Test Case Writing Assignment

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Software Testing Tutorial

Test Case Writing Assignment

Assignment for Test Case Writing

Summary: As an Bank Customer I should be able to do quick mobile recharge so that customer can save
time to recharge the mobile compare to other operation.

When user login to the mobile banking application, to see quick recharge option he needs to navigate to
the Quick Transaction page.

On Quick Transaction page there will be new option should be available – Quick Recharge as below:

When user click on Quick recharge button then system will ask the pin number, when user enter correct
pin then system will navigate to the quick recharge page.

When user click on quick recharge then system will ask to enter mobile number, operator and amount /
last recharge.

 When user enter the mobile number and amount and hit recharge button then mobile should
get recharged with the amount

 When user enter the mobile number and last recharge and hit recharge button then mobile
should get recharged with the last recharge value

After successful recharge system should show confirmation and amount should get debited from the
account. Also system should send confirmation to the user from bank end.

Confirmation page should be displayed as below:

Also transaction id should be displayed on the confirmation page. Correct Amount should be debited
from the account.

There should be few validation implemented as below:

 If there is not enough amount in the account then recharge should get failed

 If user select wrong operator while recharge then system will not allow to recharge, system
should show validation as “Incorrect operator selected”

 If user enter wrong mobile number while recharge then system will not allow to recharge,
system should show validation as “Incorrect mobile number entered”

Assignment: Student has to identify scenarios, self review scenarios, create test cases. Once its done
then send test cases for review to our colleague and get the review comments.


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