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Capital protection Plans – P27 and P28

At retirement you will be faced with various options and products that will enable you to provide an
income while enjoying your golden years. A capital protection plan will provide you with a guaranteed
income as well as a death benefit guaranteed for life. Tax: TAX
Structure The full gross instalment
is taxed before being split
between a premium for the life
policy and income to the annuitant.
A nil-year-certain life annuity: Funds the A whole life policy: Provide a death benefit The life annuitant receives a tax certificate
premium on a whole life policy with the balance payout to beneficiaries at death of the annuitant. for the full gross instalment.
used to provide a guaranteed income for life. Any change in the tax rate, or changes to
tax rebates will bring about an associated
change in the net income.
Capital protection Option: Whole Life Capital Protection Option:
(Plan 27): Chosen term (Plan 28): Don’t forget
Income: Income:
The life annuity always has a nil-year certain
Guaranteed income for life. Income guaranteed for life. term and is always a single life annuity.
Income can be level or increase by a chosen Income can be level or increase by a The product is only available for compulsory
percentage annually chosen percentage annually. money.
Life cover: Life cover:
Original purchase sum is guaranteed at death. Death benefit equal to purchase sum –
The life cover is guaranteed for life. guaranteed for the chosen level cover term. In a Nutshell:
Premiums for the whole –life policies are equal At end of level cover term, the death benefit A Single-life, Nil-year certain
to the risk premiums – no other costs are decreases by 10% per annum. term annuity is bought.
deducted. The death benefit will never decrease to below A portion of the life annuity
As cover becomes more expensive, the 25% of the initial death benefit. provides an increasing
premium of the policy increases. Premiums of the whole life policy will remain instalment which funds the
The life annuity component that funds this level for life. premiums for the whole life policy.
premium will provide the increasing life annuity Level cover terms: The balance provides an instalment that is
that will fund the premium. paid each month as a monthly income to the
Any term from 10 up to and including 20 years life annuitant.
may be chosen. This income can be level or increase at a
chosen percentage.


V1110 RB 11/2009

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