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12:29 PM 3/6/2023

Bet he used google translate to write that in Crimean Tatar...

12:30 PM 3/6/2023

All as usual Mr. Zelensky , Western Support is unwavering and in variants , make good use of the heavy
toys we are sending ya...

Still looking what this old siberian bear is up to.

12:31 PM 3/6/2023

Anything close to a flying toy they say is by late 2024 , crash course could make that sooner...

U r gonna send brght and willing people will ya not?

Depending on Battlefield situation do not expect any sooner than 2025 or 2026.

Always pending on depending.

12:33 PM 3/6/2023

This Russia of theirs may be isolated but that will not take forever and they count on her fortunes to
bend wills.

People may get hungry , things may stall , they are not going anywhere.

And seeing Russia as Milosevic's Yugoslavia is a no pointer.

If it their ass on the line and in person they gonna use the damn thing even if it means that it will
explode in the silo rendering Russia to a wasteland.

Puffing this Nuclear Dragon where possible to the West of Europe and the Western North American

See it as a souvenir...
Making your own grand child seeing better with 5 eyes instead of 2.

And distorting evolution for the next 20k years to the point of fracture.

12:38 PM 3/6/2023

Old NATO loves doggie style as always , licking his new master's hand , always watchful to reprise the
good old teuton and frankish days of kings ,

Always so willing to ride a fine young bitch's ass even if she happens to move her shiny tail for some
other dog.

Old NATO has this wolf howling for over 12 months , old NATO does not bark unless his master tells him
to , instead the Sheep barks in the Scythian lands , the Sheep

has strong back legs , has already broke enough tankish tooth , and has made this wolf's arrogant nose
to bleed more than anyone would expect.

Scythian Sheep is asking for hawks and eagles to get the wolf.

Wolf has other wolfs in the myst and the forest honey , ready to tear each other apart should power
starvation becomes more apparent.

They will all fall and tear the sheep apart , and they may scream patriotism and for fucking mother russia
while feasting.

And even one NATO's hair would make them happy and more willing to move west.

I am not scared precisely , i am listening that is all.

Fear keeps sheeps like me at bay.

I am a nuclear sheep electrifying the geopolitical atmosphere & ILL legally this is why it is not easy to
touch me...Unless you want to go radio and active...

12:51 PM 3/6/2023

Bakhmut bashmut says nothing to me it is about russian moral , generals and related want to show
anything to Kremlin.

Tatar ethics say if you are no good , your are not fired , you are sent to siberia , poisoned , utterly
defamed , gone gone gone...
So much for Russian Patriotism...And as for Inspiration...

Oh my...

12:54 PM 3/6/2023

Human is a beast in his own right.

Immitating moves and thought to elude a hostile force is one thing.

Keeping this that way , negates options , human options , the right to be humane , and you become

In a human jungle a siberian wolf...

The poor thing.

I can not even call him an endagered species!

12:59 PM 3/6/2023

The laughter over John the golden mouth is utter as always ,

An indirect say on how the elites as they arose after 500 AD used this final writing ,

You have the lord all giving , making miracles (effects sound and visual and even body made for) the
people in awe , growing desperate to believe ,

The people are not hungry because they are not hungry , the people do not thirst , the people do not die
but go to heaven should they believe in

their lord's grace , and if EVER god forbid shit gets all the way to loose!

We all lose , mutations are apparent , frankly what john describes as a foreseer is a system to mind fuck
first and subdue in this chaos and even prevail against

this satan , though vague , that precise , the man was indeed , I CLAIM , the emperor's advisor , he
officialy put him in exile to clear up his mind.

And you never ever know perhaps he did meet Mr. God and really saw what he wrote.

From all people i may interprete his writings under these circumstances , but i deny my arrogant self to
deny this was not yours truly a man of god.
And like Mose's 10 commandments , the seal was broken and broken over again...

To see if there is god after all.

And unless you almighty human are not scared shitless , there is no god , you are the boss.

1:04 PM 3/6/2023

This Scythian Sheep , is harvesting Apsynthus from Kornobyl , It has a jewish face yet atheist / secular ,
this beast of war coming straight from the big

mountains in the east as a messenger of a new upheaval , wondering the fallen kingdom of the Golden
Elves , still having his ass kicked yet waiting

somehow when the Western Alliance will anyhow give up or provice wrong council , or provide non
necessary tools meant for guardians not sheeps ,

The sheep was found as assumed to have an iron heart , a strong will which is odd for a sheep even of
this genetics.

And as always the apocalypse...

Perhaps this is why they are orthodox after all...

Fuck Shiva and Oppenheimer when he saw the big light...

Fuck the destroyer of these worlds...

I am a john fan!

ME ME ME! Long live ME!

1:09 PM 3/6/2023

You know what before having my ass blasted and go to hell (For Sure) i will beg St. Peter to get an
autograph from this John.

Shit man!

Man really wrote stuff!

Man was digging to power all the way to imperia!

1:11 PM 3/6/2023

There is no WWIII!

There will never be WWIII!

Closest thing to WWIII were Cuba and the Damansky islands.

The 1980's afloated that combined with technology comes even more unpredictability!

In plain words not even those REALLY calling the shots were certain how and where and when they
would get away with this!

Broken Arrow along with the 1979 invasion in Afghanistan only pile up on the miscalculations!

1990 was more than demanded since the paper tiger would point to more false regimes , and with
young generations and progress all over they could not

keep up.

It was not only Chernobyl , not only Soviet Machine Failures , not only good old corruptions and mouth

Russia has made a sacrifice to this regime of things.

Now this Russian Leadership is fucking it up that bad , it may take Russia 2 decades to return if ever to
these circles of trust.

Current Putin Leadership makes sure it will take longer , practically they liquified whatever happened
after 1991 , so they are going BIG or so they said like 12

months ago.

Effectively it is Romanov's Russia , where is Potemkin Uprising and all the rest.

Parallels all over...

And in the end it is about kiss assing.

Kissing a fine girl's ass because in a while or a while ago you were kissing this bad ass!

1:19 PM 3/6/2023

There is and most probably will never be a WWIII at least in the sense a WWII occured.

Even with sanctions , even by lowering official relations , the current global environment of relations is
that complicated who ever triggers this

situation is like playing in the dark!

Take a potential skirmish between US-Pacific Allies and China - Russia - North Korea , this may give a win
to the US and allies but the losses may push

The democratic regimes to reform to a potentially more favorable position to the more permanent ones
in Beijing and Pyong Yang!

That does not provide a loss either!

Again long term may prove China to go further South , assimilate the philippines or establish a leader of
their likings.

It is about democracy!

A potential serious skirmish should demand whoever is implicated to stand down , always counting on
the fact this west of things is taking full responsibility

for the loss , would Beijing give up in that sense?

The imbalance depending on the skirmish aka "small full blown warfare" may force US and allies further
attack on chinese mainland and even retake North Korea.

The temporary momentum to denounce old signatures and even finally re unite Korea and even give a
sweet come back for Japan!

Using Nuclear or similar weapons is the easy choice...

In an intercomplicated world as it comes the dark irony is having over 8000 nuclear weapons waiting for
retirement yet still some old monster still screaming

on his death bed that these toys can do the trick!

3:41 PM 3/6/2023
Western Assistance towards Ukraine shall remain unpresented and stands unwavering compare
to this Russ Phone Old Bad Wolf.

3/7/2023 3:24:41 PM

A bunch of laughs life is but that may remind authoritarian people 2 things depending on their
own mood and autistic stance in general: 1. We may smile without their approval 2. We may
mean something mediocre about them.

Fun it is on how the Han Leadership is depicted by Hyper Western Media these days. They warn
for war as something inevitable , all they had to do is sit on their dragon eggs so shiny and
chrome make more money , make more deals , Become Japan on Steroids , keep their nukes have
their soldier walks like goose , earn the respect of same minded regimes for managing in keeping
Lenin Mao Message intact while mastering late 20th and early 21st century capitalism , still
transforming itself with or without alien ideology as part of another evolutionary stage.
What China is doing and Russia is going under is no say or limited annoyance in “global” ized
capitalist affairs.

There is no Cold War or renewal of old games by old timers for old timers , a poor arab trickster
ill willing and ill daring it was this 09 11 2001 diversion (and islamically subdued in psyche by
whom?) , it is a new generation seeking new challenges , biological old timers with rejuvenated
passion for games may enter , as long as they understand but the score they have means a game
they played from 25 to 45 years ago , good old games no doubt yet new games need new tricks
to cope.
And a nuclear stand off is so out of this reality some could cry all the billions gone all this
expertise for something we can not bury deep in some desert , not easy to dispose in space , not
easier to dismantle , hardly prove it has some useful process which without care could become
again a weapon , how can anyone human accuse an over 10 billion year old cosmic atom for
doing what it knows best yet despite the many explorations we may never find in one life time
out how this small thing really works so that it can serves us in war and peace as we…wish…the
rest of sums of atoms that is?

Keep studying the Ukrainian War Mr. Xi , it is highly advised.

Any lessons learned?

3/7/2023 5:34:04 PM

Vladimir Putin last 12 months defy belief at best WE...err...Knew but we kept the protocol for
the sake of good old post soviet stability. You practically have no army , and you have a beta
version at best of military technology which COULD indeed deliver , which means you have
again few toys , few odds (but good ones depending on intercomplications) and not so much the
use of your own Media but the Western Ones to make your point! And if you win it is supposed
to be "As usual"...
 It is more fun than it sounds , instead of having grand USA seeking to take a big share of Siberia
with whatever you fucked up with Chechnya not considering corruption that makes even some so
called corrupted among look like saints , you dare to declare WAR on yourselves and we are the
reason for it?

Can Satan be that strong in Christian Orthodox Russia after all , after all these years?

What is one of your many names?

A stalinist follower?

3/7/2023 5:48:46 PM

Have you at least kept a good watch of your precious nuclear bombs? OR all you need to do is
kind of launch them and detonate all over 4000 of them in their silos?

 What i am supposed to counter attack who and why?

You will have killed your people , turned most of europe and asia to non habitable lands  , me
suffering the side effects long term.

You do not need to launch any nuke against me Mr. Vladimir Putin...

All you have to do is to make my life a misery is go down in flames in that manner.

It may happen now because you are bio aging...

It may happen because your new kids may never love you as this new bride taught them to...

It may happen because your elder kids , from the previous marriage , just called you the asshole
you are these 365 days...And i may begin to like them...

You shall become CUBA...

No matter how close with these hans you will have a problem to deliver what they want , they
may want more know how and , despite the many problems , brains is all you have and fine

The Arrangement is so called 2027 AD...

Or Else...

Like what?

It is 2028 AD after is it not?

I am seeking life , a better one...

You are seeking troubles , trouble makers and even eventual death , conspiratory attributed to

Take care of that gracious monument they gonna build for ya...

Have you seen Mr. Lenin? Man wanted to love his country without a Caesar and no Christ them
priests crucify and piss on him in private or careful public only for the knowledgebale to
witness , the people to bare…and Rasputin they called him. And later they called him Stalin.

They could be biting the fucking cement and marble if they ever see you how we see you those
we among us...

You better make sure they have no teeth or a tool to break down your precious ego.

3/9/2023 10:00:38 AM

Well , I…Congrat ulate the Official Russian Government for finally capturing anything close to target
compare to whatever they set more than 12 months ago…

Half a city is better than nothing.

All these lives and material and assets lost can not be wrong…YOU ARE WRONG!
For the long run?

5/25/2023 11:22:10 AM

My psychiatrist asked me if anyone else suffered from mental illness in my family.

I answered " No they all seem to enjoy it" -

Well Sir ,

I still object about anything hypersonic when it comes to Jet Fighters , i am not disagreeing with training
last time i checked it needs 2 to 4 years to properly ride and fight with one of those things , so the
decision if it is that is quite correct BUT as long as the infamous front finally stabilizes and anything we
all know as Moscow comes back to her senses , and YES and i will miss them all , as long as no nukes are
used or another Chernobyl!

Bluntly in the West you have to promise the moon to get the chair sometimes , in the East you have to
be eternally Nuts (But all the time?) and yes i love the chair more than the latest bride (178 and
5/25/2023 11:30:35 AM

*Message to the White House*

My psychiatrist asked me if anyone else suffered from mental illness in my family.

I answered " No they all seem to enjoy it" -

Well Sir ,

I still object about anything hypersonic when it comes to Jet Fighters , i am not disagreeing with training
last time i checked it needs 2 to 4 years to properly ride and fight with one of those things , so the
decision if it is that is quite correct BUT as long as the infamous front finally stabilizes and anything we
all know as Moscow comes back to her senses , and YES and i will miss them all , as long as no nukes are
used or another Chernobyl!

Bluntly in the West you have to promise the moon to get the chair sometimes , in the East you have to
be eternally Nuts (But all the time?) and yes i love the chair more than the latest bride (178 and


Whoever still Likes him , a fine dame no doubt kiss Mr. Putin on My Behalf to the Chick ,

No Judas Feelings though...

They are...Talking about the "Chef"...Closest thing to an opposition in over 13 million square km is this

Dear God...I mean...Boga...

Take Care...

5/25/2023 6:29:28 PM

*Message to the White House*

U know what that is too much...

It further feels like Paris 1944...

I mean jesus...

5/25/2023 6:42:32 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Dear Sir, Dear Vladimir,

Your "Chef" is making your noodles with most discomfort no doubt...

Man becomes adorable in a most non desirable manner west of your compass...

Unless 10ns of thousands of people dead or raped and may God forgive us all, children to be wasted or
to be sacrificed for you name the cause I would laugh to tears...

Based on Western Media, I agree with Mr. Prigozhin, the entire "Special Operation" is a Joke...

7 Days most, leave it or take it...Who on this Slavic Earth did not dare to tell you that?

Are there Russian Patriots in Russia?

You must seek for the Motherland what you can, it is not money anymore, not power, not fine women
gone free of charge or dirty cheap for all to rent or buy, ores to be delivered or grain / food to feed...The

You must seek for the Motherland Sir first, save what you can from a profile long gone over 12 months

The motherland comes first, wife(wives) even children are secondary...

Prove you are Russian even now Sir...

I warned ya in 2016 after you captured Crimea...

Do you even dare to listen to the interests of yourself and your family's?

May God Enlighten your soul, and you may get a better advice than i can deliver...

May God Save the United States of America.

5/26/2023 6:53:33 AM

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

I will try to be provocative as Mrs. Akşener and Mr. Erdogan are among you...

There is no blue country, there never was a turkey and ye...

You are what you have always been...NOMADS...

You were expelled first by the Mongols and the Chinese , then expelled by them in Kazakhstan ,
Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan , then you somehow conquered Persia , then because of eastern roman
fallacies , and as usual , blunt corruption you took over Minor Asia , then by a near Miracle Muhammad
took over Aghia Sophia , then Kemal saved your clans ALL(!) then you decided to sell militarism and no
basic goods to over 80 million people to turn them wild and attack whatever you will tell them to even if
that means 80 million in demise....
Whatever keeps your hide safe...

And yes, as you say ladies and gentlemen, the USA was really behind the 2016 coup...

So long this Turkish Patient...

May God Save the United States of America.

5/26/2023 5:34:30 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Sir ,

Insists u are on top...

I deny that...


Should the Russian People decide you are what you are...

You should have resigned by 2016...

Thank you.

5/28/2023 12:05:40 PM

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

Dear Sir , whomever wins may he or he benefit your great country and the region may find stability and
prosperity , serving more than a 100 million people all over the eastern med.
And that if ever happens , should hundreds of centurian bias fades or pushed aside deserves

Peace at Home , Peace at the world.

5/29/2023 12:19:11 AM

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

Well Sir,

You...Have won...

My TEL says nothing else. I hoped you lost, i sincerely did not expect my TEL to make whatever sober
mind in Ankara to prove patriotism so that you...Win...

Is this how it works after all?

Grats the Congrats...

What's next more Kardak something? S-500 Perhaps?

More incursions in still controlled Kurdish Territories? Is Mr. Al Assad to play the role of the patriot
protecting Kurdish Syria from the Bad Kurds?

How about an incident in Kibris? Ever remembered Cyprus?

Not considering this bluish thing called the sea...

Nice Calamari there, assuming no frigates are around...

And of course, the Mighty Superpower...

When all goes wrong phase one seek wisdom from your personal imam, phase 2 seek wisdom from
those with their personal imams, phase 3 seek command with those still serving the secular state, phase
4 blame someone...Whom to blame...?

Well...The Greeks want to kill you all!

The Armenians cannot stand your existence...

The Kurds believe you occupy territories long considered their own over 1000 years...

So many people to blame...

But YOU!

You cannot sell an Anatolian onion or a tomato at a reasonable price and it is a European fault, you are
wasting billions in war toys which may or not ever truly prove worth in combat YET the onion may wait!

Victory awaits...


May Aghia Sophia finally enlighten you...

After 3 days, he took over Constantinople, he called for the loot to end...

You seem to have been ravaging this country for over 20 years!

What does Islam mean yours truly?

And yes...


You talk with all...

Thanks for listening to me as well...

5/29/2023 10:34:10 AM

*Message to Turkish Foreign Ministry*

Sir ,

Counting on Mussolino (no spaghetti) media supported (aka 'populism') Islamo Fascism may keep you
and the rest of the wolf pack in office and serve your ATM Bank Account but the future seems blick for
like over 100 million people which includes : Turkeye , Bulgaria , Yunanistan (Hellas) , Armenia , Israel ,
Poor North Syria , Poor North Iraq , Poor Cyprus , and kind of annoyed Egypt along with a Libya which
looks more like Cyprus now i am writing this and do not ask me why.
Counting on hate to export problems is a bitter lesson learned , it does not differ much with
dysfunctional families , in your case Sunni Based Islam is your protocol at home but since it does not
really do the trick like keeping people happy or feeling bellies by a miracle War and show off is a good
option and if it works do not break it.

Greece is the path to Europe and you seem to be in trouble with these guys even before the famous
Manzikert battle and before muhammad took over mecca and medina long before the islamic
constitution was written!

Take care...

And...Congrats , whatever that means.

5/29/2023 11:21:46 AM

*Message to the White House*

Sir ,

Turkeye is typically an ally , it becomes quite depressing along with Hungary they more behave like the
5th column serving Putinic Russia These days (And Red China is Around the corner) while ever aspired to
bring Mr. Trump back in office one way or the other way around (and round it goes).

Turkeye has this kind of cat dog relations with Armenia and Greece , pet like relations with Albania and
Bosnia even , and race based relations with the Islamic So Called South , eventually should it become
this bad they could stop asking for Assad Removal.

That may put US Related operations and even stature in the region in jeopardy and once again leave
more than 10 million kurds and non assad or non baghdad related arabs at risk!

Bye bye bye Kemal...

I can not believe this , it is my insanity talking...

But i can swear he was not laughing at his political opponent but Attaturk himself!

He owes his job to this man!

Some Respect Muslim Man! JESUS!

Both TurkeyYE and Hungary have to either be marginalized or kicked out from NATO , and unfortunately
it currently seems to be not the last but the only option.

That does not mean Ukraine may Join NATO, they should get all rights but Article 5.

5/29/2023 11:37:36 AM

*Message to the White House*

Dear Sir ,

Strengthening the Exile Anti Erdogan yet Islamic and Democrat Turkish Community is important, your
predecessor wisely did not deliver Mr. M.Fethullah Gülen man is a stone of patriotism where freedom
still exists maybe for an After Erdogan and the likes of him country.

Greece cannot take this role since War seems to be on the loose , Sweden is in a hostage , and the
endless flirts with Neo Imperialist Russia and Expansionist PRC along with how this Arab League seems
to be re approaching Islamo Fascism makes things more dire.

Excluding authoritarian regimes from the most powerful alliance on earth them pretending conservative
values while eventually undermining them in and outa home compare to true multiculturalism, sober
patriotism and liberalism and the real practical meaning of democracy is most essential to keep West
Vibrant while Mr. Putin is bleeding man power , expertise becoming slowly yet inevitably a vassal
himself of amoralist interests awaiting to appear over 13 years now.

5/29/2023 1:11:04 PM

And the Greek Satan said : Let "there be a coup so that this blessed child of god understand this is my
house" , and a coup occured and yet he survived and kept the chair and decapitated the second largest
force in NATO more like how another blessed did Mr. Khomeini long long time ago , and then Greek
Satan said "let there be an inflation so that his people may rise against him and cuckoo sofia will inspire
him" and inflation raised his approval ratings and he HE returned the Church to Islam , and Greek Satan
said "Let there be a quake to make Turkey understand how we move things around" and a big one
occured San Francisco made in USA Style and people died and all he has been building all lost and yet as
they say in greek "Στου κουφου και του τρελου και του παραδοπιστου τη πορτα οσο θελεις βροντα" ,
and his approval ratings further kept steady...
And...He has defeated be him by him...Συγχαρητηρια...Bye Bye Kemal Mustafa
Pasha...Good man , A Great Politician , a Great Warrior...Oh my...
Ve Yunan Şeytanı dedi ki: "Bir darbe olsun ki, bu mübarek Tanrı çocuğu buranın
benim evim olduğunu anlasın" ve bir darbe oldu ve yine de hayatta kaldı ve
sandalyeyi elinde tuttu ve NATO'nun en büyük ikinci gücünün başını tıpkı bir
başkası gibi uçurdu. Bay Humeyni çok uzun zaman önce kutsadı ve ardından Yunan
Şeytanı "bir enflasyon olsun ki halkı ona karşı ayaklansın ve guguk sofya ona
ilham versin" dedi ve enflasyon onay notlarını yükseltti ve Kilise'yi İslam'a
geri döndürdü ve Yunan Şeytanı "Türkiye'nin işleri nasıl hareket ettirdiğimizi
anlaması için bir deprem olsun" dedi ve büyük bir San Francisco oldu, ABD
Tarzı yapıldı ve insanlar öldü ve inşa ettiği her şey tamamen kayboldu ve yine
de Yunanca dedikleri gibi "Στου κουφου και του τρελου και του παραδοπιστου τη
πορτα οσο θελεις βροντα" ve onay puanları daha fazla sabit tuttu...
Ve...Kendisine yenildi...Συγχαρητηρια...Güle güle Kemal Mustafa Paşa...İyi
adam , Büyük Politikacı , Büyük Savaşçı...Aman Tanrım...

29.05.2023 13:23:06

Sir , i tend to believe Mr. Erdogan should thank the entire Greek Political Spectrum and the Media for
doing all the dirty job for him...


*Message to the White House*

Sir , I think Mr. Erdogan should thank the entire Greek Political Spectrum and the Media for doing all the
dirty work for him...

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

And the Greek Satan said : Let "there be a coup so that this blessed child of god understand this is my
house" , and a coup occured and yet he survived and kept the chair and decapitated the second largest
force in NATO more like how another blessed did Mr. Khomeini long long time ago , and then Greek
Satan said "let there be an inflation so that his people may rise against him and cuckoo sofia will inspire
him" and inflation raised his approval ratings and he HE returned the Church to Islam , and Greek Satan
said "Let there be a quake to make Turkey understand how we move things around" and a big one
occured San Francisco made in USA Style and people died and all he has been building all lost and yet as
they say in greek "Στου κουφου και του τρελου και του παραδοπιστου τη πορτα οσο θελεις βροντα" ,
and his approval ratings further kept steady...

And...He has defeated be him by him...Συγχαρητηρια...Bye Bye Kemal Mustafa Pasha...Good man , A
Great Politician , a Great Warrior...Oh my...

29.05.2023 16:18:48

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Well Sir i wish you also take Hungary and Turkey , this is going more than enough...
In fact you may be called an autocrat after all...

I need Sweden...

And if hell is to be given , hell is to be delivered...

May the best demon win. And win...And Win...

May God Help us all...

May God Save the United States of America.

1.06.2023 01:32:49

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Sir ,

There seems to be a Cyber Crime Group identifying itself as "ROC" and posthumously as..."SATAN" they
seem to also be hacking Western Based Biologically mind implanted networks to intercept , test and
apply or impose behavior patterns among other things and of course get a big payback , some tend to
believe they are a loose Kremlin Military Arm gone really wild and with my poor man's Case thus far...

If that is what is really happening i have to protest because they pile on an already complicated case of
mine which if it ever properly goes to court as such , it affects civility itself and how technology can
become weapon rendering man to nothing more than a machine , a slave of unsound interests crossing
agencies , borders , even immorality itself.

1.06.2023 01:43:32

The pattern is the same , they seem to try to embed their own set of behavior when they fail they are
trying to affect the master set of behavior and thoughts and even how action or plain expression will be
performed , aka “ROC” or posthumously “SATAN”.

Mostly they seem to observe or affect DEEP SLEEP and the Electric Dream.
1.06.2023 02:06:46

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Sir ,

seems to be playing along so called Russian Patriotic Interests , France may have the right to speak their
own mind but when it comes to overall Western Interests as they conclude and with the Ukrainian -
Russian Conflict the masks seem to be down finally , a sad event if you ask me.

A failure of the famous Ukrainian Counter Offensive may finalize militarily what you have unfairly taken
after 2021 and kind of tolerated since 2014 , but i guess the bitter lesson learned even by poorly minded
Generals of yours , i hope , is...You Blew it...

Everything points to the fact that in a direct conflict with the United States and Allies Russia , unlike the
Soviet Union by let's say mid 1970's , will need Red China and even the infamous Islamic State as
supported by elitist elements all over the Islamic World most semi organized by Iran to cancel or attack
commercial routes and surprise the enemy by recruiting local assets and the best candidates seem to be
the huge portions of people massing to settle or have settled in Europe or the Americas not considering
using some local blend for the sake of exorcising what happened for 10 years in Afghanistan and
blaming the War on Terror "As usual" an incident which is incomplete , hopefully still as occurring in
Syria more profoundly , a War on Terror which you are morally obligated to attend and participate on
the side of the United States despite differences.

1.06.2023 02:17:26

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

If that happens , if an event like 09 11 2001 occurs again , it annuls your own say back then , it nearly
brings back all policies and thoughts on what really happened back then , if ever properly proven , and
frankly sir , i would call you an accomplish by default.

Of Course should a man killing and misusing his own kin cares about those things these all for a land the
size of iceland which may need long time even under your elitist rule to get it right and even then it will
need mother Russia to survive , cut off from the 4ever prosperous Ukraine.
Anyways , take care.

1.06.2023 11:29:58

Εχω μεσα μου κατα πασα πιθανοτητα την απολυτη μηχανη επιτηρησης και ανακρισης και αυτοι το
παιζουν αθωοι για να κρατησουν ποστα , κοινωνικες θεσεις και φυσικα να βγαλουν...Το Σουβλακι τους
και καμια γνωριμια...

1.06.2023 12:08:10

*Message to the South African Presidency*

Sir , if there is any truth in what western media report , regrettably it is one more depart from legendary
Nelson Mandela's neutral standing , If this turn real bad i hope whatever SocialNationalism en populism
seems to prevail in this tribal adversity will not blame the White Minority , lets not forget the West is still
White dominated as it was the last million years , it is so odd to see black people praise long gone KKK
and IIIReich while accepting a Neo Imperialist Leader wanted by Hague , and i guess the irony goes on.

Sanctions may be inevitable or similar style measures which frankly may boost your so called anti
colonial anti western profile in this big brotherian land of yours.

Nelson Mandela , a good man.

Take care.

1.06.2023 13:07:39

 Local language continuously heard mainly through Right Ear , Left is used mostly as some kind
of interference , mostly they seem to identify themselves for each other as Power and Money ,
mostly those inside the political and executive spectrum and those in the local financial complex.

6/2/2023 8:59:02 AM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Sir ,

For once i tend to agree with your "chef" , perhaps you should replace em all your 2 3 4+ star
commanders with promising young men currently playing in clubs and local networks counter strike and
At least waste it all but add some fun and you never know , for the sake of the motherland they may
think clearly.

6/2/2023 10:26:50 AM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Dear Sir ,

In all respect to Mr. Medvedev , losing patience is one thing , losing face is another , thus
politico reasoning says that since you lose face abroad you have to keep up with local profile , it
is more like losing your account in instagram or twitter and preserving telegram and even ICQ
(Cool services by the way)

What does the phrase "Legitimate Military Targets means" when Dear Dmitri refers about?
Isn't that harsh language further straining a thin line between peace - provocation - war?
UK still seems to remember the bitter Crimean War , UK perhaps still recalls the bitter support
of these White Russians to vs the Red Army back in the late 1910's but that does not make them
targets about anything these days...

See it that way : It is as if the Ottoman Empire would declare war on the Great powers of her
time for having philelines coming to assist tiny greece with arms , fame and connections ,
Kapodistrias was a politico celebrity in his own Might in Mother Russia a country which he
served with faith under the Czar yet he decided to quit (and die in vein) in order to teach the
arberesche greeks how to behave both European and Christian Orthodox Alike.

Why this "Legitimate Military Targets" thing?

Is Kremlin that certain the critical infrastructure is safe behind these walls?
Are you implying nobody is safe? It is a double edged sword , a foul statement made by someone
i consider sober.
It is an unfair statement and you seem to have "chef" problems already.


!Thank you!



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6/2/2023 1:10:38 PM

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

Sir ,

The Story so far , by keep your stall against NATO compare to Sweden it is like calling tsetes a renowned
group compare to Turkic Patriotism terrorists , would you or will you call Κλεφτες κ Αμαρτωλους as
Terrorists , how about the American Continental Army?

How about hajduk?

Is PKK and affiliates a terrorist organization or a patriotic Kurdish organization?

What was the indifference or involvement of this Turkish Government when Al Qaida and others were
supporting for the Inspire Magazine so close to Syria yet inside Turkish Territory?

The more you hit them , kurds ,even if you manage to illegalize them in Sweden the more friends they
will find in europe and in case you missed it there are millions of free thinking muslims in the EU who
could share their vision of a better future.

And perhaps welcome to Navarino...This is how perhaps it really happened in 1827...

Good Day...And...Congratulations...

It is getting boring really if it is going to be you in 5 years again why sending the same yada yada...

Perhaps this is why they are calling you the sultan , the failed hope of the West to see a new Kemal
Mustafa back in the early 2000's...

And we need to talk...People talk...

My Hailings to Mr. Gulen and Mr. Kilicdaroglu as well...

6/2/2023 1:28:34 PM

*Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*

It is taking too long,

And even in our times time = money and honey looking...

Sweden is our sir.

She chose to it and we can only celebrate.

Is the F 16s what you want to enshrine inevitable?

My suggestions insist on not making PKK a terrorist organization.

As I wrote to you.

Even if they formally be exist as a terrorist one who will enforce the law?

What you gonna do unleash a free to hire all to kill semi hired agents to take them down?

That will pile on the Kurdish Struggle...

Israel next to Israel is my theme over 10 years...

May God Help help me what happened in 1991 will not happen again.

Slava Kurdistan!

Take Care.

6/2/2023 1:38:00 PM

Compare to Finland , her Sister , you will reckon her Sweden as a swan coming down from her safety to
join us all , and as an American groom kiss her with the passion of a man who will never make love to
her , unless she asks for it.

And that only in times of war , should she also give the call.

And let's hope that does never happen.

Other than that i insist of the NATO Charter and kick them out...

We need Sweden...

And we need Finland without

They have forsaken their genetic roots so long time ago again what does this multiculturalism means
apart from archaeology or something...?

6/4/2023 3:24:28 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

You picked that pony , you picked the saddle , now that the ride becomes non comforting stop blaming
anything else but yourselves.

I am a START Supporter like so many , but a...Restart is more like remaking rules we are supposed to
know the last over 10 years...

Frankly it is unfair and one more sign most of those advising and executing orders are with their backs
on the wall...

Non Surprisingly.

6/6/2023 6:54:59 PM

Sir , there quite a lot of concerns about the so called AI or Artificial Intelligence , i mean it is ok to use
this digital persona as long as we are certain we can pull the plug even by accident right?

Works with my PC or Handhelds nearly all the time...

And i mean that nearly...All the time...


We may also use spit, or a bucket filled with water not some fancy big gun...

It will still be powered by electricity and IF it becomes a hybrid form it may catch the flu...

Case solved.


6/6/2023 7:09:33 PM

About the AI.

Problems may Arise like that iconic Battlestar Galactica Scene were one of the drone warriors goes to

Does AI have the right to believe it can subdue or assimilate or even eliminate and as a spirit the famous
human species?

Does AI Powered come with mind implants and other implants to be permanently embedded in the
human body?

Will a war occur where a government funded AI may initiate a full cyborg program by turning those
working there as such and further use this place as a nest to attack the population?

Makes this Rise of the Machines transcript (not the best in the Terminator franchise) quite real for now.

Yet I tend to think The Forbin Project is most dramatic and closer to the so-called truth of things along
with HAL the computer used in Odyssey 2001.

Fail Safe 1964 nearly but seriously approached the problem of losing control of the machine and miss
informed for any reason including war tactics.

Along with Wargames 1983 which essentially tried to give a lighter, not the best, version of Fail Safe yet
more enjoyable and a sign perhaps of how the cold war was ending.

And of course never forget the Only True Matrix Movie, the one released in 1999.

6/6/2023 7:59:50 PM

It is funny how the ancient concurs with the current and the...future.

Ancient Greek Mythology talks about Talos a Robot made of copper , powered by the blood of the gods
itself , The Hero Theseus i heard managed to unscrew a hole wide open that made this creature
inanimate , Talos supposedly was an intelligent one servant when seeing hostile boats coming close to
the island of crete it was throwing huge rocks at them and counted on his humongous image to drive
them away.
Now, why Talos was disabled by this Athenian do not ask me i was not there don't care.

6/7/2023 8:55:59 PM

*Message to Kremlin.Ru*

Dear Sir ,

Like Oxygen and Bread, heat or cool down n basic Hygiene or access to antibiotics , Water is considered
an essential resource to describe Civility as it should persist even in the darkest hours of any conflict
political , personal or state alike.

The recent event for instance:

Does Crimea have enough Water Supplies after this one more unfortunate event?

What if the Ukrainian Army finally manages to advance?

Considering the "who’s to blame" game both sides seem 2 play with in a surveillant world filled by spies ,
journalists , satellites not including the everlasting chain of command nwho is calling the shots?

Is a nuclear plant next for instance and the cause is some crazy guy, what you both point as terrorists

How about the Nuclear Weapons you treat as some important soviet legacy and a security for the

At least basic resources should be allowed to have access to , those still being and acting as civilians
should be treated as such , mainly the women and the children and the men elders , n frankly despite
the fact i am in favor of the Ukrainian Resistance , that does not mean i turn blind to any vengeance or
encourage vengeance , since politicos where you are and in Ukraine and elsewhere seemingly count on
this sentiment to acquire access to high places "as usual" and whatever the human cost in soul , blood or

Cannibals n what is the name of the devil they serve?

Slava Ukraina.

May God Save the United States of America.

6/8/2023 11:20:25 AM

You should take care of your women , they are fine , yet moisture along with poor diet and boom drinks
make them suffer. Must have seen at least one lady vomitting in the middle of the street for any reason
given , usually moisture , poor diet and boom drink are the best for this job. They need protection as
natural as it comes close to their free will...Some knighthood from the land of excalibur please! I guess
this is why some you pick your color politicians of yours love...Afghanistan even now... Should i call them
anglistan upside down pro patriot something? And should Anglistan becomes that yours truly and euro
haliphate emerges are we next? Do them inspire this morality through this morality not? Because a
young lady wants to pride her feminity , get a free drink , get a sweet talk and even badly get laid? And
what about family? Fine anglo saxon based multi cultural whatever some seem to be working over last
20 years... All i can say is... May Medina and Mecca become a Las Vegas Franchise... That will sort
everything out... For the sake of having a cozy fancy life... In good old anglo american yet indo afro
muslim fashion of course...

Anglo Saxon West vs Iran - ISIS - Taliban Afghanistan.

Women not well taken cared of vs Women observed to the point of seer madness. May God Save the
United States of America.

6/12/2023 12:38:04 AM

Sir this is not about empty churches.

Why Saudi Arabia does not have Catholic or Protestant ones?

Sincerely i can not understand this so called multiculturalism , there are lines cultural using the knife of
religion over a 1000 years here , I happened to have viewed a youtube ad some guy in Western USA
asking for funds and showing among other monuments Aghia Sophia to make his case for enlarging the

As far as i know Aghia Sophia is a byzantine relic, further enshrined by Sunni Islamic decorations , to
become a museum alike after 1922 only for this Turkiye guy to restore it as a place of pray...And prey
votes and impressions at the same time east and west and all over his compass.

Multiculturalism...These days...

Do you have to love an ugly black woman to prove multiculturalism?

Do you have to worship a dirty old man and a millionaire and after he passes just give the money to
welfare and whatever?

Do you have to suffer and whatever moral becomes a Hollywood hit so that you donate the income in
making sure chiwawa will never EVER become an endangered species?

Is this how i gave up my vote on Afghanistan?

What is wrong treating women like trash in a club lights off and making them look just like that day

Isn't that multiculturalism?

Incorporate Taliban ways in making sure a western female and a heterosexual knows her place?

Would that also make sure she is...Multicultural?

So...Multiculturally speaking...

I am going to fry some fresh potatoes (probably made in Egypt) and an egg (Probably from that local
hood well intercepted ->That does not mean i am hiding something) and see what else i have available
in my...Multicultural Fridge...

May God Save the United States of America.


And Multi-culturally alike...

6/12/2023 12:29:38 PM

*(Unsent) Message to the Turkish Foreign Ministry*


Αγαπητε κυριε ,

οι τηλεοπτικες ‘μαγκιες‘ κ οι κλασσικοι προβοκατορικοι λογοι υπoδηλωνουν μονο πως μια μαλλον
στειρα τουρκικη βιομηχανια , μαλλον αναπολεσματικη και ‘ματια να χουμε να τρωμε‘, απομυζα και τη
τελευταια κρατικη λιρα απο το λαο ο οποιος πρεπει να επιβιωσει να ζησει τα παιδια του , και αν ερθει
ποτε η ωρα οντως και δικαιως να πολεμησει για τη πατριδα. Η πολεμοκαπηλεια της ελιτ αν κερδιζει
εναντια στο κρεμμυδι και στη πατατα και το ψωμι που λειπει απο το καθημερινο τραπεζι αυτο και μονο
υποδεικνυει το ηθος , το χρυσοποιειμενο ψευτο ισλαμο εθνικιστικο EGO και την αναποδεικτη
επιστημοσυνη των κυριων οι οποιοι απο...ευχονται πολεμο εφοσον ειναι 100% οτι θα κερδισουν ειτε
δικαια ειτε αδικα και παντα επι πτωματων και χρεοκοποιμενων κοινωνικων προφιλ τοπικα η διεθνως.

Με Αλλογενη μεσα για να μην υπαρχουν αμεσες ευθυνες , Μια πρακτικη ξεπλυματος χρηματων ,
αμαρτιων και συνειδησεων χωρις ελεος με μονο σκοπο το κερδος και το προσχημα μιας κοινωνικης
συνοχης που ουσιαστικα ανυποκριτα εχει απορριφθει ειτε ως φυσικη ειτε ως ελεω θεου εξελιξη.

Και ο θεος ειναι μεγαλος και να μας σωσει αν κερδισουμε οποτε χασαμε...Που κερδισαμε.

Ζουμε ακομα? Ειμαστε στην εξουσια η την επηρεαζουμε καπως? Κερδισαμε!

Και...Carpe Diem Injustis...Not Allah Uh Akbar.

And May God Save the United States of America.

Απο αυτο το χαλι...

And Yunanistan.

12/6/2023 6:34:09 μ.μ.

*Message to the Chinese UN Embassy*

How are your odds these 100 years will end with no war at end?

Whose fault? Whose...Fault...

After all what happened in 1945 today...Feels like it.


The Rest is endless propaganda all the way to hell.

Take care.
13/6/2023 5:15:28 μ.μ.

*White house message 2*

What is multiculturalism?

I guess it is tolerance and yes acceptance by all means while that does not insult the very meaning of
decency aka self respect.

e.g. A gay person with money and connections may hit on a heterosexual one , the heterosexual may be
in sexual need may be drunk may he have empty pockets and what the heck to know people is not bad ,
the rejection is with all do respects but eventually the whole scene can be easily interpreted as

Same thing perhaps when a poor not so ugly man is rejected by a fine young lady who has graduated
recently with high honors from this academe.

It is also about tolerance and patience , that you know what i may disagree with you that does not mean
i am your de facto enemy or something.

Some people go along some don't you go your way i will go mine and you never know perhaps we meet
again under better circumstances.

Multiculturalism , the way of respect , the way of understanding , the way of properly saying no or yes ,
these ways may be packaged as this term.

So , if the anglo saxon based culture is approached in that manner , i see no problem at all despite
prostitution , easy to derail ethics you name them , drugs semi legally used , gangs ravaging night life ,
gangsters perhaps with fronts counting on scandals and inter-complications internationalized that
digged even writing this may be out of line.

The problems mentioned in this last paragraph hardly fall only on the Anglo Saxon Spectrum it is mostly
a western based motif , closely related to the...Latino motif , how white slavery is being dealt with , how
ores are used as a fancy part of this process , how body and soul and patenting thoughts from god to
this gadget can be traced to the source , pure inspiration even.

Why a Wall is not so easy to build on US Southern Borders , why the drug industry is the second most
profitable one after the war industry and crypto coin - cyber crime are mostly a necessary evil?
n so yada on.

13/6/2023 6:15:58 μ.μ.

Well for now someone had to initiate the...WWIII process...

Russia and Ukraine compete on giving that impression as the main heirs of the Soviet Empire
with Russia earning the first move thing.

China seemingly has a whole new elite class of people looking to expand based on how
Capitalism works while keeping near sacred , almost like how the West sees the Archbishop of
Rome , or Russia the Patriarch , cozy even though in Red China's case the Red Square is closer
to the Ayatolah or Sauron or Kremlin less than being idle.

I do not think it benefits the old west to confront directly , yet the so called proxy war concept is
over , See Ukraine for instance with the West providing weapons and training , the mind set in
Kremlin denies the fact or accepts it depending on how the battlefield changes and globally ,
nothing is finalized and will it ever?
Even if Ukraine manages to retake the entirety of territory Russia will never secede and the
ballgame goes all over again.
This in part explains why Ukraine has to have a cutting edge military projecting in the entire post
soviet world but never become fully a NATO ally , that also benefits Ukraine for the long run ,
making moves which can only be advised by Washington not directed or annulled by ruthless
moves like that of hungary and turkey when it comes to Sweden these days.

Africa and the Arctic and the Antarctic are now key fields and potential skirmish direct along
with the multitrillion dollar routes in the far east connecting inevitably with the melting ice at the
north ocean , for now at least the West has nothing to lose worth for , it is not pacifism but more
like a i won't buy it in the wild west tactics every now and then Russia and China is leading , and
Iran is trying to catch up with the ever fading gas and oil route under their nose.
Hence in part the islamic state , a loose end ghost conceived to make sure players in the Arab
Elite mainly will have some kind of a say in these dark affairs and even , who knows , re instate
the islamic caliphate including parts of the USA or well appointed personas and Europe as
finally conquered from the inside out or becoming a vassal federate state , eventually the
prophecy iranian radical muslim down with the West Down with the USA.

And so on.

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