2.1 Reading

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You are going to read an article about flight attendants but some parts
of the text are missing. Find the right part to each blank space (1-10).
There are more possible parts given than you need. Give your answers
in the grid below. There is an example already done for you.

For some, flight attendants are the unsung heroes (0) .... They think
that though pilots may get you where you're going, attendants are the
serious force behind in-flight operations. Since more people are flying the
friendly skies than ever before, and the upward passenger trend is expected
(1) o
to continue ......, according to U.S. Federal Aviation Administration
projections, the jobs of flight attendants seem to be secure. This apparent
job stability is excellent news for current and prospective flight attendants. o
The image of flight attendants has changed dramatically (2) ,...,,....,..,..... In
the 1930s and '40s, most of them had nursing backgrounds as plane travel
was more turbulent than now. In the 19óOs and '70s, there was the "sexy o
stewardess" image. Many uniforms even featured (3) hot pants. In
both eras there were strict requirements: attendants could not be married,
have children or even weigh over a certain amount. Even if one managed to
avoid those potential career-ending pitfalls, many airlines would still dump o
their flight attendants on (4) their 32nd birthday for having the o
sheer nerve to age. o
The profession enjoyed its peak (5) in those earlier days, when o
flying was a rare, exciting treat - few people got to do it at all. A 43-year @
flight attendant veteran with a major airline remarks that people used to
look at them as if the job was special and they were special.
Flight attendants (ó) . .. ... have fought back against age, marital and
weight discrimination. The weight requirements were eventuaily lifted in


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