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Popcorn “pops” when the miniscule 14% of moisture in a corn kernel is heated to a
certain extent and turned into steam. The pressure of the heated water vapor exceeds
the strength of the hull, or shell of the kernel. Upon breaking point, the hull splits and
releases steam. The starch inside of a corn kernel is instantly gelatinized, becoming a solid
when introduced to the lesser temperature outside of the hull. This produces the light,
fluffy snack we all know and love. But, what about the kernels left in the pan that don’t
The answer to this query can be found within the adaptable science of Physics.
Faulty hulls in some kernels cause a release of excess gas. Without the proper water vapor
necessary for the desired physical reaction, a kernel will not “pop”. Additionally, if a kernel
contains less moisture than is required, a kernel will not generate the same amount of
steam as the successful ones. This explains the leftover kernels within a bag or pan of
popcorn. says this on the subject:
When the popcorn kernel is heated, the small amount of moisture trapped in the
kernel turns to steam, which is pushed past the boiling point by the pressurized
environment created by the hull. The pressurized heat gelatinizes the hard
starch, turning it from rock solid to a very malleable form.

As the popcorn kernel continues to heat, the pressure eventually exceeds the
strength of the hull, at which point the hull ruptures. The pressurized steam within
the kernel immediately expands and causes the gelatinized starch to puff in the
process. As the steam escapes, the temperature of the starch quickly drops and
allows it to once again take solid form. The result is a perfectly fluffy, popped
popcorn kernel.

“In every batch of popcorn, there are always a few popcorn kernels that never
pop or simply crack open without popping. There are several possible causes,
but a few missing links in the popping formula are usually the cause.

A faulty hull is the most common cause of a popping failure. If the hull has a
small crack or otherwise compromised area, pressure will not build within the
kernel. As the moisture in the kernel heats and turns to steam, it slowly leaks out
of the kernel. These popcorn kernels may stay completely intact or will split open
before the starch gelatinizes, causing an open but compact kernel.

Low moisture content in the kernel is also a common cause of failure to pop.
Without enough steam in the kernel, pressure cannot build and the starch can
not gelatinize. Popcorn manufacturers carefully dry the corn to achieve kernels
with the perfect amount of moisture for optimum popping.
Improper heating can also cause failure to pop. Corn pops best in dry heat
produced by air or oil. This type of heat surrounds the kernel and heats it evenly
and quickly. Heating the corn too slowly or at temperatures that are too low may
not create enough pressure within the kernel for it to pop. Heating the corn
unevenly or too slowly may cause the hull to rupture in one spot before the entire
kernel is hot enough to expand, leaving an unpopped and probably burned

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