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Universidad del Este

Examen de Lecto-comprensión en inglés- Nivel I

Año: 2023

Name: _____________________________

Spanish Flu Pandemic of 1918

The worst and most mortal virus in modern history, perhaps of all time, was
the 1918 Spanish Flu. It killed about 20 to 50 million people worldwide, perhaps
more. The exact number of dead people is unknown because medical records
were not kept in many areas.
The pandemic hit during World War I and devastated military troops. In the
United States, for instance, more servicemen were killed from the flu than from
the war itself.
The pandemic started slightly, in the spring of 1918, but was followed by a
much more severe wave in the autumn of 1918. The war contributed to the
devastating mortality numbers. Poor nutrition and the unsanitary conditions of
war camps had an effect.
A third wave occurred in the winter and spring of 1919, and a fourth, smaller
wave occurred in a few areas in spring 1920. Initial symptoms of the flu were
typical: sore throat, headache, and fever. The flu often progressed rapidly to
cause severe pneumonia and sometimes hemorrhage in the lungs and mucus
Modern medicine such as vaccines, antivirals, and antibiotics for secondary
infections were not available at that time, so medical personnel couldn’t do
much more than try to relieve symptoms.

A. Answer these questions in Spanish

When did the Spanish Flu start?

Comenzò en la primavera de 1918.

During which war did the pandemic occur?

Ocurriò durante la primera guerra mundial.

Where did it originate?

Se originò en los campos de guerra en España.

Why is the exact number of dead people unknown?

Porque no se llevaron registros médicos en varias áreas.

When was the first wave?

La primera ola fue en la primavera de 1918.

What contributed to deaths from the flu in military personnel?

La Guerra, mala nutrición y las condiciones insalubres de los

campamentos de guerra contribuyeron a las muertes de los soldados.

What are the characteristic initial symptoms of the Spanish Flu?

Los síntomas iniciales fueron dolor de garganta, dolor de cabeza y fiebre.

B. Read the text again and find:

Two adjectives in the superlative form: the worst

The Most mortal

Two adjectives in the comparative form: more severe


A synonym used in the text for “military people”: servicemen

Another word the writer used to refer to the Spanish flu: the pandemic

A synonym used in the text for “nurses and doctors”: medical personnel

C. Translate the following passage of the text.

The worst and most mortal virus in modern history, perhaps of all time, was
the 1918 Spanish Flu. It killed about 20 to 50 million people worldwide, perhaps
more. The exact number of dead people is unknown because medical records
were not kept in many areas.
The pandemic hit during World War I and devastated military troops. In the
United States, for instance, more servicemen were killed from the flu than from
the war itself.
El peor y más mortal virus de la historia moderna, quizás de todos los
tiempos, fue la gripe española de 1918. Mató cerca de 20 a 50 millones de
personas en todo el mundo, tal vez más. El número exacto de personas
muertas es desconocido porque no se llevaron registros médicos en
muchas áreas.

La pandemia golpeó durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y devastó a las

tropas militares. En los Estados Unidos, por ejemplo, murieron más
militares a causa de la gripe que por la guerra misma.

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