The Ambivalence of Filipino Traits and Values

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by Prof. EMERITA S. QUITO, phD.

Hiya (shame)

Negative, because it arrests or inhibits one's action. This traits reduces one to
smallness or to what Nietzsche calls the "morality of slaves", thus congealing the soul
of the Filipino and emasculating him, making him timid, meek and weak.

Positive, because, it contributes to peace of mind and lack of stress by not even trying
to achieve.

Comment: Shame or embarrassment so when people say “ Mahiya ka naman” it

means you should also feel shamed or embarrassed. People who have hiya are good
because they are afraid to do bad things that may damage not only their reputation but
also their family. But to much of hiya can be having little confidence. People can
easily take advantage of this and the more the people do not assert their rights because
they are nahihiya.

Ningas-cogon ( procrastination)

Negative, by all, standards because it begins ardently and dies down as soon as it
begins. This trait renders inactive and unable to initiate things or to persevere.

Positive, in a way because, it makes a person non-chalant, detached, indifferent,

nonplussed should anything go wrong, and hence conducive to peace and tranquillity.

Comment: It makes you assess the big picture of what you're trying to accomplish,
and gives you no time to accidentally hone in on just one part of the task. Even if
you're just lazy, waiting until the last minute can boost ambition and energy levels.

Pakikisama ( Group Loyalty)

Negative, because one closes one's eyes like graft and corruption in order to conserve
peace and harmony in a group at the expense of one's comfort.

Positive, because one lives for others; peace or lack dissension is a constant goal.

Comment: The literal translation of makisama is to go with or to accompany. This is

done to avoid conflicts, and to keep mutual good feelings at all costs and all times to
anyone in order to do pakikipagkapwa-tao
Patigasan ( Test of Strength)

Negative, because it is stubborn and resists all efforts at reconciliation. The trait
makes us childish, vindictive, irresponsible, irrational. Actions resulting from this
traits are leaving the phone off the hook to get even with one's party line; stopping the
engine of the car to prove that one has the right of way; standing one's ground until
the opposite party loses its patience.

Positive, because it is a sign that we know our rights and are not easily cowed into
submission. It is occidental in spirit, hence in keeping with Nietzsche's "will to

Comment: This trait enables one to make a graceful exit from guilt instead of facing
the problem and owning responsibility for an offense.

Bahala Na ( Resignation)

Negative, because one leaves everything to chance under the pretext of trusting in
Divine providence. This traits is really laziness disguised in religious garb.

Positive, because one relies on a superior power rather than on one's own. It is
conducive to humility, modesty, and lack of arrogance.

Comment: Bahala Na is a Filipino attitude that expresses courage, those who says
bahala na is not letting go of logic or of their lives. They do so because they believe
that not doing anything is worst. Not doing anything is accepting defeat.
Bahala Na is an attitude. It is an attitude that says I will be going out of my comfort
zone. I am not 100 percent certain of the result, but I need to do this now. Bahala na is
an unreasonable man’s attitude.

Kasi ( Because, i. e., Scapegoat)

Negative, because one disowns responsibility and makes scapegoat out of someone or
something. One is never to blame; one's remain lily white and has ready alibi for

Positive, because one can see both sides of the picture and know exactly where a
project failed. One will never suffer from guilt or self-recrimination.

Comment: This values has a big impact to our lives if we trying to do this

Saving Face

Negative, because , being closely related to hiya and kasi, it enables a person to shirk
responsibility. One is never to accountable for anything.
Positive, because being close psyche is saved from undue embarrassment sleepless
nights, remorse of conscience. It saves one from accountability or responsibility. This
traits one to make a graceful exit from guilt instead of facing the music and owning
resposibility for an offense.

Comment: Losing face’ in Philipines is said to be caused by embarrassment,

disagreement, or criticism. ‘Losing face’ is equal to losing the respect of others. In
the workplace, you’ll notice the tactics that superiors use to avoid ‘losing face’, and
you may also notice how much effort they expend to ‘save face’.

Sakop (Inclusion)

Negative, because one never learns to be on one's own but relies on one's family and
relatives. This traits stunt growth and preventsa person from growing on one's own.
Generating a life of parasitism, this traitsis very non existential. Blaring music, load
tones are result of this mentalit y. We wrongly think that all people like music we play
or the stories we tell. This mentality also makes us consider the world as one vast
comfort room.

Positive, because one cares for the family and clan; one stands or falls with them. This
traits males a person show concern for the family to which he belongs.

Comment: Some of the benefits of inclusion for me is friendship skills, peer models,
problem solving skills, positive self-image, and respect for others. This can trickle
down to my families as well, teaching parents and families to be more accepting of

Mañana or "Bukas Na/ Mamaya Na" ( Procrastination)

Negative, because one constantly postpones action and accomplishes nothing. This
aggravates a situation, problem grows beyond correction, a leak or a small break
becines a gaping hole. This arises from an indolent mentality that a problem will go
away by itself.

Positive, because one is without stress and tension; one learns to take what cones
naturally. Like the Chinese wu-wei, this trait makes one live naturally and without
undue artificially

Comment: It makes you assess the big picture of what you're trying to accomplish,
and gives you no time to accidentally hone in on just one part of the task. Even if
you're just lazy, waiting until the last minute can boost ambition and energy levels.

Utang na Loob ( Indebtedness)

Negative, because one overlooks moral principles when one is indebted to a person.
One who is beholden to another person will do anything to pleasehim, thinking that
by doing so he is enable to repay a debt. One condones what the other person does
and will never censure him for wrongdoing.
Positive, because it is a recognition of one's indebtedness. This trait portrays the spirit
behind the Filipino saying, " He who does not know how to look to the past will
mever reach his destination."

Comment: Pagtanaw ng utang na loob or being indebted is always admirable because

it shows how much one is grateful to what owes and to whom one has owed. But
sometimes people often say to those who do badly despite the good things done to
them “wala kang utang na loob” This means that the offender is so blind to recognize
that he owes the victim.

Kanya-kanya ( Self- Centeredness)

Negative, because it is a self-centered; one has no regard for others. So long as my

family an I are not in need, I do not care about the world.

Positive, because one takes care of oneself and one's family: "Blood is thicker than

Comment: Filipinos have a selfish, self-serving attitude that generates. a feeling of

envy and competitiveness towards others, particularly one's peers who seem to have.
Filipino homes are clean, but our streets are dirty; the reach of our concern, just like
our walis tingting, does not extend too far beyond our gates and fences. “Tapat mo,
linis mo,” the motto says: You clean what’s in front of you — and we have been
happy to take it literally, disclaiming responsibility for places we do not regard as

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