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Ari: hey Bia, long time no see! Wow, what did you do to your hair?

Bia: hey Ari! Well yeah, I just got back from the Saloon and think about a little change, so what do you

Ari: Its stunning! You look really good!

Bia: Haha thank you! And by the way where did you get those shirt?

Ari: I bought it from the store near my house, its quite expensive but i hope its worth it

Bia: it sure does! the shirt is really great and the color is suits your skin!

Ari: Thank you, I'm so glad I decide to pick these shirt. Um by the way, do you remember our
Mathematic assignment?

Bia: Yeah, what about it?

Ari: Well its really difficult, and I'm wondering if you could help me, since you're a genius at Math.

Bia: Haha you're exagerating (sp?) but sure, I'll help you!

Ari: Cool, thank you so much! Then can you come over to my house at 5 pm today?

Bia: No problem! Umm, I'll come only if your mom bake some muffin hehe

Ari: Haha fine, I'll ask her first.

Bia: Yay! Can't wait! I hope you understand my addiction because she's definitely talented at bake some
muffins, it was really tasty!

Ari: Haha yeah yeah I get it. Hey, how about we watch some movie after we do the assignment!

Bia: Sounds great! I'd love to watch Titanic

Ari: Really? Me too! Leonardo Dicaprio is one of the most talented actor I've ever known.

Bia: I know, right! Well, I really can't wait for our assignment, but now I have to pick up my little sister.

Ari: Okay, from where?

Bia: Her piano recital. She has to practice because she will perform infront of the President a month
from now!

Ari: Wow, how fascinating! She must be a really amazing pianist, it was a pretty big accomplishment! Say
my congratulation and have a best luck for her!

Bia: Haha yes she is. Okay, I will. Bye, Ari. See you later at 5!

Ari: Alright, see ya!

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