Module (2) Lecture 3 - Problem Solving

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1. Define problem framing

2. Define and explain the terms of “problems” and “problem solving”

3. Illustrate the problem-solving skills

4. Differentiate problem solving and decision making

5. Explain how critical thinking may help problem solving

 In order to produce solutions to problems, designers must first frame—and

typically reframe—them. Understanding this can help newcomers recognize the
need for a different approach, rather than jumping straight to solutions.

It is believed that how one diagnoses and frames a problem can determine how
they then address it.

What does it mean to frame a problem?

Problem framing: is taking ownership of and iteratively define what the problem
really is, decide what should be included and excluded, and decide how to
proceed in solving it. Framing a problem involves defining the problem and
bounding it, then deciding what to include and exclude and how to proceed
(Dorst & Cross, 2001; Schön, 1983).

Problem Statements

Problem statements are concise and provide clarity about the problem frame.
Your problem statement should begin with one or two sentences describing a
vision of what is possible if the problem is solved. Next, describe—in one to two
sentences—what the specific issues are. This should include who, what, when,
where and why. Finally, in one to two sentences, describe the primary
symptoms of and evidence for the problem. You should not include a solution!
Expect to write your problem statement multiple times to capture changes in
your understanding of the problem.

While problem framing is typically treated as something that happens at the

beginning of a design project, it is important to remember that it is a process that
continues until the design is finalized.

Designing is often referred to as problem solving. Before you start solving

anything, you need to be sure that you are working on the right problem. Finding
and defining the real problem is a significant step towards a solution.

So, it is a must to define “problem- solving” first?

What is meant by “problem” and “problem- solving”?

The Oxford Dictionary defines a problem as: “a situation in which we are

reluctant (unwilling) to find ourselves and perceive it as harmful, in need of
resolution or overcoming”.

All problems have two things in common: goals and obstacles. Every problem
involves setting a goal or state that we want to achieve, or an event or situation
that we would rather avoid. Why the obstacles? If we had not encountered
them on the way to achieving the given goal, there would be no problem.

A problem consists of a set of information and a question to answer. In order to

solve the problem, we must use the information in a certain way. The way in
which we use it may be quite straightforward – it may for example be simply a
matter of searching a table for a piece of data that matches given conditions. In
other cases, instead of searching for a piece of data, we may have to search for a
method of solution. The important thing in either case will be to have a strategy
that will lead to the solution.

Problem-solving is about crossing or overcoming the obstacles and barriers that

stand in the way of our success.

Problem solving is one of the key competencies that we need not only in our
professional but also personal life. No matter where and in what position you
work, every day you face problems that require solutions.

Solving most problems requires some sort of strategy – a method of proceeding

from the beginning which may be systematic or may involve trial and error. This
development of strategies is the heart of problem solving.

A few definitions of problem solving have appeared in the literature, such

- Basically, problem-solving is the process of reasoning to solutions using more

than simple application of previously learned procedure.

- Problem solving ability is also defined as the ability of a person to participate

in intellectual processing in order to understand and solve problems in which a
solution process is not immediately apparent.

Learning problem-solving techniques is a must for working professionals in any

field. No matter your title or job description, the ability to find the root cause of
a difficult problem and formulate viable solutions is a skill that employers

Problem-solving skills help you determine the source of a problem and find an
effective solution. Although problem solving is often identified as its own
separate skill, there are other related skills that contribute to this ability.

Five Essential Problem- Solving Tools:

There are a few core skills that the best problem solvers generally possess. The
most important skills to draw upon when engaging in a problem-solving
process include:

1. Creativity: Creativity involves the production of elegant, original, and high-

quality solutions for complex, new, poorly defined, and ill-structured problems

Effective problem solving requires the ability to brainstorm solutions and think
outside the box to arrive at new approaches to longstanding problems.

2. Teamwork: Addressing a group problem or systemic social problem requires

you to work collaboratively and supportively with other team members.

3. Logical thinking skills : In order to diagnose the cause of a problem and

arrive at the best solution, you have to possess analytical skills and follow a
logical and methodical process.

4. High emotional intelligence : If you’re dealing with an interpersonal

conflict or are making changes that are likely to affect people on an emotional
level, it’s very important that you have high emotional intelligence (or EQ).

5. Decision making: Problem-solving and decision making go hand in hand.

It’s essential that you have enough conviction and trust in yourself to make a
decision and see it through.

* Problem-solving vs. decision-making:

Problem-solving and decision-making are terms that are often used
interchangeably since both use information to inform a certain action. You
cannot solve a problem without making a decision, but that’s where the
similarities end. The main difference is that the first is a process and the
second is an action.

Problem-solving is an analytical method to identify the possible solutions

to a situation. It’s a complex process and judgment calls—or decisions—will
have to be made on the way. The main goal is to find the best solution.
Problem-solving involves identifying an issue, finding causes, asking questions
and brainstorming solutions. Gathering facts help make the solution more

Decision-making is the process of choosing a solution based on your

judgment, situation, facts, knowledge or a combination of available data. The
goal is to avoid potential difficulties. Identifying opportunities is an important

part of the decision-making process. Making decisions is often a part of


Both problem-solving and decision-making are applicable to all careers and

industries. Because both can help companies by resolving complex situations
and problems, employers typically value these skills in job candidates. They
show you can think through various scenarios and make good decisions that are
good for the company. 

- Critical thinking can boost problem solving skills:

Develop critical thinking skills to make better decisions and rationally apply
information to get the best possible results.

Critical thinking relates to our thought processes, how we make decisions, how
we use our judgment, and how we take action to solve problems.  Successful
problem-solvers tend to use the same type of thinking processes to identify and
implement the solutions to their problems. This process works for any kind of
problem - large or small.  In this course you will learn the critical thinking skills
to ask the right questions, evaluate the information, and apply problem solving
techniques to make informed decisions.

References: by by V Svihla · 2021


-How To Use Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills at Work, 2022

-Analysis of Problem-Solving Skills in Secondary School English Textbooks, 2020

- Thinking Skills : Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, 2013 by J. Butterworth

and G.Thwaites

The Critical Thinking Approach for Better Problem Solving, 2017

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