Elizabeth Riley - Write A Speech

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The importance of maintaining good hygiene

Have you ever been sitting in class next to the kid with really bad BO?
Hygiene is a very important part of your everyday routine. Not following a
good hygiene routine can have negative consequences for your mental and
physical health. Bad hygiene can also affect your social life.

It's important to take care of your body's hygiene, here are some things you
should be doing everyday to keep good hygiene. You should be showering
at least every 2 days, but daily showers are recommended. Washing your
hands after going to the bathroom, after touching animals and after blowing
your nose is also necessary for good hygiene. Cdc.gov said that if
everyone routinely washed their hands over 1 million deaths a year could
be avoided. You should be brushing your teeth two times a day and flossing
every day. Changing your underwear and socks every day is also
necessary. Applying deodorant every day isn't necessary, but others will
thank you. Washing your sheets every 2 weeks is also a good hygiene
practice. Brushing your hair and washing under your nails will make you
look more clean and put together. Establishing a good hygiene routine will
keep your body healthy.

Not following a good hygiene routine can have many negative effects on
your health. Not brushing your teeth can give you cavities, bad breath and
tooth decay, this can also result in yellow teeth. Not showering can make
you smell and can give you sores and such all over your body. Not
showering can result in dead skin cells to build up and will give you skin
conditions. Not showering will also cause hair to get greasy, which if that
goes on too long can cause scalp build up, this can cause dandruff. Not
washing hands and body after using the bathroom can cause pinworms.
Cdc.gov said that over 2.3 billion people lack basic hygiene and 20% of
people don't wash their legs and feet in the shower, now that is a gross
statistic. Not keeping a good hygiene routine is gross and has many
negative consequences.
Having bad hygiene can also have negative effects on your social life. I
don't know if it's just me but I don't want to be around kids who smell like
BO. Bad hygiene causes social rejection, and I'm sure no one wants to feel
that way. Bad hygiene will make you a target for bullies and bullying can
lead to depression and low self esteem. Some bad hygiene starts with
depression. Depression makes simple things like showering and brushing
your teeth 10 times harder. I think it's important to check up on those who
are struggling, but if you just stink because you don't want to shower then
go get help. Not being clean will lead to social rejection so PLEASE

It's important to establish a good hygiene routine. Not taking care of

yourself can have nasty consequences. Taking care of yourself decreases
stress so self care should be a number one priority, especially if you don't
want your friends to avoid you. So in conclusion PLEASE shower, everyone
will thank you greatly

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