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Carl V.

Guillarda Grade 11 HUMSS-D



BOOK REVIEW: Harry Potter the Series

AUTHOR: J.K. Rowling
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury

Harry Potter on its Magical Journey

Harry Potter is a seven series book masterfully written by J.K. Rowling. This
book was published several times but failed. Despite the failure Rowling continued to published
and attempt the book. And with her perseverance she succeeded to published, and now it’s a
million hit and popular among millions, and billions of readers. Imagined if Rowling didn’t
continue to published? But thankfully she did, we the readers can enjoy and have witnessed the
once in a million story that captures us in its magical and wizardly world.

Harry Potter the series was a story that follows the life journey of a young boy
named Harry Potter on its magical and wizardly journey. Harry who was destined to be a wizard
who deals and oppose the very evil antagonist called Lord Voldemort. Harry the main
protagonist of the story had a several help that he gains through the story, there he met some
friends, Ron, Hermione and the master of wizard Dumbledore who played a vital role in Harry’s
life through the series.
Although Harry comes across with several hands his life is not that smooth and
easy in Hogwarts, he always battles with death through lord Voldemort’s will to kill him.
Harry’s life in the series was full of challenged, hardship, loyalty the will to survive and the will
of righteousness. Together with her charismatic friends through the series, they showed the
meaning of friendship. With their loyalty to each other and reliable in times of needs and the love
of among their friendships.
Rowling’s writing style is one in million years to exist. The balance of comedy,
mystery, suspense, love and the mixed emotion throughout the series. This book catches me with
her different style and settings, throughout the series that looks realistic and that feeling you’re
into it while reading. The unimaginable creatures, the goblin, the dragons, the phoenix and many
more unbelievable creatures that you will think its true while reading into it. And I think that’s
enough I don’t want to spoil anyone who doesn’t read it yet. Rowling’s book has her own magic
that it can drag you along in its magical story while reading. Rowling made an unimaginable
story that’s worth to read and to spend time. Overall, it’s a great series and its entertaining.

Overall, the series is readable for all ages. I can say that it is readable for all
readers. With its interesting plot and twist along the story line that is masterfully 101 percent
well written. An outstanding writing and an out of this world talent in writing. The heartwarming
story of Harry through the series, it is a well-managed running story the pacing and the balanced,
that I’m sure will be love by readers.

In conclusion, the Harry Potter series is a captivating and worth to read. The
series is unforgettable, the characters are memorable and the timeless theme make it a beloved
series for all ages. If I could interfere in the story I would probably pair Harry and Hermione to
be together, for that is what I’m expecting from the start of the story. But its all for the author,
whatever will be will be

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