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Secret Recipe THE MARKET Sir George Bernard Shaw once sid, “Theres no Jove more sincere than the love of food” Malaysians specifically, nd South-east Asians in general, would wholeheartedly agree with Sir Geone ‘Changes in the standacd of living. ané increases in disposable income have enoaurages the growth of tend cafés and bakeries in all mar cities throughout te region. Tobe seen in such 4 eafé is in itself lifestyle statement comparable to wearing Gucet or owning a BMW ‘The proliferation of "places to be soon in” = is also a recognition that the value of first class serve has not one out of sie The now famiar Hashing-ed Secret Recipe Jogo pulsating within the hea of moet shopping rmallsand modera wan developments, offers the promise of both exqulste food and fist class service to be exjgyad in & charming ambience, maki te sine bl powerline =i ‘sa happening place” The brand name Secret Recipe was selected ‘oreflect ts wel aarded, homemade reipes for avast selection of gourmet sualitycheseecakss, ‘he grow-h potertial inthis market sector will continue in ine withthe increased aMivence of the country as a whole. Fr this reason, Secret, Recipe believes that there is room for more than alone, Ts customers represent men and women af all ages - local, foreign, young and old. It particularly popular with young couples, wishing to spend quality time together, and familie = whether for a special occasion or just day out withthe Secret Recipe is rapidly becoming a frst- choice destination because, ae Family-oriented ‘aft offers something for everybody. 190 ‘ACHIEVEMENTS Secret Recipe has wom at leastone majo culinary award every yet since is incorporation, It won the Bes Cheesecake Award 1998, Most Origin ‘Chocolate Cake Avard 1999, Best Cheesecake -Asvard 2000 and Best Lamb Stew Asan 2007 ‘Afler receiving string of acolades for is ‘sakes and food it now alo receives recognition for its commercial competitiveness and growth, In January 2003, Seeret Recipe won The Global Golden Rion Award ia dhe SME (srmall and medium enterprise) category —thisaward is given cach year in Taiwan, and Secret Recipe was chosen above all other companies in the Asia Prcificrepion. Mostrecey received an award for Emersing SMI (small and ‘medium industry) from the SM Association of Malaysia, Itals received a great honour ‘when Superbrands Intrational ‘of Malaysia. Factors tht aretaken imo account when Superbrands select a distinguished brand closely reflect Secret Recipe's ideals of market dominance. Toagevity, goodwill, customer loyalty and overall market avceplane, Secret Recipeisnow the lgest café chain in Malaysia. The company is proud tha he efits ois stahave faused it to be recognised in the Malaysia Guinness Book of Records as the largest cafe ‘hain inthe country By yearend 2003, he company had 35 ules ‘Malaysia, five in Singapore and vo in Jakar, ‘will make ts debut in Thailand ia 2004, The ‘company's suceessin Malaysia ha alo otocted terion from more distastIosstions ~ i has received numerous enquiries from potential, Austlia end China Fromasinglecafé opened atthe stor ofthe Asian financial isi in 1997, Secret Recipe’s sell ensured steady groweh in annual tumover of 18 1920 perwent. The company achieved RM 40 million in toal sales for 2003 — up 30 percent from the previous year Approximately $0 percent ofS Recipe restaurants ate currently operated under franchise or joint Secret Recipe currently cemalovs over 600 staff and this will increase uth in both prinipal and franchise outlets as the company grows. All Secret Recipe employees ae Malaysian with over 90 percent Bumputeras (Native Malaysians) HISTORY Secret Recipe Cakes & Café Sdn Bhd, a home ‘own chain of eafts cum bakeries, bas become ‘household name folowing ts debutin the Klang Valley in 1997. Secret Recipe successfully ‘established its Bead name in Malaysia, Singapore ‘and Jakarta by vite ofits fie gba cakes and slstinetve serves lis uniquely wendy ambience allowed it to overtake other significant ‘competitors in the café business in terns of customer base and number of outlets, Having established a regular and loyal customer has, Secret Recipe continues to expand steadily, ‘THE PRopucT Secret Recipe offers more than 40 sypes af eakes and pastries und over 20 types of fusion food - 8 blend of specialty food from different counties and ultures, Besides providing fine quality eakes, Secret Recipe also serves casual meals such as fish and chips, mushroom chicken with butter rice, spaghet! bolognese, lasagne, sandwiches, uli, brvenes ae breads, Ii alo becoming Famous for its pies - Chicken Cornish, Beet -Renang, Gourmet ana Sneptera's Wholesome and mouth-watering, the mena also features award winning Lamb Siew, Black Popper Chicken, Kebab, Pasta ad fusion food 0 satis the most discerning tastebuds In 2002, cakes eontnbuted 45 percent of the total sales, with fesion food contributing 35 percent wih the eaining 20 pereet coring From beverages. Fusion food, or “tans-thnic specialty cuisine”, continues 1 show increasing, romth polenta Is wel received by customers, sn Secret Recipe has a dette pla to itroduce ‘more froma wide variety of countries during the coming yer. ‘Now Fsion fod hasbeen added to the mena ‘Thai tom yam, Vietnamese beet noodles, Caribbean sea bass and lalian vegetarian asegna, Secret Recipe ffench to iniedoce n range of recipes catering customer in the health market sche The uncompromi g quility oF ingredients Fs ri "ATA x that go into Seeret Revipe’s affordably priced meals and desserts have created a new lifestyle eu of loyal, fod and cake lovers, RECENT DEVELOPMENTS In parallel with the company's focus on revenue growth, Secret Recipe devotes significant time and resources to ensure tha its workforce understands that itis considered be the company’s bpreates™ asset. Continuous training at all staf levels is considered essential to ‘mainain compatiiveness inthe industry and to provide long- term career opportunites In 2003, Secret Recipe established" an Advanced Training Cente to reconfirm this commitment ots staff and to its customers. The centre [i provides education forthe fall spectrum of the company’s operations, from kitchen and service training ‘through to production and business management, ts full-time in-house trainers provide guidance forall nw sia bofore they ae putin customer contact situations. Training and guidance covers roduets, comporate ideals, service standards and standard operating procedures, In keeping with its modern lifestyle theme, Sceret Recipe has embraced the internet and offers e-booking services. With e-booking, 2 ‘eustomer can simply click through an on-line menu and place orders for immediate delivery, or for delivery coincide with planned special jccasion The e-booking menu oflersa choice 41 items from three categories - cheesecakes, brownies, and chocolate with fresh rear nits effort 10 guarantee coasitent quality and standards, Sooret Recipe introduced a self- ‘monitoring methodology. appoints in-use ster shoppersto travel the eountry and epon fon food quality, service, cleanliness and ciicieney. The data gathered is fed buck w ental ‘managemtent so that traning programmes ean be ‘died and enhanced a rquired, [PROMOTION People in many parts of the country are now familiar with the lashing red Secret Recipe logo ard withthe coy ambience ofthe ca From its arly beginnings Secret Recipe recognised the role of markecng in the brand building proces. Secret Recipe markets itself within the region as 4 lifestyle cafe chain rather than a bakery shop, Te has adopted aggressive customer relationship management programme (CRM) with philosophy that embodies the belie that first-class service involves an intense relationship withthe eustomer. Tis intent is to make the customer's experience $0 meaningful that their loyalty will automatically follow. tis 2 philoso ma 6 enenene ‘within Sere Recipe’s service culture and its genesis ia the moment of fist conact witha customer, Joint prometions are frequently done with partners that can provide synergy, The print media is also used. But Secret Recipe’s greatest tesimonils are tasted by 4 word of mouth - thats why t has been able to excel in te chosen make sector. In Malaysia, Secret Recipe isso licensed to ‘market various cartoon character cakes from ‘Warner Bros, In. Whother for a eolebraton or jt fr fun, Batman and Robi, Power Pu Gets ‘and Baby Looneys can deliver more than just the icing om he eake [BRAND VALUES A lage shopping mall in north Jakarta recently sonducted a survey mong its eustomers. I found that Secret Recipe was one ofthe top thee most recopnsed brands inte shopping complex, This Isatestament fo Secret Reeipe's commitment 19 firs-elass service, quality and valve foe money in every customer eocountr ‘We want take this Malaysian brand name ‘tof the country ad esta good soppot fom toverscns marked Awe ee hat ur ad fakes concope has a strong. appeal to Asian people” said Mr. Sim, he managing director of Secret Recipe ina rewent interview. Erna cnc Rca (© The frst Secret Revipe Café was opened two partners and a staff of only four - today the group has a staf of over 600 (© ‘Secret Recipe isthe largest cae chain in Malaysia 2003/4, as recognised by the Malaysian Book of Records (© Between 2002 and 2003 Secret Recipe ‘opened 3 cafés within the region 0 Secret Recipe was the first café to ‘niroduce an internet cake ordering (0 It was also one of the firs to introduce the “lfesco” café concept in Malaysia 191

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