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Lesson Plan


Name(s): Esma Salman
Barış Erkol


Unit Title
People and Environment

Grade Level/Age
60-72 Month

80 min

Learning Outcomes
Kazanım 6. Nesne veya varlıkları özelliklerine göre eşleştirir. (Göstergeleri: Nesne/varlıkları rengine,
yapıldığı malzemeye ve kullanım amaçlarına göre ayırt eder, eşleştirir.)
Kazanım 13. Günlük yaşamda kullanılan sembolleri tanır. (Göstergeleri: Verilen açıklamaya uygun
sembolü gösterir. Gösterilen sembolün anlamını söyler.)
Instructional Materials & Media
Powtoon :
Learning-Teaching Methods
Through Prezi Presentation, children will learn 90% of what recycling is and why it is important.

Thanks to the Children's Powtoon Video, at least 90% of the time, there are different waste bings for recycling
and which color recycling bin should be thrown into the materials made of different materials.

On the flashcards we have prepared thanks to Pictochart, the scattered plastic bottles, glass and batteries are
matched with the appropriate colored waste bin for the children to match.
Teaching Activities
A presentation is created for “What is recyle and Why it is important.
A video is created for learning the student waste bings.
A application created for children can draw about the colors of the waste bings.
Individual Learning Activities The children listen to the teacher's presentation individually
and answer questions about the subject individually.
Children also watch the video individually. Children draw
individually on the smart board.
Group Learning Activities There are no learning activities

The aim of the course is for children to learn what recycling is, why it is important and how to recycle. In addition,
they learn the colors of the recycling bins and which materials are thrown into the waste bin of which color. Videos
and presentations will be used for this. An app will also be used to measure children's learning levels.
Measurement & Evaluation
When evaluating children, the method of asking questions and drawing what they have learned can be followed,
and by looking at the pairings in the prepared brochure, it can be checked whether the learning has taken place or
Measurement & Assessment Activities for We can make individual evaluations based on the children's
Individual Performance participation and non-participation in the lesson, their
answers to the questions and the topic covered. In addition,
an evaluation can be made by looking at the correctness and

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