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Zadanie 1 Wybierz czasownik w poprawnej formie:

1. Look! Monica stands/is standing at the bus stop.

2. I want/am wanting to talk to you about something important.
3. Alice always gets/is getting up at 6 o’clock.
4. My husband always leaves/is always leaving his dirty socks on the floor!
5. Your friends are outside. They wait/are waiting for you.
6. Sorry. I don’t understand/am not understanding you.
7. You never come/are coming on time.
8. We often spend/are spending out holidays at the seaside.
9. What do you do/are you doing? I’m a teacher.
10. The windows are dirty. I clean/am cleaning them now.

Zadanie 2 Uzupełnij zdania poprawną formą czasownika. Użyj czasu Present Simple bądź Present Continuous.

1. Ted ( take ) ……………………………………… a shower right now.

2. What ( we / have ) ……………………………………… for dinner tonight?
3. My brother (have ) ……………………………………… a daughter and a son.
4. I ( not / solve ) ……………………………………… some math problems at the moment.
5. My school ( begin ) ……………………………………… at nine very day.
6. What time ( you / wake up ) ……………………………………… on weekdays?
7. She ( not / sleep ) ………………………………………, she ( study ) ……………………………………… .
8. Can you speak slowly please, I ( not / understand ) ……………………………………… you.
9. This flower ( smell ) ……………………………………… so good.
10. This is Jenny. She ( sometimes / work ) ……………………………………… with me.
11. Where are the children? They ( play ) ……………………………………… in the park now?
12. My friends often ( invite ) ……………………………………… me at the weekdays.
13. Dan ( love ) ……………………………………… wild animals.
14. We ( have ) ……………………………………… lunch now.
15. I never ( stay in ) ……………………………………… on Saturday evening.
16. I ( go ) ……………………………………… to the cinema now.
17. My mom ( not / work ) ……………………………………… today.
18. The Sun ( rise ) ……………………………………… in the east.
19. The water ( boil ) ………………………………………. Can you turn it off?
20. Water ( boil ) ……………………………………… at 100 degrees.
21. We ( see ) ……………………………………… our parents every week.
22. ( You / listen ) ……………………………………… to the radio now?
23. Peter ( talk ) ……………………………………… to Susan now.
24. I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you right now. I ( go ) ……………………………………… out.
25. We ( go ) ……………………………………… to the beach now.
26. ( Mary and Susan / drive ) ……………………………………… to the office every day?
27. I ( make ) ……………………………………… a cake and I can’t pick up the phone.
28. Debbie ( work ) ……………………………………… as an administrator at school.
29. The world population ( increase ) ……………………………………… quickly.
30. Amanda is very talented. She ( paint ) ……………………………………… beautiful portraits.
Zadanie 3 Przetłumacz fragment zdań w nawiasach na język angielski.

1. Our teacher ( zawsze zadaje ) ……………………………………… us homework.

2. ( Co robisz ) ……………………………………… today after school ?
3. My dog ( nigdy nie szczeka ) ……………………………………… at strangers.
4. Children ( nie lubią ) ……………………………………… tidying their rooms.
5. ( Nie pracuję ) ……………………………………… from home this week.
6. Why ( zawsze pomagasz ) ……………………………………… Jeremy? He’s very nice to you!
7. Andrea ( próbuje ) ……………………………………… to sleep but it’s too loud.
8. They ( rzadko organizują ) ……………………………………… birthday parties at home.
9. ( Nie wierzę ) ……………………………………… my eyes! Is that Susan and Tom?
10. Why ( ona zawsze przychodzi ) ……………………………………… late? That’s so annoying.

Zadanie 4 Uzupełnij luki poprawnymi formami czasowników. Użyj czasu Present Simple bądź Present Continuous.

1. We usually ……………………………………… (go) to Spain on holiday, but this year we ……………………………………… (go) to
2. A: Why ……………………………………… you ……………………………………… (buy) so much food?
B: Because we ……………………………………… (have) a party tonight.
3. My dad ……………………………………… (live) in a house near the sea because he ……………………………………… (like)
4. ……………………………………… you ……………………………………… (watch) the television Can I turn it off?

5. A: How often ……………………………………… you ……………………………………… (go) swimming?

B: About once a week.
6. A: How often ……………………………………… you ……………………………………… (go) swimming?
B: About once a week.

Zadanie 5 Uzupełnij teksty :

o My friend Cathy ............................ (have) a horse. It.............................(be) a beautiful animal with big eyes and a
long tall. Its name is Bella and it ............................ (love) people. It ........................ (not bite) or kick and it is
always friendly, It ...................... (eat) apples and hay but it ......................................(not eat) meat.
Horses ........................... (not like) meat. Cathy usually ............................... (ride) her horse every day after school.
She ................................. (not go ) into the town because there is too much traffic. There ...................... (not be )
many cars in the country so she ....................... (take) Bella there. It often ....................... (rain) in England so at
night Bella and the other horses ............................ (sleep).

o I ............................ (sit) on the bus now. It usually .......................(arrive) at school at about a quarter to nine. The
bus driver ............................... (shout) at the children at the back of the bus at the moment.
He ...................................(tell) them to sit down. The kids on the bus usually ......................... (behave) very well.
I ................................... (not know) what’s wrong with them today.

o This is my classroom. I always ..............................(sit) at this desk, next to my friend Becky. Our teacher
usually .......................(come) in at five pst nine. She won’t be very happy today because
everyone ............................... (make) a lot of noise. Oh, here she is! I ...............................(have to ) turn off the
camera now. See you later!
Zadanie 6 Wybierz właściwą formę:

1. ………………… going to school? Do you like Are you liking

2. ………………… this exercise. I don’t understand I’m not understanding
3. Jack …………………, he is asleep. Isn’t watching it Doesn’t watch it
4. Why …………………, are we late? Do we run Are we running
5. What time ………………… every day? Do you get up Are you getting up
6. We ………………… to the party very often. Don’t go Aren’t going
7. ………………… from Poland? Are you coming Do you come
8. Anna ………………… at the moment. Isn’t cooking Doesn’t cook

Zadanie 7 Uzupełnij zdaniami czasownikami w czasie Present Simple.

1. My sister ………………………… (not/ play) tennis every day. Moja siostra nie gra w tenisa codziennie.
2. I ………………………… (study) English at school from Monday to Friday. Uczę się angielskiego w szkole od Pon do Pt.
3. She always ………………………… (wear) skirts. Ona zawsze chodzi w spódnicy.
4. ………………… they ………………… (travel) by bus? Czy oni podróżują autobusem?
5. Jim and Joe ………………………… (not/ go) to the theatre on Sundays. Jim i Joe nie chodzą do teatru w niedziele.

Zadanie 8 Uzupełnij zdaniami czasownikami w czasie Present Continuous.

1. What ………………… you ………………… (eat)? Co jesz?

2. My dog ……………………………………… (not/ sleep) now. Mój pies teraz nie śpi.
3. The girls……………………………………… (listen to) music now. Dziewczyny słuchają teraz muzyki.
4. We ……………………………………… (practice) exercises in English. Ćwiczymy angielski.
5. My brothers ……………………………………… (not/ watch) TV now. Moi bracia nie oglądają teraz telewizji.

Zadanie 8 Uzupełnij luki poprawnymi formami czasowników. Użyj czasu Present Simple bądź Present Continuous.

1. I ……………………………………… (not/ study) French now.

Nie uczę się teraz francuskiego.
2. We always ……………………………………… (play) cards during break time.
My zawsze gramy w karty, gdy mamy przerwę.
3. Where ………………… your granny ………………… (live)?
Gdzie mieszka twoja babcia?
4. Peter ……………………………………… (not/ take) the children to school in the morning.
Peter nie zabiera dzieci do szkoły rano.
5. What ………………… your brother ………………… (do) every morning?
Co twój brat robi każdego ranka?
6. What ………………… John ………………… (write) now?
Co John teraz pisze?
7. What’s that noise? Peter ……………………………………… (play) the guitar.
Co to za dźwięk? Peter gra na gitarze.
8. This kind of animal ……………………………………… (eat) meat.
Ten rodzaj zwierzęcia żywi się mięsem.
9. I ……………………………………… (never/ drink) wine at night.
Nigdy nie piję wina wieczorem.
10. What languages ………………… you ………………… (speak)?
W jakich językach mówisz?

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