Luisa Unson - CTC of TCT T-41724

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‘ovicialFoRM No. 109, (Revised January 2000) No. 0009815713 REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES " DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE "Transfer etfs of Title No. Ki At724 Tr is HeReRY CERTIFIED that certain land situated 18 the orn HOF SHAY... Philp bounded and described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND (Lot 383-8-2F) of the subdivision plan (LRA) Psd-402340 approved as a non-subdifision project, being a portion of Lot 383-8-2, (LRC) PSD-299507; LIR.C. Cad. Record No. 86), situated in the Barrio of Lantad, City of Silay, Province of Negros Occidental, Island of Negros. ‘Bounded on the NE., points 4 to S by Lot 383-A,| Psd-14691; on the E., points 5 to 1 by Provincial Road; on the SW., points 1 to 2 by Lot 383-8-2-G; and on the NW., points 2 to 3 by Lot 383-8-2:0: & points 3 to 4 3838-2; all of the subd. plan. Beginning at a point marked "1” on plan, being N. 3 deg. 47" E., 1009.51 m. from BBM No. 49, Silay Cad. 49; thence N. 84 deg. 48’ W., 173.88 m, to point 2; thence N. 14 deg. 24’E,, 133.57 m. to pt. 3; thence N. 14 deg. 24’E., 75.75 m. to pt. 4; is registered in accordance with the provisions of the Property Registration Decree in the name of* MA. LUISA DIOKNO UNSON, of legal age, Filipino, widow; JAIME MIGUEL DIOKNO UNSON, of legal age, Filipino single, both residents of No. 622 Lee St., Addition Hills, Mandakiyong City, Phils; ) as owner thereof in foe simple, subject to such of the encumbrances mentioned in Section 44 of SEBS BS Pe SESET Bein 4, Rule 74 of the Ney Rules of Court, Irs gugrien conrineD that said and was eignaly reistered on the Of vin the year nineteen hundh ‘Regisfation Book ofthe Office ofthe Regiser: af Deeks page... as Orisipal Cerificate of Tile No. . 9 passant Dare Nov issued in L RC... 0888. Record Tim the name of. This certificate is a transfer from - Contficate of Title No. is cancelled by virtue hereof in 0 far ast ibed land is concerned. Entered at J Philippines, on the Sth. in the year two thousand and 3200.2. Mandaluyong, Philipines... a (Owners postal address) @O.1.C. (Register of Deeds) ‘State the civil status, name of spouse if married, age if a minor, citizenship and residence of the registered owner, If the owner is a married woman, state also the citizenship of her husband. If the land is registered in the name of the conjugal partnership, state the citizenship of both spouses. MEMORANDUM OF ENC (When necessary use this page for the contin /MBRANCES ‘of the technical description) Tal724 Page 2 ‘Book ‘AD. UNSON, of legal age, US citizen, 379, USA; MARIA REGINA VICTORIA D. to Manuel Ferdinand T. Rivera with residence at 29 Jose City, Phils., 44 share each, thence 5. 65 deg. 12’ €., 146.96 m, to pt. 5} thence 5, 208 Page No. 124 le and with residence at 33 Stanton Lane RIVERA, of legal age, Filipino, married lo St., EVS, BF Homes Phase 5, Las Pifias 4 dag. 29' W, 157.35 m. to the point of| beginning. Containing an area of TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED SIX (28,806) SQUARE | METERS, more or less. All points referrad to are indicated follows; points 4 & 5 by Old PS and the rest by P.S. Cyl. Original Survey, June-December, 1914 and: that of the| Taganile, Geodetic Engineer, an February 24, 2008. Entry No, 183496.In favor of Alberto ¥, Lacson.- A\fi desorbed in this tide is not tenanted.-Date of Instrument: 13 10:20 a.m, (SGD,) MARCELINO Hi. PAVIERA, City Fiscal Es-Offi The shove arrotatons of encunbrances have ben eared fr pend 0.1. C. Register of Entry|No. 224269.- Affidavit.- Affidavit executed afiant is the daughter of the late Alberto V. Lacson tenanted under Entry No. 183496 dated January 13, 1 the truth that it hasino more legal effect as per docu No. 14; Series of 2029 of Atty. Leon G/Maya, Jeu, Sept. 5, 2029; Date of Inscription: September 10, 2020 Entry No. 224393.- AFFIDAVIT OF DISCREP; LUISA DIOKNO UNSON, registered owner of this technical description written as * thence S. 65 deg. 1 “thence 5. 65 deg. 12'E., 147.09 m. to point 5 2 Ratified | Atty. Maria Rachel V. Riego De Dios, No. 20; Book No. VI; Series of 2020. Date of October 29, 2020 @ 2: aes I Cm —= ‘dil cet re | (Technical Description continued on Additional. Sheet pn the plan and are marked on the ground as jon. Mons, 15x60 cm., bearings true; date of subdivision survey, executed by Arturo, 5. a femep- vt executed by Alberto V. Lacson that the lot 4, 1592.Date of Inscription January 18, 1953 10 Register of Deeds, ‘Transfer Certificate of Tide No. T-25267. by Ma, Cecilia Fe Lacson Jimenez, whereas, ‘executed the Affidavit that this Lot is not! 3, Affiant is executing this affidavit to|atbest ton file as Doc. No. 446; Page No. 90; Book Public of Bacolod City. Dete of instrument: 10:00 p.m. 7 B. NICOLAS | O11. C. Register of Deeds & CORRECTION. Executed by MARIA) of land, that clerical error was found on the| E., 146.96 m. to point 5"; "that should be| attached certified true copy of from the LRA.. Public of Makati City as Doc. No. 95; Page October 20, 2020; Date of Inscription:| ATTY. MARY), AT Acting M, SALARDA-YEE rar of Deeds Page ... -B (Continwation of the Memorandum of Encumbrances from Page A) \ Entry No, 224483,~ Affidavit of Discrepancy Affidavit executed by Ma, Luisa D. Unson, whereas, affiant is a co-registered owner in this parcel of land, which name appear on this Tr Certificate of Title and on the other hand, was typed as Maria Luisa Lourdes Dickno Unson or electronic Certificate Authorizing Registration (eCAR) issued by BIR RDO No. 41 under R Book No. VI; Series of 2020 of Maria Rachel ¥. Riego De Dios, Notary Public of Makati City. Date 0 Instrument: Norember 19, 2020; Date of Inscription: November 26, 2020 @ 10;00 A.m. Enby No. 224484.- Affidavit of Discrepancy.- Affidavit executed by JAIME M. whereas, affiart is a covegistered| owner in this parcel of land, which name was typed as MIGUEL DIOKNO UNSON on this Transfer Certificate| of Title and on the other hand, Certificate Authorizing Registration {eCAR) issued by BIR RDO No. 41 under Revenue Region 7B typed as JAIME M. UNSON. Affiant is executing this affidavit to attest to the truth of the foregoing focts that the name "JAIME M. UNSON” & "JAIME MIGUEL DIOKNO UNSON” yartten on these legal documets refer to one and the same person as per document on file as Doc. No. 113; Page No. 24 ‘Book No. Vi; Series of 2020 of Maria Rachel V. Riego De Dios, Notary Public of Makati City. Date {nstrument: November 19, 2020; Date of Inscription: November 25, 2020 @ 40/00 A.m. ATTY. MARY Acting |

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