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Canada the Story of Us Episode 6

● Watch the Canada Story of Us video:
● Make a copy of this doc and answer the questions below.
● Turn this in to the link provided in google classroom in Classwork.

WW1 Service and Sacrifice

1. Why did Canada enter WW1? Give 2 reasons.

They are a colony of Britain so when Britain went into war Canada did too.

2. How was WW1 different than any other war before it?
World war 1 was different from any war before due to the new technology and advanced weapons,
which with their new weapons more people got killed.

3. In the Battle of Ypres II, there were 2000 Canadians killed. So why was this battle considered a
Canadian success?

They held the Germans back, they were in a war where there were gas attacks and they overcame them,
Canada won and had many acts of bravery.

4. How many Canadians enlisted after the Battle of Ypres II?

There were 300 thousand that enlisted.

5. What were Canadians particularly good at in the war?

Canadians were really good with trench warfare, they creeped through no man's land with their
intelligence and skills at being sneaky.

6. Why was Vimy Ridge strategically important?

It overlooks the lands they were fighting on so they could see everything.

7. Why was Vimy Ridge so hard to re-capture from the Germans? List several reasons.
They were shooting from above and they could see you from afar. There were tunnels that they used.

8. How did the Canadians capture the ridge?

We had a morale boost

9. How was it different from the ways in which other countries had tried to do it? List several ways.
They did not raid trenches or tell all their soldiers every detail they know, previous attacks relied on
frontal assault waves of infantry charging on that with catastrophic results. currie used creeping barrage

10. What physical and mental obstacles soldiers face as the battle for Vimy began?

There were snipers pointed at them very often, people dying right beside them and they had to keep
going,seeing people they knew got injured and the bombs and gunshots were very loud.

11. How many dead and wounded were there at Vimy Ridge?
7000 wounded 3600.
12. Why did Britain ask Canada for more wheat? Why couldn’t they supply their own?

Fields were bloodstained and the land was useless; they had no one to farm land other than women and
young boys.

13. Who worked the fields? What motivated them?

Young boys and women. The boys wanted to help at home because they couldn't go to war themselves,
so they wanted to contribute to the war effort.
14. How did this help shape Canada’s modern economy?

The Canadian wheat industry grew exponentially. 6.2 billion annually.

15. What kinds of situations did women nurses face on the front lines? List at least 3.

They got bombed even though it was a rule of war not to bomb hospitals. physical mental trauma. they
were a target.

16. Why was being a pilot in WW1 so dangerous? List several reasons?

They had 2 weeks to learn to fly planes. The average lifespan of pilots in WW1 is 11 days.

17. When did WW1 end and what affect did the war have on our soldiers/on Canada as a whole?
It ended on november 11th 1918 over 9000 people suffered from ptsd 60 thousand died.

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