Benjamin Huston - CTC Reflection Essay

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There is a construction electrician program at VIU and in Vancouver.

My personal
favorite program is the one in Vancouver because once you have finished your work and
school hours you can call them and get a job ready. You can get an apprenticeship right
away. There information is the following: 1-888-920-2221 and Electrician Certificate
Program - Vancouver Island University

The program at VIU is a great program. It is well organized and appeals to me

because once you are done with your apprenticeship it runs for 24 weeks and it provides
equipment for you.

These programs fit into my future because if I decide that this is what I want to do
I know that it will be easier for me to attend. Because they are close to home and provide
everything that I need. These are successful programs for me. They will give me the
opportunity to fulfill my hours and get a job as a construction electrician.

The steps I will take to pursue this job is to take the course next year and start
getting my schooling hours as soon as possible. After I graduate I will get a summer job
and save money I get from this job and put it into the bank. I will save this money until
school starts up again, then when I get an apprenticeship I will quit my job and put all of
my attention towards school. I won't take a year off. I will start the VIU or Vancouver
programs right away and start trying to get apprenticeships. This way I can start
knocking off my required work hours.

Once I have done that I will look for a job and once I get one after every paycheck
I will set some money aside and start paying of my student loans. That is how I will get
into and finish my schooling. To save money before school starts, I will take the bus
everywhere and sell off my cars/street bikes and use that money to put me through this
course. With the money from my job that I saved, I will move into an apartment and find
a stable job using what I learned at the courses.

These are all the steps that I will try and take to ensure that I can make it through
this course and to plan out how all these things will help me once I'm there. This is my

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