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Left Wing Ríght Wing

Name of the group Spartacists Kapp Putsch

Leadership Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Dr Woifgang Kapp


Demands/aims Wanted a Germany ruled by Create a government that

a workers council similar to before the war

Supported by Soviets, Workers Industrial workers of Berlin

Methods Set up Soviets in towns General Strike

How defeated Defeated by vigilante group Could not succeed due to the
Freikorps Weimar republic's retaliation

Consequences Spartacist wiped out Kapp was hunted down and

was killed during trial

Revision Tip

1. One strength of the Weimar republic was the fact that they had access to many
resources which allowed them to make compromises with other factions (Freikorps)
2. One weakness of the Weimar republic was its reputation. Many Germans at the time
despised the new government because of the economical environment in Germany,
which did not make it easy for the Weimar republic to gain support.

2. Ebert treated the Right wing with more respect and was willing to make deals with them
instead of trying to shut them down. This could be because of the nature of communism and
how communism was demonized in this time.

Source Analysis:
The source illustrates that the relationship between these powers were rocky. France was seen
as the person holding the chain to all the powers. It explains that France thought that Germany
was inferior because of the control they had because of this treaty. Giving the idea that France
despised Germany because of the war.

It depicts France as brutal, depicting the relationship between inmate and chief. Holding the
chains of these countries.

Revision Tip
1. Economically, Germany was severely limited in terms of having to pay for reparations,
Its land and its colonies. This took a toll on Germany's economy, making them have to
print more money just to pay off these reparations.
2. Politically, The Treaty was hated by many Germans due to its humiliating terms.
Because the Weimar Republic signed such a humiliating treaty, many Right wing
opponents felt as if they were stabbed in the back.

Revision Tip
1. Because the government had no goods to trade. They just ended up printing more
money. This helped Germany pay off their debt and save the great industrialists,
however it resulted in the price of food and goods skyrocketing, making it impossible to
2. One other reason for Hyperinflation is the fact that during the war they did not tax the
people, which resulted in insufficient funds for the government.

Revision tip
1. The Dawes plan allowed reparations to be spread over a longer period. Most of the
money went into building Germany's prosperity. Helping German businesses as well as
providing facilities.
2. This was due to the German people becoming more reconciled with the way things were
before. Many of the parties cooperated with each other pretty well, which allowed for
political stability.

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