Cultural Life Theatrefine Art 4

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,.: ,lr Czech Complete sentences with a word from the list. Use each word once only. some oi tr" *ÓiáJÓi*i.-rirr
cinema by the Naz,
-:,,,]rS have gained e compound words.
:-,: cinena began in tlre 1960s.
_ .:ler directors marle a ntlmber 1. Hemirigway's novel "The O1d Man and the Sea'' is considered his master
:lca1 conditions in the countrr 2. A lot ofhousewives enjoy watching soap on TV
: _ted rnd prlppcl fiIl)l5: alllon- 3. I found the Pope's auto very 1nterestlng
- :,:rel Zeman. Foreign fillns ar! 4. I won't buy the book until it comes out in paper
_--- ts an intemational film 5. Vr'e had very good seats in the
, .lc Filn and T'V Schoolíěstir,a. 6. Writing film is rather like writing for the theatre.
of the i
7. Some actols still didn't know their lines properly at the dress
jJ::*._!rÉ_!ggx_E§g]9_§J!ll!)_]jqtqy_ __ _-*_j

É- , :ech
sentence tň;Ě;ófo;;- ;ffi -"T-*****"l
= _-___;hlrghte,d !9l9__,___ A Vl§lT T* Tl+ř ťl-{HÁT§§
1. You buy your tickets at the j lesding l

d) rrrakes no difference l. -
The part ofthe theatre rvhere the audience sits is called the i staqe

betrveen ,1, The actors pertbm on the i ;*Ě;

.{. \l the begirlning of the perlolmance tlte rises. jlcpiarrUs ;

the l costu"-nes

d) oiterings 5. In you can leave your seat to stretch your legs or have a drink. l

6. The actors wear and also , so you can see,n.i.*á... o"n... il:t:-'-."".- Í

'. The 1umiture. walls and other things that represent the place where the story is taking;1aC.
d) successtul i :i:;,:ř-
are called t]le
! ;;; ;;;;""

8. Swords. guns, r,rmbrellas and anything else actors use onstage are called j m:ak* ;":p
9. The actress u,ho plays the pan ofthe heroine is called the
i stxlis
d) littered
10. At the end oťthe perfbrmance the audience j +l;rtain

d) included lr.Ibq!s*_p_]3ril9 g:g!ef9l9 !11e p9{9ryq!_9e is the -.*..*.,

i .-'"-* ;
:.r\ emnents.
d) applied
sculpture, landscape, portrait, tapestry, etching sketch, abstract art, still life, waíercolour,
oil paintin§, mosaic, mural
d) nrade

::". d) living in a later period



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