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The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 1

The Definitive ACCA

Subject by Subject
Pass Guide
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 2

Table of Contents
Section 1 – Proven Study Methods 04
Section 2 – The Purpose and Structure of this Guide 07

Applied Knowledge:
Section 3 – Passing Business and Technology (BT) 10
Section 4 – Passing Management Accounting (MA) 12
Section 5 – Passing Financial Accounting (FA) 15

Applied Skills:
Section 6 - Passing Corporate and Business Law (LW) 19
Section 7 - Passing Performance Management (PM) 22
Section 8 - Passing Taxation (TX) 25
Section 9 - Passing Financial Reporting (FR) 28
Section 10 - Passing Audit and Assurance (AA) 32
Section 11 - Passing Financial Management (FM) 36

Strategic Professional (Essentials):

Section 12 - Passing Strategic Business Leader (SBL) 41
Section 13 - Passing Strategic Business Reporting (SBR) 45

Strategic Professional (Options):

Section 14 - Passing Advanced Financial Management (AFM) 50
Section 15 - Passing Advanced Performance Management (APM) 54
Section 16 - Passing Advanced Taxation (ATX) 58
Section 17 - Passing Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA) 62
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 3

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 4

Section 1 - Proven
Study Methods to
Help You Pass Faster
The Myth of “Learning Styles”
You’ll often hear people saying things styles. So instead of only watching video
like “I’m a visual learner”, or “I learn best lessons, combine this with written prac-
from listening”. While we all have our tice, listening, vocal explanations, and
preferences, research has shown that in more. Without doubt, the best “learning
fact nobody is better off sticking to just style” is combining as many learning
one “delivery method” for learning. styles as possible!

The results are in, and the best approach

to studying is to mix different learning

Active learning
Whether you are reading a textbook or all kinds, and is especially detrimental
listening to a lecture, it doesn’t mat- to ACCA students - where so much is
ter how much mixing you do if you’re about practice, application, and deep
engaged in passive learning. Passive understanding of topics and principles.
learning is what happens when you find
yourself just drifting off as you “study”; The scientific research on learning has
or simply the act of reading through a shown definitively that active learning
chapter, closing the book, and telling leads to vastly better outcomes and
yourself “great! I’ve now learned that more rapid results. And so a key to suc-
chapter!” cess in passing your ACCA exams quick-
ly will be ensuring that you are an active
This is fooling yourself into thinking you learner throughout your studies. What
have made progress. Passive learning does this mean?
is a common trap among students of
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 5

It means after you finish reading a section of text or watching a video lecture, you
should close the book or pause the video, and:

I Explain what you have just learned in your own words as much as

II Write down the key points (e.g. on flashcards for later reference)

III Do some practice questions or MCQs to ensure that you have

actually understood

This is what active learning looks like, and you should always strive to realise it.

This is a little known principle from the dom from chapter 1 and ask yourself to
science of learning, but it’s hugely effec- explain it. Then pick out a section from
tive. If you can incorporate this into your chapter 2 and answer 5 questions on it.
studies, you are already one step ahead Then return to chapter 3 and do some
of your ACCA colleagues. exam-style questions on that.

Interleaving is a fancy way of saying, Proceed in this manner for the remainder
“breaking the chronology”, or “mixing it of the subject, constantly jumping back
up”. and forth between previous chapters,
challenging yourself to recall what you
Let’s say you are proceeding through had studied in varied ways, and testing
an ACCA subject. Suppose you have yourself consistently along the way on
reached the end of chapter 3 after hav- randomly picked topics you had covered
ing completed chapters 1 and 2 some previously.
days or weeks earlier. The temptation
is to carry on like that chronologically Do this, and your recall and understand-
- test yourself on chapter 3 topics and ing will improve several-fold compared
then move straight on to chapter 4. to just chronologically going through a
This is a mistake.

Instead, what you should be doing is,

jumping back to random sections from
chapter 1 or chapter 2, and testing your-
self on those. Pick out a topic at ran-
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 6

Create “desirable difficulties”

A common temptation for students of the point. Studies have shown that put-
all kinds is what we’ll call “perfectionist ting yourself out of your comfort zone -
procrastination”. We all experience it. We into the “zone of proximal development”
put off testing ourselves or challeng- - is the optimal approach to learning any
ing ourselves until we feel we’re “100% new skill more quickly and effectively.
It’s like training a muscle. You need to
This is a mistake. push up against the limits of what you
can tolerate in order to become stronger
You should always be practising before and make progress. The same goes for
you feel completely ready. mental training and learning new theo-
ries and intellectual skills.
Science has shown that this is the pref-
erable study approach. Take the mock exam before you’re
ready. It will reveal things you didn’t
So let’s say you’ve only covered the even realise you didn’t know! It will point
materials in a chapter once, and you’re you to where you need to focus most.
still a bit unsure if you have fully grasped
everything. Don’t go back just yet and It will also improve your ability to use
start re-reading or rewatching lectures. your own mental resources to figure
Instead, test yourself there and then. things out; to problem solve “on your
feet”. This in itself is an invaluable skill
Probably you won’t do as well as you that will stand you in good stead in all
would like! But that’s ok - in fact, that’s future exam scenarios.

Be the teacher
One of the best ways of keeping your- concepts and theories can be broken
self honest and not deluding yourself down into simpler language and ex-
into thinking you know something, is to plained in a way a non-specialist might
teach it. understand.

And better still, to try teaching it in a So the point here is to at least try to do
way that a relatively smart 12-year-old that by “teaching” an imaginary class of
would be able to understand. non-ACCA people who you know, what it
is that you’ve just learned. (And if pos-
Now of course, this won’t always be sible, actually do this out loud… as long
possible in a qualification as technical as you have tolerant neighbours/house
and sophisticated as ACCA! However, companions who don’t get irritated by
you’d be surprised at how many these imaginary lectures!)
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 7

If you can do this, you generally will have simple language are the ones who really
demonstrated to yourself that you have understand!
a solid understanding of what it is you
have just covered. Too often students This is also a good argument for finding
hide behind technical concepts, and a study buddy or learning community.
convince themselves that they under- Having others ask you to help out with a
stand simply because they can repeat part of a syllabus is a great opportunity
complex-sounding jargon. In reality, for you to ensure that you are keeping
those who can explain complex ideas in yourself honest in your studies.

Section 2 - The
Purpose and Structure
of this Guide
What it is
This is essentially the place to come This is essentially your compass for
before you get started on any ACCA every subject in the ACCA qualification.
subject. Why? Because we have com- You’ll get a good overview of what the
piled all the most essential information exam involves, things to avoid, useful
you need to know in order to proceed links and resources, constructive study
efficiently and effectively through each advice and more.
ACCA subject.

What it’s not

This isn’t meant to be an “everything And so we do not assume to speak for
there is to know about ACCA” compendi- ACCA as an institution. However, we
um. Nor is it supposed to be a textbook do rely on and refer directly to publicly
with complete course coverage for every available ACCA information at various
subject! points throughout the guide - so we are
going “straight to the source” whenever
It’s also – just so we’re clear - not an possible and relevant, and linking to the
official ACCA publication. This has been corresponding sources.
developed with care by our team at VIVA
- a global award-winning accountancy
training platform.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 8

You’ll notice as you proceed through this We also include a “difficulty index” and
guide that the chapters tend to become “ranking” for each subject, based on
more and more detailed as you move average pass rates over the most recent
through each level. This reflects the fact exam windows. This is a handy refer-
that, in general, as you proceed through ence guide for you so that you know
the ACCA qualification, the exams be- what it is you’re facing into with each
come more difficult. Not surprising subject; how much time and effort you
perhaps! And so the section content will likely need to invest relative to previ-
reflects that fact. ous exams you have taken.

The early sections, covering the Applied The ranking works as follows: The most
Knowledge exams, are relatively short difficult subject will rank 1st of 15 sub-
given that those exams are relatively jects. The least difficult will be 15th of
easier to pass. As we move up towards 15 subjects. The index has 5 categories:
the professional level, you’ll start to no- Easiest; Easy; Moderate; Hard; Hardest.
tice denser information.

For the more difficult subjects, we in-

clude detailed advice from ACCA prize-
winners and ACCA examiners.

Some supplementary resources

As mentioned above, this is not We also have another great free guide
supposed to be a complete overview of by James on how to pass your ACCA
the ACCA qualification, nor a textbook. exams as quickly as possible.
Another important disclaimer is that the
order in which the exams are presented If you want a good general overview of
here does not necessarily reflect the what the ACCA qualification is, how it’s
optimal order in which you should take structured, and other relevant informa-
your exams (although some students do tion, we recommend that you get started
indeed proceed in that manner). with ACCA’s own guide here.

If you need advice on the best order Throughout the remainder of this guide,
in which to take your ACCA exams, we each section will also contain links to a
strongly recommend you take a look at number of subject-specific free resourc-
this free guide on VIVA’s website by the es.
wonderful James Wright.
So, let’s get started!
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 9

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 10

Section 3 – Passing
Business and
Technology (BT)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (76 marks)

Forty-six objective test (OT) questions (i.e. questions testing your theoretical
knowledge), each worth 1 or 2 marks.

There are sixteen questions worth 1 mark and thirty questions worth 2 marks.

Section B (24 marks)

There will be six multi-task questions (MTQ) in part B of the paper, each worth
4 marks.

There are six syllabus areas and there will be one MTQ on each of them. Each
MTQ will be specific to a syllabus area, with no crossover between the six ge-
neric parts of the syllabus. The exam lasts two hours.

Pass rates:

86% 84% 88% 84% 85%

Sep 2020 Dec 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 85%

Difficulty Index: Easiest
Difficulty Ranking: 15th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 11

Dos and Don’ts:

ACCA Examiner
Test yourself with exam advice:
grade questions under
timed conditions, including
“Syllabus areas which have posed
the Specimen Exam and
greatest difficulty include some
Practice Tests (these can
of the more complex theories of
be found here).
management and organisations as
well as micro-economics, macro-
Ensure you are familiar economics, corporate governance
with and comfortable in and approaches to ethics…
the Computer Based Exam
context. “In preparing to take this examina-
tion, the best practice is to appor-
Attempt at least two tion time equally between the six
complete exams in timed parts of the syllabus, but perhaps
conditions, evaluate your to devote a little more time to the
answers, then focus your theories and concepts that are
study on weaker areas. more difficult to memorise or un-
derstand. Other factors may influ-
ence the time spent on each sub-
Reserve your CBE exam
ject. For example, some candidates
well in advance at one
have already studied economics
of the on-demand CBE
prior to attempting this examina-
centres (more info can be
tion and should therefore need
found here).
to spend less time on this than a
candidate with no previous study
Don’t try to question spot! of the discipline.”
Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be Excerpted from the ACCA BT Ex-
tested. aminer’s Report - September 2020
to August 2021

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA BT
resources lectures

James Wright’s guide to free

BT resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 12

Section 4 -
Passing Management
Accounting (MA)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (70 marks)

Thirty-five objective test (OT) questions, each worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

There will be three MTQ’s in this section each worth 10 marks, with one each
on the following syllabus areas: Budgeting, Standard Costing and Performance

All questions are compulsory, and the exam lasts two hours.

Pass rates:

72% 69% 68% 65% 64%

Sep 2020 Dec 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 68%

Difficulty Index: Easy
Difficulty Ranking: 12th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 13

ACCA Examiner

“A pilot paper reflecting the exam

structure is available on the ACCA
website together with several
MTQs. Calculation questions ac-
Dos and Don’ts: count for approximately one half
of questions in both Section A and
Section B. Candidates’ perfor-
Test yourself with exam mance on calculation questions is
grade questions, to time, normally worse than on narrative
including the Specimen questions…
Exam and Practice Tests
(these can be found here). Common problems with section
B questions include the following:
Ensure you are familiar
with and comfortable in An inability to calculate pay-
the Computer Based Exam back, NPV and IRR
An inability to calculate stan-
Complete a minimum of dard cost variances
two full exams under timed
conditions, evaluate your An inability to calculate residual
answers, then focus your income and ROCE
study on weaker areas.
A difficulty with questions pre-
Reserve your CBE exam sented in spreadsheet format
well in advance at one of and with questions involving
the on demand CBE cen- the reconciliation of actual and
tres (more info here). budgeted figures via standard
costing variances”
Don’t try to question spot!
Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 14

Advice on addressing the above:

Try to attempt the “easy” ex-
“Practise as many objective amination questions first
test questions as possible,
number entry questions ap- Consider the “reasonableness”
pear to be a weakness of your answers in section B
(an inventory days figure of 27
Read questions very carefully million days is unlikely!)”
in the examination
Excerpted from the ACCA MA Ex-
Ensure that your calculations aminer’s Report - September 2020
are complete before selecting to August 2021
your answer to multiple choice

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA MA
resources lectures

James Wright’s guide to free

MA resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 15

Section 5 - Passing
Financial Accounting
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (70 marks)

Thirty-five objective test (OT) questions, each worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

There will be two multi-task questions (MTQ) in this section each worth 15
marks. Each MTQ will be specific to a syllabus area. The exam lasts two hours.

Pass rates:

77% 73% 74% 71% 69%

Sep 2020 Dec 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 73%

Difficulty Index: Easy
Difficulty Ranking: 13th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 16

Dos and Don’ts:

Test yourself with exam ACCA Examiner

grade questions, to time,
including the Specimen
Exam and Practice Tests
(these can be found here). “In Section B… it is advised that
you become familiar with the pre-
Ensure you are familiar sentation of the financial state-
with and comfortable in ments as per IAS 1 Presentation of
the Computer Based Exam Financial Statements. You will not
context. be asked to insert text to construct
a statement of profit or loss or
Complete at least two statement of financial position, but
full exams under timed you may be required to determine
conditions, evaluate your the correct position of a ledger
answers, then focus your balance within the financial state-
study on weaker areas. ments or to identify the correct
titles of the financial statements...”
Reserve your CBE exam
well in advance at one of You may be required to prepare
the on demand CBE cen- a statement of cash flows using
tres (info here). both number entry and drop-down
lists. It is important that you know
Don’t try to question spot! the format of a statement of cash
Any element of the sylla- flows as you may be required to
bus is just as likely to be select appropriate headings. For
tested. each cash flow identified you may
be required to identify if you need
to ‘add’ or ‘subtract’ the amount
calculated, so ensure you have
sufficiently prepared for this.”
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 17

ACCA Examiner advice:

“When preparing the consolidat- propriate formula from a drop-down
ed financial statements… If you are list that would enable a balance to be
dealing with a consolidation you may determined.”
be asked to calculate goodwill and
then complete certain aspects of the Excerpted from the ACCA FA Exam-
statement of financial position or the iner’s Report - September 2020 to
statement of profit or loss. This may August 2021
be in the form of calculating a rele-
vant balance, or by selecting the ap-

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA FA
resources lectures

James Wright’s guide to free FA

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 18

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 19

Section 6 - Passing
Corporate and Business
Law (LW-ENG)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (70 marks)

Twenty-five objective test (OT) questions, each worth 2 marks.

Twenty objective test (OT) questions, each worth 1 mark.

Section B (30 marks)

Five 6-mark multi-task questions, each containing a scenario and a series of
related tasks.

All questions are compulsory, and the exam lasts three hours.

Pass rates:

88% 86% 86% 83% 82%

Sep 2020 Dec 2020 Jun 2021 Dec 2021 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 85%

Difficulty Index: Easy
Difficulty Ranking: 14th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 20

Dos and Don’ts:

Test yourself with exam

grade questions, to time,
including the Specimen
Exam and Practice Tests
ACCA Examiner
(these can be found here). advice:

Ensure you are familiar

Regarding section A: “There is
with and comfortable in
nothing to be gained in question or
the Computer Based Exam
topic spotting as all aspects of the
syllabus can be examined in one
exam. However, it still remains the
Complete at least two case that some candidates may
full exams under timed have chosen simply to ignore cer-
conditions, evaluate your tain, more abstruse corners of the
answers, then focus your syllabus in order to focus attention
study on weaker areas. on the, perhaps, less challenging
aspects of the syllabus. It can only
Reserve your CBE exam be counselled that such tactics
well in advance at one of are risky in the extreme, especially
the on demand CBE cen- when such topics appear in Sec-
tres (more info here). tion B of the exam.”

Don’t try to question spot!

Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 21

ACCA Examiner advice:

Regarding section B: “This element ability to apply particular legal prin-
of the examination requires both ciples and concepts. Answers can-
analysis and application, which skills not be provided without underlying
traditionally candidates have found knowledge. Candidates should focus
difficult. The scenarios are short, on the specific issues raised in the
and questions are subdivided and question.”
focussed. What the questions under
the new structure seek to do is to Excerpted from the ACCA LW-ENG
encourage candidates to demon- Examiner’s Report - September 2020
strate their understanding of and to August 2021

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and James Wright’s guide to free
resources LW resources

OpenTuition free ACCA LW

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 22

Section 7 - Pass-
ing Performance
Management (PM)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (30 marks)

Fifteen objective test (OT) questions,
each worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

Three OT “cases” with five OT questions worth 2 marks each per
case, i.e. 10 marks per case.

Section C (40 marks)

Two questions worth 20 marks each. These can be either one full 20-mark task or
be broken down into several sub-tasks. The questions will come mainly from sylla-
bus areas C, D and E but may include requirements focused on learning outcomes
from syllabus area A. All questions are compulsory. The exam lasts three hours.

Pass rates:

41% 37% 43% 40% 41%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2021 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 40%

Difficulty Index: Hard
Difficulty Ranking: 5th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 23

General advice:

In sections A and B of the

exam, closely follow the
instructions for rounding
in “Fill in the Blank” ques- For section C
tions - easy marks can be of the exam:
lost by not rounding your
answers correctly!
Ensure you allocate a maxi-
Test yourself with exam mum of 36 minutes to each
grade questions, to time, question - be strict with
including the Specimen yourself!
Exam and Practice Tests
(these can be found here). Always read the
requirement(s) first.
Nail your technique on
answering constructed Display all your workings –
response questions . do not merely “plug in” final
results of calculations.
Try at least two full exams
under timed conditions, Spend 5 minutes planning
debrief your answers, then your narrative answers and
focus your study on your write by “filling in” the plan.
weakest areas.

Use relevant headings,

Don’t try to question spot! a paragraph for each point
Any element of the sylla- and short, simple
bus is just as likely to be sentences.
Attempt all requirements.
Don’t just focus on know-
ing how to do calculations
- ensure you understand
the underlying logic and
principles, and why calcu-
lations are performed.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 24

ACCA Examiner advice:

In the most recent report, the ex- relation coefficient & understanding
aminer highlighted several ques- of the coefficient of determination;
tion categories that were answered and divisional performance measures
poorly by students. It’s a good idea (ROI and RI).
to pay close attention to these areas
while studying, as they tend to be In section B, students tended to an-
the trickiest. It appears that students swer poorly the question on “make or
believe they understand, but when buy” decisions and other short-term
it comes to actually applying their decisions from syllabus area C – De-
learning on these topics, they often cision-making techniques.
make mistakes.
Paraphrased from the ACCA PM Ex-
In section A, those four areas were: aminer’s Report - March/June 2022
calculation of breakeven points; un-
derstanding of the process used in
target costing; calculation of the cor-

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA PM
resources lectures

ACCA examiner’s approach James Wright’s guide to free

article PM resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 25

Section 8 -
Passing Taxation
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (30 marks)

15 objective test (OT) questions, each
worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

3 OT cases with 5 OT questions worth 2 marks each,
i.e. 10 marks per case.

Section C (40 marks)

One 10-mark question and two 15-mark questions. The two 15-
mark questions will focus on income tax and corporation tax,
while the 10-mark questions can cover any syllabus area. All
questions are compulsory. The exam lasts three hours.

Pass rates:

50% 52% 49% 51% 52%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 51%

Difficulty Index: Moderate
Difficulty Ranking: 10th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 26

Dos and Don’ts:

Attempt exam standard

questions, to time, includ-
ing the Specimen Exam
and Practice Tests (these
For section C of
can be found here). the exam:
Ensure you are familiar
Assign yourself 27 minutes
with and comfortable in
for each 15 mark question,
the Computer Based Exam
and 18 minutes for the 10-
mark question - be strict
with yourself!
Test yourself with at least
two full exams under exam
conditions, evaluate your Carefully read the require-
answers, then focus your ment(s) first.
study on weaker areas.
Display all your workings –
Reserve your CBE exam do not simply “plug in” final
well in advance at one of results of calculations.
the on demand CBE cen-
tres (more info here). Ensure a logically struc-
tured answer that maps the
In sections A and B of the question.
exam, closely follow the
instructions for rounding Use clear, simple language
in “Fill in the Blank” ques- where possible for your
tions - easy marks can be narrative answers and avoid
lost by not rounding your repetition.
answers correctly!

Don’t try to question spot!

Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 27

ACCA Examiner advice:

“Section B tests candidates’ knowl- tions, with all other workings being
edge on a specific tax in more depth. carried out at the margin. Although
There are three cases each with five candidates were given marks if a full
related objective test (OT) questions computation approach was taken
for 2 marks each. Case questions will throughout, such an approach invari-
examine a single tax in the context ably takes longer.
of a given scenario and will cover a
variety of different aspects of that Note that it is not good practice to
particular tax. Therefore, candidates have anything other than the most
must be able to apply their knowl- basic of workings within a cell. It is
edge of that tax to the specific sce- very difficult to follow the answers of
nario to be able to score well. Each those candidates who did an entire
question is independent of the other four-line income tax calculation with-
questions in the case and each ques- in one cell. Those candidates that
tion will generally follow the order of attempted to recalculate all of the
the case scenario… tax and NIC figures already provid-
ed, wasted a considerable amount of
“In Section C, as is typical for the time.”
higher skills question, it is important
to read the question and require- Excerpted from the ACCA TX-UK
ments carefully. In the “Fleur” ques- Examiner’s Report - September 2020
tion from the March/June 2022 win- to August 2021
dow, the recommendation was that
full computations were only required
for the two income tax computa-

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA TX
resources lectures

ACCA examiner’s approach James Wright’s guide to free

article TX resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 28

Section 9 -
Passing Financial
Reporting (FR)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (30 marks)

Fifteen objective test (OT) questions,
each worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

Three OT cases with five OT questions
worth 2 marks each, 10 marks per case.

Section C (40 marks)

Two scenarios which relate to one or more require-
ment(s). All questions are compuslory. The exam
lasts three hours.

Pass rates:

51% 48% 50% 50% 51%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 50%

Difficulty Index: Moderate
Difficulty Ranking: 9th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 29

General advice:

Make sure you fully

understand theories and

Test yourself with exam For section C

style and standard of the exam:
questions, under timed
conditions, using the
ACCA Practice Platform Assign 36 minutes to each
(you can find that here). question, and adhere to it
Develop your skills in
answering constructed Always read the
response questions. requirement(s) first.

Attempt at least two full Present your workings – do

exams under timed not simply “plug” the out-
conditions, review your puts of calculations in.
answers, then focus your
revision on any weaker
For narrative answers, write
your answers around a plan
(headings, subheadings
Don’t try to question spot! etc).
Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
tested. Use simple language and
avoid repetition.
Don’t just focus on how to
do calculations.
Always include a
conclusion on the analysis
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 30

FR Prizewinner

“I would highly recommend a good thor- IAS 38 as they tend to be questioned in

ough study of the Technical Articles for almost every exam sitting.
FR (click here) published by ACCA. It’s
a free yet very advantageous learning Make sure to sit at least 2-3 mock
resource. exams prior to sitting the exam, as it
would really help you control your nerves
Specific focus should be placed on un- and tackle exam anxiety so you’re like-
derstanding the IFRSs and the reasons ly to perform much better at the actual
behind their development. This really exam.”
helps you gain the confidence you need
to tackle any sort of exam question. Zara Naeem,
Good time should be given to recurring Global Prizewinner in Financial
standards like IAS 16, IFRS 10, IAS 12, Reporting - ACCA

ACCA Examiner advice:

“You should note that in Section B tion in the scenario. Close reading of
a case will be a mixture of narrative the requirements is also important to
and calculation questions and can identify any specific instructions such
also include different styles of objec- as rounding…
tive test questions similar to those
used in section A. Candidates must Overall, the preparation of financial
read the case scenario and its re- statements is an integral part of the
quirements carefully. As these ques- FR syllabus and is something that
tions score either two marks or zero should be practised. Please ensure
marks, it is important that candidates that you attempt to use the relevant
do not misread or miss any informa- practice workspace available on the
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 31

ACCA Examiner

ACCA website so that you get used do not use the spreadsheet to cal-
to completing your answer in the CBE culate your figures, you must ensure
environment. It is vital that you show that you set out all workings and
all workings. calculations so that the marker is
able to follow through what you have
Where you are provided with a done and award marks accordingly.”
spreadsheet response option, if you
use the functionality of the spread- Excerpted from the ACCA FR Examiner’s
sheet, markers will be able to view Report - March/June 2022
your workings within the cell. If you

Useful free resources:

ACCA Examiner’s Approach ACCA subject overview and

OpenTuition free ACCA James Wright’s guide to free FR

FR lectures resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 32

Section 10 -
Passing Audit and
Assurance (AA)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (30 marks)

Three OT cases with five OT questions
worth 2 marks each, 10 marks per case.

Section B (70 marks)

Section B of the exam comprises one 30-mark question and two 20-mark
questions. Section B of the exam will mainly assess one or more aspects of
audit and assurance from planning and risk assessment, internal control or au-
dit evidence - although topics from other syllabus areas may also be included.
The exam lasts three hours.

Pass rates:

39% 39% 38% 44% 39%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 40%

Difficulty Index: Hard
Difficulty Ranking: 4th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 33

General advice:

Develop a strong knowl-

edge of ISAs and relevant
financial accounting.

Test yourself with exam For section B

style and standard
questions, under timed of the exam:
conditions, using the
ACCA Practice Platform
Draw on the scenario given
(you can find that here).
to help structure and map
out your answer.
Carefully review past
papers and examiners
Use clear headings.
reports to see how correct
answers to OT questions
are generated. Make points specific to the
given scenario, using sim-
Put plenty of practice into ple language.
writing narrative answers.
Describe how procedures
Attempt at least two full should be performed -
exams under timed con- don’t just mention them!
ditions, analyse and eval-
uate your answers, and Do not give rote-learnt
then focus your study on answers.
the weak spots.

Don’t try to question spot!

Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 34

AA Prizewinner

“Make sure to take notes - in your own Initially I did 1/2 a paper per day for older
words as far as possible - after each exams as they had 4-5 questions in a
lesson if you are studying using video single paper. For newer papers I could
lectures. I feel like it’s completely inef- do 1 paper per day.
fective to simply listen to lectures with-
out writing anything down. Again, writing down anything new I came
across, weak points I noticed in my own
I made sure I made a note of any sub- recall, highlighting along the way (if I
stantive theories or principles that were had the hardcopy of a past paper) and
very repetitive in my AA notebook so analysing examiner comments were all
that I had all those in one place to refer very helpful.”
to right before the exam.
Kahaf Moid,
Past exam practice is crucial. Of course No. 1 in the World in Audit and
the questions in AA are quite repetitive. Assurance

ACCA Examiner advice:

“Candidates preparing for future Candidates are reminded that there

sessions are advised to work through will be a mix of application and
the past exams which are available knowledge questions in Section A
and to carefully review how each of and it is imperative that they ensure
the correct answers were derived. their knowledge of the International
Section A questions aim to provide a Standards on Auditing (ISAs), rel-
broad coverage of the syllabus, and evant financial accounting and im-
future candidates should aim to re- portant areas of the syllabus such as
vise all areas of the AA syllabus, rath- auditors’ reports is at an appropriate
er than attempting to question spot. level. Questions may test specific
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 35

details of examinable documents quired level of knowledge and appli-

including ISAs, ACCA’s Code of Ethics cation. Candidates who do not spend
and Conduct and the UK Corporate sufficient time practising questions
Governance Code, therefore can- are unlikely to be successful as the
didates must ensure that they have written questions in particular aim to
studied these in sufficient depth. test candidates’ application skills”.

In order to pass this examination, Excerpted from the ACCA AA Examiner’s

candidates should ensure they de- Report - March/June 2022
vote adequate time to obtain the re-

Useful free resources:

AA Examine Technique OpenTuition free ACCA AA

ACCA subject overview and James Wright’s guide to AA

The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 36

Section 11 -
Passing Financial
Management (FM)
The exam structure: what to expect

Section A (30 marks)

Fifteen objective test (OT) questions,
each worth 2 marks.

Section B (30 marks)

Three OT cases with five OT questions worth 2 marks
each, i.e. 10 marks per case.

Section C (40 marks)

Two scenarios which relate to one or more require-
ment(s). All questions are compulsory. The exam lasts
three hours.

Pass rates:

53% 52% 50% 50% 52%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 51%

Difficulty Index: Moderate
Difficulty Ranking: 11th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 37

Dos and Don’ts:

Practice exam standard For section B

questions, to time, includ- of the exam:
ing the Specimen Exam
and Practice Tests (these
can be found here). Plan your answer, using
Develop your ability to plan
and develop practical writ- Answer the requirement
ten response answers. directly and don’t ramble
on about irrelevant issues.
Make sure you are familiar
with the Computer Based Integrate the scenario into
Exam environment. your answer.

Attempt at least two full Use simple language and

mock exams/past papers short sentences, but also
under timed conditions, fully justify each point in
review your answers, then your answer.
focus your study on your
weakest areas. Attempt all parts of all
Don’t try to question spot!
Any element of the sylla-
bus is just as likely to be
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 38

FM Prizewinner

“Among the many subjects that ACCA Whenever you do something, always
has to offer, there are always one or two make sure you do it in a way that you
that suit your profile best. Financial Man- don’t look back and say, “I wish I could
agement was it for me. My passion for have done better”. Give 110% in whatev-
Financial Management created that drive er subject you take - and also any other
within me to go that extra mile wheth- goal you apply yourself to in life.
er it be in lectures, revision or anything
related. When you find the subject that The ACCA technical articles (click here)
you love, don’t hold back. It could be the on the ACCA Global webpage are in-
route to a global prize! valuable for FM. Understanding the logic
behind FM is much more important than
The ACCA exam paper is unique since it just getting around the questions.”
focuses on real world, practical scenar-
ios. Therefore it is vital to attempt prac-
tice questions and past papers before Indeepa Maddumage,
sitting for the Financial Management No. 1 in World in Financial Man-
paper. agement

ACCA Examiner advice:

“Candidates should read the ques- so an answer which only selects one
tion carefully and follow the instruc- statement will be awarded no marks.
tions on how to answer the ques- A candidate who selects three state-
tion. For example if a question asks ments will also receive no marks.
the candidate to select two correct
statements, then marks can only be In addition, when answering a num-
awarded if two statements have been ber entry question, candidates must
selected. There is no partial marking, ensure they are entering their answer
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 39

in the correct format as stated in the to one or two decimal places. The
requirement. If a number is being exam system is configured to allow
requested in millions, there will be any correct answer, under these
an ‘m’ after the number entry box. If formats, to be awarded the available
a candidate puts a full answer of say marks.”
13000000 in the box rather than 13,
this will be marked as incorrect. Excerpted from the ACCA FM Exam-
iner’s Report - March/June 2022
If there is no format specified, an-
swers may be given as an integer or

Useful free resources:

FM Examine Technique ACCA subject overview and

OpenTuition free ACCA FM James Wright’s guide to free

lectures FM resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 40

Strategic Professional
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 41

Section 12 - Passing
Strategic Business
Leader (SBL)
The SBL exam is a four hour inte- Each task will specify an answer for-
grated case study which examines a mat, for example:
breadth of organisational functions. It
assesses not only technical and eth- Prepare a briefing paper …
ical skills but the professional skills Write a report for the board …
expected of effective leaders and
Draft a letter …
advisers to senior management.

A task may have more than one re-

ACCA will issue the details the can-
quirement, for example “evaluate…
didates would need to refer to, in-
and recommend…”
cluding background information and
exhibits, on the day of the exam,
In SBL, as there are 240 minutes to
alongside the various tasks to be
complete the entire exam and forty
completed by the student, giving
of these are for reading and plan-
candidates adequate time in which to
ning, 200 minutes remain for writing
do so.
answers. As there are only 80 tech-
nical marks, this means that there
This information and specific ex-
are (200/80) two-and-a-half minutes
hibits may take a variety of forms
available for each technical mark
such as annual and integrated re-
ports, media sources, presentations,
spreadsheets, tables, briefing notes,
NOTE: You should complete the
interview transcripts, but are not
Ethics and Professional Skills Module
expected to be unwieldy. There will
before attempting any of the Strate-
be no more than twelve to eighteen
pages of information in total. gic Professional examinations.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 42

Pass rates:

46% 51% 51% 50% 50%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 50%

Difficulty Index: Moderate
Difficulty Ranking: 8th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects

Dos and Don’ts:

Try to study the syllabus Attempt the specimen and

content as fast as possi- past exams within 4 hours
ble; this will serve you well - timing in this exam can
on exam day. be trickier than in others,
so practice is essential.
Start practising case
study-style questions as Examiners recommend
early as you can. If you’re that approximately 40 min-
preparing for an SBL CBE, utes of the total 4 hours be
visit this page for guidance allocated to reading all the
on how best to practice presented information and
questions, including using exhibits and planning out
the ACCA’s new Practice your answers.

Develop your professional

skills from the beginning.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 43

SBL Prizewinner

“Try not to spend too much time mem- breaking it down into more manageable
orising the syllabus. Focus on the main parts.
theories since these theories should be
used to support your answer. You should Finally, don’t try to include everything
also practice a lot of papers and have you know in the answer since it may not
a general idea about the length of the be relevant to the question and you may
answers that are required for a particular run out of valuable time. Write to the
number of marks. This will help you to point. For example, each paragraph can
improve your time management skills. include one point. You can then explain
your point in two or three sentences.
SBL has quite a big syllabus and it might Application to the case study is also
be overwhelming to study everything at extremely important and will determine
once. So ensure that you allocate suf- whether you pass or fail the exam. Apply
ficient time to study the full syllabus. your points to the specifics of the case
In my case, I studied 1 chapter per day study as much as possible.”
and used the remaining time to practice
papers. I made sure that studying didn’t Senali Perera,
become overwhelming for me by National prizewinner in SBL

ACCA Examiner advice:

“The marking scheme will comprise to help the candidate with the specif-
80 marks for the correct use and ic context of the requirements asso-
application of syllabus knowledge… ciated with that particular task.
All questions will be based upon the
same scenario to integrate the ques- In addition, there will be 20 marks for
tions set… However, additional infor- professional skills and competenc-
mation, more closely associated with es which permit ACCA to examine
each individual task, will be revealed professional and behavioural skills...
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 44

ACCA Examiner advice:

pervasively throughout all of the case Excerpted from ACCA SBL Examining
requirements. This approach allows Team Guidance
an assessment of the student’s ca-
pabilities to demonstrate more than
just their technical proficiency and
to show professional skills which are
deemed essential for a successful
accountant and business leader in
the 21st century. These are broadly
under five headings:

Commercial acumen

Useful free resources:

ACCA Examiner’s Approach ACCA subject overview and
article resources

OpenTuition free ACCA SBL James Wright’s guide to free

lectures SBL resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 45

Section 13 - Passing
Strategic Business
Reporting (SBR)
SBR is an integrated case study total 50 marks.
which examines a breadth of organi-
sational functions. The first question will be on group
financial statements from Syllabus
It evaluates not only the ethical and
area D but is also likely to require
technical capacities of the student,
some consideration of financial re-
but also the professional qualities
porting issues from Syllabus area C.
expected of effective leaders and
advisers to senior management. The The second question mainly asks for
outcome focus for the syllabus can ethical implications and reporting
be summarised as follows: implications of specific events in a
given scenario.
- Leadership and governance
- An understanding of risk manage- Section B comprises two questions,
ment which may be scenario-, case study-
- How technology and data analytics or essay-based and will contain both
are transforming businesses discursive and computational ele-
- Organisational control including ments.
internal audit
One question in Section B is based on
- Financial aspects of supporting de-
a modern business scenario and will
cision making
require the application of accounting
- How innovation, performance excel-
standards to those scenarios.
lence and change management are
essential to organisational success Another question in Section B con-
tains any element of the syllabus but
All questions are compulsory. The is likely to be scenario based and
three-hours-and-fifteen-minute exam mainly focused on current issues,
will assess professional competences investor issues, or interpretation.
within the business reporting envi-
ronment. NOTE: You should complete the
Ethics and Professional Skills Module
Exam Structure before attempting any of the Strate-

gic Professional examinations.
Section A comprises two sce-
nario based questions that will
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 46

Pass rates:

44% 48% 48% 46% 49%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 47%

Difficulty Index: Moderate
Difficulty Ranking: 7th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects

Dos and Don’ts:

Cover the syllabus broadly. Do real-world research

Aim for breadth of learning – e.g. read real company
rather than depth. financial statements.

Planning your answers

with clear headings isn’t
Start practising case
just good practice for or-
study-style questions as
ganising your thoughts - it
early as you can. If you’re
demonstrates professional
preparing for an SBR CBE,
skills to the examiner! So
visit this page for guidance
read requirements careful-
on how best to practice
ly and plan accordingly.
questions, including using
the ACCA’s new Practice Don’t merely regurgitate
Platform. everything you can re-
member from the syllabus
The written aspect of this areas being examined!
exam is crucial – don’t Select relevant points only
just practice calculations, and explain how they apply
formulae etc. Professional to the specifics of the case
writing is essential. presented.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 47

SBR Prizewinner

“The first thing to remember is that improve on your time management, and
SBR is one of the professional exams. also improve how well you are able to
The exam is more about application of apply your knowledge. Through a lot of
the accounting standards to the case practice, you will realise which portions
scenario than simply writing down the of each of the standards are tested more
requirements of standards. One ap- frequently than the others.
proach that helped me in this aspect is
The question covering ethics is one of
to consider that no information given
the easier parts of the exam in which
in the question is useless. Relate each
to get a maximum score, compared to
piece of information (given in the case)
other areas. Hence, do practise a few
with the relevant standard one by one,
ethics questions as well. Besides that,
and clearly state your conclusion as per
don’t forget to read model answers, ex-
the question’s requirement. In this way,
aminer’s comments/reports, and ACCA’s
you will be able to address the maximum
technical articles (click here) for useful
points available and get an overall high
exam related insights.
Lastly, get yourself a study buddy if you
Additionally, practising past exam ques-
can! It really improves your conceptual
tions and mocks is a significant part
understanding when you explain difficult
of your SBR exam preparation. Do not
portions of the syllabus to a peer.”
ever take it lightly. Practice will help you
Muhammad Abdullah,
No. 1 in the World in SBR

ACCA Examiner advice:

“Question 1 in the SBR examination tion on the SBR exam is quite often
carries 30 marks which equates to poorly answered because of the lack
54 minutes of the three hour exam- of time available. A candidate is more
ination. Candidates however seem to likely to pass the SBR exam with four
give this question disproportionate reasonably answered questions than
significance with the result that can- if the final question is poorly an-
didates appear to spend more time swered because of time constraints.
on this question than the allotted There is a significant amount of
time. The result is that the final ques- material which discusses examination
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 48

technique, but it seems that many consistency of the Framework (and

candidates still ignore the advice.” the proposed Framework) with each
IFRS that is examined.
Excerpted from ACCA SBR Examiner’s
Report - March/June 2022 … The principles of group accounting
could be examined in either section
“Candidates should use their an- A or B. For example, Section B could
swers to demonstrate their ability to include a question on control or
make strategic business reporting whether the acquisition of an entity
decisions… The examination requires meets the definition of a business
some calculation and explanation of combination.
accounting standards but the ma-
jority of the examination requires … The new SBR syllabus does not
the application of that knowledge require different knowledge to that
and understanding. Questions will which was required in P2 Corporate
be based upon corporate reports, of Reporting. However, there has been
which a deep understanding is re- a change in how the examining team
quired. Therefore, candidates will not expects the candidate to apply that
be able to successfully answer SBR knowledge; for example, the require-
questions by rote learning and repro- ment to look at corporate reports
ducing textbook answers. Thus, can- from the view of investors. For SBR,
didates who read around the subject, there will be significantly more marks
think critically about the information allocated to written answers than
and relate it to practical examples will numerical answers. Simply practising
be rewarded in this examination. numerical questions will not result in
success in this examination and the
… To pass this exam, candidates written answers should be in suffi-
require an in-depth knowledge of the cient depth to answer the question
Conceptual Framework which sets that is being asked.”
out the concepts upon which Interna-
tional Financial Reporting Standards Excerpted from ACCA SBR Examiner’s
(IFRS) are based. Therefore candi- Approach Article
dates should be able to discuss the

Useful free resources:

Stepping up from Financial ACCA subject overview and
Reporting resources

OpenTuition free ACCA SBR James Wright’s guide to free

lectures SBR resources
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 49

(Options - choose 2 subjects)
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 50

Section 14 - Passing
Advanced Financial
Management (AFM)
This is an advanced level exam which Like a senior financial person at work,
builds upon the knowledge and skills you will be expected to read a busi-
examined in Financial Management. ness brief and decide on a relevant
You will be required to demonstrate methodical approach to meeting
your ability to: the brief’s objectives, making notes
where necessary. Senior manag-
Read and digest quickly, com-
ers work under tight deadlines, and
prehensive and detailed ques-
hence prioritising and managing your
time is crucial to performing well un-
Apply relevant knowledge and der examination conditions.
The ACCA AFM exam is 3 hours and
Exercise the professional 15 minutes long and consists of one
judgement expected of a se- case study section worth 50 marks
nior financial person and a second section with two 25-
mark questions.
Make recommendations or fi-
nancial management decisions
that are likely to affect the
entire business organisation

Pass rates:

39% 38% 41% 43% 41%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 40%

Difficulty Index: Hard
Difficulty Ranking: 6th most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 51

Dos and Don’ts:

Question practice is es-

sential if you want to pass
AFM first time. Visit here
for guidance on question Appreciate that profes-
practice, including how sional skills underpin good
to use the ACCA Practice performance throughout
Platform. the exam.

Break down requirements

Don’t disregard what you
into all constituent parts to
learnt in Financial Man-
ensure every part is an-
agement and other exams.
swered - considering both
You will probably need
financial and non-financial
the knowledge (and tech-
niques) from the other
Understand what matters
to businesses and the
viewpoints of stakehold- Don’t use incomplete
ers who are interested in sentences when making a
the subsequent decisions point. Marks are awarded
based on the discussion for complete points made
and evaluation asked for. in full sentences. However,
you can use bullet points
and numbered paragraphs,
Use the information pro-
and headings when ap-
vided in the question sce-
propriate, to structure an
answer to a question.

Communicate findings and

recommendations clearly
and concisely with easy to
follow numerical workings
supported, where appro-
priate, by brief notes.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 52

AFM Prizewinner

“Try to focus more on understanding It is of course important to cover all syl-

the logic behind concepts, theories and labus content; however, special attention
formulas rather than rote learning. A and thorough practice should be given
thorough understanding will help you to certain syllabus areas as they usually
solve any type of question and bypass hold the most marks in the exam. Syl-
any (tricky) questions in the exam. labus areas such as Mergers & Acquisi-
tions, Hedging and Valuation Techniques
Calculations and numerical questions are are topics worth emphasising.
an important part of the exam; however,
equal focus should be given to the the- It is imperative to focus on time manage-
ory aspects. Try to look at past exams ment while practising questions, and do
and practice or read through theory revisit your mistakes. It may be helpful
questions to become more familiar with to ask your tutor or watch a lecture to
the style of questions and recommend- make sure you are thorough with the
ed answers. It is important to cover all relevant concept and are learning from
syllabus content as much as possible errors made during practice.”
through study and practice, as theory
questions can be related to any part of Mujtaba Anees,
the syllabus. Global prizewinner in AFM

ACCA Examiner advice:

“It is very important that candidates for each requirement of the question.
thoroughly read the question to Identify the areas where you feel you
become familiar with the scenario as can gain marks the most easily and
important facts and figures can easily ensure you have the time to complete
be missed. You must then plan your each requirement.”
answer to enable you to have the op-
portunity to gain the maximum marks Excerpted from Advanced Finan-
for each section. These steps must cial Management (AFM) March/June
be built into your time management 2022 Examiner’s report
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 53

“The presentation of your answers effectively. Make sure that your

is critical. It is very important to answers are constructed in a logical
pay regard to neatness, organisa- way because markers may not be
tion and structure of your answers. able to award marks for something
Professional exams are extremely that they are unable to follow.”
time-pressured but giving your an-
swers a structure will help you orga- Excerpted from Advanced Financial
nise your thoughts and work more Management – examiner approach

Useful free resources:

ACCA Examiner’s Approach Stepping up from Financial
article Management to Advanced
Financial Management

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA AFM

resources lectures

James Wright’s guide to

AFM past papers and exam
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 54

Section 15 - Passing
Advanced Performance
Management (APM)
All questions are compulsory. The The case study focuses on a range
three-hours-and-fifteen-minute exam of issues from syllabus sections A,
will assess professional competences C and D, but depending on the busi-
within the business reporting envi- ness context of the case study.
​ Section B consists of two compulso-
Section A will always be a single ry 25-mark questions. All section B
50-mark case study, which will con- questions will be scenario based and
tain four questions in which you are address a range of issues influencing
required to produce a business doc- the performance of organisations in
ument such as a report or a briefing specific business situations.
paper for the board of directors.
One of two questions will come main-
You should expect to undertake cal- ly from syllabus section E. However,
culations, draw comparisons against the other Section B question can
relevant information where appropri- come from any other syllabus sec-
ate and be prepared to offer alter- tion.
native recommendations as needed.

Pass rates:

32% 30% 32% 34% 33%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 32%

Difficulty Index: Hardest
Difficulty Ranking: 1st most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 55

Dos and Don’ts:

Go here for advice on

how to approach question
practice. You can also find Assess alternative ap-
guidance on how to use proaches from different
the ACCA Practice Plat- perspectives.
Support your recommen-
Learn the connections be- dations using the informa-
tween issues at the strategic, tion given in the scenario.
tactical and operational levels
of an organisation.
Quantify comments when-
It’s key that you grasp spe- ever possible - e.g. instead
cifically how the choice of of saying something will
operational performance be “very beneficial”, if it’s
metrics can influence stra- possible say exactly how
tegic performance. beneficial it is likely to be.

Be able to apply PM Discuss commercial

knowledge to more com- implications.
plex scenarios (see here
for more info on this).
Don’t generate calculations
for everything - focus on
Make use of any exhibit, those calculations that ac-
information, model or tech- tually help you answer the
nique explicitly mentioned requirement in question.
in a requirement.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 56

APM Prizewinner

“APM is a strategic level exam that my point, Explain it, Relate it to the
ensures students understand and can specific context and keep all answers
identify the appropriate measures a Concise.
business should be monitoring to aim for
3. Study in a way that suits you: I often
found breaking study into very small
The three tips I would emphasise for blocks of reading or questions and doing
students looking to sit the APM exam 30mins-1hour a day to be the most ben-
would be: eficial. For me, it was important to retain
a balance between work, study and
1. Practice questions: To gain an under-
social activities so short study sessions
standing of the various measures for
over a longer period of time suited. This
each business type and practice time
won’t be the same for everyone and en-
management for the exam.
suring that you follow a program that fits
2. Exam Technique: I used an answer your style of learning is the best way to
format that always consisted of four achieve success.”
components per point I was trying to Fearghus Mahon,
make. These components were to State Global prizewinner in APM

ACCA Examiner advice:

“The scenario describes the organi- assessing different performance

sation, its objectives and its business management approaches, a useful
environment. A good candidate will question to ask is ‘Does this meet
show how they have taken in this the objectives/needs of the organi-
information and then applied it to sation?’ so obviously, the candidate
the performance management of must have identified these from the
that organisation. For example, when scenario.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 57

Candidates must make sure that they Lists of rote-learned advantag-

can: es and disadvantages for different
approaches will not produce a com-
assess the current situation of
plete answer as a candidate will be
the organisation (for example,
expected to tailor this knowledge to
its existing performance man-
the situation given in the question.
agement systems) and then
Also, simply writing the appropriate
consider how to apply a new jargon words or phrases associated
approach to performance with a model or method will not score
management (for example, val- heavily. It is essential that candidates
ue-based or based on one of demonstrate that they know how
the many models mentioned in to apply these appropriately to the
the syllabus such as the per- scenario.”
formance pyramid or the build-
ing block model), and Excerpted from Advanced Perfor-
mance Management – examiner
assess whether this new ap- approach
proach will be an improvement
(for example, by helping to
meet the corporate objec-

Useful free resources:

ACCA Examiners’ reports Stepping up from Financial
Management to Advanced
Financial Management

ACCA subject overview and OpenTuition free ACCA APM

resources lectures

James Wright’s guide to

APM past papers and exam
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 58

Section 16 - Passing
Advanced Taxation
(ATX - UK)
The Advanced Tax exam is a three- Question 1 in section A will require
hour-and-fifteen-minute exam. the answer to be presented in a par-
ticular format – for example, a report,
The exam consists of two sections, memorandum or letter. There will be
A and B. The whole of the syllabus four marks available in the question in
is examinable in either section. All respect of professional skills.
questions in Sections A and B are
compulsory. Questions 1 and 2 in Section B are
each worth 20 marks (40 total). Can-
In section A, Question 1 is worth 35 didates are required to answer both
marks and Question 2 is worth 25 of these questions. These questions
marks (60 total). These questions will will contain concise structured infor-
require the analysis of information mation, including sub-headings, to
provided and the use of any guidance make them easier to assimilate and
given to help address the require- navigate. This will enable candidates
ments. They are likely to address a to read them quickly.
number of different taxes.
See sample past papers here.

Pass rates:

41% 36% 37% 38% 43%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 39%

Difficulty Index: Hard
Difficulty Ranking: 3rd most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 59

Dos and Don’ts:

Search for and identify Recognise that the pro-

all the requirements in fessional skills must be on
the Section A case study display throughout all an-
questions by looking in: swers if you want to obtain
high marks.
The requirements
section and
Make sure you are well
The document refer- acquainted with the CBE
enced in the scenario environment (see here for
(e.g. an e-mail from a support and info).

Do not waste time recalcu-

Allocate enough time to lating if you’re given cer-
pick out the constituent tain figures to use.
parts of each requirement,
to ensure the entire ques-
tion is answered. Do not waste time ad-
dressing issues which have
Relate any calculation or not been asked about or
discussion to the context which do not help answer
in the given scenario. the question.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 60

ATX Prizewinner

“1) At the start of your studies, refresh with the style of questions in the exam.
your assumed knowledge from the Taxa- I recommend doing Section B questions
tion paper at the applied skills level. The first and then gradually when there’s 30 or
ATX exam assumes foundational knowl- 20 days left, try to squeeze in Section A
edge. Hence, you must refresh the rele- questions every now and then. Start with
vant prior knowledge of Taxation without Section B always and you’ll be sure to gain
which it is difficult to proceed and under- the momentum.
stand the new concepts introduced in ATX
4) Important areas in ATX:
at the strategic professional level. There’s
nothing worse than discovering you don’t a. Most students find group structure for
remember previous important concepts corporation tax, and exemptions and loss
when you are mid-way through your stud- reliefs for corporation tax to be tricky. Do
ies or worse, mid-way through your exam! pay attention to this area!
2) Section A consists of two case-study b. Interaction of IHT and CGT is import-
questions. Generally, one of the questions ant. The two taxes should always be
will be based on individuals while the oth- addressed separately under appropriate
er question is based on companies. Also, subheadings i.e., never try to address
be prepared to answer questions on ethi- both taxes at the same time. Also, learn
cal issues. Question 1 will require a report, the income tax implications of receiving
letter, memo or meeting notes as part of income from a trust and the IHT and CGT
the answer. You will also score profession- implications of the transfer of assets to
al marks if you present and address the and from trustees.
requirement well.
c. There are chances of overseas matters
3) With ATX, it’s pretty tough to practice being tested in the exam! These rules are
using the past exam papers available pretty straight-forward. So, just be confi-
directly on the ACCA website as it will not dent in your basic rules of residency and
reflect the latest changes made by the domicile.
finance act. Hence, it’s worthwhile paying
for an exam kit from a tuition provider as d. Style of questions surrounding the taxa-
they should have a good number of past tion of the unincorporated business that
paper questions amended to reflect the may be tested are as follows:
applicable rates, reliefs etc. Practising
exam-standard questions is important as i. New business: Questions usually sur-
you need to know that you are able to deal round identifying options that are advan-
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 61

tageous, disadvantageous or irrelevant. succession election if business is sold to

E.g., Unincorporated business or compa- a connected person and consideration
ny? Employment or partnership? Choice of VAT implications of cessation/sale of
of year end? Initial losses for a new busi- business. All the above require a sound
ness and a particular strategy relating knowledge of income tax, national insur-
to the use of losses. Is VAT registration ance and corporation tax.
required? Advantages/disadvantages of
5) There are many free resources and
doing so and the type of schemes avail-
technical articles available on the ACCA
website that provide detailed guidance
ii. Existing business: Basis of assess- on the approach to ATX exam questions
ment, potential tax saving from offset (see below). Good exam technique will
of losses, change of year end and con- help you perform to the best of your
sidering the possibility of transferring abilities in the exam and to maximise the
an existing unincorporated business number of marks you earn and possibly
to a company. Loss reliefs available on secure a rank!”
cessation of business, the availability of Sreeja Nayar,
Global prizewinner in ATX

ACCA Examiner advice:

“It will be important that candidates larly, candidates should try to avoid
think before they start to write an an- producing detailed pro forma calcu-
swer in order to identify the relevant lations (for example, of capital allow-
issues, and the calculations neces- ances), when a simpler working will
sary, to support their advice. In ad- provide the figure required.
dition, they should consider whether
the necessary calculations could be … While writing an answer, candi-
carried out in a particularly efficient dates must always remember who
way. For example, it may be that the the document is for – for example,
client will be a higher rate taxpayer a client or a firm’s files – and try to
regardless of the particular strategy make the answer concise, practical,
chosen, such that the income tax relevant, and helpful.”
implications can be computed at the
Excerpted from Advanced Taxation
margin without the need to prepare
(UK) Examiner Approach Article
full income tax computations. Simi-

Useful free resources:

ACCA Examiners’ reports Stepping up from Taxation to
Advanced Taxation

ACCA subject overview and James Wright’s guide to free

resources resources for ATX
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 62

Section 17 - Passing
Advanced Audit and
Assurance (AAA)
The AAA exam is a three-hour-and- could relate to one or more client
fiteen-minute exam and consists of companies.
two sections, A and B. Consult the
specimen exam and past content for Section B (50 marks)
examples of the format, starting here. Section B comprises two compulso-
All questions in the exam are compul- ry questions of 25 marks each. The
sory. Section B requirements tend to in-
volve shorter scenarios than Section
Section A (50 marks) A. One of the Section B questions
This section consists of one compul- will always be set in the completion
sory Case Study style question, for a stage of an audit. The other section B
total of 50 marks, divided into several question could cover a range of top-
requirements. The question scenario ics – the only preclusion is that it will
will supply an array of detailed infor- not be based on an audit completion
mation in the form of “exhibits”, and scenario.

Pass rates:

32% 34% 34% 33% 31%

Jun 2021 Sep 2021 Dec 2021 Mar 2022 Jun 2022

Average Pass Rate: 33%

Difficulty Index: Hard
Difficulty Ranking: 2nd most difficult of 15 ACCA subjects
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 63

Dos and Don’ts:

Analyse the wording of the Read widely - for instance,

requirements carefully. news of recent issues and
advances in auditing (see
here for useful resources).
Use the mark allocation to
guide the scope and time
allocation of the answer Do not choose the AAA
you plan. exam if you have little-to-
no real world audit experi-
Read the first paragraph ence.
to understand the assign-
Do not choose the AAA
exam if you struggled a lot
Make a “shortlist” of tech- with previous audit exams.
nical knowledge required
to answer questions on
accounting as well as au- Do not choose the AAA
diting. exam if you cannot assume
responsibility for your
Apply this to the scenario: claims by reading around
current Audit and Assur-
- Plot out your planned ance issues in the real
points under appropriate world.
Do not choose the AAA
- Ensure you have a use exam if you are uncomfort-
for all given information able evaluating arguments
and exhibits in your answer or drawing informed con-
plan clusions.
The Definitive ACCA Subject by Subject Pass Guide 64

ACCA Examiner advice:

“AAA is a challenging and mostly encouraged to sit and pass SBR prior
practical exam. Candidates must to attempting AAA
consider carefully whether they have - the ability to apply knowledge to
the required competencies when specific client scenarios
deciding whether to take this option - the ability to have an independent
exam. The competencies necessary opinion, backed up by reasoned ar-
for a candidate to achieve a clear gument
pass in AAA include: - an appreciation of commercial fac-
tors which influence practice man-
- a thorough understanding of the agement
relevant audit, assurance and fi- - an appreciation of the fast-moving
nancial reporting regulations that developments in audit and assurance
fall within the syllabus. The level of practices.”
accounting knowledge for AAA is
aligned with the content of the Stra- Excerpted from Advanced Audit and
tegic Business Reporting (SBR) syl- Assurance – examiner’s approach
labus and therefore candidates are

Useful free resources:

ACCA subject overview and Stepping up from Audit and
resources Assurance to Advanced Audit
and Assurance

James Wright’s guide to free OpenTuition free ACCA AAA

AAA resources lectures

ACCA Examiners’ reports

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