Unit 2 - Lesson 2 - Reflection Paper

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Kartilya ng Katipunan: Bridge of Convenience through

Nation's Independence

For more than 30 decades of being slave of affrights, dreads, cowardice, sadness, violences,
and exploitations in the society, we, Filipinos were trained and skilled enough to defend ourselves,
to fight for what is indeed right, to become strong and resilient, and to be independent enough to
stand alone amidst any struggles. When the revolution was successfully realized to vanquish the
Spanish governance, I imagine how Filipinos are dedicated and persistent to win against the
Spaniards. They starve, for victory to end the abusing power of the Spanish government.

Through the genuine efforts of Emilio Jacinto, a man of intellect, refinement, and literary
indulgence, and was greatly known as the "Brain of Katipunan," through his book entitled "Kartilya
ng Katipunan," he motivated the katipuneros to strongly fight for the country's independence, to
regain what we invested, to restore what have been stolen and devastated from our home. His book
contains thirteen lessons that details not only the vision of the Katipunan but the vision for an
equalitarian and morally sound Filipino nation. It provides a glimpse on how the Katipuneros used
to think during the revolution against the Spaniards. It gives emphasis on their main goal to fight for
freedom and end oppression. The Kartilya ng Katipunan opens the eyes of everyone to the real
situation of the society, on how Filipinos were belittled and stepped on by the Spanish leaders. His
book encourages everyone to have that courage and strength to fight for the country's independence.
This book became the bridge of convenience in the society, freeing every Filipino from slavery and
violences. The book emphasizes that Filipinos' battle for freedom was not alone, it is not a battle of
one person but a battle of everyone, a battle of every single individual who has that courage, strength,
dedication, and great love for the country whom are willing to sacrifice their own life in exchange of
the country's liberty. The book taught the Filipinos that, with unity and strong power and resiliency
from one another, the goal of the nation will greatly be realized and thus highest victory will be

To enjoy humanity is to survive life. To survive life is to surpass the battle. The Kartilya ng
Katipunan served as the "law" of the katipuneros in their battle against the Spaniards and even the
americans because it contains a code of conducts that shows katipuneros on how to be a true Filipino
in terms of words and actions. It is the guide of the Katipuneros in living with morals and good values
and thus shows the path on how to live a meaningful life for every Filipino. The book transmits the
implicit norms that consider a Filipino's genuineness through their statements and behaviors, and
anybody who goes against or breaches the percepts will be rebuked based on their transgression

To conclude, Kartilya ng Katipunan has played a vital role and indeed a key in attaining the
country's independence. It is one of the means that Filipinos survived the battle because of the
guidance of this book and the lessons and inspirations that the Katipuneros followed and was
engraved in their hearts. Many believed that we are yet to achieved our true independence because
for the katipuneros, independence include our political freedom and freedom from exploitation that
is presumed to be not yet attained. Kartilya ng Katipunan is a set of principles that set the path on
how each of us must live by living to the fullest through good values. This book is such a great help
for the Katipuneros and the Filipinos for the successful revoke of our independence against alien
conqueror as this book entails several lessons that inspire Filipinos on how to live a good and
meaningful life and live by the values of a true Filipino.

Teachings of the Katipunan

“Ang tunay na kabanalan ay ang pagkakawang gawa, ang pag-ibig sa kapua, at ang
isukat ang bawat kilos, gawa’t pangungusap sa talagang katuiran.”

I grow up in a poor family but I was enriched with good values and moral teachings
that through thick and thin, I should always live with purpose. My parents taught me that
whatever happens in life, I should always remember how to look back from where I came
from, from the people who became part of my success. They instilled me the spirit if
teamwork and kindness because in terms of great crisis, what the humanity needs is the
unity and cooperation of one another. I grew up helping others in my own little way that I
can because I believe that the essence of love comes within the kindness and wholesomeness
of the heart who cares for the humanity. They say that sharing is caring and the entire
purpose of living is not only evolving within one’s self but rather through social involvement
with the society around because the true greatness and wholesomeness of a person can only
be measured through clear intention and strong passion of the heart to extend its pure help.

“Ang babai ay huag mong tingnang isang bagay na libangan lamang, kundi isang
katuang at karamay sa mga kahirapan nitong kabuhayan; gamitan mo ng buong pagpipitagan
ang kanyang kahinaan, at ang inang pinagbuhata’t nagiwi sa iyong kasangulan.”

I am a “mama’s boy” type of guy who grew up with the pure and endless love and care
of my mother where my life seems incomplete without her presence. As I grow older, I
realized one thing- women are like glasses, they are fragile. Through this realization, I made
a promise to myself that I should love, respect, and treat other woman that I’ll meet like the
way I do with my mother who gave me birth. I promise myself to love them selflessly and
with fidelity, in the way that they truly deserve. I promise myself not to hurt a woman or
made them cry because I have a special woman, my mother, whom I know will also fell the
same pain. I know they have weaknesses, even fears or traumas from whatever their past
experiences were, but I never took advantage with these because that’s the foolest thing to
do. Today, I am still in love with the person I met yesterday because I affirmed and keep
holding on my promises that I should be like my father who never failed to love my mother
endlessly. I should be that ideal man that every woman keeps on finding on. Women are not
just women, they deserve a pure and real love from a man who respect their lacks or
misfortunes, and will treat them in the way that they dreamt to be.

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