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C1 Advanced

Exit Test

Section 1: Vocabulary
1 Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

I rarely act on 1 _____, so when my grandmother, who has the most 2 _____ demeanour of anyone her
age, suggested we go on a walking tour of Australia, I nearly passed out. ‘I’ve had a 3 _____’, she told me
last night. ‘Let’s have an adventure!’ Gran’s always telling me to make my 4 _____ on the world, as she
wants me to 5 _____ my potential. She takes an active interest in the younger members of the family
because it’s clearly very important for her not to feel 6 _____ the hill. Sadly, I don’t have her desire for
adventure and think that her belief’s largely 7 _____ thinking on her part.

I was brought up with her amazing stories about when she was faced with choices which were a 8 _____ of
life or death, and how she was always able to 9 _____ on herself in times of adversity. But truth be told, I’ve
always felt somewhat in awe of her, as she seems absolutely fearless. 10 _____ I seem to be terrified 11
_____ everything. Gran and my parents have never had very high 12 _____ of me and have allowed me to
find my own way. They’ve always been there to guide me but deep down I think they were all hoping that I’d
follow Gran’s example. Anyway, when she came up with her suggestion, I had a lot of 13 _____ about the
idea and found plenty of excuses not to go. However, Gran was way ahead of me and was already
searching for tickets online. She 14 _____ that I’d enjoy the experience and told me to pack a bag. ‘Don’t
pack anything that 15 _____ up too much space!’ she said. You don’t want to argue with my gran when
she’s like this. She looked up from the computer. ‘I can get tickets for tomorrow morning, so go pack’, she
said, printing off our tickets.

1 A influence B reaction C impression D impulse
 2 A aging B infant C retired D youthful
 3 A brainwave B brainteaser C brainstorm D brainwash
 4 A sign B mark C success D hit
 5 A gain B accomplish C fulfil D earn
 6 A past B under C through D over
 7 A aspiring B ambitious C wishful D hopeful
 8 A principle B concern C matter D circumstance
 9 A reach B exceed C rely D receive
 10 A despite B whereas C otherwise D however
 11 A from B by C of D for
 12 A inspirations B expectations C ambitions D intuitions
 13 A misinterpretations B misprints C misgivings D misunderstandings
 14 A insisted B urged C warned D reminded
 15 A makes B puts C uses D takes


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

2 Read the text. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits
in the gap in the same line.

Over the last few months the media has been reporting on what has been described as a
(1) ____________ amount of packaging used in our supermarkets, which has an
enormous environmental impact. Much of this reporting suggests that supermarkets
are behaving in an (2) ____________ manner. RESPOND

An increased (3) ____________ of the issues relating to food packaging has come about AWARE
as a result of the negative (4) ____________ provided by countless online articles and
a growing number of discussions on social media.

As a result, consumers have (5) ____________ about supermarkets’ promises to reduce GIVE
packaging, and increasingly see these companies as examples of corporate
(6) ____________ to change. All over the world, consumers are demonstrating that
they are (7) ____________ for innovation in this aspect of shopping and they are
making their voice heard. (8) ____________, these large companies are not reacting ENTHUSIASM
quickly enough for many. There is an increasing sense of (9) ____________ that FORTUNE
nothing is being done and an increasing number of people are demanding more FRUSTRATE
information from supermarkets about how they intend to improve the situation. It is
clear that there are a (10) ____________ of measures which supermarkets could VARY
adopt in order to address this issue
(11) ____________ including thinking of ways in which they could take customer
opinions into (12) ____________ . In addition, any suggestions they make need to be
(13) ____________ otherwise people are likely to start taking their business CONSIDER
elsewhere. CONVINCE

There are plenty of smaller grocery stores which have the potential to provide consumers
with what they want. Although these smaller stores may currently appear (14)
____________ players in the market, consumers voices are very powerful nowadays. SIGNIFY

As a result, in the future these smaller stores could start to develop a loyal customer base
and become larger players in the market. (15) ____________ supermarkets will wake HOPE
up to this fact and start to tackle packaging head on.


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

Section 2: Grammar
3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given.
 1 I am always upset when I hear about another species which is on the edge of extinction. (IT)
hear about another species which is on the edge of extinction.
 2 I’m going to submit my history assignment on Friday. (HAVE)
By the end of the week
my history assignment.
 3 Last year Harry went on holiday on his own for the first time. (NEVER)
Before last year
on his own.
 4 Twenty years ago not many students studied overseas compared to now. (DEAL)
study overseas compared to twenty years ago.
 5 My parents wouldn’t let me train as an airline pilot. (STOPPED)
My parents
as an airline pilot.
 6 There’s no chance whatsoever of getting tickets for the concert. (QUITE)
tickets for the concert.
7 We don’t think he’ll be here before 2 o’clock this afternoon. (EXPECTED)
before 2 o’clock this afternoon.
 8 The company was in danger of going bankrupt last year. (COULD)
The company
last year.
 9 He hasn’t visited his parents for ages. (HIGH)
his parents.
10 I only know the truth because she told me. (NOT)
If she hadn’t told me, I
the truth.
11 I’ll give you a set of keys because I might not be here when you return. (CASE)
It I’ll give you a set of keys
when you return.
12 It’s not often that I find the time to sit down and read a novel. (RARELY)

the time to sit down and read a novel.

13 He’s a great speaker because of his enthusiasm for the subject. (WHAT)
His enthusiasm for the subject
a great speaker.


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

4 Complete the text. Use only one word for each gap.

In 1948, Garry Davis, a former American actor and air force pilot went to the US Embassy in Paris and
declared that he (1) ____________ longer wished to be an American citizen but a citizen of the world. (2)
____________ fought in the Second World War, he could not

(3) ____________ the thought of a third world war, which at that time threatened to become a reality as the
Cold War (4) ____________ the East and West started to ignite. He went to the UN General Assembly and

(5) ____________ should become a single world government, for the whole of the planet. His ideas gained
many supporters,

(6) ____________ Albert Schweitzer and Albert Camus. He founded the World Government of World
Citizens, along with the World Service Authority (WSA) in 1953 in Ellsworth, Maine, USA. Today anyone can

(7) ____________ a World Passport, provided they fill in the application form and send in their payment. The
cheapest passport is for three years and costs $55; the most expensive is a World Donor Passport, which
lasts for fifteen years and (8) ____________ only issued on a donation of at (9) ____________ $400, which
helps WSA provide documents for needy refugees. A World Passport does not supersede a person’s
national passport, which, by nature, is exclusive, in (10) ____________ to a World Passport, which is wholly
inclusive. It represents the ideal that we are all human beings who belong to one big family (11)
____________ of belonging to sovereign states which are constantly vying for predominance.

(12) ____________ Garry Davis’ own words, ‘The World Passport opens the door. Anyone can get it.
Everyone is a human being, everyone has a right to travel.’ However, not every nation accepts the passport,
(13) ____________ there is evidence that more than 150 nations have stamped World Passports at some
time or another, (14) ____________ a case-by-case basis. Sadly, Garry Davis died aged 92 in 2013, without
seeing his dream of a peaceful world come true. (15) ____________ his death, his dreams are not forgotten
and the organisation he created still carries his message to the world.


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

Section 3: Listening

5 06  Listen to a radio interview with Dr. Patterson about marketing techniques. For questions 1-6,
choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best according to what you hear.

1 What does Dr. Patterson say about marketing and the senses?
A It is a revolutionary approach to selling products and services.
B It is something which has been done for some time.
C It is a sophisticated way to make people buy more.
D It is a concept which makes many people uncomfortable.

2 Consumers do not like scent marketing if …

A the smell in the shop is overpowering.
B it is a smell they do not identify with
C the smell manages to permeate their clothing.
D it is used to advertise non-existent products.

3 Why did one store use a drink as scent marketing?

A It suggested a positive image of a pleasurable experience.
B It made people thirsty while they were shopping.
C Because people love the smell of tropical fruit
D So that people viewed the shop location more positively.

4 Why did the US Milk Board use the smell of cookies?

A As a way of making milk seem more glamorous.
B To persuade adults that milk is just for children.
C To make a connection between two products.
D Because the smell of coffee failed to boost sales.

5 According to Dr. Patterson, scent marketing …

A is becoming more prevalent in shops.
B only works with specific products.
C enhances the shopping experience.
D is detrimental to the environment.

6 How can scent marketing impact a company positively?

A It appeals to the younger generation of consumers.
B It is more economical than other forms of marketing.
C It makes the company seem innovative.
D It helps to strengthen the company brand.


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

Section 4: Reading
6 Read the article. For questions 1-9, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best
according to the text.

1  What do we learn about Barbara Arrowsmith-Young in the first paragraph?

A She has learned over the years how to help her own child.
B When she was a child, it was thought that she would grow out of her problems.
C Her particular problem went undiagnosed until she was a young woman.
D She believes that children need to be told if they are likely to find school difficult.

2 How did her problem manifest itself?

A She could understand the meaning of difficult words.
B She found it hard to remember anything.
C She had amazing eyesight.
D She could seem quite stupid at times.

3 Her teachers at school

A thought she was just being lazy.
B set exams that were too difficult.
C helped her with special lessons.
D said that she would be unable to pass university entrance exams.

4 When Barbara was twenty-six years old, she

A was studying neuropsychology in Russia.
B discovered that she was not the only person in the world with her problem.
C started to write a book about her disabilities.
D wrote to a Russian soldier who had the same problems that she had.

5 What do we learn about the Russian soldier?

A His language skills were those of a young child.
B He knew that his injury had caused damage to his sight.
C He believed that brain damage might be the cause of his problem.
D His interpretation of his problem was slightly different from Barbara’s.

6 According to Mark Rosenzweig,

A rats have much larger brains than people think.
B neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to keep on growing.
C Barbara would not be able to do anything to improve her brain.
D the brain requires regular and frequent stimulation to function normally.

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7 Barbara’s attempt at improving her brain

A resulted in her giving up from extreme tiredness.
B made her feel as if her personality was changing.
C included spending a long time focusing on speed tests.
D failed to help her make connections she had always found difficult.

8 What do we learn about the traditional attitude towards people with learning disabilities?
A It was impossible to improve the performance of the brain.
B People were taught how to live with the problem.
C Brain exercises have always been a part of dealing with learning disabilities.
D They would never be able to function in a modern society.

9 Barbara Arrowsmith-Young
A has taught thousands of children to pass exams.
B says that every child is able to improve their brains as she did.
C says if learning disabilities are not diagnosed quickly enough, people cannot find work.
D says that children’s problems are often not correctly recognised.

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How to rebuild your own brain

It’s not the kind of thing you would ever forget. When Barbara Arrowsmith-Young started school in Canada in
the early 1950s, her teacher told her mother – in her presence – that she would never be able to learn.
Having helped over 4,000 children overcome exactly the same diagnosis, now she can laugh at it. But she
didn’t at the time. Today Arrowsmith-Young holds a master’s degree in psychology and has published a
groundbreaking book called The Woman Who Changed Her Brain. But until she was in her mid-twenties,
she was desperate, tormented and often depressed. She didn’t know what was wrong.

On the one hand, she was brilliant with near-total auditory and visual memory. ‘I could memorise whole
books.’ On the other hand, she was a dolt. ‘I didn’t understand anything’, she says. ‘Meaning just never
crystallised. Everything was fragmented, disconnected.’

In exams, she sometimes got 100 percent but whenever the task involved reasoning and interpretation she
would fail dismally. ‘The teachers didn’t understand,’ she says. ‘They thought I wasn’t trying and I was often
punished.’ To help her, her mother devised a series of flash cards with numbers and letters and, after much
hard work, she achieved literacy and numeracy of a sort, even getting into university, where she disguised
her learning disabilities by working twenty hours a day: ‘I used to hide when the security guards came to
close the library at night, then come back out and carry on.’

The breakthrough came when she was twenty-six. A fellow student gave her a book by a Russian
neuropsychologist. The book contained his research on the writings of a highly intelligent Russian soldier,
who had been shot in the brain during a battle and recorded in great detail his subsequent disabilities.

For the first time, Arrowsmith-Young says, ‘I recognised somebody describing exactly what I experienced.
The injured man’s expressions were the same: living life in a fog. His difficulties were the same: he couldn’t
tell the time from a clock, he couldn’t tell the difference between the sentences The boy chases the dog and
The dog chases the boy. I began to see that maybe an area of my brain wasn’t working.’

The bullet had lodged in a part of the Russian’s brain where information from sight, sound, language and
touch is synthesised, analysed and made sense of. Arrowsmith-Young began to realise that, in all
probability, this was the region of her own brain that had been malfunctioning since she was born.

The realization led her to continue her reading, this time with the work of Mark Rosenzweig, an American
researcher who found that laboratory rats given a rich and stimulating environment developed larger brains.
Rosenzweig concluded that the brain continues developing rather than being fixed at birth: a concept known
as ‘neuroplasticity’. Arrowsmith-Young decided that if rats could grow bigger and better brains, so could she.

She started devising exercises for herself to develop the parts of her brain that weren’t functioning. She drew
100 two-handed clockfaces on cards and wrote the time each told on the back. Then she started trying to tell
the time from each. She did this eight to ten hours a day, gradually becoming faster and more accurate.

‘I was experiencing mental exhaustion like I had never known,’ she says, ‘so I figured something was
happening. After three or four months of this, it really felt like something had fundamentally changed in my
brain. I watched an edition of a news programme and I got it. I read pages from ten books and understood
every single one. It was like stepping from darkness into light.’

Encouraged by the progress she had made, Arrowsmith-Young developed more exercises, for different parts
of her brain, and found they worked, too. Now almost thirty, she was finally beginning to function normally.

Her approach was revolutionary. ‘At that time,’ she says, ‘all the work around learning disabilities involved
compensating for what learners couldn’t do. It all started from the premise that they were unchangeable.’

Faced with little receptivity for her ideas, Arrowsmith-Young decided to found her own school in Toronto in
1980; she now has thirty-five such schools. Thousands of children dismissed as impossible to teach, have
attended Arrowsmith schools and gone on to academic and professional success.

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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

‘So many wrong diagnoses get made,’ says Arrowsmith-Young. ‘So many children get written off, so many
people take wrong decisions and end up in lives and careers they did not choose for themselves but were
chosen for them by cognitive limitations that can be identified and strengthened. There is hope for these

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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

Section 5: Writing
7 Complete the letter. For questions 1–10, choose the correct answer (A-J).
a) trucks have been arriving at all hours of the day
b) it is hoped that these actions
c) on behalf of the Rosewood Community Association
d) in accordance with local regulations
e) we were assured that the noise would be kept to a minimum
f) we were specifically promised
g) we shall have no alternative
h) this issue demands your immediate attention
i) we would very much appreciate
j) to resolve this matter

Dear Mr Connet,

I am writing to you (1) ____________, to register our concerns about the excessive noise caused by your
new recycling plant. Although we appreciate the need for the plant, we feel strongly that (2) ____________.

Before we agreed to the building of this plant so close to our properties, (3) ____________. In fact, (4)
____________ that the plant would be closed between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., (5) ____________.
However, in the first month of operation, (6) ____________ and night and the plant seems to be working all
through the night. (7) ____________, which are outside the agreed contract, are only due to teething

We are keen (8) ____________ as soon as possible and therefore (9) ____________ a detailed response
to our concerns within the next week and an explanation as to why the plant seems to be working twenty-
four hours a day. If, however, we do not hear from you,

(10) ____________ but to consult our solicitors regarding this blatant breach of the terms of the agreed

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Ms S W Byrne

Rosewood Community Association Chairperson.


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

8 Put the sentences (A–G) in the correct order to complete the report below.
a) My recommendations would therefore be to extend or refurbish the canteen and put the managing
contract out to tender.
b) Another major issue appears to be the lecture theatres, which are now extremely outdated. Considering
that the building housing these was built over 100 years ago, it is unsurprising that they are no longer
c) To sum up, the problems can be resolved by extending the canteen and finding better caterers, and the
new lecture block should be built as soon as possible on the land on the edge of the field.
d) The aim of this report is to highlight the main problems in the college, identify the areas which should be
examined more closely and make recommendations as to how this can be done.
e) The main problem seems to exist in the student recreational areas. The canteen cannot accommodate
the growing number of students and as such is frequently overcrowded.
f) My next recommendation concerns the lecture theatres. Unfortunately, a new purpose-built building is
needed and I would suggest that we explore the idea of using part of the field at the back of the main
buildings for this.
g) In addition, the food offered on the premises is totally unsatisfactory as well as being overpriced.

A report on the state of the facilities at Newton College

The purpose of the report.

1 _____

Principal issues with college buildings and facilities.

2 _____

3 _____

4 _____

Recommendations for improvement.

5 _____

6 _____


7 _____


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C1 Advanced
Exit Test

Section 6: Speaking
9 Talk to your teacher about yourself.
You should:
• say what you hope to be doing in five years’ time.
• talk about the job you would do if you could have any job in the world.
• describe the advantages and disadvantages of living in a world dependent on technology.
• explain how you think technology will change over the next decade.
• say what you think humanity has learned from history.
Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if a
student included the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a
maximum of 10 marks.

The student:

said what they hope to be doing in five years’ time. 1 2

talked about the job they would do if they could have any job in the world. 1 2

described the advantages and disadvantages of living in a world dependent on technology. 1 2

explained how they think technology will change over the next decade. 1 2

said what they think humanity has learned from history. 1 2



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