learning aids or materials are placed on the
teacher's table then to be posted in the blackboards, and have a lot of story books.

3. Did the students participate in making the classroom rules?

Answer : Yes, like every time if they have a visitors they always welcomed and of course the
students participated in making their home room rules because they are the one involved with
this practice.

4.What are the daily routines done by the teacher? (prayer, attendance, assignment of
monitors, warm-up activities, etc.) How are they done?

Answer : Yes the daily routines done by their teacher is like prayer before starting their classes,
and attendance to maintain their pupils present, assignment and also activities, etc.

5. Is there a seating arrangement? What is the basis of this arrangement?

Answer : Yes, all boys are set in the right side and the all girls are set on the life side and the
table of the teacher is at the back of their pupils chairs.

6. Observe the noise level in the classroom. How is this managed?

Answer : Because the students are in their stage of age or in the level of exploration and
expressing publicly their ideas that's why they may be a bit noisy. This noise level is managed
by the teacher by talking to the students.

7. If a learner is not following instructions or is off-task, what does the teacher do? (behavior

Answer : The teacher managed their students noise by talking to the students. If a learner does
not follow instructions given to him or her teacher provides a disciplinary action and after the
teacher asks nicely why he or she did not follow and will make the students realize that they
should follow.

8. What does the teacher do to reinforce positive behaviors? (behavior strategies)

Answer : The teacher do to reinforce positive behavior is by talking nicely to the students and
being a good role model to them. But sometimes they said if you cannot finished to answer
your lessons you cannot go home. If some of their pupils are not listening to him.

Write your observation notes here:

As I observed the classroom I noticed the different areas in the classroom for storage like the;
cabinets containing the different laboratory apparatus for science experiments an example of
their experiment is a bread that is placed inside a Tupperware that they are waiting to be
rotten; there are also shelves containing their different educational activities; the learning aids
or materials are placed on the teacher's table then to be posted in the blackboards. There are
rules and regulations posted in their classroom such as no bullying and here they have the
policy of honesty. Of course the students participated in making their home room rules because
they are the one involved with this practice. The daily routines are: the class starts with a
prayer then continues with the checking of attendance done by the home room teacher, the
class discussion and when the classes end they end it with a prayer also. The seating
arrangement is in the basis of alternation (boy, girl) process. The reason for this arrangement is
that the students will be able to socialize well and orderly to the opposite sex. The noise level of
the classroom is on its peak. The reason why is because the students are in their stage of age
or in the level of exploration and expressing publicly their ideas that's why they may be a bit
noisy. This noise level is managed by the teacher by talking to the students. If a learner does
not follow instructions given to him or her teacher provides a disciplinary action and after the
teacher asks nicely why he or she did not follow and will make the students realize that they
should follow. The teacher do to reinforce positive behavior is by talking nicely to the students
and being a good role model to them.


Effect on the learners

(to be filled up after
Aspects of classroom Description
you answer the analysis

1. Specific Areas in the Their room are in good Areas in the room are all
classroom condition and clean have a goods conditions and useful
lot of posters. Teachers it gives students a chance
table, chairs, storage and to get a better
toilet. understanding in their

2. Classroom Rules Their are rules posted and Help them to have a good
they always welcomed their behaviors.

3. Classrom Procedures Wear face mask, alcohol, To maintain their health

bring own water. safety in school.

4. Daily Routine Checking attendance, and To maintain students

prayer before and after present, and active in their
starting classes school.

5. Seating Arrangement The girls siting the life side To make sure that students
and the boys siting on the minimize their behavior and
right side confident in their sit mates.

6. Handling misbehavior Teachers strategy to handle So the students can learn

/off task behavior students misbehavior better through by listening
to their teacher.

7. Reinforcement of The teacher gives Praises, and acknowledge

Positive Behavior acknowledgment to every their positive behavior or
student that will do positive performance is employed to
behavior and excellence in encourage to others
the class. students to do the same.


1.How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners' behavior?

Answer :

The classroom organization and routines affect the learners behavior, because if the
classroom is organized and routine the learners they are interested to attend any
activities and also they are interested to learn the lessons.

2. What should the teacher have in mind when he/she designs the classroom
organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind.

Answer :

The teacher should think what is the outcome of the learners to her/his design, the
teacher must apply all the teaching principles her/his learned, the techniques, methods
and strategies because it can help the students learning.

3.Which behavior strategies were effective in managing the behavior of the learners? In
motivating students? Why were they effective?

Answer :
The behavior strategy effective in managing the behavior of the learners is given them
a positive reinforcement if they doing well in their class, in that way the learners well be
motivated to participate in their class. And give them encouraging remarks so that why
the students motivated.

My Reflection/Insight

1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade/year level
do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?

In the not-too-distant future, I envision myself instructing primary pupils in my

classroom. I shall begin my lesson with a prayer, which is very important to me.
Following that, inquire as to how they are doing, whether they are happy, and how they
feel about our topic. These questions will assist me in determining the present state of
my students' understanding of my lessons. If they ever told me how they felt about
learning my subject, I could quickly figure out what tactics I need to implement to meet
their needs. Then there's the normal stuff like attendance, motivational activities, and
actual discussions with regular questioning to make sure they're understanding.

2. Make a list of the rules are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose
these rules?

The rules that I would most-likely to implement in this group of students are

the following:

1. Be on time. – To help them realize the value of punctuality.

2. Be respectful. – A common rule that everyone should learn.

3. Follow Directions. – To remind them that through following directions, thing

will work well.

4. Keep Quiet. Raise your hand if you want to speak. – To minimize loud


5. No foods/gums/drinks while in class discussion. – It is disrespectful for

teachers if the students are eating while they are discussing.

6. Ask questions. – To normalize raising queries if the concepts are not clear

for them. And also, to avoid them from making wrong outputs
3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why?

Students should be involved in the creation of classroom rules in order to help

them develop leadership abilities and understand the importance of taking

responsibility for their own actions and behavior. It also allows students and

teachers to work together to agree on the regulations that must be established.

Making the rules, on the other hand, should be guided by the teachers, as they

are the ones who are familiar with the guidelines and know how to conduct a

productive discussion about the rules to be included.

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