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This chapter discusses the background of the research, research problems, objectives
of the research, specifications of the product, significance of the research, limitations of
the research, and definition of key terms.

1.1 Background of study

It has been realized that writing is one of English skills that must be mastered by
the English language learners. Writing is also considered as the indicator toward the
students’ success in learning English and their future professional careers. Kingston et al
(2002:3) state that student’s achievement in learning English is only measured by the
productive skills, especially the writing performance. Moreover, recently people prefer
the written form of communication in accessing information to the oral communication.
To support the idea of the importance of writing performance, Abbas (2007:203) states
that one of the characteristics of the 21st century is that English has changed its concept
in term of the language use; the spoken language which is very dominant will be
followed by the more dominant of the written language. Thus, the objective of the
English teaching and learning must be emphasized at helping the students to be able to
communicate both in spoken and written forms.
The teacher is known as a facilitator that must has good ways to facilitate her or his
students. One of those is using media. Purnama (2016:3) stated that in learning process.
media is needed as support and help for teacher to implement the materials. Beside that,
media can be called as tool to help and increase the students' achievement in learning
process, so the media must be made and implemented by the teacher. In other hand,
media by using technology and information is becoming important thing that will be
useful for the teacher and students during learning process. According toArifin &
Setiawan (2012:126) adapted by Wati (2018:1) the position of media in learning is very
as important as learning method, because the method that is used in learning process
usually will require the media which can be integrated and adapted to the conditions
encountered. Media in teaching and learning process will change the atmosphere of
classroom. An interesting media can motivate the students in preparing them selves to
get a new knowledge. Media also cane make them understand the materials that are

given by the teacher easily Based on Putri (2014:3) one of the main functions of media is
to help the learning process and also influence learning environment that are arranged
and created by teacher". The other reason is media becoming important thing to stimulate
the students in learning process.
Moreover, media have many types in teaching and learning process. Suhartono &
Laraswati (2016:38) divided into 3 types that arca audio, visual, and audio visual. Audio
media is a media that can be heard by using ears such as recording audio, radio, and etc.
Visual media is a media that can be seen by using eyes such as picture, photo, card,
sketch and etc. Audio visual is a media that can be heard and seen such as video,
television, etc. All of those can be used and applied by the teacher in learning process.
However, audiovisual can be called as one of the appropriate media that must be applied
by the teacher in teaching and learning. According to Riyana (2007:5) adapted by Putri
(2014:20)video is a media or tool present audio and visual contains of concepts,
principles, procedures, theories of application of knowledge to help the understanding of
learning materials. So, the appropriate media of audio visual is video.
Writing in the classroom is almost every day, usually the teacher asks the students
to write about their opinion even making paper. However, the students are asked without
knowing how to write properly and correctly. While, they assume that learning writing
skill is one of the difficult skill even in a foreign language, especially in English.
According to Suryani (2016.2) writing skill is considered as the most complicated
language skill to be learned and this skill is also the most difficult language skill. In other
hand, the students are not trying to ask the teacher about their difficult in writing they
look less of motivation and interest in learning writing 
Spiritual KI-land KI-2is a combination of affectivecognitive and cognitive.
Knowledge (K1-3) actually has2dimensionsconsist of tenth graders and eleven
gradersBut it focuses on tenth graderIn tenth graders consist of factual, conceptual, and
procedural knowledge. Skill(KI-4) is talking about minimal skill that must be achieved
by students.

Based on the observation at MTS ASSA'ADAH 1 in the seventh graders in English

lesson. the result is indicating that in the teaching and learning process carried out using
direct learning models with combination of scientific approach. However, there is a
scientific stage that has not yet been carried out that is communicating due to the absence
of students who are willing to describe and present their findingsOn the other side, the

stage of communicating in the scientific approach is very important stage. In this stage,
the students can formulate and account for the previous stages contained in the scientific
approach. Based on PERMENDIKBUD which states that the learning outcomes of
communicating students can held responsible for the verification of hypotheses.
The other observation that writer observe indicates that the teaching and learning in
the classroom of the seventh graders of Mts Assa'adah 1, the teacher only uses learning
resources in the form of book and his approach is teacher center and it is too
monotonous. Howeverwhile the teacher explaining that there were some students who
did not pay attention even felt bored and sleepy. While the result of interview to the
English teacher stated that in the learning process carried out is only student-centered
and not in accordance with learning objectivesFrom the statement above. there are some
materials that are enough just to explain using traditional method, and the materials that
is used not contextual, unattractive, monotonous, and not based on the studentsSo there
will be a high possibility of not achieving the expect goalsIn fact, theoretically the
teaching material that has been developed can achieve learning goals because it has been
adapted to the needs of studentsSupposedly, teaching materials developed by teachers are
more varied innovative and interactive. The materials that are needed is the materials that
can be brought back lost meaning in English, giving motivation, English games. English
humor and about English insight are needed in learning activities. All of those aim to
reduce the atmosphere of bored learning and a boring atmosphere.
The previous studies in developing media for teaching has been done by Huda
(2019)The product of his study is making Powtoon video in the form of flash disk. This
media could increase the students' motivation to learn English. It means that the was
appropriate for the students since it was relevant to the students' need, interest and level
of students English ability.
The other previous study also has been done by Masyitoh 2017)her product is
video materials in supporting speaking skill in the form of CD (Compact Disk). Her
media has opportunities for students to understand about the content of media since the
video touches many aspectThe students also can see the moving image which has sound.
Based on the previous studies, the writer tries to develop media in teaching writing
and must be different from the previous study beforeThe media is different in this study,
the result of media will be completed with building vocabulary, video and evaluating
game. This study is intended to develop media in teaching writing for seventh graders at
MTS Assa'adah 1 Bungah to teaching writing ability.

1.2 Research of the Problems

The problem in this research can be stated as follows: "How is instructional videos in
teaching writing of descriptive text for class seventh graders at MTs Assa'adah 1

1.3 Objective of the Research

In accordance with the research problems, the researcher develops a research aim to
obtain answers to the research problems. Objective to developing instructional videos for
teaching writing of descriptive text to seventh graders at MTs Assa'adah 1.

1.4 Specification of the Product

Product specifications will be developed based on the needs of students and

teachers. Products are around 100MB in size and five to six minutes long. It is in the
form of an MP4 video. This media can be accessed anywhere, such as cellphones, PCs,
laptops, etc. In this media there will be 2 files consisting of teacher videos and learning
guides. This media product will also focus on descriptive text writing materials
consisting of identification, section descriptions, conclusions/impressions. So, this
product can help students understand the material whenever and wherever they study.

1.5 Significance of the Research

The following ways in which this study is anticipated to contribute to the

teaching and learning of English are:
1) For English Teacher, this research is expected to be a medium as a long-term
interactive learning tool that is useful in English writing classes. and motivate
teachers to vary their learning media.
2) For students, this research is expected to provide stimulation and increase
knowledge and motivate them to learn English.

3) For other researchers, it is hoped that this research can serve as a reference and
encourage students majoring in English education to carry out the same
research so that it will help and facilitate English teachers and students in the
teaching and learning process in English writing classes.

1.6 Limitation of the Research

To limit the broad range of topics, the author will focus on developing
appropriate media for class 7 MTs Assa'adah 2. on the even semester curriculum
syllabus. Lastly, this media only focuses on writing skills.

1.7 Definiton of the Key Terms

In avoidance of misunderstanding and misconception on the context of the

research, the researcher defines key terms as follows:
1) Developing is defined as an effort to develop effective products in the form of
learning materials, media, learning strategies for use in schools, and not to test
theory. according to Gay (1990)
2) Instructional videos are depictions of a live sequence broadcast by a teacher
containing learning messages to assist understanding of a learning material as
guidance or teaching material to a small group of students. according to Aria
Pramundito (2013:4)
3) Writing is a communication activity in the form of conveying messages
(information) in writing to other parties using written language as a tool or
medium. according to Dalman (2014, p. 3).
4) Descriptive text is text that describes the object according to the actual situation
so that the reader can see, hear, feel, or smell the object being described.
(Nursisto (1999:40).


This chapter reviews topics that underline the implementation of the present study The
first part is devoted to the importance of teaching Writing the second is about the English
standard of contentand the third part deals with the writing. The next discusses models of
media development, and a discussion on the relevant previous studies.

2.1 Writing

As one of skills considered as the most difficult one, According to Dalman (2014,
p. 3) writing is an activity of communicating in the form of conveying messages
(information) in writing to other parties using written language as a tool or medium. The
general goals of writing are to inform, persuade, express, and entertain.

2.1.1 The Nature of Writing

Writing is one of the productive skills involve producing languageIt is the
most difficult skill for studentsBased on Westwood 2008:56) adapted Purnama
(2016:9) asserts that written language becomes the most difficult skill because its
development involves the effective coordination of many different aspects such as
cognitivelinguistic, and psychomotor processThe students also must be submitting
ideas. Based on Nunan. (2003:88) the process of thinking about creating the ideas,
thinking about how to express in to a good writing and arranging the ideas into
paragraph and statement clearly. So, they need to a lot of time to think, process,
organizing, and develop ideas.
Writing is used to communicate to other people and that is very important
because it has contributed greatly for human work as a media of communication in
everyday life such as education and business. Based on F. Megawati (2010:183)
writing it has been reported that is one of the crucial ways to deliver information.
In all of the stages of lifewriting is very important from education to future

In other hand. the most people suppose that writing is one of the difficult
basic competencies than other basic competencies. According to Thuy (2009:61)
allof the teacher of EFL was finding that teaching writing is difficult although they
have considered that writing is very important.

2.1.2 Macro and Micro Skill of Writing

Micro and Macro is an important role in achieving the goals that must be
learned to become effective writing. According to Brown (2003: 221) identify
Micro and Macro Skills, as follows:
1) Micro Skill
 Generates English orthographic and grapheme patterns.
 Produce writing quickly and effectively to achieve goals.
 Produce the right word order patterns and the appropriate core words to
make sentences.
 Use proper grammatical systems and principles, such as tense agreement
and pluralization.
 Different grammatical forms can be used to convey certain meanings.
 Use word and phrase coordination when writing. Situation to write.

2) Macro Skill
 Depends on the exact vocabulary chosen with carefully selected adjectives
and adverb.
 Focus and concentration only on the added aspects something for the
primary purpose of description.
 What sensory information is heard, seen, smelled, felt, felt.
 Proper use of adjectives, look alike, and a metaphor to create
pictures/photos in mind. For example, their noses met with a whiff sharp
rotting flesh.
 Strong development of experience that "puts readers there" focus on details
keywords, strong verbs and nouns.

In Micro and Macro skills, Micro skills are more applied to imitative and
intensive types of writing, while mastery of responsive and foreign writing skills is
very important in Macro skills.

2.1.3 Types of Writing

In the process of teaching and learning English, there are several types of
writing. Based on Utami (2014: 29) there are 3 types of writing consisting of
informative text types, expository text types, and argumentative text types.

1. The Informative Text Type

The informative text type is such Descriptive text, A descriptive text tells
you what something is like. The writer is trying to help you imagine or 'see' a
person, place or thing. Describing words, such as adjectives and adverbs are
used, as well as descriptions of the five senses: look, sound, smell, touch,

2. The Expository Text Type

It aims at explanation, i.e. the cognitive analysis and subsequent
syntheses of complex facts.

3. The Argumentativ Text Type

This type of literature bases its conclusions on an evaluation and
subsequent subjective judgment in response to a challenge. It refers to the
arguments put forward in essays, articles, etc., for or against a subject. Other
kinds depending on general language properties and structure The several
forms of texts that are most commonly utilizedThe types of exposition include
narrative, recount, descriptive, report, explanation, analytical, hortatory,
process, discussion, review, anecdote, satire, and news item.The term "genre"
refers to these variances.

2.1.4 Technique for Teaching Writing


1. Writing Based on Pictures

When a teacher uses photographs to educate, the pupils are invited to
look at the photos they are provided and explain what they see. This method
encourages pupils to express their thoughts in their writing.
2. Writing Based on Template
A technique based on template is a technique where the teacher gives
examples of texts and students are asked to observe. Students can imitate the
teacher's examples, and they are allowed to change the text's substance in
accordance with the teacher's directives. The above technique is employed to
assist students comprehend the format of texts.
3. Write on Cards
A witting card technique is a technique where students are asked to
discuss the materials by using cards that has given by the teacher. This
technique is applied for the students to feel interested and do not get bored
quickly in the learning process.
4. Dictation
Dictation technique is a technique where the student writes about what
the other student sayThe teacher gives the materials by speaking and students
write what is said by the teacher.
5. Writing Based on Topic
Writing based on topic is a where the students have to give opinions about the
problem given by the teacher. This technique can also increase students
knowledge in writing.
6. Join Writing in a Group
This technique is done by dividing the students into groups. In group
activities, the teacher gives the materials and students are asked to discuss it.
7. Fill the Blank
The fill-in-the-blank method requires that the questions pupils are
asked to complete blank sentences with be suitable given the sentence's
8. Writing based on Jumble Word or Sentence
This technique is done by students where they have to rearrange
randomized words into appropriate sentencesThis technique can improve the

grammar and vocabulary of students and teachers can also understand the
ability of structure.

2.1.5 Type of Writing Activities

Writing activities in the English class, there are types of writing activities
that should be based on students' level and capacityBrown (2003:221) there are
four categories of classroom writing performance such as: Imitative, Intensive,
Responsive. and Extensive.
1. Imitative or writing down
At the beginning level of learning to write, students will simply “write
down”. English letters, words, and possibly sentences in order to learn the
conventions of the orthographic code. Some forms of dictation fall into
this category, although dictations can serve to teach and test higher-order
processing as well.
2. Intensive or controlled
This intensive writing typically appears in controlled, written grammar
exercise. This type of writing does not allow much, if any, creativity on
the part of the writer.
A common form of controlled writing is to present a paragraph to
students in which they have to alter a given structure throughout. Guided
writing loosens the teacher’s control but still offers of stimulators. Yet
another form of controlled writing is dicto-comp. here a paragraph is read
at normal speed, usually two or 9 three times.
Then the teacher asks the students to rewrite the paragraph to the best
of their recollection of the reading. In one several variations of the dicto-
comp technique, the reader, after reading the passage, puts key words from
the paragraph, in sequence, on the chalkboard as cues for the students.
3. Responsive
In this type the writer has mastered the basic of sentence level
grammar and is more focused on discourse conversation that will achieve
the written texts goals.
4. Extensive

The authors focus on achieving goals in an organization logically and

developing logically by using defile to support ideas.

2.2 The Important of Teaching Writing

Good writers are good readers. Writing gives voice to our inner thoughts and
allows us to share them. As a form of communication, writing can transcend time and
is a way to pass stories from generation to generation. Writing is one of the basic skill
languages as important as the other basic skillIn English language, there are four
skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, all of the skills must be learn by the
studentsProductive skill are writing and speaking, and receptive skill are listening and
readingWriting can be said to be an activity of expressing written ideas that make it
possible for them to share through digital media or print media. Writing activity is
very important because it have contributed greatly for human work as a media of
communication in everyday life such as education and business. So, teaching writing
in English is applied at all levels of education in Indonesia. start from elementary
school until senior high school. They are given the English writing lesson because the
students will be more confident with a new language and written work that has made
by them.
Besides, in producing a good and effective writing, all of students can not able
to produce effective writing and more difficult than writing their first language.
Effective writing needs to be learned by students in developing writing, so students
need to know how to write in a good and effective writing and know the writer's
special convention. Based on David publishing company (2016:98)English writing
skill is needed by students in a foreign language context that is started by making
simple paragraph, summery skills until the ability to write essaysWriting is a product
skill that is considered very difficult, the teachers need to give opportunist for students
to learn writing skill in advance such as knowing how to write, arrange and knowing
writer's special convention.
Based on David publishing company (2016:99) students need to be assisted by
their English teacher who has task of helping to obtain the skill that they need to
flourish in this environment.

2.3 Teaching of Writing


According to Harmer (2004: 41), teaching writing is the way where teacher has
to give writing direction to the students, and stimulate them to get ideas; help students
when they lose their words, and always give support. Besides, teacher has to give
reaction to the content and construction, give suggestion to improve students writing,
and evaluate students writing by showing where they write well, and where they make
In teaching writing, teacher found that their students often used incorrect
grammar, and difficult to write. It is the task of teachers to solve them by choosing
suitable techniques in teaching writing. It is done in order to make students
understand and know how to use correct grammar and also create good writing. It
means that choosing a suitable techniques are very important for teacher in teaching
writing. By selecting suitable techniques, students will be enthusiasm to write and
easieer to express their ideas through writing in good result. If the students have
written in good result, it means the teaching writing is success.
Technique in teaching writing focuses on what techniques are teacher used and
how they apply those techniques in the classroom. Teachers have to create some steps
in order to give instructions that are appropriate with the method used. According to
Raimes (1983) „There is no one way to teach writing, but many ways‟. There are
several techniques in teaching writing. They are divided as follow: techniques in
teaching organization, technique in using controlled writing, technique in using
reading and technique in using picture.
Writing is taught in school and cosidered as one of the difficult skill to be
mastered Suryani (2016:28). In fact, teaching writing is not easy as just asking
students to write something in creating the good product of writing, teaching writing
needs to teach optimally.
According to Hochman & Wexler (2017:30) draw some principles for teacing
writing. The principles are describe below:
a. Explicit instruction starting young
Being a good reader is not enough to become a good writer; writing
requires far more decisions. And students who can speak fluently don't
necessarily transfer that to coherent writing. Students need to be taught how
the conventions of written language differ from those of spoken language,
communicating with much more precision and clarity. anticipating what the

reader needs to know and understand, and using punctuation and key words
(despite, although, for example, specifically) to indicate nuances in meaning.
connections, and breaks in the narrative. It's also important that they avoid
errors in spelling and grammar that will distract readers. All this needs to
begin in the early elementary grades, and although it's important that students
enjoy writing and get to use it as a means of self-expression, there should be
plenty of explicit instruction, practice. and feedback to hone skills.
b. Sentences as the building blocks
In many schools, the quantity of writing has long been valued over its
qualityThe Common Core and other standards have only increased the
pressure on teachers to assign essay-length writing. But if students haven't
learned how to write an effective sentence, that is where instruction needs to
begin. Students need to do plenty of sentence-level writing in which they
explain, paraphrase, or summarize sophisticated content, use correct spelling
and grammar, and get feedback on form and content. Then they can move on
to paragraphs and essays.
c. Writing embedded in curriculum conten
To maximize the benefits of writing instruction, teachers need to go
beyond personal narrative assignments like arguing the pros and cons of
school uniforms and speculating on what it's like to be famous. Having
students write about topics unrelated to content represents a huge wasted
opportunity to boost their learning. Writing isn't merely a skill: it's also a
powerful teaching toolStudents should be asked to write about ancient Egypt,
tornadoes and hurricanes, Jane Eyre, and other subjects they're studyingAnd
all teachers should see themselves as teachers of writing, even if it's only a 5-
15-minute do-now activity, check for understanding, or exit ticket.
d. Curriculum content as a driver of writing rigor
writing activities that build writing skills and get students thinking deeply
about subject matter. One sentence-level exercise is for students to complete a
sentence stem because, but, and so. Here are examples from three subject
areas at different grade levels:
 Rocket learned to read because/but/so
 Fractions are like decimals because/but/so

 Acrobic respiration is similar to anacrobic respiration

 Three sentences about hydrogen and oxygen, starting with
Although, Unless, and If Here's what one student came up with:
 Although hydrogen is explosive and oxygen supports combustion,
a compound of them put out fires.
 Unless hydrogen and oxygen form a compound, they are
explosive and dangerous.
 If hydrogen and oxygen form a compound, they lose their original
properties of being explosive and supporting combustion.
 This was the student who was unable to write more than six
simple sentences as a nine grader.
e. Grammar taught in the context of writing
teaching grammar rules in isolation doesn't work. For many students,
learning parts of speech and diagramming sentences just adds to the confusion,
takes up valuable cognitive real estate, and doesn't carry over to their own
writing. But that doesn't mean teachers can't, or shouldn't, teach grammar,
continue the authors. What does work is to teach writing conventions and
grammar in the context of students' own writing. One particularly helpful
exercise is sentence combining, which students find engaging and gets at
many of the same skills as dry grammar instruction.
f. Planning and revising
Although experienced writers may be able to turn out a well-developed
paragraph or essay on the fly,most of the students we work with find it
overwhelming to organize their thoughts at the same time they're choosing
words and figuring out the best way to structure their sentences. A planning
template helps students think through the main idea or theme, the points they
will make, and the order in which they will make them. This helps them think
through what additional information they need, connect ideas or claims with
relevant details or evidence, and avoid irrelevant information and repetition.
Having jotted this outline, writing a first draft is quite straightforward.
Then comes revising. which is where students apply what they've learned in
sentence-level exercises to insert transition words, vary sentence structure, and use

subordinating conjunctions, appositives, and other techniques so the writing flows

and makes sense.

2.4 Types of Media

In increasing the quality of education in Indonesia, information and

communication technology is able to provide positive benefits in the field of
education, one of which is the media. Learning media is the delivery of information or
learning messages to students. The presence of media in the teaching and learning
process is expected to help teachers improve student learning achievement. Therefore,
the teacher should present the media in each learning process for the achievement of
learning objectives. Waryanto (2002: 2) grouping mediabased on several types:
 Audio media, which is media that only relies on sound capabilities, or can only
be received through the sense of hearing. In other words, this type of media
only involves the sense of hearing and manipulating the elements of sound or
sound alone such as tape recorders, radios, open reel tapes.
 Visual media, namely media that only rely on the sense of sight in a visual
form. The connotation of visual media in teaching has a very broad
understanding, because basically the learning media used in teaching can
almost all be enjoyed by our sense of sight. In this discussion the visual media
in question is the media whose material
 appearance is using a projection tool or projector, because through this media
software that completes this projection tool will produce a light or image bias
in accordance with the desired material.
 Audiovisual media, namely media that have sound elements and picture
elements. Audio-visual media is also called video media. Video is a medium
used to convey learning messagesIn video media there are two elements that
are united, namely audio and visualThe existence of an audio element allows
students to be able to receive learning messages through hearing, while the
visual element allows creating learning messages through visualization,
Audioviseual media divided into 2 parts:
1. Audiovisual silence, namely media that display sound and still images
such as sound films (sound slides), sound chain films, sound prints.

2. Audiovisual motion, which is media that can display sounds elements and
moving images such as sound films and video-cassette.

2.5 Models of Media Development

Learning media is a media that aims to facilitate students in the teaching and
learning process and can share the information from the teacher so that it can thought,
feelings concern, and in tersest. In the teaching and learning process, teachers need to
develop media as a source of learning in the class. There are many development
models such as 4D Media, ADDIE, Hayland. stimulate students
1. 4D Model
Based on the Mulyatiningsih (2016) This model is a learning device
modelThere are 4 stages of this 4D development model such as: Define,
Design, Develop, and Disseminatea.
a. Define
Define This stage is useful for collecting various information related to the
product to be developed and determining needs in the learning process.
b. Design
After gathering information and defining needs, the design phase is then
carried out. This stage aims to design a medium that can be done in
c. Developing
This development step aims to produce media that have been revised
based on expert input and try-out to students.
d. Disseminate
After revision of limited trials and instruments, the next step is to spread
the media and be used throughout teaching
2. ADDIE Model
Based on the Mulyatiningsih (2016) The ADDIE model is Analysis,
Design, Development and Implementation. This model is very functional
based on the steps of product development. The ADDIE model was developed
by Dick and Carry (1996) to design learning systems. There are several
examples of activities in each stage such as Analysis, Design, Development,
and Implementation

a. Analysis
In the analysis stepthe problem is carried out defining instructional
problemsinstructional goals and learning objectives
b. Design
The design step is carried out systematically and specifically related to
goal setting. assessment instruments, exercises, content, instructional
materials, lesson plans and media
c. Development
In this step, do the design in the step of design in creating and merging
contentDevelopment stage is made content in writing, storyboarding,
graphic design needed.
d. Implementation
The implementation step includes the duplication and distribution of
material and other supporting materials, as well as preparation for
technical problems.
3. Hayland Model
There are some steps of Hayland model (2003:57) adapted by Huda
(2019:12)Those are consideration of the students, consideration of learning
context, consideratio of target context, establishment of course goals and
objectives, planning the syllabusdevising units of work and lessons, creation
or evaluation, and selection of materials, teaching the course, evaluation of

2.6 Descriptive Text

Dalman (2014: 94-95) argues that descriptive text describes objects or events
clearly, in detail, and makes the reader feel as if he is feeling or experiencing the
object being described so that this text can be said to contain details of the object.

2.6.1 The Definition of Descriptive Text

According to Lamuddin Finoza (2012: 237-263), types of writing
can be classified into several types of writing, namely: (1) Descriptive
essays are essays that highlight aspects of describing an object as it really
is. (2) Narrative essay is a form of writing that seeks to create, narrate,

string together human actions in an event chronologically or that takes

place in a single unit of time. (3) Expository essay which is a discourse
that aims to tell, explore, describe, or explain something. (4)
Argumentative essays, which are essays that aim to convince readers to
accept or adopt a certain doctrine, attitude, and behavior. (5) Persuasive
essay, which is an essay that aims to make the reader believe, believe, and
be persuaded of the things being communicated which may be in the form
of facts, a general opinion, an opinion or idea or someone's feelings.
Description text according to Kosasih (2006: 26) is an essay that
describes an object with the aim that the reader feels as if he sees the
object depicted himself, whereas according to Mahsun (2014: 28),
descriptive text is a text that has a social purpose to describe something
objects or objects individually based on their physical characteristics.
Descriptive text is also writing that describes or describes something that
the author will reveal, so that the reader or listener seems to see for
himself the object that has been discussed, even though the reader or
listener has never witnessed it himself. In writing activities, many students
are unable to understand the form or structure of descriptive text and
understand the linguistic elements of descriptive text. Starting from the
problems mentioned above, the researcher is interested in conducting a
study entitled Analysis of the Ability to Compose Descriptive Text. In
accordance with the background and the formulation of the problem
above, the purpose of this study was to describe the ability to compose
descriptive text.

2.6.2 Language Feature of Descriptive Text

1. Specific participant : has a certain object, is not common and unique
(only one). for example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur
temple, uncle Jim
2. The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun, for
example: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in
jepara, etc.
3. The use of simple present tense: The sentence pattern used is simple
present because it tells the fact of the object described.

4. Action verb: verbs that show an activity (for example, run, sleep,
walk, cut.

2.6.3 Generic Structure of Descriptive Text

When writing descriptive text, there are some generic structures

(actually not mandatory) for our writing to be true. The arrangement is:
1. Identification: (contains about the introduction of a person, place,
animal or object will be described.)
2. Description: contains a description of something such as animal,
things, place or person by decribing its features, forms, colors, or
anything related to what the writer describe.

2.7 Instructional Videos

Active learning theory suggests that students have better learning outcomes
when they actively join the learning process (Weeks & Horan, 2013). Learning
activities supported by instructional videos allow active learning. While it is known
that technology supports learning, in some research it is stated that the videos can be
used as an effective tool in education (Allen & Smith, 2012; Hsin & Cigas, 2013;
Kanbul & Uzunboylu, 2017; Kay, 2012; Lloyd & Robertson, 2012; Rackaway, 2012;
Uzunboylu & Karagozlu, 2017).

2.7.1 The Definitions of Instructional Videos

Today, video plays a significant role in education in terms of its

integration into traditional classes, and be the principal delivery system of
information in classes particularly in online courses as well as serving as a
foundation for many blended classes. Hitherto, many research analyses
have presented that technology is a vital tool that can improve the learning
skills of learners (Allen & Smith, 2012; El-Senousy & Alquda, 2017;
Hsin & Cigas, 2013; Kay, 2012; Lloyd & Robertson, 2012; Rackaway,

2012; Schmid et al., 2014; Uzunboylu, Baglama, Ozer, Kucuktamer &

Kuimova, 2017; Uzunboylu, Hursen, Ozuturk & Demirok, 2015).
Therefore, the use of instructional videos has increased in recent years
(Gold & Holodynski, 2017). The term ‘video-based learning’ (VBL)
refers to the technology that is electronically taking and distributing
sequences of educational image displaying scenes in motion. The videos
are a rich and powerful tool for computer-assisted learning (El-Sayed
Hassan El-Sayed & El-Hoseiny Abd El-Raouf El-Sayed, 2013). These
videos are utilised in the science of cognition and education to title
knowledge or skills which is being taught through video. The significant
characteristic of the video is the use of visual symbols along with the
auditory systems, because using only auditory or visual symbol systems
results in less recall than using the combination of both in order to present
learning and teaching activities. Furthermore, the audio symbol systems
are utilised to elaborate information but visual symbol systems are served
as the main source of information (Nipan, 2012). Nowadays, education is
adopting a modern approach of instruction with the target of moving away
from the traditional instructional approach to VBL. VBL is described as
the instructional process of obtaining information, knowledge and skills
along with the principled support of video resources (Albo, Hernandez-
Leo, Barcelo & Sanabria, 2015). Furthermore, VBL is a powerful
approach used in education in order to enhance learning results as well as
the learners’ satisfaction. Besides, there have been many studies that
carried out the research regarding VBL approach; as a consequence, this
method of teaching has been growing outside and inside of the classrooms
and throughout it gains popularities. Therefore, many instructional
organisations are providing classrooms with video lectures as an
instructional tool or as a main selfstudy in order to improve the process of
learning. During the last decades, studies show that VBL has been
showing its benefits in education. The videos can be used in various ways
in order to impact teaching and learning. For example, it can encourage
educators to consider this for flipped classroom approach, where students
can study the instructional material at their own pace and afterward learn

the details more deeply in the class time (Ozdamli & Ozdal, 2018;
Yousef, Chatti & Schroeder, 2014).

2.7.2 The Function of Instructional Videos

instructional videos can facilitate problem solving and thinking by

providing students with creative using of images along with sound in
order to communicate the topic truly, and so it enables learners to obtain
the skills in research and organisation and knowledge for problem solving
and cooperative working. In addition, instructional videos can be helpful
to the mastery of studying. In some cases, video can be useful as instructor
in representing the procedure or interactive facts in order to help in
mastery of studying, where learners can see complicated mechanical or
clinical procedures many times when they are needed. Besides, the
modern web-based media players by having interactive features can be
utilised in order to enhance ‘active learning’ methods with learners.
Moreover, VBL can engage and inspire students when combined into
learners-centre educating activities via improving experience in study,
raise learners motivation, better marks, students autonomy enhancement,
improve communication skills and team working, learning cohorts for
future use, staff opportunity development, and expand potential for deeper
understanding of the subject concepts. Besides, VBL provides learners
with producing opportunity of authentic learning and also how academics
from the research-based view and advocacy can be encouraged by
‘instructional videos’? (Galbraith, 2004). Hence, the aim of this study is to
explain advantages, disadvantages and design tips of instructional videos
according to new trends in education.

2.7.3 The Benefits of Using Instructional Videos

1. These videos don’t need to be anything complex.

Actually, the simpler, the better! An educational video in its
simplest form could be pairing audio with text-on-screen, similar to
lyric videos. This type of video content offers a higher degree of

visualization. When pairing audio with text, it’s easier for our brains to
comprehend and remember a message.
2. Using video in education is affordable
Nowadays, you don’t need any expensive or fancy equipment
to create a video. Chances are, you already have access to most of the
tools you need. There are plenty of free resources available online that
offer educational videos to show during class.
On the other hand, you may want to send personalized videos
to students for homework assignments, sharing updates, and providing
feedback. Using a video email platform like Covideo works best for
these applications. You can easily record yourself, screen, or both,
which is great when walking students through assignments, answering
questions, or providing detailed feedback. Better yet, you can include
custom buttons with your videos so that you can attach any additional
resources necessary right next to your video.
All you need to make personalized videos for the classroom is
Covideo and a built-in webcam on your phone or computer. Covideo
is an affordable solution that won’t break the bank, but you can give it
a try free before committing in any way.
3. Video content is accessible
Youtube, considerably the most popular video platform, has
become more than a form of entertainment. Studies show that more
than 50% of viewers go to Youtube to learn how to do something
they’ve never done before. If you want to learn a new skill, the
resources are easily accessible, and chances are you can find
thousands of resources and tutorials within minutes. The beauty of
video-based education is its accessibility – you can do it in your room,
at your own pace.
Videos are also portable, which offers an incredible level of
flexibility to both instructors/teachers and learners. As we see a shift
in virtual learning due to social distancing and the pandemic, schools
have to adjust their strategies for a virtual setting.
Accessing videos anywhere and anytime also provides a
broader reach in the educational practice. Before the pandemic, some

schools were using technology to remove snow days. Five school

districts began a pilot program allowing students to use Chromebooks
to attend online lectures from home.This way, they can “attend” their
classes and continue to learn regardless of whether they are in or
outside the classroom.
4. Educational video content is customizable
Are you learning a complicated topic and need to see or hear
something again? Using videos for educational purposes creates a
personalized learning experience, allowing the individual to learn at
their own pace. With video, you can watch and rewatch a video as
many times as needed to grasp a topic. Moreover, you can pause
whenever you need to. Just a slight press of that space bar gives you
all the time you need to take notes, rehearse it in your brain, or stop
and think through the concept. If this same scenario occurred in the
classroom, you would have to raise your hand and stop the teacher and
class from addressing your questions. Oftentimes, students avoid
interrupting the class, even if they don’t understand a topic.
Using video, you don’t have to show your confusion or lack of
understanding in front of the entire class. Likewise, if you don’t
understand or misheard something the first time, you can rewatch and
listen to that part over and over and over until you feel comfortable.
5. Using video in education promotes engagement
Video content makes children connect faster.Effective
educational videos significantly improve the memory process by
facilitating thinking in the manner of asking questions.
Asking questions leads to better research skills, collaboration,
organizational skills, and problem-solving. These are the top skills we
all wanted to perfect yesterday.
Learning through video sparks curiosity and promotes the
development of a skill called elastic thinking. For example, The
University of Queensland in Australia pinpointed some of the top
pedagogical benefits of using video in education, and some of those
 Increased student motivation

 Enhanced learning experience

 Higher marks
 Development potential and profound understanding of
the subject
 Improved teamwork and communication skills
 A source of evidence relating to qualifications for

2.7.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of Instructional Videos

 Advantages of instructional videos

Study offers individuals to learn novel ideas more conveniently and
quickly while information delivers in visual and verbal forms
simultaneously (Salomon, 1979). Another pilot study presented that visual
media are more accessible for users rather than text media; hence, it
assists them to later recall (Cowen, 1984). Furthermore, another scientist
in his study stated a query regarding ‘why do learners remember
everything that is shown on TV but they cannot remember their lecture?’.
So, the result of his study shown that visual media assist learners to
remember the ideas and concepts more easily than the text media
(Willingham, 2009). Besides, according to many researchers that have
been conducted in several decades, it is shown that VBL provides many
advantages particularly in education (Akdemir, Bicer & Parmaksiz, 2015;
Arnavut & Ozdamli, 2016; Galbraith, 2004; Lehmann, Seits, Bosse, Lutz
& Huwendiek, 2016; Mohamed, Yousef, Chatti & Schroeder, 2014;
Tugun, 2016). These advantages comprise the following:
Increase social interaction: The social interaction has influenced in
many classrooms, particularly today’s, from kindergarten to colleges.
Researchers believe that it is easier to solve social interaction problems

through visual media rather than the text media. Therefore, the
educational videos shared through YouTube and other platforms increase
social interaction among individuals. Interaction between students is
growing with interpretations that are made for uploaded videos. In
addition, social interaction is increasing by discussions after the videos
that are watched on the classroom environment or online education
platform (Galbraith, 2004).
Unlimited accessibility: VBL is user-friendly. Learners are able to
access by any kind of mobile devices such as smartphone, tablet, laptop
and desktop. Besides, easy accessibility allows videos to be retrieved on
demand. Furthermore, videos can be designed in different formats based
on the type of the platforms; hence, they are accessible for all, particularly
for remote work-forces and employees who use their personal devices.
However, some devices like iPad or any other type of mobile devices may
not support some format to be played; therefore, there are some
applications such as iSpring Pro that provides solution to this issue. This
application makes video lectures in the format of both HTML5 and Flash;
consequently, you are able to play your video lecture in all browsers and
mobile devices (Distasio, 2016).
Provide individual learning environment: With the instructional
videos, learners gain information about the course whenever they want.
So, it offers students the opportunity to learn by themselves. Furthermore,
VBL provides student with an individual pace which greatly enhances the
result of learning. Hence, learners will enjoy the process of innovative
learning which encourages them to be engaged (Stanic, 2014).
Simple deliver: Learners can be provided with unlimited access to
all the instructional materials by simply uploading video lectures through
the learning management systems (LMS) or websites. Besides,
instructional materials can be delivered by CD or send via an email
(iSpring Support Team, 2015).
Improves motivation and concentration levels: Lately, a scientist
presented that there is strong evidence that instructional video can engage
and inspire learners when integrated into learnercentred classroom
activities. As a consequence:

 Learner’s motivation, mark and learning experience will be increased.

 Learner’s autonomy as well as staff opportunity will be developed.
 Learner’s communication and team working skills will be improved.
 Instructional videos will be remained as a resource for learner’s future
cohort to use (Willmot, Bramhall & Radley, 2012).

Moreover, El-Sayed Hassan El-Sayed and El-Hoseiny Abd El-Raouf

Al-Sayed (2013) gave video-aided anatomy training to students during a
period. And the results of the study showed that the students’
understanding of the subject facilitated their motivation and their
concentration levels increased positively.
Constant messaging: Utilisation of the instructional video lectures
ensures that your employees are getting the same message. For instance, if
you share a video but periodically you ask different instructors to teach
the same lecture, the videos verify that the same message with the same
content is presented in spite of the distinct style of the instructor (Distasio,
2016). Self-testing chance: Video lectures can also be useful for teachers,
by recording his/her own lectures in order to take a look and improving
the presentation skills (iSpring Support Team, 2015).
Portability of video: By developing technology along with the
availability of broadband Internet, video lectures can be watched
anywhere and at any place on the planet. Hence, this allows learners not to
be isolated at a particular place in order to learn a subject, and eliminate
the need of learners to be available in their class or university that may be
located far away (Giannakos, Jaccheri & Krogstie, 2014). Rewinding and
pausing videos: The most significant benefits of instructional videos are
that learners can stop, rewind, pause and then manipulate the timeline of
studying. Moreover, learners who study by VBL will not miss their
lecture, as they have time to watch and recheck the videos when they need
at anytime against the traditional classroom approach (Brainscape Team,
Period of training: Instructional videos can make a considerable
impact in a short period. Short video lectures involve a shorter amount of

attention; hence, there is fewer load of cognitive on students, and the

information can be recalled, retained and absorbed more conveniently.
This is more appropriate for youth workers. Based on Software Advice
research, 50% of 385 participants who were full-time employee specified
that they would be more interested to study via online video lecture if the
video would be split into shorter periods (Distasio, 2016).
More effective education: If learners miss a lecture, he/she can either
get the video via link or LMS system in order to keep up with the
curriculum (Stanic, 2014). Video-based learning is powerful: The
instructional videos are basically visual. The combination of educational
audio and images allow users to obtain information easily particularly, the
knowledge that is fundamentally visual. So, if the subject cannot be
presented graphically, the video is greater than a podcast or an audio as it
can get fine distinction of body language, meaning and context that can’t
be carried in another way (Kelly, 2015).

 Disadvantages of instructional videos

However, in the last decades, TV, computers and then mobile devices
have grown rapidly around the world and learning via video has become
one of the easiest and fastest instructional approaches in education, this
method is not commonly acclaimed. There are some learners who still
prefer traditional learning in terms of some issues such as technical
problems, and hence, it can be considered as a complex method
(Brainscape Team, 2015). There are some disadvantages of VBL as
follow: Necessity of having equipment: The most significant problem
with VBL is the need of computer or mobile devices in order to watch
videos. Hence, many people around the world don’t have access to these
video due to this simple reason (Galbraith, 2004).
Difficulty with editing videos: The considerable issue with VBL is that
it is static mostly and so once it is created, it will be hard to edit it in case
of corrections. Nevertheless, there are some options to be used such as
using some video platforms in order to solve the problem rather than
reissuing it (Brainscape Team, 2015). Lack of control over learners: There
are always some learners with less motivation, so by using this

instructional method they may fall behind as there is no specific time to

arrange in order to study and also they are to organise everything with
regard to studying themselves. While there is no routine or fixed schedule,
it may become complex when there are different deadlineS for class
activities (Michael, 2015).
Videos are individualistic: The other cons of studying via video are
that it boosts individualism that can make education more difficult. Team
work or group learning enables learners to share their skills and solve the
problem easier. However, the pros of VBL are learners can study in their
pace, and it can also be considered as its cons (Galbraith, 2004). The
approach of instruction: Instructional videos utilisation may not attract
some learners due to lack of experience, particularly when learners are
required to do some strong activities or be pragmatists. Learners may
prefer reading words and having discussion in order to do any task rather
than watching instructional videos (Michael, 2015). Isolation issue: There
are learners who are more comfortable to ask their problems face-to-face
and get instant response while learning a new subject. Instructional videos
don’t provide students with instant response, and so learners may feel
isolated as they are not supported and reassured without existence of their
teacher (Donoghue, 2004).

2.8 Relevant Previous Research

The previous studies in developing media have been done by Huda (2019).
Powtoon video is the product in the form of flash disk. This product has done at MTs.
Assa'adah | Bungah it can increase the students' motivation to learn English. It means
that the media was appropriate for the students since it was relevant to the students'
need, interest and level of students' English ability. In his study, he makes 7 file for
teacher and 3 file for studentHis media is explaining about descriptive consist of
explanation paragraph, example, explanation of descriptive text, generic
structurelanguage feature, example and activities The other study is developed by
Masyitoh (2017). The video in the form of CD (Compact Disk)Her media has
opportunities for students to understand about the content of media since the video
touches many aspectsThe students also can see the moving image which has sound.

The next study is developing media by Putra (2014)His title is developing video
media by using ADDIE model in learning English at SDN I SelatThis media can be
support and motivate the students in learning EnglishThe media video in the form of
compact disk (CD) and the materials of video are fruits and vegetables. Therefore, this
study can be providing an attraction for students and the students able to absorb the
contents of the learning materials more optimally.
In the other hand, this study has different from the previous studyIt is video
media for the seventh graders of Mts Assa'adah 2 Bungah. The video media focuses
on Descriptive text based on syllabus of curriculum 2013 The product can be motivate
and support the students in writing activities. Moreover, the product of video media
has motivation video in the last materials. It is used to support and motivate them.


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