Explanation Text - Dania Salsabila

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Nama : Dania Salsabila

Class : XI MIPA 2
Number : 36

Tsunami comes from Japanese words that is Tsu which means port and Nami which means wave.
Tsunami is one of the natural disasters that often occur in Indonesia.
Tsunamis can be interpreted as moving bodies of water caused by sudden changes in sea level.
Places that are close to the sea and prone to earthquakes have great potential for the tsunami to
occur. One of those places are Indonesia since the bigger area in Indonesia is the sea, and many
places in Indonesia are prone to earthquake
Tsunamis occur when there is a vertical movement in the earth’s crust. It is because of the eruption
of volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides or meteors that fall into the sea which makes the sea’s balance
suddenly change to form a large wave that will sweep away everything in its path.
Tsunami’s speed alone can reach 1000km / h or equivalent to the speed of an airplane while still at
sea, whereas when it is almost on land the speed drops to 30 km / h and reach tens of meters of
height. No wonder if the range of the tsunami can reach up to a radius of several kilometers and
takes many casualties.
Tsunamis are one of the most dangerous natural events and they suddenly arrive. Not only buildings
and facilities, this disaster also claimed many lives.

Question and Answer :

1. How a tsunami can occur?
Answer : Tsunamis occur when there is a vertical movement in the earth’s crust. It is
because of the eruption of volcanoes, earthquakes, landslides or meteors that fall into the
sea which makes the sea’s balance suddenly change to form a large wave that will sweep
away everything in its path.

2. Why tsunami can take many casualties?

Answer : Tsunami’s speed alone can reach 1000km / h or equivalent to the speed of an
airplane while still at sea, whereas when it is almost on land the speed drops to 30 km / h
and reach tens of meters of height. No wonder if the range of the tsunami can reach up to a
radius of several kilometers and takes many casualties.

Difficult words :

 Occur : terjadi
 Interpreted : diartikan
 Sudden : tiba – tiba
 Prone : rentan
 Movement : gerakan
 Crust : kerak
 Landlides : tanah longsor
 Wave : gelombang
 Almost : hampir
 Casualties : korban
 Disaster : bencana
 Claimed : diklaim

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