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1. What is the flip flop? Write application of Sequential circuits.

2. Explain Master slave JK flip flop.
3. Write short note on SR latch with NOR gate.
4. what is race around condition? Explain with the help of timing diagram.
5. what is a Shift register? Explain serial in parallel out shift register.
6. Explain Ring Counter.
7. Design MOD-6 down synchronous counter.
8. Explain Decade (BCD) Ripple counter.
9. With the help of diagram explain the working of successive approximation type
Analog to digital converter.
10. Explain working Principle of RAM and ROM.
11. Write short note on PAL and PLA.
12. What is address multiplexing and Memory decoding?
13. What is Latch? What are the difference between Latch and Flip Flop? Explain D
latch with truth table and logic diagram.
14. Explain J and K Flip Flop with truth table and logic diagram.
15. Define the following and explain: i) State Diagram ii) State Table iii) State
Equation iv) State Assignment
16. Explain the working of Johnson counter with suitable diagram.
17. What do you understand by Counter? Give the difference between Synchronous and
Asynchronous counter.
18. What is Shift Register? What are different types of shift Registers? Explain.
19. Explain the working of BCD counter.
20. Discuss the principle working of programmable array logic.
21. Write short notes on:
a) Encoder and Decoder
b) PLD

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