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Submitted to the University of Jember as a partial fulfilment of requirement for

the undergraduate degree in English Literature Programme

Written by:


1.1 Background of the Research

This term is frequently used in Indonesian to describe "literary" or a

particular kind of writing with a particular purpose or aesthetic appeal. Literature

is the linguistic arts. A spontaneous way to convey strong emotions is through

literature. Literature is the verbalization of thinking, and thoughts include all

aspects of the human mind, including opinions, ideas, and feelings (Haslinda;

2019, p. 19).

Furthermore, a different method to define literature stated by Wellek and

Warren (1948, p. 10) that it only includes "great books," which are works that,

regardless of subject matter, are "notable for literary form or expression." Here,

aesthetic merit alone or in conjunction with general intellectual differentiation is

the criterion. The best pieces of lyric poetry, drama, and fiction are chosen on

the basis of aesthetic merit, while other works are chosen for their reputation or

intellectual eminence in addition to their aesthetic value of a relatively limited

kind: style, composition, and general force of presentation are frequently singled


So, it can be claimed that literature is a complicated depiction of real life

or reality with the addition of the author's imagination and intention to create

very valuable works of fiction. Literature can shed light on aspects of human life

that may have occurred, are occurring, or will occur. Kinship, love, politics,
economics, education, religion, morals, and other factors are among the aspects

that are considered.

In light of this, literary sociology can be used to analyse literary works. A

science that helps us comprehend the social in literature is sociology. The idea

that literature is a social institution that uses language as its primary medium and

a reflection of social activity in society gave rise to the theory of sociology of

literature. A fragmentary life is also depicted in literature. is mostly social

reality, yet literary works also mimic nature and the subjective world (Swarta &

Dwipayana; 2014, p. 75).

The novel was later introduced to Indonesia and is based on the Italian

novella, also known as ‘novelle’ in German and novel in English. Novella is a

short story in prose that is literally translated as "small novelty" (Nurgiyantoro;

2010, p. 9). The building of a novel—a fictional work—involves both intrinsic

and external components. A novel can be seen as a prose essay that emphasizes

the personality and nature of the offender while incorporating a series of

narratives about the perpetrator's life with others (Nurgiyantoro; 2010, p. 10).

This novel is Persuasion Novel by Jane Austen widely used as a source

of research data. Therefore, the writer uses the novel. In this study, the learning

novel of the sociology of literature is Novel Persuasion by Jane Austen. This

research will raise the topic of sociology of literature from the main character in

the novel. therefore, the researcher chose the title Sociological Analysis of Main

Characters in Persuasion Novels by Jane Austen.

1.2 Problem to Discuss

Based on the background above, the problem discuss in this research


a. What sociological elements are there in Persuasion by Jane Austen?

b. What are the fundamental components of Persuasion by Jane Austen?

1.3 The objective of the Research

The hypothesis behind this study predicts that the following

industries will gain from it. The results of this study on the concept of

sociology of literature can potentially give the key characters, especially in

"Persuasion," a good explanation of the sociology of literature. Sincere to

say, this study can serve as a springboard for further investigation into

"persuasion," especially by academics, educators, and students.

Using Wellek and Warren's theory of literary sociology and

Nurgiyantoro's idea of intrinsic elements, academics may actually

comprehend the sociology of literature of the key characters in Persuasion.

The researcher's job is to become as knowledge able as possible. Moreover,

study might produce crucial data.


The purpose of this chapter is to explain the relevant references for which

research hypotheses have been constructed. In this chapter, we need to explain

some points about Literature and Novel.

2.1 Previous Research

Some previous research about illocutionary acts have been investigated by

several researches in different perspective and resources which are taken from

text of media article. Based on those previous researches, the writer has found

five researches which were focusing and limiting their research on thematic

roles. These researches can be distinguished as follows.

First, Kajian Sosiologi Sastra Dalam Novel Mata Di Tanah Melus Karya

Okky Madasari Dan Relevansinya Dengan Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Di

Madrasah Tsanawiyah is a thesis which was written by Alfia Nurul in 2019.

This study is qualitative in nature. While the data sources for this study were

from informants, the data itself is documentation in the form of the book Mata di

Tanah Melus. Interview techniques and content analysis are the methods used to

gather data. techniques for verifying the accuracy of the data by employing three

sources and a theory. The sociology of literature study method is used in the data

analysis approach to examine the sociology of literary works and the social

function of literature. Data collecting, data reduction, and conclusion-drawing

are all steps in the interactive model analysis method that was employed for this



Second, the research which was written by Siti Rohani in 2020 with the

title Analisis Sosiologi Sastra Novel Petir Karya Dewi Lestari. This study tries

to describe social issues in Dewi Lestari's book Lightning. The complete text of

Dewi Lestari's novel Lightning, sixth edition, February 2015, 314 pages thick,

was used as the study data source. Bentang published it. The research's findings

involve socioeconomic issues like family disarray, unemployment, and poverty.

The research methodology combines a qualitative approach with a descriptive

methodology. The documentation study's requirements were followed when

conducting the research instrument. Reading the book carefully, comprehending

it, underlining it, taking notes, evaluating and reporting the data, and drawing

conclusions about the research findings constitute the data analysis technique.

2.2 Literature

2.2.1 Definition of Literature

Because they enjoy complexity, humans are unusual among living

things. There are many inventions and tools created by humans that can

simplify life. Nonetheless, some find it to be tedious and abrasive. Thus, in an

effort to lift our spirits, we began to write. According to the definition of

fiction advanced by Abrams (1981; cited in Nurgiyantoro, 2002, p. 2), prose

is also referred to as fiction, narrative text, or narrative discourse in literary

contexts (in a structural and semiotic approach). In this context, the word

"fiction" refers to fictional or historical stories that are made up. Considering

that fiction is a narrative work whose themes have nothing to do with


historical reality. Hence, there is no need to look for the truth in the real world

because works of fiction refer to works that tell something fake, imaginary,

something that does not exist and actually happened.

According to Altenberg and Lewis (1966; as cited in Nurgiyantoro,

2002, p. 2), writing or fiction can be understood as "Imaginative but typically

reasonable and truthful narrative prose that dramatizes interpersonal

relationships. Based on this life, the author suggests that we watch and

experience. Nonetheless, it is done deliberately and selectively, fusing

entertainment, knowledge, and human experience at the same time."

According to Kartikasari and Suprapto (2018, p. 1), fiction is a

component of literature, demonstrating that the term is frequently used and

hotly contested as it develops over time and from generation to generation.

Literature is sometimes seen as fiction and inventive. Literary writings are

typically described as essays with fiction instead of facts in terms of their

content. Literature is a fictional human work that employs language as its

medium and where aesthetic values are either implicitly or expressly

assigned, according to Haslinda (2019, p. 19).

According with Wellek and Warren's (1989, p. 3) definition of

literature, literature is a creative endeavour. One of literature's limitations is

that it applies to all written or printed things. In addition, it can be used to

produce inventive creations. The scientific method can allegedly be

transferred or applied to literary interpretation. Obviously, economic, social,


and political circumstances are referred to be causal factors in the scientific

causality utilized to explain literary phenomena.

To put it another way, literature is inventive and an expression of

creativity. Literature is a product of the human imagination that portrays

human life via language. Characterization, story, setting, topic, and dialogue

are just a few of the many components in literature, according to Ali Imron

and Nugrahani (2017, pp. 101–106). The author will solely talk about

characterisation, plot, setting, and subject this time.

2.2.2 Intrinsic Element

According to Nurgiyantoro (2002, p. 23), intrinsic aspects (intrinsic) are

what make the literary work itself up. As people read literary works, these

qualities will be objectively discovered, and they are what make literary works

what they are. A novel's intrinsic components are those that (directly) aid in

telling the plot. A novel becomes tangible when its different fundamental

components work together harmoniously. Alternatively, if we consider it from

the perspective of our readers, these components (stories) are what we will

experience when reading a novel. The plot, characterizations, themes, and

others are just a few examples of the aspects in discussion.

a. Plot

According to Abrams (1999, p.224), stated that the plot (which

Aristotle called the mythos) is made up of the events and acts that are

represented and organized to achieve specific artistic and emotional results.

This definition is deceptively straightforward because the activities (which


can include both verbal and physical discourse) carried out by specific

characters in a work are how they demonstrate their moral and dispositional

traits. So, a crucial relationship exists between plot and character. Keep in

mind that a plot can be distinguished from the story, which is merely a

chronology of events.

The plot is the order of events in a piece of literature, a movie, a short

tale, or another narrative where each occurrence has an impact on the

subsequent ones through the cause-and-effect relationship. The "and so"

connector can be used to connect a succession of events to form a plot's

causal events. Plots might be straightforward (like in a conventional ballad)

or intricately entwined, with each element known as a subplot or imbroglio.

However, in popular usage, it can also refer to a narrative summary or story

synopsis rather than a particular cause-and-effect chain (for example, a

"movie plot").

Additionally, Forster asserts that plots are narrative occurrences with a

focus on causation (cited in Kartikasari and Suprapto; 2018, p. 121). The term

"plot" generally refers to actions that have clauses or causes that are

connected to the occurrence of other actions. A novel's plot typically has a

mysterious and sophisticated quality.

The tale has seven stages, according to Waluyo (cited in Haslinda;

2019, p. 19), including exposition, inciting moment, rising action,

complexity, climax, falling action, and finishing stage. The seven stages'

definitions are listed below.


a. Exposition is the beginning or basic comprehension of a story. At this

point, the author can write fictitious text to introduce the characters.

b. The Inciting Moment introduces the issues the story's characters will face.

c. Rising Action refers to a situation that the characters in the narrative

experience that rises or intensifies over time.

d. Complication refers to the characters' problems becoming more complex.

Each character gradually reveals their actual selves. At this point, a

number of issues surface.

e. The characters' concerns come to a head in the climax. The issue is

currently becoming hot.

f. Falling Action is a difficulty that the characters encounter when their

actions drop. The difficulties encountered progressively subsided.

g. The denouement or conclusion stage depicts the resolution of the issues

the story's characters have to deal with. At this point, the story's characters

discover a solution to the issues they are currently facing.

b. Theme

The theme serves as the narrative's foundation. He frequently discusses

issues relating to love, affection, longing, fear, death, religion, and other

aspects of life, the theme may frequently be interchangeable with the central

subject or goal of the narrative, according to Stanton (quoted in Nurgiyantoro;

2002, p. 25).

Furthermore, Beardsley (quoted in Abrams; 1999, p. 170 said that

"theme" are occasionally used interchangeably, the term is more usefully


employed to refer to a broad idea or doctrine, whether it is implied or

asserted, that an imaginative work is intended to contain and persuade the

reader of.

Researchers can draw the conclusion that the topic is a general basic

notion be objective based on some of the previous opinions. The concept is

derived from issues that people encounter in life. The topic serves as the

foundation for all narrative forms, including prose fiction.

c. Characters

Since there are many characters in a video game's tale, character

development is crucial. The main character usually becomes the point of

interest. In a video game story, there may be support characters, but those

people solely serve to enhance the personality of the main character.

Characters, according to Abrams (1999, p. 32), are people who are depicted

in a dramatic or narrative work and who the reader infers have specific moral,

intellectual, and emotional attributes based on what they say and how they

say it. A tale is enjoyable because of the characters' diverse personalities and


In Abrams (1999, p. 33), E. M. Forster used the phrase "Flat and Round

Character" to describe the difference between two types of characters. A flat

character is one that the readers could quickly sum up and has only one or

two personalities. In other words, this kind of character in a narrative is

typically utilized as a supporting character who is disposable or a one-time

usage for some parts of the plot, hence it isn't necessary for them to have a

complex personality. A round character is one who thinks and behaves

complexly and has realistic ambitions for the plot. The readers are quite

interested in how this happens because sometimes rounded characters were

built with a profound comprehension of a true human feeling or mind.


Nurgiyantoro (2002: 194) uses two approaches to explain

characterization in literary works: explanatory and dramatic. The author's

way of explicitly describing the characters is known as the expository

method. To make the categorization simple to understand, the author use

direct description, clarification, and disentanglement. The author uses the

theatrical technique to provide an oblique description of the characters. By

this approach, the author leaves the characters vague. The author provides

the characters with a range of means of expression, including speech and

deeds. This strategy requires readers to read more intently and seriously in

order to comprehend the character.

According to Nurgiyantoro (2005: 176), each character in a story has a

unique role. It is classified into two categories based on the prominence or

significance of the characters: 1) the main character, or the one who is

mostly displayed or narrated throughout the story; and 2) other characters,

or the characters who only appear once or seldom. Nurgiyantoro continued

by stating that there is a difference between basic characters and

sophisticated characters in stories. A complex or round character is one

who has a variety of qualities and attributes that are detailed in detail, as

opposed to a simple character whose appearance only exhibits specific

features or characteristics.

Based on some of the thoughts expressed above, it can be said that

characters and characterizations are how the author chooses the actors and

gives the story's villains a distinct character or characters. A story cannot

be constructed without characters and characterizations since a storyline

cannot be developed without them.

2.2.3 Extrinsic Elements

Nurgiyantoro (2002, p. 23) stated that Extrinsic components are those

that are external to the literary work but have a secondary impact on its

structural or biological organization. Or, to be more precise, it can be

described as factors that have an impact on the narrative framework of a

literary work but do not actually contribute to it. Extrinsic factors, however,

have a significant impact on the overall structure of the produced story

(although not in a decisive way). As a result, it is still necessary to value a

novel's extrinsic components.

2.3 Sociology Literature

2.3.1 Definition of Sociology Literature

The words sociology and literature are the roots of sociology of

literature. Sociology derives from the Greek word’s socio and logy, which

together, unified, friend, and friend respectively (logos means word, saying,

parable). The meaning of later advancements changed, with socio/socius now

denoting society and logic/logos denoting science, sociology is a general,


logical, and empirical discipline that examines the full web of connections

between people in society. It thus refers to the science of society's genesis and

expansion (evolution) According to Haslinda (2019, p. 191).

Sanskrit literature has the meanings of directing, teaching, instructing,

and instructing. The word "tra" is a tool and denotes termination. Hence,

literature refers to a decent selection of instruments, manuals, or books

according to Ratna (quoted in Haslinda; 2019, p. 191). Sociology is a science

that focuses on broad societal issues and seeks to identify broad trends in

people's behavior. Greek terms socius, which means friend or companion, and

logos, which means word or discussion, are the roots of the English word

sociology. Sociology is a science that investigates social processes and

structures, such as societal changes. Society in its relationships and the

processes that emerge from these relationships are the subject of sociology.

The aim of sociology is to enhance one's capacity for social environment

adaptation. Social facts, social action, sociological imagination, and the

expression of social reality are all part of the sociological conversation.

Thus, the role of extrinsic elements in a literary work is very important,

indirectly extrinsic elements is a benchmark for the organizational system of

literary works. That is, as the influence of the story structure of a literary

work, even though it does not take part in it.

Even though the two scientific domains of sociology and literature

operate differently, they complement one another. The issue in this instance,

which is related to humans in society and the existence of human efforts to


adapt and modify that society, is shared by sociology and literature. Literature

penetrates the social surface and reveals the manner in which people

experience society through their feelings, whereas sociology conducts an

impartial scientific investigation.

Swingewood (quoted in Haslinda; 2019, p. 193) further defines sociology

as the scientific and objective study of people and society, as well as the study

of institutions and social processes. According to the justification given,

literature is a reflection of society. An author reflects the issues with life that

they personally experience via their literary works. Literary works are both

influenced by society and have the power to alter it. The truth is that society

frequently decides the worth of literary creations that reflect a certain period,

although the author himself is a member of society who is constrained by a

particular social rank and cannot escape the effect of the environment that

raises and moods him.

Furthermore, Wellek and Warren (cited in Kartikasari and Suprapto;

2018, p. 85) claim that there are three categories for the sociology of literature,


a. The author's sociology, specifically his or her social standing, political

beliefs, financial situation, and other connected issues.

b. Literary sociology, which focuses on the writing itself. About what is

implied in literature and what the literary work's intended message or aim


c. Literature sociology, which is concerned with readers and social influences

on society.

The field of literary sociology examines the interactions between

literature and society or between society and literature. In this instance,

Damono (cited in Haslinda; 2019, p. 192) describes the existence of two

approaches to the study of the sociology of literature, specifically: first, a

method that is predicated on the idea that literature is merely a mirror of

economic processes. This strategy considers elements outside the body of


Second, a method that gives literary texts first priority when selecting

reviews. Text analysis is the technique used in the sociology of literature to

determine its structure and subsequently to comprehend how the plot is

portrayed in the novel.

It is clear from the aforementioned remark that there are two worthwhile

points of view about the sociology of literature. Secondly, the epistemological

stance that literature and social context are strongly intertwined. Second, a

strategy that sees literature as a vehicle for readers to understand particular

objectives. tend to evaluate literary works based on how well they accomplish

particular objectives for readers. The issue is present in both perspectives.

Both of these points of view assert that literature is a social good, but neither

of them accepts the requirement that a literary work adhere to a formal

structure. Language style, lines, and only then components from other genres

are included in literary works. Literature is within the broad category of


"social products," whereas "economic products" have a more specific


3 Social Dimensions of Literature

The researcher stresses the sociology of literature in the book in light of

the sociology of literature's issues. The sociology of literature and the factors

that influence it are inextricably linked. Sociology is emphasized as

researchers focus on the book, including:

a. kinship

Burges and Locke define kinship as a group of individuals with

marriage ties, blood ties, or adoptive relationships who reside in a home and

communicate with one another in accordance with their respective roles,

such as husband, wife, children, brothers, and sisters. This definition is

taken from Manan (2015) on page 27. Lowie defines kinship as the social

ties that exist between a person and his parents' and mother's sides' relatives,

such as siblings.

b. Economic

Economics is a field of study that focuses on the laws governing the

creation, distribution, and use of goods or wealth, according to Kamus Besar

Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI). The wealth in question includes all forms of

industry, trade, and money. Moreover, issues with the usage of resources

including time, money, and energy. Moreover, economics is linked to the

national economy, claims KBBI. All of the economic laws or practices are

meant by the term "economy" in this context (industry and trade). Finances

of households, or those of companies or nations, are another topic covered

by economics.

c. Love

Mendatu (2010, p. 1) stated that Love is a feeling that encompasses

arousal, sex desire, and care for another person. Love drives a person to

seek out exceptional connections with others in unique contexts. There are

various components to these techniques. firstly, physically related

(physically). You desire to be physically near to the person you love. You

long to be near him. When something is far away, you miss it. Desire for

sex also comes from a physical connection. In love, there is a sexual


Second, the emotional participation and connection between

experiences. Love compels you to want to share experiences with the person

you love. Whatever you want to tell him about your experience. You desire

to share in his experience. To the person you love, you matter and you want.

You feel a strong emotional connection to him as well. You're less likely to

enjoy a chat if someone speaks negatively about them.

Third, partake in a private moment. You want to be in a private

atmosphere if you love someone. The relationship should only be between

the two of you. There were only the two of them inside. traveling

everywhere in search of solitude. It is less appealing if someone dives in.

d. Morality

Nurgiyantoro (2002, p. 320) has a statement that the duality in the way

that literary works present their information is one way that morals, like

themes, are seen. The meaning that is there in a piece of writing and the

meaning that is inferred from the story are both something that the author

wishes to get over to the reader. Although it doesn't always indicate the

same meaning, moral is occasionally confused with the theme's meaning.

Because they are elements that are present in, can be understood, and can be

taken from the story, moral and theme can be compared. But unlike morals,

themes are more nuanced and offer the reader no immediate guidance.

2.4 Novel

2.4.1 Definition of Novel

The book was later introduced to Indonesia and is based on the Italian

novella, also known as novelle in German and novel in English. Novella is a

short prose fiction that is literally translated as "small novelty" (Nurgiyantoro)

(2009, pp. 9-10). The building of a novel—a fictional work—involves both

intrinsic and external components. A novel can also be thought of as a prose

essay that weaves together a number of narratives concerning the protagonist's

interactions with others while focusing on the traits and personality of the


According to another expert, the term "novel" is currently used to refer to a

variety of works that all share the trait of being lengthy pieces of prose-based

fiction. The book is different from a short story and a novelette in that it is a

lengthier narrative that allows for more characters, plot (or plots), milieu

development, and continuous character and motivation analysis than the

shorter, more focused forms. During the eighteenth century, the novel has

steadily surpassed lengthy narratives in poetry by Geoffrey Chaucer, Edmund

Spenser, and John Milton, setting itself apart as a prose story. The term

"roman," which comes from the medieval word "romance," is used to describe

the novel in the majority of European languages. Contrarily, the English word

is derived from the Italian novella (literally, "a small new thing"), a literary

short narrative, as stated by Abrams (1999, p. 190).

The novel is a creative literary work that informs about the complete side

of the subject through the lives of a variety of characters whose relevance is

found in their character education representation, it can be said based on the

various perspectives offered above.



This chapter presented the research method and the procedures designed to

answer the research questions. The discussion covers: Method of the research,

Procedure of the research, Technique data collection, and Technique data analysis.

3.1 Kind of The Research

In conducting a research, researchers are expected to choose a

research method consisting of qualitative descriptive methods, case study

methods, ethnography, phenomenology, etc. And the researcher chose the

research method descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research methods

are research that is used to examine the condition of natural objects, where

the researcher is the key instrument. The difference with quantitative research

is that this research starts from data, utilizes existing theory as explanatory

material and ends with a theory.

Cropley (2021:5) explains that qualitative research focuses on how

individuals interpret their own concrete, in-person experiences in their own

minds and via their own words. People regularly use common language and

concepts to explain how they comprehend a particular aspect of their lives

when asked about it. The generated information is known as "narratives"

(e.g., comments in an interview, statements in a written text, but also videos,

even works of art).

3.2 Data Collection

Topics that are similar to a quantitative (or mixed methods) research must

be addressed in the qualitative techniques portion of a proposal. These require


informing the reader about the study's design, as well as, in this example, the

use of qualitative research and its main purpose. It also entails debating the

study's sample and general data gathering and recording processes. It goes over

the data analysis stages in greater detail, as well as the methods for presenting

the data, analyzing it, validating it, and identifying the study's prospective


Furthermore, according to Cresswell (2014, p. 232), the qualitative

technique is solely because it entails the examination, description, and

assessment of data collected. The qualitative methodologies used in this study

are related to the above-mentioned research aims, which are to determine what

kind of translation strategies are used in Persuasion.

There are some techniques that the writer used for the paper. The first step

of the technique is observed thoroughly the Sociology Literature that exists in

Novel Persuasion. The second step is the writer found the entire Sociology

Literature in Novel. The last steps, classify the data and analyze it, then ask the

advisor what the writer analyzed before.

3.3 Data Processing and Data Analysis

According to Cropley (2021:5), In other words, qualitative research studies

how people make meaning of their own tangible, real-life experiences in their

own brains and words. When people are asked how they understand a certain

area of their lives, they frequently respond using everyday language and

concepts. The resulting data is referred to as "narratives" (e.g., comments in an

interview, statements in a written text, but also videos, even works of art).

According to the data which is relevant enough to the object being

analyzed, the researcher simply uses some references as some of the sample of

the paper, journals and e-books as references and other sources regarding

Sociology Literature and Intrinsic element. The data are analyzed by using

descriptive method through the following steps. The beginning step is

choosing the concrete and which part will be analyzed. The second step is

finding data of Sociology Literature and Intrinsic element approaches. The last

step, after the writer found all of Sociology Literature and Intrinsic element

from the novel, the researcher analyzed the kind of Sociology Literature from

the novel and analyzed the Sociology Literature in Persuasion Novel, Then,

the researcher discussed with the advisor.


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