100 English Questions

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I'm going to ask you 100

questions. Some questions might
be rude, some might be strange.
But, it's all for fun. Please answer
the questions however you want.
Here we go. What's your name?
My name is Tea. How old are you?
I am 25 years old. Where are you
from? Originally from Vienna,
Austria. Where did you grow up?
Also in Vienna, Austria. Where do
you live? Currently, in Seoul,
South Korea. Do you have a
boyfriend? I have never had a
boyfriend, actually. Are you a
foodie? Yes, I love food. What's
your favorite food? Probably, any
type of pastries. Yeah. How often
do you eat fast food? Honestly, not
as often. I try to eat healthy. Are
you a vegan? Yes, I am. What's a
vegan? A person that doesn't eat
animal products. Why are you a
vegan? Because I love animals and
I don't want to
support animal abuse. How old
were you when you stopped eating
meat? I was around 6 years old. So,
like, 20 years ago almost. Are you
girlie? Yeah, I would say so.
What's your favorite accessory to
wear? A smile. Do you like to wear
high heels? No, I don't like high
heels. I'm tall already. Are you
beautiful? I think beauty is in the
eye of the beholder. So, maybe. Do
you like to get compliments from
strangers? Depends on how
genuine they are, and like
their intentions behind it, I guess.
Do you ever go outside without
makeup? Recently, yeah, a lot. Am
I handsome? As I said, beauty is in
the eye of the beholder,
so, to some people, I guess. How
often do you take a selfie? Not as
often, honestly. Yeah. Do you have
a good sense of humor? I think...
I'm silly, not funny. There's a
difference. How would you
describe your personality? Silly,
bubbly, Golden Retriever, ENFP,
sunshine. Yeah. Could you lend me
$100? I don't know you. What do
you do? I am an actress, singer,
and song writer. Do you like K-
pop? Yeah, I work in the K-pop
industry, so of
course. Who's your favorite idol or
group? Recently, out of the new
ones, I really like
Enhypen. Which artists have you
written songs for? Fifty Fifty. Solji
from EXID, and a lot more that I
tell you yet. What's your most
famous song? As of now, probably
"Log in" by Fifty Fifty. Do you
like to sing? Yeah, obviously. How
can we find your music? Just
search "Tea Belle", my name, on,
Spotify and all streaming
platforms. Have you had any
acting roles on TV or movies?
Yeah, I've been acting since I was
so I've had lot of roles in movies,
TV, everything. Do you make a lot
of money? I will soon make a lot
of money. Are you in debt? No.
What's your blood type? A+, I
think. What languages are you
fluent in? Fluent, uhm, German,
English, and Korean. Are you a
quiet or a talkative person? I think
I'm a bit too talkative, sometimes.
What makes you angry? Honestly,
there's nothing really that can
get me angry. I just don't...get
angry often at all. What do you like
to do in your free time? In my free
time... sleep. Eat. Still work. And...
a lot of different hobbies, honestly.
Do you like to visit cafes? Yes, I
love cafes, especially in Korea.
Why do you like to visit cafes?
Cause they're cute. And I like to
get my work done there. Do you
believe in love at first sight? I am a
delusional hopeless romantic. So,
yeah. How long should a couple
date before they
say, "I love you?" I think they
should say it when they genuinely
mean it. How many hearts have
you broken? Zero. Would you like
to go to a cafe with me? For a
business meeting, maybe. What
time do you usually get up?
Depends on the day but maybe like
10, 11. Late. What time do you
usually go to bed? Also depends,
but I guess usually like 2,
3, 4 a.m. Can you dance? Yes, I've
been dancing since I was little. Do
you have a tattoo? I do have a little
red heart right here. What's your
best feature? My personality. What
feature are you most insecure
about? Probably, my skin. How do
you keep good care of your skin?
Go to a dermatologist. How often
do you call your mom? I don't call
her that often, but I text her
every day. When was the last time
you cried? Yesterday, cause my
spring allergies are killing me. Do
you smoke? I have never smoked
in my entire life and
I never will. Do you like to use
social media? I have like a
love/hate relationship with
social media. But I kind of have to
as an artist, so... What's your
Instagram handle? @tea.belle
What's your YouTube channel
name? Also, "Tea Belle". My
name. What are you going to do
later today? I will probably go to
my studio and write
some songs. What are you doing
now? I'm doing an interview. What
did you do last night? Yesterday, I
went to Everland with some of
my friends. What are you going to
do tomorrow? Tomorrow, also,
probably, I'll write a lot
of songs. What's your religion? I'm
not religious at all. Are you a
romantic person? Yes, a hopeless
romantic. All my life. Do you like
nice guys or bad boys? I like good
boys. Do you have a driver's
license? I do. Are you addicted to
anything? Maybe sugar. I eat too
much dessert. Are you a
workaholic? Sometimes I am and,
like, sometimes I'm not. It comes
and goes. Are you a shopaholic?
No, I don't really shop a lot,
honestly. How often do you check
your phone? Too much, probably.
Is life beautiful? I think if you want
to see it that way, life
can be very beautiful. What's your
nickname? My nickname is Tea,
actually. That's been my nickname
since elementary school. Are you a
clean or messy person? I'm clean
on the outside but very messy in
my head. So, hmm. Do you have a
temper? No, I don't think so. What
was your first job? Probably, an
extra role on a movie. Yeah. Is
your hair dyed? Yeah, like a lighter
blonde. But it's always been
blonde. How often do you dye your
hair? Around once a month when
my roots show up. Can money buy
happiness? No, but it can help.
How often do you exercise?
Usually, 2 to 3 times a week. What
kind of exercise do you do?
Cardio, weights, stretching. Pilates,
sometimes. Where is your biggest
scar? I think on my left big toe,
actually. Can you cook well? Yes,
I can. What food do you usually
cook? Any type of vegan dishes,
honestly. How often do you drink
alcohol? I don't really like
drinking. How often do you drink
coffee? Every day. How much do
you love your dad? I do love my
dad, but I don't tell him enough,
honestly. I should. How much do
you love me? How can I love a
stranger? Are you awake? Awake?
Yeah. How do you relieve your
stress? By doing absolutely
nothing. Sleeping. Just staying in
my bed. Yeah. Who do you admire
the most? I think I admire lots of
different people
for different qualities that they
have. Do you love fashion? Yes, I
do. Are you fashionable? Not as
fashionable as I wish I would be,
though. What's your proudest
accomplishment? I think my
proudest accomplishments are yet
to come. Which country would you
most like to visit? Maybe... Maybe
Singapore, Thailand... There's so
many... I do miss L.A., though, so
maybe... the U.S. Who knows you
best? I think, you're always going
to be the posen... Oh my God! I
think you're always going to be the
that knows yourself best. Do my
questions make you feel
uncomfortable? No. I'm an open
book. What makes a happy
marriage? A deep emotional
connection. What makes you
happy? I think your own thoughts
and your mindset
is the only thing that really can
make you happy. What makes you
awesome? Being me, Tea Belle,
like, she cool. What's the best way
to study English? I think, like,
immersing yourself in a language,
like completely. Thank you for
sharing your answers. Thank you
for having me. What's your
favorite season? Probably, spring.
But, the allergies have been killing
me, so
I might have to change that answer.
Do you play any musical
instruments? My voice. Have you
ever stayed in the hospital? Not
overnight. Where did you go on
your last vacation? To Japan to
visit my sister cause she lives
there. Do you have any phobias?
Worms. Can you swim? Of course,
I can swim. Do you have many
regrets? I have some, but they
made me who I am today,
so... No..


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