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Teaching Dates JUNE 21, 2021 Quarter: 4TH QUARTER
and Time: (1:00 – 1:50 P.M.) (WEEK 6 - 8)

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of constellations and the
information derived from their location in the sky.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to debug local myths and folklore about the
Moon and the Stars by presenting pieces of evidence to convince the
community folks

C. Learning Competencies / Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year.
Objectives S5FE-IVi-j-9

II. CONTENT The Stars - Patterns of stars (constellation)

A. References
1.Teacher’s Guide pages Curriculum Guide in Science V (4th Quarter) p. 79 of 203
2.Learners’s Materials pages Learners’ Activity Sheet (LAS) in Science V, Quarter – 4 Week 5, pp. 18 - 23
3.Textbook pages Science Beyond Borders, pp. 208 - 212
4.Additional materials from (zodiac constellations video)
learning resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resource Video lesson, desktop or laptop computer, powerpoint presentation (saved
in .mp4 format), video recordings, Kinemaster application

black, white and yellow construction paper, glue, scissors (for pupils’
application - output)
A. Reviewing previous lesson Say : Good morning again my dear Science V – pupils ! Today is a new
or presenting the new lesson adventure for us to continue our journey to the outer space. But before we
go on to our new lesson, let’s have first our singing of our Science Song for
today. Are you ready to sing with me? Let’s sing together ! (see attached

Say: Very good ! You did sing well ! Now, we are now ready for our Science
lesson for the day ! But before we move on to our next lesson, to check if we
really learn most about our past lesson, which is the phases of the moon, let’s
have this activity.

1) Drill / Review of the past lesson

Direction : Match the illustrations in Column A in its name of phase of the
moon in Column B. Write only the letter of the answer in each number in
your answer sheet or Science Notebook.

Column A Column B

_______1) a. full moon

_______2) b. half moon

_______3) c. waxing gibbous

_______4) d. first quarter

_______5) e. last quarter

Key answers :
1) C
2) E
3) A
4) D
5) B

Say : Great job ! You really learn a lot about our lesson about the phases of
the moon. Now let’s check our given assignment for the day.

2) Checking of Assignment
Direction : Put a check mark (/) on the blank if the object illustrated in each
picture can be seen in our sky during night time and a cross mark (x) if not.

_______ 1) _______ 4)

_______ 2) _______ 5)

_______ 3)

Key Answers :
1) /
2) x
3) /
4) /
5) x

Say : Hurray ! You nailed it ! Let’s make a “Fireworks Clap” for a job well
done! Are you ready to do the clap with me? Let’s get started !
B. Establishing a purpose for A. Setting the Stage
the lesson 1) Say : Aside from the moon, what heavenly body did you notice or see at
the sky? Did you know that these twinkling objects that are beautiful to
observe during a clear night sky?

If you are going to observe the sky on a cloudless night very keenly,
you will notice the patterns formed by groups of stars. The groups of stars
that form distinct patterns in the sky are called constellations.

2) Say : So, the objective of our lesson for today is ;

Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year.

C. Presenting Examples/ 3) Presentation

instances of the new lesson Say : Let’s watch this video about the important facts about constellations.


The ancient people first observed these groups of stars as outlines of

animals, mythological heroes, gods, and other objects. They found it easier
to locate and remember constellations when they try to find a distinct and
particular pattern the way a group of stars are engaged.

For example, in the Northern

hemisphere, they have observed a
group of stars which they thought look
like a dragon, and so they named this
group as Draco.

In the Southern Hemisphere,

they noticed a group of stars that
seemingly form a cross and so they
called it as Southern Cross.

Some other popular

constellations are the Ursa Major (Big
Bear), Ursa Minor (Little Bear), Orion,
and Cassiopeia.

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) made a list of the official

modern constellations. There are already 88 constellations on the list, and
many of these constellations were discovered by the ancient Greeks.

Ursa Major resembles a big bear and is the third largest constellation
in the night sky. It includes the Big Dipper, which is composed of the seven
stars, Alkaid, Alcor, and Mizzar (appear as one), Alioth, Megrez, Phecda,
Merak, and Dhube.

Ursa Minor or the little bear contains a group of stars known as the
Little Dipper. The handle of the dipper serves as the little bear’s tail and the
dipper’s cup, is the bear’s thigh. The most famous stars in Ursa Minor is
Polaris. It is also called the North Star, since its position always points to the
earth’s north pole.

The Big Dipper and Little Dipper are not constellations but are
asterisms. An asterism is a part of a constellation that represents another
object within the pattern. Some constellations are named after Greek
mythology legends. Two of them are Cassiopeia, the Queen, and Orion, the
Hunter. Cassiopeia consists of five stars that seems to form the letter W. It
represents the queen Cassiopeia of the mythical kingdom of Ethiopia. Orion
is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky and is visible
throughout the world. Three of its stars from its belt. Orion’s belt is also an
asterism. On Orion’s right shoulder is a red supergiant star called Betelgeuse.
A bluish- white star called Rigel is found on Orion’s left knee.


There are some constellations that can be seen only during certain
seasons of the year. These are called North Polar Constellations and South
Polar Constellations. The constellations nearest the center of the circle can
be seen throughout the year.
Northern spring/southern autumn constellations (late March to late
- Cancer, Crux, Hydra, Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor, Virgo

Northern summer/southern winter constellations (late June to late

- Draco, Aquila, Hercules, Sagittarius, Scorpius, Libra, Lyra, Cygnus

Northern autumn/southern spring constellations (late September to

late December):
- Andromeda, Pisces, Pisces, Aquarius, Aries, Cassiopeia, Pegasus

Northern winter/southern summer constellations (late December to

late March):
- Orion, Gemini, Taurus

(The teacher will now play a video about the star patterns / constellations)


The stars appear to keep to the same patterns in the sky, while the
much nearer sun, moon, and planets appear to move slowly about. However,
the sun, moon, and planets keep to a definite circular belt or path in the sky
called the Zodiac.

The belt is 16 degrees wide and the path the sun seems to follow as
viewed from the earth moves along its center. Therefore, the path of the
moon and those of the planets are within the boundaries of the Zodiac.

The Zodiac contains twelve constellations. They are the :

1) Aquarius 7) Libra

2) Aries 8) Pisces

3) Cancer 9) Sagittarius

4) Capricorn 10) Scorpio

5) Gemini 11) Taurus

6) Leo 12) Virgo

Each constellation is represented by a sign or symbol. The sun moves
through the constellation of the Zodiac as the Earth moves. Thus, based on
the arrangement of the constellations in the Zodiac, the sun is said to enter
in the constellation Aries at the beginning of spring (March 21) in the
Northern Hemisphere.

(The teacher will now play a video about the zodiac constellations)

Say : Let’s see if you had learned some of the star patterns or constellations
included in the video.

A. In this activity, we are going to give the common name of the

constellations in each number by choosing from the choices inside the box.

The Queen The Hunter


Big Bear Southern Cross

1) Casseopeia - ____________________________

2) Ursa Major - ____________________________

3) Draco - ____________________________

4) Crux - ____________________________

5) Orion - ____________________________

Key Answers :

1) The Queen
2) Big Bear
3) Dragon
4) Southern Cross
5) The Hunter

Discussion Questions
Say : Did you watch carefully our video? Did you learn about the grouping of
stars to form a pattern which is the constellation? If your answer is yes, let’s
try to answer some questions.

1) What is a constellation?
Answer: It is a group of stars that form a distinct pattern in the sky.

2) How does the constellations named or “outlined” by the ancient people?

Answer : They named or outlined the constellations using names of animals,
mythological heroes, gods, and other objects.

3) Why did they named or outlined the constellation in this way?

Answer : They found it easier to locate and remember constellations when
they try to find a distinct and particular pattern the way a group of stars are

4) The Zodiac is an imaginary belt or path in the heavens that includes the
path of the planets. In this zodiac belt, there are 12 constellations. What are
these 12 zodiac constellations? Can you name some?
Answer : Aquarius, Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Pisces,
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Taurus, and Virgo

5) According to the video, when is the time the sun will enter the
constellation of Aries, which will signify the beginning of spring in the
Northern Hemisphere?
Answer : at the beginning of spring (March 21)

Value Infusion

Did you know that a long time ago, travelers and sailors uses
the position of these stars and constellations as guide for directions.
One example of them is the Polaris or the so-called “North Star”. It is
being called as such because this star does not change position and it
is placed in the true north of our sky. It is directly aligned to your head
when you looked up in the sky.

Why don’t you try to get outside at your house in a starry night
and try to find where the Polaris is.

Ask: Why it is very important for us to show appreciation to the stars

and constellations?

D. Discussing new concepts B. Explaining the pupils what to do

and practicing new skills #1 Say : Are you ready for some exciting Scien-tirrific activities? Grab your
notebooks, pens and coloring materials for this activity.

ACTIVITY 1 “Plot and Draw the Star-rific Constellations!”

(with integration to MAPEH - Arts)

Direction : Using your pencil or pen and some coloring materials, try to copy
the constellations in your art book or a pieces of bond paper. Do this for
5 minutes.

1) 2)

3) 4)

Note : Provide praises and congratulate the pupils for their outputs, and if
needed, the teacher may provide sufficient time for checking and suggestive
feedback on their outputs.
E. Discussing new concepts ACTIVITY 2 – “Constellations – When You Will Be Twinkling?”
and practicing new skills #2 (with integration to MAPEH - Mathematics)

Direction : Matching Type. Identify the star patterns in Column A that can be
seen at particular time of the year in Column B. Take a look in the provided
information inside the box below. Do this for 5 minutes.

Northern spring/southern autumn constellations (late March

to late June): Cancer, Crux, Hydra, Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor,

Northern summer/southern winter constellations (late June to

late September): Draco, Aquila, Hercules, Sagittarius, Scorpius,
Libra, Lyra, Cygnus

Northern autumn/southern spring constellations (late

September to late December): Andromeda, Pisces, Pisces,
Aquarius, Aries, Cassiopeia, Pegasus

Northern winter/southern summer constellations (late

December to late March): Orion, Gemini, Taurus

Column A Column B
_____ 1) Ursa Minor a. March to late June
_____ 2) Orion b. June to late September
_____ 3) Sagittarius c. September to late December
_____ 4) Aquarius d. December to late March
_____ 5) Lyra

Key Answers :
1) a 4) c
2) d 5) b
3) b

F. Developing Mastery 3. Reinforcing the Concept and Skill

Say : Now, to focus more in learning about the 12 zodiac constellations, let’s
have another activity.

ACTIVITY 3 – “Sparkling Zodiacs are Beautiful to Identify”

Direction : Did you know that most of the zodiac constellations were named
after the animals or humans they represent? Using the pictures and the
common name of each constellation, give its zodiac name. Do this for 5


The Water – Bearer ___________________ Ans. Aquarius


The Twins ___________________ Ans. Gemini


The Archer ___________________ Ans. Sagittarius


The Bull ___________________ Ans. Taurus


The Virgin ___________________ Ans. Virgo

G. Finding Practical ACTIVITY 4 “Man- made Constellation” (15 - 20 minutes)

application of concepts and You will need: black, white and yellow
skills in daily living construction paper, glue, scissors
What to Do:
1. Prepare the materials needed.

2. Cut big stars on yellow construction

paper that will represent the stars that
will be connected. (Note: Be careful on
using scissors)

3. Cut small stars or circles on white construction paper that will be used to
connect the yellow stars.

4. Paste the yellow and white stars on the black construction paper, pattern
it on your chosen constellation.

5. Name your chosen constellation

Note : Please see the rubrics to be used in the pupils’ output :
(Max. Total Score : 15 pts.)

Criteria 5 3 1
Presentation Output was Output was Output was not
of output clearly clearly presented well presented
(5) presented with satisfactory and showed
showing understanding of little
thorough concepts understanding
understanding of concepts
of concepts
Design Appealing and A bit of appeal Unappealing
(5) well-organized. and and
There is organization. disorganized.
consistency in Some elements
lines and shapes are lacking.
used, alignment
and motif.
Neatness No noticeable Has 2-3 errors. Has multiple
(5) errors in cutting, Somewhat errors.
drawing of lines, neatly made / Looks dirty and
erasures, etc. decorated. poorly
Neatly made or decorated.

H. Making generalization and 5. Summarizing the Lesson

abstraction about the lesson REMEMBER :
Ask the following questions:

1) What is a constellation?
Answer : The groups of stars that form distinct patterns in the sky are called

2) Can we see all constellations as the same season or time of the year?
Answer :
• There are some constellations that can be seen only during certain
seasons of the year. These are called North Polar Constellations and
South Polar Constellations. The constellations nearest the center of
the circle can be seen throughout the year.
• These some examples of constellations that we can see at a particular
time or season of the year.

Northern spring/southern autumn constellations (late March to

late June): Cancer, Crux, Hydra, Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor,

Northern summer/southern winter constellations (late June to

late September): Draco, Aquila, Hercules, Sagittarius, Scorpius,
Libra, Lyra, Cygnus

Northern autumn/southern spring constellations (late

September to late December): Andromeda, Pisces, Pisces,
Aquarius, Aries, Cassiopeia, Pegasus

Northern winter/southern summer constellations (late

December to late March): Orion, Gemini, Taurus
3) What is the zodiac belt ? What are the constellations belonging to this

Answer : The zodiax belt is an imaginary but definite circular belt or path in
the sky wherein the sun seems to follow as viewed from the earth moves
along its center. Therefore, the path of the moon and those of the planets
are within the boundaries of the Zodiac.

The Zodiac contains twelve constellations. They are the : 1) Aquarius,

2) Aries, 3) Cancer, 4) Capricorn, 5) Gemini, 6) Leo, 7) Libra, 8) Pisces,
9) Sagittarius, 10) Scorpio, 11) Taurus, and 12) Virgo

I. Evaluating learning ACTIVITY 5 “Constell-Analogy”

Direction: Analyze the two statements in each number and write:

S - if statement A is true and statement B is false

T - if statement A is false and statement B is true
A - if statements A and B are both true
R - if statement A and B are both false.

_______1. A. Constellations are group of stars that form distinct patterns in

the sky.
B. Constellations can be seen only at night.

_______2. A. Little Dipper and Big Dipper are also considered as

B. Little Dipper is found within Ursa Minor.

_______3. A. Polaris is also known as the South Star.

B. Polaris is located in Ursa Major.

_______4. A. The Cassiopeia constellation forms a letter W in the sky.

B. The Orion constellation is referred to as the Hunter.

_______5. A. When the stars are hidden by clouds, there is great possibility
of rainfall.
B. Navigators use Polaris as their guide in determining

Key Answers :
1) A
2) T
3) R
4) A
5) A

J. Additional activities for Draw a constellation of your choice or your own design in a piece of long
application or remediation bond paper then using 3 - 5 sentences, introduce the name and design of the
constellation you created / used and why did chosen it. You may used
coloring materials to make it more artistic and creative.
(Integration of MAPEH-Arts and English)

Say : We are now at the end of our lesson. Did you learn well? Are you
wanting to see these constellations at the starry night sky tonight? If your
answer is yes, let’s take time with our family members to observe and find
some constellations that we had learn today. Thank you so much and see you
in our next adventure in Science !
A. No. of learners who ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next objective.
earned 80% in the evaluation
___Lesson not carried.

_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery

B. No. of learners who ___Pupils did not find difficulties in answering their lesson.
require additional activities
for remediation ___Pupils found difficulties in answering their lesson.

___Pupils did not enjoy the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and
interest about the lesson.

___Pupils were interested on the lesson, despite of some difficulties

encountered in answering the questions asked by the teacher.

___Pupils mastered the lesson despite of limited resources used by the


___Majority of the pupils finished their work on time.

___Some pupils did not finish their work on time due to unnecessary

C. Did the remedial work? ___ of Learners who earned 80% above
No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson

D. No. of learners who ___ of Learners who require additional activities for remediation
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching ___Yes ___No

strategies worked well? Why
did these work? ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson

F. What difficulties did I ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or Strategies used that work well:

localized materials did
• ___Metacognitive Development: Examples: Self assessments, note taking
used/discover which I wish to and studying techniques, and vocabulary assignments.
share with other teachers? •
• ___Bridging: Examples: Think-pair-share, quick-writes, and anticipatory

• ___Schema-Building: Examples: Compare and contrast, jigsaw learning, peer
teaching, and projects.

• ___Contextualization:
• Examples: Demonstrations, media, manipulatives, repetition, and local

• ___Text Representation:
• Examples: Student created drawings, videos, and games.

• ___Modeling: Examples: Speaking slowly and clearly, modeling the language
you want students to use, and providing samples of student work.

Other Techniques and Strategies used:

___ Explicit Teaching

___ Group collaboration

___Gamification/Learning throuh play

___ Answering preliminary activities/exercises

___ Carousel

___ Diads

___ Differentiated Instruction

___ Role Playing/Drama

___ Discovery Method

___ Lecture Method

___ Complete Ims

___ Availability of Materials

___ Pupils’ eagerness to learn

___ Group member’s collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks

___ Audio Visual Presentation of the lesson

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