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Appl Phys A (2012) 109:781–788

DOI 10.1007/s00339-012-7345-0

Exotic properties and potential applications of quantum

Romain Fleury · Andrea Alù

Received: 17 February 2012 / Accepted: 10 October 2012 / Published online: 25 October 2012
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012

Abstract We discuss here potential venues for applications currently mature to include quantum effects, also tailoring
and exotic features of quantum metamaterials. We explore the effective band structure of composite materials to pro-
the coupling of conventional electromagnetic metamateri- duce anomalous propagation properties for matter waves. In
als with quantum emitters and the wave properties of quan- this paper, we theoretically discuss potential applications of
tum metamaterials obtained by tailoring their effective band quantum metamaterials, considering the coupling of small
structure. We discuss anomalous enhancement effects in the quantum sources with electromagnetic systems, and the tai-
quantum emission properties of individual and collections loring of band structure to produce anomalous quantum ef-
of small emitters in the presence of metamaterials, as well as fects.
matter-wave cloaking and anomalous tunneling phenomena As a first example of our investigations in this area, in-
for quantum mechanical waves in artificial materials with spired by electromagnetic metamaterials, we discuss how
exotic band structures. low-constitutive parameters [4–8], compared to those avail-
able in nature, may be especially attractive to modify
the quantum emission properties of small sources. Zero-
1 Introduction permittivity (ENZ) metamaterial channels have been pro-
posed to increase the spontaneous emission of small optical
The field of metamaterials and plasmonic materials has sources within a purely classical analysis [9]. We discuss
evolved tremendously in the past few years, expanding into here how these effects may be even more dramatic than what
a variety of novel fields and disciplines. Initially, based on is predicted based on purely classical mechanisms, includ-
purely classical concepts, the trend of the last few years has ing the effects of quantum super-radiance in systems that
been to consider smaller and more closely spaced nanopar- have a large physical area, but a small electrical size, due to
ticles, forcing scientists to consider quantum effects for the large phase velocity of the modes supported in an ENZ
the proper modeling of metamaterials [1, 2], in particular channel.
for shorter wavelengths in fields like optics and plasmon- In addition, we discuss how, by modifying the effective
ics. In addition, combination of metamaterials with quan- band structure of metamaterials, we may be able to translate
tum sources and small optical emitters has tremendously and extend established metamaterial effects to matter waves.
expanded, together with the application of optical anten- ENZ tunneling and plasmonic cloaking will be discussed for
nas for which quantum emitters may represent efficient lo- matter waves, analyzing the potentials of these effects when
calized power sources [3]. The field of metamaterials is translated into the quantum arena. To this end, transmission-
line modeling of wave propagation in quantum metamateri-
als will be applied to anomalous constitutive parameters and
R. Fleury · A. Alù () composite systems, showing that the tools successfully used
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
in conventional metamaterials may be theoretically extended
The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
e-mail: also in the area of quantum metamaterials.
782 R. Fleury, A. Alù

2 Quantum metamaterials 2.1.2 Type II quantum metamaterials

Metamaterials are artificial materials characterized by a The second type of quantum metamaterial (type II QMM)
wave interaction not commonly available in nature. They consists of an artificial medium supporting quantum or mat-
have been mostly applied to electromagnetic and acous- ter waves. In order to further illustrate this concept, let us re-
tic waves, but recent interest in the extension and applica- view how the motion of particles can be described by a wave
tion of these concepts to matter waves has been explored equation with effective parameters. The time-independent
in a variety of scenarios. A design mimicking the Vese- Schrödinger equation for a particle can be written as
lago’s lens in optics has been proposed for matter waves,  
exploiting an electron focusing effect across a p-n junc- 2 2  
− ∇ + Vc (r ) + U (r ) Ψ = H0 + U (r ) Ψ = EΨ,
tion in graphene [10]. Total transmission of cold Rubidium 2m0
atoms through an array of sub-De Broglie wavelength slits (1)
has been theoretically demonstrated in [11]. Semiconductor
where we have assumed that the potential energy may be
heterostructures have been exploited to predict total trans-
split into a periodic part Vc (r ) and a nonperiodic part U (r ),
mission for electrons in a layered 1D quantum metamate-
which is assumed to be slowly varying on the scale of the
rial [12]. Cloaking of matter waves using an invariant trans-
lattice constant. H0 represents the part of the full Hamilto-
formation of the Schrödinger equation has been theoretically
nian that commutes with all the translation operators con-
demonstrated in [13].
structed from a lattice vector. By virtue of Bloch’s theorem,
In the case of periodic arrays, which make the vast ma-
jority of metamaterial geometries, at frequencies such that it is possible to find a basis of common eigenvectors of H0
the wavelength is long compared to the periodicity of the and all the lattice translation operators. We denote this basis

metamaterial, the equations governing the wave propagation of Bloch’s functions as Ψnk = ei k.r unk (r ), where unk (r ) has
can be homogenized and effective constitutive parameters the lattice periodicity, and we use it to expand the solution
may be defined. By carefully designing the subwavelength Ψ of the full Schrödinger equation (1) as
periodic structure of the medium, materials with anoma- 
Ψ= Ψnk |Ψ |Ψnk . (2)
lous values of constitutive parameters may be engineered. n,k
Metamaterials are therefore associated with exotic proper-
ties, not directly available in nature, like negative refraction, It can be shown [14] that around a maximum or minimum in
extreme parameters, fast or slow waves, and extraordinary the band diagram, within the single band approximation and
tunneling. These properties make them particularly interest- assuming that the strength of the potential is small compared
ing for a wide range of applications including far-field imag- with the fundamental bandgap, one term in the expansion (2)
ing, sensing, and cloaking. In this section, we discuss how is dominant and the solution of Eq. (1) is in first approxima-
these concepts may be applied to matter waves and to elec- tion
tromagnetic waves interacting with quantum systems, both Ψ = F (r )un0 (r ). (3)
aspects belonging to the general area of quantum metamate-
rials (QMM), whose properties cannot be described within F (r ) is the envelope function and satisfies the single-band
classical concepts. effective mass equation:
2.1 Classification and general discussion − ∇ m̂∗−1 ∇ + U (r ) F (r ) = (E − Ec0 )F (r ), (4)
2.1.1 Type I quantum metamaterials where Ec0 is the energy at the extremum, and the effective
mass tensor is defined as
As a first type of QMM, we will consider quantum sys-
∂ 2 (E − Ec0 )
tems embedded in a conventional electromagnetic metama- m̂∗ij = 2 . (5)
terial, and strongly coupled to it. Here, the quantum nature ∂ki ∂kj
is brought by the quantum system, which for example may If the potential energy changes very rapidly (for example, in
be represented by quantum dots and/or quantum wells. The a heterojunction between two direct band-gap semiconduc-
fundamental idea behind type I QMM is that metamaterials tors), the theory presented above is still valid if one consid-
can be exploited to dramatically enhance quantum effects. ers the boundary condition [15]:
An example of type 1 QMM would be a system of quantum

∗−1 ∂
emitters radiating in an electromagnetic metamaterial. We F and m̂ F continuous. (6)
∂ n̂
will treat this type of QMM in Sect. 3 of this paper, and show
that very peculiar properties can be achieved when includ- We see that all the effects from the periodic potential are
ing quantum effects in the classical electrodynamic theory absorbed into the effective-mass parameter. Considering the
of metamaterials. external potential U as a medium parameter (i.e., the energy
Exotic properties and potential applications of quantum metamaterials 783

difference at the band edge), we may consider the material suitable for describing systems whose size exceeds the emis-
to be an effective homogeneous medium for the envelope of sion wavelength. We briefly review the basic assumptions of
the quantum particle. This justifies the term “quantum meta- this model: We will assume that the system is a rectangular
material.” box whose size is smaller than the Arecchi–Courtens length
Examples of type II QMM, for which the single band (critical length beyond, which the system splits up to sev-
effective mass approximation is valid, include conduction eral incoherent super-radiating segments) [17]. The system
electrons in direct band gap semiconductors operated close is opened at both ends along the x axis. In addition, we as-
to their Γ point, or cold atoms in an optical lattice. The anal- sume that all physical quantities depend only on one spatial
ogy between type II QMM and electromagnetic or acoustic coordinate x and that the quantum dipole moments and elec-
metamaterials make them particularly suitable for translat- tric fields are polarized along the y direction. This simple
ing and exploiting the most exotic effects discovered in these model has been proven to describe with excellent accuracy
fields to matter waves. We will discuss specific examples of experimentally measured super-radiant pulses [18].
type II QMM in Sects. 4 and 5. The semiclassical approach that we follow combines the
quantum mechanical treatment of the 2-level system with
the classical treatment of the radiation field. His main result
3 Boosting quantum super-radiance in an is the dimensionless Maxwell–Bloch nonlinear PDE equa-
epsilon-near-zero medium tions system [19]
As example of type I QMM we will consider the emission = ZE, (7)
properties of a system of identical 2-level quantum emit- ∂τ 
ters in a metamaterial with extremely low value of effective = −RE, (8)
permittivity. Consider a nonmagnetic background medium ∂τ 
with effective permittivity ε in which we embed a system of ∂E
= R, (9)
N identical 2-level quantum emitters, radiating at frequency ∂ξ
ω0 , for instance quantum dots or atoms. We note N0 the con- where Z is the population difference or inversion, R is the
centration of emitters, and dthe off-diagonal matrix element envelope of the nondiagonal element of the local average
of the dipole moment operator (chosen to be real). We will of the density matrix, which is linked with the local polar-
assume that at t = 0 all the 2-levels atoms are in their ex- ization of the medium, E is the normalized electric field, ξ
cited state. All the emitters are therefore expected to sponta- is the normalized coordinate x and τ  is the normalized re-
neously radiate as a result of the interaction with the quan- tarded time
tum fluctuations of the electric field. The background is con-
τ  = τ − ξ, (10)
sidered as a classical metamaterial in which one can achieve
anomalous values of permittivity at the emission frequency where τ is the normalized time. The way that these quan-
of the 2-level atoms. tities are normalized is of crucial importance to determine
As was first pointed out by Dicke in his original pa- the scaling properties of super-radiance and the effect of the
per [16] about coherent super-radiance, the independence of background permittivity. We have
the spontaneous decay of several identical atoms is a wild
τ = tΩ0 , ξ = xx0−1 , E = ee0−1 , (11)
assumption, and a more accurate description of the problem
leads to quite different results. Interestingly, the interaction where e is the electric field. The frequency Ω0 gives infor-
of the atoms through their radiation electromagnetic fields mation on the characteristic time of super-radiance
results in correlation between the atomic dipole moments,
leading to the formation of macroscopic polarization, the d 2 ω 0 N0
Ω0 = . (12)
latter being proportional to the total number of atoms in the 2ε
system N . As a consequence, the total radiation intensity is The characteristic length x0 is the above mentioned Arecchi–
considerably enhanced, and the spontaneous decay time is Courtens length which is given by
shortened. We shall now describe this effect more quanti-
tatively, and explain how it can be further enhanced by de- x0 = , (13)
creasing the permittivity ε of the medium.
where c is the phase velocity of light in the considered
3.1 Model medium. Note than this length does not depend on the per-
mittivity of the background medium. This implies that it is
To address the effect of the permittivity of the medium on not possible to extend the spatial range of super-radiance by
the radiative properties of our quantum metamaterial, we ex- tailoring ε. This is simply related to the fact that when two
ploit a semiclassical model of super-radiance. This model is emitters are separated by more than x0 , they cannot interact
784 R. Fleury, A. Alù

Fig. 1 Output intensity versus time for different concentrations of

emitters. The relative permittivity of the background medium is 1 Fig. 2 Output intensity versus time for different value of the relative
permittivity of the background medium, for 100 emitters

through their radiation field because the electromagnetic in-

teraction cannot go faster than the speed of light in vacuum. is inversely proportional to the total number of atoms in the
As a consequence, they belong to two different uncorrelated system. This suggests that the radiation decay time can be
super radiating segments. We therefore restrict ourselves to extremely short for sufficiently dense media.
a single super-radiating segment by requiring that the sys- The effect of decreasing the permittivity is also dramatic:
tem be smaller than x0 . both radiation intensity and characteristic time are roughly

The normalization constant for the electric field is inversely proportional to ε . This suggests the use of meta-
iΩ0 materials as background media in order to achieve very low
e0 = . (14) values of permittivity, and further enhance both the maxi-
The method for solving this system of equation has first been mum output intensity and the radiation time.
proposed by Burnham and Chiao when modeling the coher- In summary, this very simple model predicts a significant
ent resonant fluorescence excited by a short light pulse [20]. boosting of spontaneous emission in quantum metamateri-
We consider the auto-modeling solution of the Maxwell– als made of confined identical quantum emitters in an ENZ
Bloch equation, and numerically solve the resulting differ- background. This result is significantly larger than what is
ential equation with the appropriate boundary conditions. predicted in [9] adopting a purely classical analysis.
This yields the magnitude of the electric field as a function
of x and t. From its value, we can compute the radiation
intensity (number of photons per unit time radiated through 4 Plasmonic cloaking of matter waves
one end of the system).
As an example of a potential application of type-II QMM,
3.2 Results we investigate the possibility of cloaking matter waves by
cancelling the scattering cross-section of a given potential
In order to highlight the exotic features of our quantum
metamaterial, we plot in Fig. 1 the number of emitted pho-
tons versus time for different values of total number of emit-
ters. Figure 2 compares the output intensity for different val- 4.1 Preliminaries
ues of the background permittivity. The energy levels of the
identical quantum emitters are assumed to be separated by Cloaking of matter waves has been theoretically predicted
3.1 eV, the dipole moment d is chosen to be 10−29 C m, for spherical systems with given potential energy and ef-
and the cross-sectional area of the system used in the inten- fective mass, by considering an invariant transformation of
sity calculations is 4000 nm2 . We notice that the maximum the Schrödinger equation [13]. Here, we take a different ap-
peak value is proportional to N 2 . This is the dramatic effect proach, similar to what has been done in the field of plas-
of interaction between the emitters through their common monic cloaking. Similar to what is proposed for electromag-
radiation field. One would indeed expect the output inten- netic [21] and acoustic waves [22], the idea is to exploit the
sity to be proportional to N if the sources were indepen- scattering cancellation based on the negative local polariz-
dent. We also see that the super-radiance characteristic time ability of a cover made of low-permittivity or low-density
Exotic properties and potential applications of quantum metamaterials 785

metamaterial. The purpose of this cover is to cancel the dom- For instance, for constant potentials and in the quasistatic
inant scattering terms in the multipole expansion of the scat- limit, one has the simple condition:
tered fields. This method is very robust to geometry since it Ω
does not rely on a resonance phenomenon. The first experi- uc = − u. (21)
mental realization of a cloaked device for a free-standing 3D
object was based on this principle [23]. We discuss now how For spherical constant potentials, if γ denotes the ratio be-
plasmonic cloaking may be translated to matter waves. For tween the shell and the core radii, the cloaking condition
the purpose of clarity, we will not consider motion in a pe- becomes
riodic potential and, therefore, we consider a quantum parti- Uc γ3
=− . (22)
cle in vacuum impinging on a region with nonzero potential U 1−γ3
U (r ). This is equivalent to setting Vc to zero in Eq. (1). This The analogies with the case of plasmonic cloaking for elec-
situation corresponds to the usual quantum problem of scat- tromagnetic or acoustic waves are evident. The multipole
tering by a potential. We make the usual assumptions that expansion is replaced by the Born expansion, and the dipole
the impinging particles are spinless and structureless. The approximation by the Born approximation. Like in the elec-
potential is not necessarily central, but it is negligible out- tromagnetic case, the cover needs to have opposite local po-
side a certain action zone Ω.
larizability to cancel dipolar scattering. Alone, the cover or
the core would scatter, but when combined and interfering
4.2 Cloaking condition
with each other, they cancel each other, making the obsta-
Let us start from the Lippmann–Schwinger equation in the cle totally transparent to the impinging wave. The cloaking
position representation: The solution of the Schrödinger condition is robust to geometry imperfections or fluctuations
equation satisfies the following integral equation [24]: in the potentials, since it does not rely on a resonance phe-
nomenon. The associated low observability of the cloaked
ϕ(r ) = e + d 3 r G+ r − r u(r )ϕ(r ),
(15) object may find potential application in electronics, sensing,
and imaging.
where As in the electromagnetic and optical cases, the problem
1 eikr of cloaking a small spherical effective mass and potential
G+ (r ) = − . (16)
4π r discontinuity with a homogeneous isotropic cloak can be
Is the Green’s function associated with the linear operator solved exactly with the method of partial waves. In this case,
∇ 2 + k 2 and u(r ) is a normalized potential related to the some physical insight is obtained by looking at the following
potential U (r ) by cloaking conditions, derived in the quasistatic limit:

2 Vc V Vc
U (r ) = 3
u(r ). (17) γ 1 − − 1 − = 1 − − 1, (23)
Equation (14) can be solved by iteration, but if the poten-

mc m m0 mc m
tial u(r ) is small enough one can keep only the first term, γ3 − 1+2 = −1 1+2 .
m0 m0 mc m0 mc
following Born approximation. The far-field scattering am- (24)
plitude is then given by
Interestingly, the first condition, corresponding to the can-
fk (θ ) = − d 3 r u r ei K.r , (18) cellation of the s wave, reduces to the special case (22) of Eq.

(20), derived from more general considerations. The added
where K = ks − ki is the difference between the scattered condition (24) cancels the contribution of the effective mass
wave vector in the direction r and the incident wave vec- discontinuity to the p-wave. The detailed theory of cloaking
tor. Imagine now to be able to add a potential cover uc (r ) spherical quantum dots from matter waves will be discussed
around the action zone of the potential. Let us denote by Ωc in an upcoming publication. Here, our goal is only to high-
the finite domain where the potential cover is nonzero. Equa- light the origin of the idea and its feasibility.
tion (18) becomes

1 3 
   i K.
 r 3 
   i K.
fk (θ ) = − d r u r e + d r uc r e .
4π Ω Ωc 5 Transmission-line theory of guided matter wave
Given the strong analogy between type II QMM and con-
Cloaking is achieved when the integral over the cover can- ventional electromagnetic or acoustic metamaterials, we
cels the one over the initial potential: strongly suspect that type-II QMM may be associated with

   i K.
 r     similar anomalous tunneling phenomena as for classical
d r uc r e =− d 3 r u r ei K.r . (20)
Ωc Ω metamaterials. These phenomena are well described by
786 R. Fleury, A. Alù

transmission-line (TL) theory. In this section, we first illus- where βs is the wave number inside the screen, w is the
trate the need for a TL theory of matter waves. We show width of the slits, k0 is the free space wave number, and d is
that TL theory is the most suitable tool to understand the the periodicity of the grating. This phenomenon is of partic-
extraordinary tunneling phenomena associated with electro- ular interest since the associated ultrabroadband tunneling
magnetic metamaterials, through the examples of ENZ su- can span from dc to the visible range for a fixed incidence
percoupling and tunneling at the plasmonic Brewster angle. angle.
Then we develop a transmission line theory for guided mat-
ter waves which may be directly applied to transpose those 5.3 TL theory of guided matter waves
concepts into the quantum world, paving the way to a variety
of exciting applications. TL theory for matter waves has been proposed to de-
scribe propagation of plane waves in one-dimensional prob-
5.1 ENZ supercoupling lems [29]. We propose to extend it to the description of
guided matter waves, in order to enable easy transposition of
ENZ supercoupling is a peculiar transmission phenomenon, the two above mentioned extraordinary tunneling. Imagine
which occurs between two waveguides of very different a rectangular matter waveguide made out of infinite poten-
cross-sectional areas. Consider an infinite parallel-plate tial walls filled up with a type-II QMM with effective pa-
waveguide directly connected to another infinite waveg- rameters m∗ and V . The solution of the time-independent
uide with much smaller cross section. Intuitively, one would Schrödinger equation for the envelope function can be writ-
expect almost total reflection of the TEM waves at the ten as
junction between the two waveguides, because of the huge

nπx mπy ikz z

impedance mismatch introduced by the difference in cross- ϕ(x, y, z) = ϕ0 sin sin e (27)
a b
sections. From TL analysis, however, we find the condition
for having zero reflection as [6] where a and b are the rectangular cross-section dimensions
in the x and y directions, ϕ0 is a constant, and (n, m) is a pair
h1 h2 of nonzero integers. We will restrict ourselves to situations
√ =√ , (25)
ε1 ε2 in which the (1, 1) mode is dominant, i.e., for which the
where h denotes the waveguide height and ε is the effective guided wave number kz satisfies the dispersion relation
permittivity of the medium filling each waveguide. We have
2m∗ π π
assumed that the permeability in the two waveguide is the kz = 2 (E − V ) −
− . (28)
 a b
same. If h2 h1 and the permittivities are of the same order
of magnitude, condition (25) is far from being fulfilled. But We propose the following TL model for the wave propaga-
interestingly, if ε2 is near zero, total transmission is paradox- tion along z. The line voltage u(z) is defined as

ically achieved for a waveguide of infinitely small h2 [5].
The associated large field enhancement, uniform all along u(z) = ϕ(x, y, z) dx dy (29)
the small waveguide due to the ENZ quasistatic response, is
and the line current as
peculiarly independent of its length and shape and has been
1 ∂ϕ(x, y, z) 1 ∂u(z)
proposed for novel concepts in light concentration and har- i(z) = ∗
dx dy = ∗ . (30)
vesting [25], sensing [26], boosting molecular emission [9], S m ∂z m ∂z
or optical non-linearity [27]. The primary parameters of the line are the shunt line admit-
tance Yp and the series line impedance Zs , given by
5.2 Plasmonic Brewster angle
Zs = −m∗ , (31)
Tunneling of electromagnetic waves at the plasmonic Brew- k2
Yp = z∗ . (32)
ster angle is another example of anomalous tunneling m
through a very small aperture. Like ENZ tunneling, it re- The line impedance is therefore
lies on impedance matching. Therefore, this phenomenon is
best described by transmission line formalism. Consider a Zs m∗
η= =i . (33)
metallic screen corrugated by very narrow slits. It has been Yp kz
shown [28] that the impedance mismatch with a normally Note that the definition of voltage and current has been cho-
incident plane wave can be totally compensated if the angle sen to ensure the continuity of the transverse probability
of incidence satisfies the following matching condition: and probability current along the line. With these defini-
βs w tions, the junction between two waveguides with different
cos(θ ) = , (26)
k0 d cross-section can be directly modeled by connecting the two
Exotic properties and potential applications of quantum metamaterials 787

TL models together, assuming first mode operation in both Acknowledgements This work has been supported by the ONR
waveguides. The condition for total transmission between MURI Grant No. N00014-10-1-0942 and the DTRA YIP Award No.
two semiinfinite waveguides is obtained by equating the line
m∗1 m∗ References
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