Unit 2. Exercise

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Exercise 1: Choose the correct answer to fill the blanks (“x” means nothing is necessary):
1. Would you give back ________ money I lent you , please?
A. a                             B. the              C. an               D. x
2. I’ve just bought ________car. ________car is very fast.
A. the/the                   B. a/a              C. the/a           D. a/the
3. She read ________interesting book yesterday.
A. a                             B. an               C. the              D. x
4. ________ youngest boy has just started going to ________ school.
A. a/x                          B. x/the          C. an/x            D. the/x
5. ________eldest boy is at ________ home.
A. a/the                      B. the/x          C. x/ a             D. an/x
6. Would you like to hear ________ story about ________ English scientist?
A. an/the                    B. the/the       C. a/the           D. a/ an
7. There’ll always be a conflict between ________ old and ________ young.
A. the/the                   B. an/a            C. an/the        D. the/a
8. There was ________ party last night, ________ party lasted for 2 hours.
A. the/a                      B. an/the        C. a/the           D. the/the
9. ________ cat is faster than a mouse.
A. the                          B. an               C. a                 D. x
10. What are ____ doing? - ____ am doing ____ homework.
A. you/ I/ my B. your/ Myself/ I C. yourself/ I/ D. yours/ Mine/
mine me
11. ___ ideas are different from ____, but I am sure _____ are still good friends.
A.You/ my/ B. Yours/ I/ us C. Your/ mine/ we D. Yourself/my/
our we
12. I can not lend you ____ laptop. I need it ___.
A. my/ myself B. mine/ me C. myself/ me D. me/ my
13. Although we are best friends, my ideas are different from ___.
A. he B. his C. him D. himself
14. The girl looked at ____ in the mirror and smiled.
A. she B. herself C. hers D. she’s

Exercise 2: Complete the paragraphs below with the words in the box. You will need to use
some of them more than once. Then say what each pronoun refers back to.
it one their them these they this

Although 55% of the youngest age group say that money would make 1 ... them .... happiest,
2................. figure falls as people get older, and by the age of 75,3 ............ is
relatively low. On the other hand, only 12% of the 15-24 age group worry about 4........ . health,
but it becomes a key concern as 5......... get older. so the trends for 6................. two features
cross in middle age and 7......................is the opposite of the other.
Overall, it seems that people are most satisfied at the start and end of 8 ................ lives. For young
people, happiness comes from money, while for older people 9 ............. is linked to health.


Exercise 3: Underline the correct words.

There are many reasons why (1) we / they should recycle household waste. The main reason is to
avoid wasting valuable resources when (2) it is / we are not necessary. However I do not think the
government should make (3) it / the law compulsory for people to recycle their waste.
If the government makes a law that all households must recycle (4) their / its rubbish. (5) the
law / it could lead to more problems. For example, how can 6 you/ people check that people are
recycling everything? (7) It is not practical to do this / To do this is not practical. In addition
there is the argument that individuals should be allowed to decide for (8) each other / themselves
whether to throw something away or to recycle (9) it / something.

TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISH: Travelling and tourism (tourist attractions)

1. Paris là thủ đô của Pháp và nó thu hút rất nhiều du khách từ mọi nơi trên thế giới.
2. Các du khách từ Châu Âu thường không quen với ẩm thực của châu Á. Nó quá khác biệt với
ẩm thực của họ.
3. Người dân bản địa đôi khi tự làm hỏng hình ảnh của địa phương mình vì ý thức kém.
4. New York là một điểm du lịch ở Bắc Mỹ. Các thắng cảnh của nó bao gồm tòa nhà Empire
State, tượng Nữ thần Tự do và Công viên Trung tâm.
5. Thái Lan là “đất nước chùa vàng” (“the land of golden pagodas”). Điều đó khiến du lịch của
Thái Lan rất phát triển.

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