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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Review Article

C. Corey Hardin, M.D., Ph.D., Editor

Medical Conditions and High-Altitude Travel

Andrew M. Luks, M.D., and Peter H. Hackett, M.D.​​

From the Division of Pulmonary, Critical s interest in adventure travel grows and transportation net-
Care, and Sleep Medicine, University of works expand, more people are traveling to terrestrial high altitudes for
Washington, Seattle (A.M.L.); and the Al-
titude Research Center, Division of Pul- active and sedentary endeavors, including hiking, skiing, sightseeing, reli-
monary Sciences and Critical Care Medi- gious pilgrimages, and work.1 Often, travelers seek medical advice on trip safety,
cine, Department of Medicine, University with the primary focus on prevention and treatment of acute altitude illnesses,
of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus,
Aurora (P.H.H.). Dr. Luks can be contact- including high-altitude headache, acute mountain sickness, high-altitude cerebral
ed at a­ luks@​­uw​.­edu or at the Division of edema, and high-altitude pulmonary edema. Given the prevalence of diseases such
Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medi- as asthma and hypertension,2 many people planning high-altitude travel are likely
cine, Harborview Medical Center, 325 Ninth
Ave., Box 359762, Seattle, WA 98104. to have a preexisting medical condition. In such cases, clinicians should broaden
their pretravel counseling and consider how reductions in barometric pressure and
N Engl J Med 2022;386:364-73.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra2104829 subsequent decreases in the ambient partial pressure of oxygen (Po2) — known as
Copyright © 2022 Massachusetts Medical Society. hypobaric hypoxia — will affect the underlying condition and the safety of a
planned high-altitude excursion.
Clinicians and patients may be unaware of these concerns, and patients may
either proceed with travel in the face of unrecognized risks or be overly cautious
and forgo travel when it is actually feasible. This review is intended to help clini-
cians by providing a framework for advising persons with medical conditions who
are considering high-altitude travel. After reviewing the prevalence of common
diseases among high-altitude travelers and the physiological responses to hypo-
baric hypoxia, we discuss the altitudes at which persons with medical issues are
at risk for problems and offer general advice that clinicians can provide for all
travelers. We then consider the safety of travel for persons with preexisting condi-
tions and describe an approach to evaluation and counseling. Although some is-
sues covered in this review have relevance for people traveling on commercial
aircraft when the cabin altitude at cruising elevation ranges from 1500 to 2400 m,
depending on the distance traveled,3 the focus throughout is on unacclimatized
lowlanders ascending to terrestrial high altitude. Commercial flight for persons
with medical conditions is reviewed elsewhere.4

Pr e va l ence of Medic a l C ondi t ions a mong

High-A lt i t ude T r av el er s

Although the number of unacclimatized lowlanders with medical conditions who

travel to high altitude is unknown, it may be relatively high because of the increas-
ing number of older persons who travel to high altitude. Whereas only about 10%
of trekkers in Nepal were over 50 years of age in 1992,5 a more recent survey of
670 trekkers in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal showed that 47% were over 50
years of age and 15% were over 60.6 Of the survey respondents, 33% reported
preexisting medical problems. The most common conditions were hypertension
(in 9% of the respondents), thyroid disease (in 6%), asthma (in 5%), and diabetes
mellitus (in 2%), but a noteworthy finding was the wide spectrum of less com-
monly reported problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus

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Medical Conditions and High-Altitude Tr avel

erythematosus, thalassemia minor, and von

Low High Altitude
Willebrand’s disease. Altitude (Hypoxia)
Of Colorado tourists visiting areas at altitudes
between 1900 m and 2950 m, 24% reported use CEREBRAL BLOOD FLOW

of long-term medications.7 The prevalence of

underlying conditions and medication use may
vary according to the type of activity, with more VENTILATION

physically demanding activities selecting for PULMONARY-ARTERY PRESSURE

healthier persons, as indicated by the lower pro-
portion of cardiovascular diseases (arrhythmias,
coronary artery disease, and hypertension) among HEART RATE

alpine mountaineers (7.4%) as compared with CARDIAC OUTPUT

hikers (12.7%) and skiers (11.2%) in the Euro- STROKE VOLUME

pean Alps.8,9 PLASMA VOLUME

Ph ysiol o gic a l R e sp onse s BICARBONATURIA

t o H y p ob a r ic H y p ox i a EPO

Although decreased humidity and air tempera- RCM

ture and increased exposure to ultraviolet light
are noteworthy features of the mountain envi-
ronment, the most important environmental Minutes Hours Days Weeks
variable is the decrease in barometric pressure
that occurs with ascent. The reduction in baro-
metric pressure decreases the Po2 all along the Figure 1. Physiological Responses to Hypoxia.
oxygen transport chain, from inspired air to Major responses to an ascent to high altitude involve the brain, lungs, heart,
organs and tissues, which sets in motion a series kidneys, and blood. Qualitative changes are depicted over time, ranging
from minutes to weeks at high altitude. Values that increase from low to
of physiological responses (Fig. 1), many of which high altitude are shown in purple, and values that decrease are shown in
help restore the concentration of oxygen in the blue. The pattern and timing of the responses are similar among persons,
blood (oxygen content) and supply tissues with but the magnitude of the responses can vary markedly. EPO denotes erythro-
adequate oxygen to support metabolic demand poietin, Hb hemoglobin, and RCM red-cell mass.
(oxygen delivery). The specific mechanisms for
these responses, collectively referred to as accli-
matization, vary among organ systems, but a key differences in the hypoxic ventilatory response,12,13
mediator is hypoxia-inducible factor, a gene tran- hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,14,15 and
scription factor that serves as the master regula- changes in cerebral blood flow.16 Recognition of
tor of cellular responses to hypoxia, including this variation and the effect of medical condi-
but not limited to cellular metabolism, angio- tions on the observed responses is critical in
genesis, and erythropoiesis.10,11 considering the risks of high-altitude travel,
Many physiological responses show a dose– since the magnitude of the responses deter-
response relationship, with greater hypoxia pro- mines the degree of hypoxemia and the adequacy
voking stronger responses. The timing of the of oxygen delivery for a given altitude and baro-
responses also varies; for example, cerebral metric pressure.
blood flow, heart rate, and ventilation increase
within minutes after the ascent, whereas plasma W h at D ose of H y p ob a r ic H y p ox i a
volume and serum erythropoietin concentrations P ose s a R isk t o T r av el er s?
change over a period of 1 to 2 days. The full
increases in ventilation and hemoglobin concen- Although the risk of acute altitude illness begins
tration occur over a period of weeks after the with an ascent above 2000 m, and particularly
ascent. The pattern and timing of the responses above 2500 m, some persons with chronic
are similar among persons, but their magnitude medical conditions are at risk at lower eleva-
varies markedly, as indicated by interindividual tions, as indicated by the development of high-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

altitude pulmonary edema at an elevation of only increase in the sleeping elevation. For this rea-
1500 m in persons with unilateral absence of a son, a review of the planned ascent rate, which
pulmonary artery.17 varies substantially among commonly visited
In addition to the absolute altitude reached, areas, should be part of the pretravel evaluation.
the risk is a function of the time and degree of In general, the slower the ascent, the greater the
exertion at that altitude, with multiday expo- time for acclimatization and the lower the risk
sures and heavy exertion associated with in- of altitude illness. More specifically, once above
creased risk. A traveler with underlying health 3000 m, travelers should not increase their
problems might tolerate a sedentary ride on a sleeping elevation by more than 500 m per night
cable car for a short visit (e.g., 1 to 2 hours) to a and should include rest days every 3 to 4 days;
mountain lodge, whereas a longer stay at that during rest days, they should sleep at the same
altitude or the addition of physical exertion elevation for at least 2 consecutive nights. Al-
might pose problems. though widely recommended in published re-
Ultimately, the altitude at which the risk in- views and guidelines,20,26,27 this rule of thumb is
creases is based on the particular medical condi- supported primarily by observational data22 and
tion and its severity. As a result, strict altitude by only one randomized study.28 Exposure to
thresholds should be avoided in considering the hypoxia (preacclimatization) or spending time at
need for further evaluation and planning. intermediate altitudes before ascending to the
target elevation (referred to as staged ascent)
may also reduce the risk of altitude illness, de-
A dv ice for A l l High-A lt i t ude
T r av el er s pending on the duration and timing before the
planned trip.29,30
The physiological responses to hypoxia are gen- Pharmacologic prophylaxis is readily available
erally protective, but in some cases maladaptive and typically directed toward prevention of acute
responses occur, leading to some form of acute mountain sickness. Prophylaxis is not necessary
altitude illness. All high-altitude travelers, re- in all travelers; it is reserved for those with a
gardless of their underlying health, are at risk history of acute altitude illness, particularly re-
for these problems and should receive counsel- current episodes, and those planning a moder-
ing regarding recognition, prevention, and treat- ate-to-high-risk ascent, as defined in current
ment. Key features of these illnesses are sum- guidelines.27 Prediction rules have been devel-
marized in Table 1, and further information is oped to assess the risk of severe altitude illness
provided in several reviews.18-20 High-altitude and guide decisions about pharmacologic pro-
headache and acute mountain sickness are by far phylaxis31,32 but can be difficult to implement
the most common illnesses, with the former in routine practice. Pharmacologic prophylaxis
noted in 37% of people ascending to 4559 m21 against high-altitude pulmonary edema with pul-
and the latter developing in 25 to 43% of travel- monary vasodilators, including nifedipine33 and
ers at altitudes between 2000 and 4300 m, depend- tadalafil,34 is reserved for persons with a history
ing on the altitude attained and the rate and of this condition.27 Descent remains the best
method of ascent.7,22 Some of the highest rates of treatment for all acute altitude illnesses but is
acute mountain sickness have been reported on necessary only for persons with acute mountain
Mt. Kilimanjaro (5895 m)23 and among religious sickness that worsens or fails to improve with
pilgrims traveling to high-altitude festivals24 be- standard treatment (Table 1) and for persons
cause of very rapid ascent rates. Although precise with high-altitude cerebral edema or high-alti-
data are lacking, the incidences of high-altitude tude pulmonary edema.
cerebral edema and of high-altitude pulmonary
edema are quite low, but each condition is poten- Pr e t r av el E va luat ion for
tially fatal if not recognized and treated appro- Per sons w i th Medic a l
priately. Disrupted sleep and central sleep apnea C ondi t ions
are common at high altitude, even in the absence
of acute altitude illness.25 In addition to these general recommendations,
The primary risk factor for acute altitude ill- further counseling should be provided to people
ness is rapid ascent, as measured by the rate of with medical problems regarding their particu-

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Medical Conditions and High-Altitude Tr avel

Table 1. Clinical Problems at High Altitude.*

Illness and Clinical Presentation Prevention Treatment

High-altitude headache
Common above 2500 m Allow time for proper acclimatization Stop ascent and rest at current elevation
Onset within 4–24 hr after ascent For moderate- or high-risk ascent pro- NSAIDs or acetaminophen
Dull or pulsating bifrontal, temporal, or files: acetazolamide, 125 mg every Consider dexamethasone (4 mg once) for severe
diffuse headache, often worsened by 12 hr, or dexamethasone, headache
movement 2 mg every 6 hr If headache persists or worsens, descend or use
supplemental oxygen
Acute mountain sickness
Common above 2500 m Allow time for proper acclimatization Stop ascent and rest at current elevation
Onset within 1–2 days after ascent For moderate- or high-risk ascent pro- NSAIDs or acetaminophen for headache; antiemetics
Headache, plus one or more of the following: files: acetazolamide, 125 mg every if needed
poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, 12 hr, or dexamethasone, For mild illness: consider acetazolamide, 250 mg
persistent lightheadedness 2 mg every 6 hr every 12 hr
Normal neurologic examination and mental For severe illness: dexamethasone, 4 mg every 6 hr
status for 24 hr; consider adding acetazolamide
If symptoms persist or worsen, descend or use
supplemental oxygen
High-altitude cerebral edema
Unusual below 3500 m unless accompanied No specific preventive measures aside Descend if feasible; otherwise, use supplemental
by high-altitude pulmonary edema from those for acute mountain oxygen or portable hyperbaric chamber
Onset within first few days after ascent; often sickness and high-altitude pulmo- Dexamethasone, 8 mg once, then 4 mg every 6 hr
preceded by symptoms of acute mountain nary edema until descent has been achieved or symptoms
sickness and signs have resolved
Global encephalopathy, with altered mental
status, ataxia, or both; focal neurologic
deficits uncommon
Can progress to coma
High-altitude pulmonary edema
Unusual below 3000 m Allow time for proper acclimatization In resource-limited settings: descend if feasible;
Onset 2–4 days after ascent Sustained-release nifedipine, 30 mg otherwise, use supplemental oxygen or portable
Early signs: increasing dyspnea with activity, ­ every 12 hr, for travelers with his- hyperbaric chamber
decreased exercise performance, dry tory of high-altitude pulmonary Sustained-release nifedipine, 30 mg every 12 hr if oxy-
cough edema gen is not available and descent is not feasible
Late signs: dyspnea with simple activities or In well-resourced settings: supplemental oxygen and
at rest, cyanosis, cough with pink frothy bed rest
sputum, respiratory distress
Central sleep apnea
Very common above 2500 m Prophylaxis generally unnecessary Descent not necessary
Onset during first night at high altitude; may If indicated, acetazolamide, 125 mg Treatment reserved for severe sleep disturbance or
persist with continued stay or further every 12 hr, or nocturnal oxygen interference with daytime activity: acetazolamide,
ascent 125 mg every 12 hr; nocturnal oxygen
Associated with reduced subjective sleep qual- Temazepam, zolpidem, and zaleplon improve sleep
ity, frequent awakenings, and sensation of quality but do not reduce central sleep apnea
panic on awakening

* NSAIDs denotes nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs.

lar condition and the potential risks at high alti- risk for severe hypoxemia or impaired oxygen
tude. Evaluation and planning are challenging delivery at high altitude. Persons with lung dis-
because of the wide spectrum of medical prob- eases of sufficient severity, such as chronic ob-
lems and the paucity of data for many condi- structive pulmonary disease (COPD),35 interstitial
tions. In light of these challenges, clinicians can lung disease36 or cystic fibrosis,37 and cyanotic
use a general approach, framed by four ques- congenital heart disease,38 are at risk for exag-
tions, to identify persons who require further gerated hypoxemia at any elevation, which may
attention before their intended trip. increase dyspnea, decrease exercise tolerance,
The first question is whether the traveler is at and increase the risk of acute altitude illness.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Contraindications to Travel above 2500 m.*

Altitude, m SpO2
Advanced COPD (FEV1 <30% of predicted value or
5500 70–80% requirement for continuous oxygen therapy)
Advanced cystic fibrosis (FEV1 <30% of predicted value)
4500 75–85%
Advanced restrictive lung disease (TLC <50% of predicted
value or requirement for continuous oxygen therapy)
3500 82–88%
Decompensated heart failure
High-risk pregnancy
2500 90–95%
Myocardial infarction or stroke within the past 90 days
Poorly controlled seizure disorder
1500 93–97%
Pulmonary hypertension (systolic PAP >60 mm Hg)
Sickle cell disease

Sea level >96% Unstable angina

Untreated, high-risk cerebrovascular abnormality
(aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation)
Figure 2. Expected Changes in Resting Oxygen Saturation with Increasing
Altitude. * COPD denotes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
With the decline in barometric pressure and the ambient partial pressure of FEV1 forced expiratory volume in 1 second, PAP pulmo-
oxygen during ascent to a high altitude, the partial pressure of arterial oxygen nary-artery pressure, and TLC total lung capacity.
and the oxygen saturation as measured by pulse oximetry (Spo2) are reduced.
The normal Spo2 at a given elevation decreases to a range of values rather
than to a single value because of interindividual variation in the hypoxic could pose similar risks. Any such problems
ventilatory response and other physiological responses to hypoxia. The val- would worsen with exertion when ventilation
ues shown are estimates of the expected ranges 24 to 48 hours after ascent requirements increase substantially.41
to a high altitude, which have been derived from values reported in pub- The third question is whether the traveler is
lished studies conducted at various altitudes (see the Supplementary Ap-
at risk for problems due to pulmonary vascular
pendix, available with the full text of this article at
responses to hypoxia. Alveolar hypoxia triggers
hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction,42 which in-
creases pulmonary vascular resistance and pul-
Expected oxygen saturation values in healthy monary-artery pressure. This response is usually
persons at various altitudes are shown in Fig- well tolerated, but in persons with pulmonary
ure 2. Excessive hypoxemia may not develop in hypertension (mean pulmonary-artery pressure
persons with moderate-to-severe heart failure or >20 mm Hg at sea level), right-heart failure, or
anemia, but they may have similar symptoms both, it may confer a predisposition to high-alti-
because of impaired oxygen delivery, particularly tude pulmonary edema or worsening right-heart
during exercise. function.43
The second question is whether the traveler The fourth question is whether hypoxia poses
is at risk for impaired ventilatory responses. As a risk of complications due to the underlying
described above, one of the key responses to condition. Hypobaric hypoxia poses a clear risk
hypoxemia is the hypoxic ventilatory response, of clinical deterioration in persons with certain
which helps maintain adequate alveolar and conditions, including, for example, those with
arterial Po2. In persons with severely impaired sickle cell disease,44 inadequately controlled cor-
lung mechanics, as indicated by chronic hyper- onary artery disease or heart failure, high-risk
carbia or severe impairments on pulmonary- pregnancy, or neurologic conditions such as
function testing, ventilation may not increase vascular malformations or space-occupying le-
sufficiently, and as a result, such persons may be sions (Table 2).
at risk for exaggerated hypoxemia and its associ- On the basis of the answers to these four
ated problems (e.g., very severe COPD, neuro- questions, high-altitude travelers with medical
muscular disease, or obesity hypoventilation conditions fall into one of two groups: those
syndrome). Impaired carotid-body function after with affirmative answers to one or more ques-
carotid-artery surgery39 or neck irradiation40 tions, and those with negative answers to all

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Medical Conditions and High-Altitude Tr avel

questions. The former group is at risk for prob- versing hypoxemia and preventing problems that
lems at high altitude, which warrants further might occur at high altitude, but its use poses
pretravel evaluation, and persons in this group logistical challenges. Although commercial
may even need to cancel their travel plans. The airlines prohibit transport of personal oxygen
latter group can travel safely without further as- cylinders, they do permit small, battery-powered
sessment but may benefit from disease-specific oxygen concentrators, which can be useful at the
planning. Each situation is considered below. intended destination if electricity is available for
recharging batteries. Alternatively, travelers may
be able to rent portable or stationary oxygen
F ur ther E va luat ion a nd R isk
Mi t ig at ion for High-R isk concentrators or other devices at some high-alti-
Per sons tude destinations, such as a ski-resort commu-
nity, although prescriptions are usually required
Depending on the medical condition, various in North America.51 The cost of these interven-
assessments can be performed to evaluate the tions is another consideration, since insurance
risks of planned high-altitude travel. Multiple coverage for persons not already using supple-
prediction rules incorporating values obtained mental oxygen at home is limited, if available at
on pulmonary-function testing,45 measurement all. Use of hypoxic tents for several weeks before
of arterial blood gases,46 and cardiopulmonary a planned trip may reduce the risk of acute alti-
exercise testing,47 as well as the hypoxia altitude tude illness,52 but there is no evidence to support
simulation test,48 have been used to assess the the safety or effectiveness of hypoxic tents in
risk of hypoxemia and guide supplemental oxy- mitigating the effects of high altitude on people
gen use during commercial flight. However, the with high-risk medical conditions.
applicability of these tools to high-altitude travel
has not been established. The tools were de- T r ip Pl a nning for L ow-R isk
signed to assess the risk of hypoxemia at a nar- Per sons
row range of elevations — the maximum al-
lowed cabin altitude — and do not adequately Most people with medical conditions can safely
reflect the duration of or the anticipated degree travel to high altitude without further evalua-
of exertion while engaging in high-altitude tion. In fact, many persons with common condi-
travel. Echocardiography or cardiopulmonary tions, such as diabetes mellitus, and even those
exercise testing under hypoxic conditions can with uncommon issues, such as a history of
provide information about physiological re- solid-organ transplantation, have summitted very
sponses to hypoxia but are available only in high mountains, including Kilimanjaro (5895 m)
specialized centers that have the capacity to ad- and Cho Oyu (8201 m).53,54 Nevertheless, pre-
minister normobaric or hypobaric hypoxia.31 travel planning may still be necessary because of
Given these challenges, perhaps the best tool for the risk that hypobaric hypoxia or other aspects
assessing the safety of exposure to hypobaric of travel may alter disease control. A detailed
hypoxia is graded exposure to high altitude in consideration of the effects of high altitude on
safe settings. Tolerance can be assessed with common conditions is beyond the scope of this
travel to areas such as a ski-resort community in review, but a summary of key issues with com-
Colorado, where medical resources are readily mon diseases, as well as appropriate mitigation
available or descent to a lower altitude can eas- measures, is provided in Table 3. More detailed
ily be achieved in the event of problems. After a information can be found in reviews of common
period of rest and monitoring of symptoms and conditions.55-65 Data are lacking regarding high-
pulse oximetry49 at moderate altitude, persons altitude travel for persons who have had corona-
who do well can move to steadily higher eleva- virus disease 2019 (Covid-19), but recommenda-
tions or increase their physical activity. Exercise tions drawing on return-to-play guidelines for
is feasible for some persons with cardiopulmo- sports66 have been published.67
nary diseases, although tolerance of exertion Regardless of the specific condition, several
varies among such persons.35,50 principles should guide pretravel planning. For
Supplemental oxygen is the best tool for re- diseases such as asthma or heart failure, in

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 3. Approach to Common Medical Conditions in Travelers Planning Ascent to High Altitude.*

Condition Concerns at High Altitude Mitigation Strategies

Cardiac conditions
Arrhythmia Possible exacerbation of tachyarrhythmia due to Advise patients to travel with a plan and medications to
increased sympathetic stimulation address worsening tachyarrhythmia and to avoid travel
with uncontrolled arrhythmia
CAD Increased risk of ischemia with inadequately con- Administer pretravel cardiac stress test if patients have
trolled or occult disease; risk of sudden car- history of or risk factors for CAD; after ACS, evaluate for
diac death for travelers with prior myocardial revascularization; advise patients to delay travel for 4 wk
infarction or risk factors for CAD after uncomplicated ACS and for 3 mo after complicated
ACS, to limit physical activity for 1–2 days after ascent, to
avoid exertion exceeding level of exertion at low elevation
Heart failure with Impairment in exercise tolerance directly propor- Monitor weight and increase diuretics as necessary; advise
preserved or reduced tional to the severity of heart failure; potential patients to limit physical activity after ascent
ejection fraction for fluid retention
Hypertension Variable changes in BP after ascent For well-controlled hypertension, no monitoring is necessary;
for poorly controlled hypertension, advise patients to
travel with a plan to monitor BP and alter medications
Defibrillators and pace- Insufficient data on device performance at high Consider device interrogation before sojourn, particularly
makers altitude with high-risk activities
Hematologic conditions
Anemia Impairment in exercise tolerance directly propor- Improve hemoglobin concentration; consider iron infusions
tional to the severity of anemia; no specific in cases of iron deficiency
hemoglobin concentration precludes travel
Sickle-cell trait Risk of splenic crisis Advise patients to avoid overexertion and dehydration and to
seek medical attention for left-upper-quadrant pain
Thrombophilia and VTE No clear evidence of increased risk of VTE at high Advise patients to maintain hydration and mobility; do not in-
altitude; changes in diet at high altitude may troduce anticoagulant treatment for patients not already
affect INR for patients using warfarin receiving it; when suitable, change warfarin to DOAC
Neurologic conditions
Migraine Hypoxia may trigger migraine, which may be Advise patients to travel with abortive therapy; if hypoxia is
difficult to distinguish from high-altitude a known trigger, consider prophylaxis for patients not
headache or acute mountain sickness receiving regular medications
Seizures Low risk of worsening seizure control in persons Advise patients with poorly controlled seizures to avoid high
receiving seizure medication; risk of seizures altitude; for patients not receiving medication for prior
for those with history of seizures who are not seizures, consider prophylaxis; avoid concurrent use of
currently receiving medication topiramate and acetazolamide
Respiratory conditions
Asthma Greater hypoxemia and dyspnea with exacerba- Advise patients with poorly controlled asthma to avoid high
tions than at lower altitude; exposure to urban altitude; advise patients to travel with medications for
areas with poor air quality while traveling to exacerbations and to keep inhalers warm
destination; exercise-induced bronchocon-
striction due to cold, dry air
COPD and interstitial lung Worsening hypoxemia and dyspnea, particularly Advise patients to monitor Spo2 during travel, to consider
diseases with exertion; variable decrements in exercise using supplemental oxygen, and to practice graded
tolerance exposure to high altitude and physical exertion
History of SARS-CoV-2 Persistent deficits in lung mechanics, gas For asymptomatic infection, advise patients to defer travel
infection exchange, and cardiac function may cause until 2 wk after positive test; for symptomatic infection,
worsening hypoxemia and exercise limitation defer travel until 2 wk after symptom resolution; admin-
ister pretravel evaluation for patients who have ongoing
symptoms or who required intensive care
Pulmonary hypertension Increased pulmonary-artery pressure with risk of Advise patients to avoid travel if PASP >60 mm Hg or NYHA
reduced right-heart function or high-altitude class III or IV disease and to consider supplemental
pulmonary edema oxygen

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Medical Conditions and High-Altitude Tr avel

Table 3. (Continued.)

Condition Concerns at High Altitude Mitigation Strategies

Obstructive sleep apnea No change in number of obstructive apneas but Patients should continue CPAP therapy; oral appliances can
increased central apneas; exaggerated hypox- be used if access to power is insufficient; acetazolamide
emia with apneas
Other conditions
Diabetes mellitus Unclear effects on insulin requirements; dexameth- Patients should avoid dexamethasone for acute mountain
asone can worsen glucose control; changes sickness prophylaxis, increase frequency of blood glucose
in diet and activity may affect glucose control; monitoring, and travel with backup plan for glucose mon-
glucose monitor and insulin pump function not itoring and insulin administration if monitor or pump
established at extremes of elevation malfunctions
Pregnancy No established risk at any stage of low-risk preg- Provide a checkup for patients before travel to ensure preg-
nancy; risk to fetus increased in high-risk nancy is low risk; advise maintenance of hydration, avoid-
pregnancy ance of greater level of exertion than at low elevation, and
limiting sleeping elevation to <3000 m
Refractive eye surgery Radial keratotomy: decreased visual acuity due to After patients have undergone radial keratotomy, advise
hyperopic shifts at elevations >5000 m travel with a backup pair of eyeglasses that has added
LASIK: potential for mild blurring of vision and plus power; there are no particular mitigation strategies
myopic shifts after LASIK

* ACS denotes acute coronary syndrome, BP blood pressure, CAD coronary artery disease, CPAP continuous positive airway pressure,
DOAC direct oral anticoagulant, INR international normalized ratio, LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis, NYHA New York Heart
Association, PASP pulmonary-artery systolic pressure, SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Spo2 peripheral oxygen
saturation, and VTE venous thromboembolism.

which symptoms can fluctuate over time, high- A ddi t iona l C onsider at ions
altitude travel should be undertaken only when
the disease is under good control. Providers Additional considerations apply to all travelers
should adhere to guideline-directed medical with medical conditions, regardless of their
therapy ahead of planned travel. Travelers should risk category. Care is warranted in choosing
continue taking their medications during their medications for altitude illness. Dose adjust-
trip, and for many conditions, such as heart ments are necessary for persons with chronic
failure or difficult-to-control hypertension, they kidney or liver disease, whereas others may be
should establish plans for monitoring and re- at risk for drug–drug interactions or other side
sponding to changes in disease activity. Persons effects, such as hyperglycemia with the use of
with diseases subject to exacerbations, such as dexamethasone in persons with diabetes melli-
asthma, atrial fibrillation, migraine, or inflam- tus or hypokalemia with concurrent use of
matory bowel disease, should travel with the acetazolamide and loop diuretics. These issues
necessary medications for treating an exacerba- have been reviewed elsewhere.70
tion until definitive care can be obtained. Hypo- Travelers with medical conditions should
baric hypoxia and extremely cold temperatures check on the availability of medical resources
at high altitude can affect the function of certain in the area to which they will travel and in-
medical devices, such as glucose monitors,60 in- form a designated trip leader about their con-
sulin pumps,68 and metered-dose inhalers.69 In dition, since worsening of the condition could
addition, many devices are certified for use only affect the plans of the entire travel party. Be-
up to certain elevations, and accuracy at ex- cause unanticipated problems can arise even
tremely high altitude is unknown. Travelers with thorough pretravel planning, it is recom-
should therefore protect devices from the cold mended that persons obtain travel insurance
and travel with alternative means for monitoring to facilitate evacuation to a medical facility at
or administering medications in the event that a lower elevation, if necessary.
the primary method fails.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

C onclusions who have never before been at high altitude, but

steps can be taken to monitor disease control,
Travel to a high-altitude destination may ini- respond to changes in a medical condition, and
tially appear to be infeasible for many people mitigate risk. Further research can clarify the
who have medical conditions, but with careful specific risks associated with various conditions
evaluation and pretravel planning, high-altitude and the best means for helping affected persons
excursions are possible for many, but not all, safely enjoy time in the mountains.
such persons. There will always be an element of Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
uncertainty, particularly in the case of travelers the full text of this article at

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