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We know that in the current era, many countries are against China.

This is because China is developing

day and night. And it is possible that one day China will be more powerful than the United States. China
policy makers knows that if there happens any kind of war then their rival countries can cut off its supply
line from two sides. The first place is South China Sea where the US Navy Force can off its supply line
with the help of Philippines and Vietnam. Therefore, China is increasing its control in these areas by
constructing artificial Islands. But even if China secures the South China Sea, its supply line could be also
cut off from the Malacca straight. Because both the countries Indonesia and Malaysia present in this
area are close to America. That means this area is also not secure.

So what should china do? The only way for China to save its supply line was to leave its eastern sea
route and trade via western land routes. And this ideology gave birth to a new project called one belt
one road. However, this project makes china’s import exports much safer, but its main problem is about
its oil supply. The oil supply in china comes mainly from Iran and Gulf countries. For this, China has an
option to supply oil through Burma. Bypassing Malacca straight, China can also import oil through Burma
port. But it is not so easy and the reason is India. That means if China import its oil through Burma port it
will have to pass close to India. And India is already a rival to China and an ally of the United States of
America. Although china has leased the port of Sri Lanka for 99 year, but it is clear that they will not be
able to use all of their naval forces against India in Sri Lanka.

Now there is another way, the western border of China. Most of which is Central Asia. The oil supply can
reach China via Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc. But there is an issue here as well. All these
countries are more friend of Russia than China. Thus, China needs a route of a country that is its best
friend and whose interests are common. Obviously, there is no best friend of China in this area than
Pakistan. On the other hand, Pakistan itself has a very bad interest in providing a secure supply line to

About 50 years ago, back in 1971, a war between Pakistan and India. Three Indian missile boats attacked
on Karachi port. Two Pakistani warships (Khyber and Mohafiz) were sunk. Many cargo ships were also
destroyed in the attack. And the oil tankers caught fire on the shore. India also carried out air strikes on
Karachi. The attack severely damaged Pakistan's supply line. Since then, Pakistan understood that in
case of any future war, it has to secure its supply line. It will be necessary to find an alternative of
Karachi. Although Pakistan also has advance missiles after the 1971s War, Karachi has also an air force
base. Now, if war happens, it will not be easy for India to attack Karachi. But military tactics are so
meticulous that even the slightest risk cannot be ignored. The worst immediate threat to Karachi at the
moment is Jamnagar Air Base. This airbase is under the Indian Air force’s southwestern command. This
air base is only 400km away from the Karachi. Any fighter jet flying from here can reach Karachi within 5
to 10 minutes. This means there will be very little time for the Pakistan Air Force to respond. In these
circumstances, Pakistan's policy makers need an alternative to Karachi in any case. In their view, this
alternative was Gwadar, which is 600km away from Karachi. And it is safe from India’s attack. In other
words, if Pakistan build its alternative supply line from Gwadar, it would be safer during the war. That
means the interest of Pakistan and China has become the same. And the result of this common interest
is CHINA-PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR or famous by the name of CPEC.

Gwadar is located in the southwestern borders of Pakistan. This is the city of Baluchistan province. It is
known worldwide for its magnificent locus and state-of-the-art port. Gwadar, a city with a 60km long
coastline, is being turned into a port equipped with the most modern needs of the 21st century. As the
time for its completion draws near, its importance is increasing. In the future, not only Pakistan but also
China, Afghanistan, Russia and Central Asia's trade will depend on it. In 1954, American Geological
Survey ranked Gwadar as the best location for Deep Sea Port.

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), massive bilateral project to

improve infrastructure within Pakistan for better trade with China and to further integrate the
countries of the region. The project was launched on April 20, 2015 when Chinese President
Xi Jinping and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif signed 51 agreements and
Memorandums of Understanding valued at $46 billion. The goal of CPEC is both to transform
Pakistan’s economy—by modernizing its road, rail, air, and energy transportation systems—and
to connect the deep-sea Pakistani ports of Gwadar and Karachi to China’s Xinjiang province and
beyond by overland routes. The announcement of joint space and satellite initiatives between
Pakistan and China, spurred by CPEC, followed in 2016. CPEC is part of the larger Belt and Road
Initiative—to improve connectivity, trade, communication, and cooperation between the
countries of Eurasia—announced by China in 2013.

Because of CPEC, both China and Pakistan are being connected to the port of Gwadar. Gwadar is
now becoming an alternative supply line for both Pakistan and China. China's advantage is that
Gwadar is a place where China can bring oil from Iran and Gulf countries to its country through
safe routes. At present, China's oil supply has to go round India, pass through Malacca and then
go to China via the South China Sea. On the other hand, this rout is of 10,000km long and
second of all, there are rival countries of China all around. That means, this route is very long
and unsafe. Whereas, Gwadar is just near about 2500km away from the Kashgar (city of China).
And is also safe.

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