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The Saudi Dental Journal (2011) 23, 61–65

King Saud University

The Saudi Dental Journal


Surgical treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumour:

A review article
Walid Ahmed Abdullah

Maxillofacial Surgery Dept., College of Dentistry, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Dept., College of Dentistry, Mansoura University, Egypt

Received 25 October 2009; accepted 23 December 2009

Available online 28 January 2011

KEYWORDS Abstract KCOT is one of the most aggressive odontogenic cysts with a high recurrence rate, this
Keratocystic odontogenic was explained histopathologically as it typically shows a thin, friable wall, which is often difficult to
tumour; enucleate from the bone in one piece, and have small satellite cysts within the fibrous wall. Multiple
Marsupialization; surgical approaches were introduced including decompression, marsupilization, enucleation with or
Surgical treatment without adjunct (Carnoy’s solution, enucleation) and resection. Depending on other studies KCOT
can be conservatively treated with enucleation and application of Carnoy’s solution or cryotherapy.
This can be used specially in the large lesions that when treated with resection, the continuity of the
jaw will be interrupted. This technique shows comparable results to other more aggressive tech-
ª 2011 King Saud University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2. Decompression and marsupialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3. Enucleation with and without adjuncts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4. Enucleation and treatment of the bony defect with Carnoy solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5. Enucleation and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

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62 W.A. Abdullah

6. Block resection, with or without preservation of the continuity of the jaw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

7. Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

1. Introduction by making a small opening in the cyst and keeping it open with
a drain (Pogrel, 2005; Eyre and Zakrzewska, 1985; Brondum
Odontogenic keratocyst OKC is a developmental cyst that was and Jensen, 1991).
first described by Philipsen (1956). OKC is now referred to by Marsupialization, on the other hand, involves converting
the World Health Organization (WHO) as a keratocystic the cyst into a pouch so the cyst is decompressed, but this is
odontogenic tumour KCOT, and WHO defined it as ‘‘a benign a more definitive treatment than decompression as it exposes
uni- or multi-cystic, intraosseous tumour of odontogenic ori- the cyst lining to the oral environment. Mandibular cysts are
gin, with a characteristic lining of parakeratinized stratified normally marsupialized into the oral cavity, while maxillary
squamous epithelium and potential for aggressive, infiltrative cysts can also be marsupialized into the maxillary sinus or na-
behaviour (Barnes et al., 2005). sal cavity, as well as the oral cavity (Pogrel,2005, 2003; Seward
The KCOT is one of the most aggressive odontogenic cysts. and Seward, 1969).
It can become quite large because of its ability for significant Decompression and marsupialization of cysts is probably
expansion, extension into adjacent tissues and rapid growth the earliest recommended treatment and was first suggested
(Morgan et al., 2005). Different studies showed the incidence by Partsch in the late 19th century. In many parts of the world,
of KCOT to be 3–11% of the odontogenic cysts (Chuong marsupialization is still described as a Partsch I procedure (the
et al., 1982; Payne, 1972). Generally, KCOT are solitary le- Partsch II procedure is enucleation and primary closure)
sions unless they are associated with nevoid basal cell carci- (Partsch, 1892, 1910).
noma syndrome (Payne, 1972; Chirapathomsakul and Although decompression or marsupialization was not rec-
Sastravaha, 2006). ommended as treatment for the KCOT by some authors, be-
KCOT arises from cell rests of the dental lamina (Neville cause it was thought that the pathologic tissue would be left
et al., 1995). Histopathologically, KCOT typically shows a in situ (Pogrel and Jordan, 2004), decompression or marsupi-
thin, friable wall, which is often difficult to enucleate from alization has been recommended in a number of studies as a
the bone in one piece, and have small satellite cysts within technique that allows partial decrease in size in the KCOT
the fibrous wall. Therefore odontogenic keratocysts often tend so that vital structures like teeth or the inferior alveolar nerve
to recur after treatment (Brannon, 1977; Gang et al., 2006). can be preserved, then the KCOT was certainly enucleated
Radiographically KCOT demonstrates a well-defined unilocu- (Pogrel and Jordan, 2004; Partridge and Towers, 1987; Marker
lar or multilocular radiolucency with smooth and often corti- et al., 1996).
cated margins. In 25–40% of cases, there is an unerupted Those authors who are against the use of marsupialization
tooth involved in the lesion. KCOT tend to grow in the anter- or decompression for the treatment of KCOT depend on, that
oposterior direction within the medullary cavity of the bone this technique does not remove completely the whole cystic
without causing obvious bone expansion causing its delayed covering, which would lead to a continuation of epithelial pro-
observation by the patients (Brannon, 1977; Gang et al., liferation and facilitate the recurrence (Bataineh and Al
2006; Neville et al., 2002). Qudah, 1998; Maurette et al., 2006). Brondum and Jensen
The treatment of the KCOT remains controversial. Treat- (1991) reported a recurrence rate of 25% in 32 (OKCT) pa-
ments are generally classified as conservative or aggressive. tients treated with decompression of the lesion. On the other
Conservative treatment generally includes simple enucleation, hand, other studies have shown that marsupialization of
with or without curettage, or marsupialization. Aggressive KCOT can be followed by total resolution of the lesion with-
treatment generally includes peripheral ostectomy, chemical out any further surgery (Eyre and Zakrzewska, 1985; Pogrel
curettage with Carnoy’s solution, cryotherapy, or electrocau- and Jordan, 2004; Hopper, 1982).
tery and resection (Morgan et al., 2005; Meiselman, 1994; The marsupialization technique was described by Pogrel
Williams and Connor, 1994; Bataineh and Al Qudah, 1998; (2005) as a window at least 1 cm in diameter is made into a
Blanas et al., 2000). cyst, and an attempt is made to suture the cyst lining to the
The choice of treatment should be based on multiple fac- oral mucosa. In the maxilla, the cyst is then often packed open
tors; patient age, size and location of the cyst, soft tissue with the packing protruding through the opening. The packing
involvement, history of previous treatment and a histological consists of iodoform gauze impregnated with bacitracin oint-
variant of the lesion. The goal is to choose the treatment ment. When it is removed in the maxilla, the cavity is usually
modality that carries the lowest risk of recurrence and the least self retaining and the patient needs to irrigate twice a day to
morbidity (Rogerson, 1991; Williams, 1991). prevent food accumulation or closure of the fistula. In the
mandible, there is a greater tendency for spontaneous closure
2. Decompression and marsupialization of the fistula and reformation of the cyst, particularly in the
posterior mandible. In these cases, we have found that the
Decompression of a cyst involves any technique that relieves use of a nasopharyngeal anaesthesia tube suitably cut down
the pressure within the cyst as this pressure is the way by which makes an excellent stent to keep the cyst open. Again, the cav-
the cyst grows by expansion. Decompression can be performed ity is irrigated twice daily (Pogrel, 2005).
Surgical treatment of keratocystic odontogenic tumour: A review article 63

Studies have shown that when the OKCT is open to the Carnoy’s solution did not show a significant association with
oral cavity by marsupialization, a number of changes occur recurrence. Yet, Voorsmit et al. (1981) reported a decreased
in the cyst lining. Histologically, the lining of OKCT is only recurrence rate following treatment with enucleation and Car-
5 or 6 cells thick and tears easily on attempted enucleation; noy’s solution (2.5%) compared with enucleation alone
which is one of the causes of the high recurrence rate. With (13.5%).
decompression or marsupialization, the lining appears to be- According to (Blanas et al., 2000) enculation of KCOT fol-
come thicker and easier to enucleate, and histologically it does lowed with application of Carnoy’s solution appears to be the
appear to change and resemble normal oral mucosa, both with least invasive procedure with the lowest recurrence rate. And
routine histology and with immunohistochemistry (Pogrel and they reported that adding Carnoy’s solution to the cyst cavity
Jordan, 2004; August et al., 2000). for 3 min after enucleation results in a recurrence rate compa-
Pogrel (2005) concluded that, decompression and/or marsu- rable to that of resection without unnecessarily aggressive
pialization has at least as high a success rate as the other more surgery.
aggressive treatments with lower morbidity and preservation The effects of Carnoy’s solution on the inferior alveolar
of important vital structures. nerve were first reported by Frerich et al. (1994). The authors
did not observe axonal damage during the first three minutes
3. Enucleation with and without adjuncts of direct application. In contrast, another important study,
Wolgen et al. (1999), noted that the alterations in neural con-
To enucleate is ‘‘to remove whole or clean, as a tumour from ductivity developed after 2 min of direct application, with few
its envelope.’’ Curettage is defined as ‘‘the removal of growths signs of recovery after two weeks of follow-up. However,
or other material from the wall of a cavity (Giuliani et al., Júnior et al. (2007), reported that when a proper protocol is
2006). Enucleation with and without various adjuncts has been followed, the chemical treatment of the nerve can be accom-
utilized for many years. Although enucleation/curettage has plished without permanent functional damage.
the advantage over marsupialization of providing a complete
specimen for histopathologic analysis, it shows recurrence 5. Enucleation and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy
rates as high as 62.5%, which is no longer an acceptable treat-
ment modality. This high incidence of recurrence is explained Theoretically, the ideal treatment for the KCOT would be enu-
by the thin, friable wall of the OKCT, which is often difficult cleation or curettage followed by treatment of the cavity with
to enucleate from the bone in one piece, and the small satellite an agent that would kill the epithelial remnants or satellite
cysts within fibrous wall.8,9 Many clinicians consider enucle- cysts. In addition, the osseous framework should be left intact
ation and curettage as the minimal requirement in the treat- to allow for osteoconduction. Liquid nitrogen has the ability
ment of KCOT (Giuliani et al., 2006; Pindborg and Hansen, to devitalize bone in situ while leaving the inorganic frame-
1963). work untouched, as a result of this, cryotherapy has been used
Regarding curettage, clinicians have advocated mechanical for a number of locally aggressive jaw lesions, including
techniques (hand, rotary) alone or in combination with a KCOT, ameloblastoma and ossifying fibroma (Emmings
chemical solution (Carnoy’s) (Stoelinga, 2003) or cryosurgical et al., 1966; Bradley and Fisher, 1975; Pogrel, 1993). Cell death
agents (liquid nitrogen) (Jensen et al., 1988; Schmidt and Po- with cryosurgery occurs by direct damage from intracellular
grel, 2001). and extracellular ice crystal formation plus osmotic and elec-
trolyte disturbances (Schmidt and Pogrel, 2001; Rosen and
4. Enucleation and treatment of the bony defect with Carnoy Vered, 1979).
solution According to Schmidt and Pogrel (2001) the standardized
technique is as follows, the initial step in management of the
As a result of the difficulty of enucleating the thin, friable lesion is enucleation of the cyst. The surrounding tissues are
wall of the KCOT as one piece, and due to the small satel- then protected with sterile wooden tongue blades and gauze,
lite cysts, therefore, treatment should aim to eliminate the and the cavity is sprayed with liquid nitrogen twice for
possible vital cells left behind in the defect. For this reason 1 min, with a 5-min thaw between freezes. Bone graft can in-
a mild, not deeply penetrating, cauterizing agent is used such serted in the defect simultaneously, and then mucosa is closed
as Carnoy’s solution {consists 3 ml of chloroform, 6 ml of with watertight sutures.
absolute ethanol, 1 ml of glacial acetic acid and 1 g of ferric The advantages of liquid nitrogen over alternative methods
chloride} (Morgan et al., 2005). This should be enough to of devitalizing the tissue beyond the visible lesion of the margin
do cauterization of the remaining cells. In case the cyst are that (1) the bone matrix is left in place to act as a clean
has penetrated through the lingual or buccal cortex, authors scaffold for new bone formation, (2) a bone graft can be placed
described the use electrocauterization to avoid a recurrence immediately to accelerate healing and minimize the risk of a
in the soft tissues (Stoelinga, 2003, 2005; Júnior et al., pathologic fracture, and (3) decrease of bleeding and scarring.
2007). However, because of the difficulty in controlling the amount of
Other studies showed that, although the defect was treated liquid nitrogen applied to the cavity, the resultant necrosis and
with Carnoy’s solution. Microcysts and epithelial islands were swelling can be unpredictable (Pogrel, 1993; Salmassy and
always seen in the overlying attached mucosa. And so recur- Pogrel, 1995). The recurrence rate following enucleation and
rence took place. So, the authors of these studies recom- liquid nitrogen cryotherapy has been reported at 3–9%
mended the complete excision of the overlying mucosa to (Pogrel, 2005; Schmidt, 1999).
decrease the recurrence (Stoelinga, 2005, 2001). Morgan et When the liquid nitrogen cryotherapy is given around the
al. (2005) also reported in their study that the treatment with inferior alveolar nerve, it is affected, and patients will suffer
64 W.A. Abdullah

paraesthesia or anaesthesia. However, the axon sheaths are left Quoted from Schmidt, B.L., Pogrel, M.A., 2001. The use of
intact and nerve regrowth is normal such that most patients enucleation and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy in the management of
obtain partial or complete return of sensation in 3 months odontogenic keratocysts. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 59, 720.
(Schmidt, 1999, 2003). Brannon, R.B., 1977. The odontogenic keratocyst: a clinicopathologic
study of 312 cases. Part II: Histologic features. Oral Surg. Oral
Med. Oral Pathol. 43, 233–255.
6. Block resection, with or without preservation of the continuity Brondum, N., Jensen, V.J., 1991. Recurrence of keratocysts and
of the jaw decompression treatment. A long-term follow-up of forty-four
cases. Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. 72, 265.
Resection refers to either segmental resection (surgical removal Chuong, R., Donoff, R.B., Guralnick, W., 1982. The odontogenic
of a segment of the mandible or maxilla without maintaining keratocyst. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 40, 797–802.
the continuity of the bone) or marginal resection (surgical re- Chirapathomsakul, D., Sastravaha, P., 2006. A review of odontogenic
moval of a lesion intact, with a rim of uninvolved bone, main- keratocysts and the behavior of recurrences. Oral Surg. Oral Med.
taining the continuity of the bone) (Blanas et al., 2000; Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 101, 5–9.
Emmings, F.G., Neiders, M.E., Greene, G.W., et al., 1966. Freezing
Kondelland Wiberg, 1988) which is an extreme technique, that
the mandible without excision. J. Oral Surg. 24, 145, Quoted from
results in considerable morbidity, particularly because recon- Schmidt, B.L., Pogrel, M.A., 2001. The use of enucleation and
structive measures are necessary to restore jaw function and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy in the management of odontogenic
aesthetics (Stoelinga, 2005). Stoelinga (2005), wonders whether keratocysts. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 59, 720.
such aggressive therapy is warranted for a benign lesion that Eyre, J., Zakrzewska, J.M., 1985. The conservative management of
can be managed reasonably well with relatively simple means. large odontogenic keratocysts. Br. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 23,
In a systematic review done by Blanas et al. (2000), the 195.
authors reported that resection was found to have the lowest Frerich, B., Cornelius, C.P., Wietholter, H., 1994. Critical time of
recurrence rate (0%) but the highest morbidity rate, while exposure of the rabbit inferior alveolar nerve to Carnoy’s solution.
enculation with application of Carnoy’s solution can result J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 52 (6), 599–606.
Gang, Tae-In, Huh, Kyung-Hoe, Yi, Won-Jin, Heo, Min-Suk, Lee,
in a recurrence rate comparable to that of resection without
Sam-Sun, Kim, Jeong-Hwa, Moon, Je-Woon, Choi, Soon-Chul,
unnecessarily aggressive surgery. 2006. Diagnostic ability of differential diagnosis in ameloblastoma
Multiple studies concluded that keratocysts might be trea- and odontogenic keratocyst by imaging modalities and observers.
ted with a conservative approach, the only disadvantages being Korean J. Oral Maxillofac. Radiol. 36, 177–182.
the extended therapeutic time. Extensive resection of the man- Giuliani, M., Grossi, G.B., Lajolo, C., Bisceglia, M., Herb, K.E., 2006.
dible with its attendant morbidity may be too radical for large Conservative management of a large odontogenic keratocyst:
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Marker et al., 1996; Nakamura et al., 2002). Surg. 64, 308–316.
Hopper, F.E., 1982. Bilateral cysts of the mandible, a unique
opportunity? Br. Dent. J. 153, 306.
7. Summary
Jensen, J., Sindet-Pedersen, S., Simonsen, E.K., 1988. A comparative
study of treatment of keratocysts by enucleation or enucleation
KCOT is one of the most aggressive odontogenic cysts with a combined with cryotherapy. J. Craniomaxillofac. Surg. 16,
high recurrence rate. Multiple surgical approaches were intro- 362.
duced including decompression, marsupilization, enucleation Júnior, O.R., Borba, A.M., Ferreira, C.A., Júnior, J.G., 2007.
with or without adjunct (Carnoy’s solution, cryotherapy), Carnoy’s solution over the inferior alveolar nerve as a comple-
and resection. Depending on other studies KCOT can be con- mentary treatment for keratocystic odontogenic tumors. Rev. Clı́n.
servatively treated with enculation and application of Carnoy’s Pesq. Odontol. 3 (3), 199–202.
solution or cryotherapy. This can be used specially in the large Kondell, P.A., Wiberg, J., 1988. Odontogenic keratocysts: a follow-up
lesions that when treated with resection, the continuity of the study of 29 cases. Swed. Dent. J. 12, 57–62.
Marker, P., Brondum, N., Clausen, P.P., et al., 1996. Treatment of
jaw will be interrupted. This technique shows comparable re-
large odontogenic keratocysts by decompression and later cystec-
sults to other more aggressive techniques. tomy: a long-term follow-up and a histologic study of 23 cases.
Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod. 82, 122.
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