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Name: ........................................ Form: ........ Date: ....../....../...... Score: ....../

OBJECTIVES: Recognising vocabulary related to school, members of the family and free time
activities. Understanding simple text and taking explicit information. Translating simple

1.- Match the pictures with its name/ Relaciona la imagen con la palabra correcta

Book Pencil Pencil-case math physical education technology history


2.- Translate the next sentences into Spanish/ traduce al español las oraciones

My mum likes watching T.V.


My name is Andres. I live in San Fernando.


My brother Felipe likes school.


My sister Diana likes dancing.

Hi, my name's Ricky. I'm from Rancagua. I'm a
student in San Jose School. I like playing tennis.
My favourite school subjects are history and art.
I don´t like religion and P.E. My mum María
likes yoga and my dad Andres likes football.

3.- Complete the chart with the text's information. / Completa el cuadro con la
informacion del texto.

Ricky likes Ricky doesn’t like

4.- Answer True or False / Responde Verdadero o Falso (F or T)}

________ Ricky is from Santiago

________ Ricky is a student

________ Ricky likes tennis

________ María is the sister

5.- Write 3 sentences using "I like" and " I don't like". / Escribe 3 oraciones usando "I
like" y tres con "I don't like".






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