Chapter 1

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A personal message from Stuart & Jay 2

Welcome to Six Figure Mentors (SFM)!

A word of caution...

Focus, Persist, Achieve

Take Action Everyday 3

Entitlement and Prudence

Pace and Patience

The Power of Community


A Final Note

Use Empowering Language to Empower Yourself 5

The Power of the Spoken Word

Gaining Awareness

Three Components of Empowering Language


Empowering Statements


The Digital Lifestyle Blueprint & 90- Day Journey 7

An Overview of the Digital Lifestyle Blueprint 7

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

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Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 



Welcome to Six Figure Mentors (SFM)!

We pride ourselves in providing you, our sub affiliates, the best affiliate marketing education,
systems, tools and resources available. Whether you choose to market your own product or
service, one of ours, or both, everything you need to get started is here. We want you to
operate under the assumption that if there is anything we genuinely think will enhance your
experience (as long as it’s in accordance with our published Values and Compliance
Guidelines) , you can count on us to provide it for you.

Before we begin, it is important to understand that we cannot make any guarantees as to the
results you will personally receive from this experience. As an entrepreneur, you are 100%
responsible for your results. (See Disclaimer) SFM will provide the tools for your success, but
we highly recommend you augment your training by doing your own research, due diligence
and selfeducation. Remember that as an entrepreneur, you are your most valuable asset. Be
savvy and responsible.

A word of caution...

If anyone contacts you soliciting marketing services, books, etc., please ask if they are a
SFM authorized Brand Partner. If they don’t know what you are talking about, please contact
SFM support immediately at ( We will ask you to provide the company
name and contact information for the person who called and we will do our best to prevent
them from contacting you in the future.

If someone claims they can have you at the top of the search engines in a week for little
money and no work, this is a red flag. Please don’t fall prey to schemes, follow your intuition
and use common sense.

Focus, Persist, Achieve

Something every successful entrepreneur should be aware of is that sustainable success is

always earned. We will teach and guide you on your journey, but the success you attain will
be a result of your hard work and diligence. You will learn how to master affiliate marketing,
and once you’ve obtained the knowledge, you will be able to write your own paycheck and
have the liberty to work from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection and a

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 


Take Action Everyday

“When I first began in this industry, I dared not miss a day of marketing for the first three
years. I made a promise to myself that no one would outwork me. I trusted that if I were more
diligent than most for the next three to five years, I would have the lifestyle that most merely
dreamed of!” – Jay

Your business will not grow without consistent advertising and promotion. Marketing is about
strategy. Regardless of your marketing budget, spend time each day building your online
presence and list, even if you stand on the street corner and hand out business cards for an
hour each day.

Entitlement and Prudence

Consistent action is the key to being a successful marketer in any business. A common
mistake is thinking that by placing a few ads, one can expect consistent results. If you have
an entitlement mentality and think consistent traffic will happen on its own, you are in for an
awakening. Marketing is hard work and it’s the foundation of every successful business. If
marketing were easy, everyone and every business would be successful.

Marketing is the most effective way to pitch a product to your target audience. It’s important
to consider your audience and the various platforms you will use to promote and share
details about your product. The feeling of accomplishment you will receive from setting up a
successful marketing campaign and seeing a return on your investment is incredible.

Pace and Patience

As with any marketing venture, you must be disciplined enough to stay the course. Often,
people place an ad in print, on the radio, etc., and if they don’t see quick results, they pull
the ad after a short run. Studies show that most consumers, on average, need to be exposed
to a product or service at least seven times before they make a decision to purchase. Not
only does ad repetition give your company consumer recognition, it also gives your company
more credibility through exposure.

Patience is key, but be intelligently patient. The Internet is an organic entity; it grows, moves,
and reshapes itself constantly. Our job is to make sure we continue to evolve the SFM
platform to support your needs and your job is to continue to evaluate your marketing
methods and implement adjustments when needed. We provide the resources and
mentorship to guide you in developing a successful business model. All we ask of you is to
be diligent with your time and commit to the level of focus needed to be successful.

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 


The Power of Community

Our programs are designed to teach SFM members numerous ways of selling any product or
service, anywhere in the world, while operating within the Federal Trade Commission’s
guidelines for e-commerce and business opportunities. Our program is lightyears apart from
most of the other marketing opportunities you will find online.

We offer the instruction and education required to quickly develop a strong, lasting Internet
business. We eliminate the overhead costs traditionally associated with building an Internet
marketing business from scratch, by providing you with a fully staffed virtual office, business
resources, and the support and training necessary to successfully achieve your goals.

This is why becoming an SFM member requires both an application and a referral from an
already existing member. In this way, SFM protects the integrity of the community and
manages growth, while allowing us to fulfill our commitment to members.

A Final Note

We will close with a reminder that treating your business as if you have invested your entire
fortune will help motivate you to succeed. Treat this venture as if your future depends on it. If
you’re working this business parttime, do so with a fulltime attitude. Our team is always here
to guide you.

Finally, any new venture deserves a commitment and investment – not only in financial terms,
but also in terms of effort and time. If you had invested a million dollars in this business,
would you spend the time to learn how to do it successfully? Of course you would! If you
spend the time now to build a successful, solid, growing business, you’ll be rewarded later
with the freedom of financial security and the time to enjoy it!

We have two simple metrics for success at SFM:

1. Live our lives to our highest potential, daily.

2. Help as many people as we can, live their lives to their highest potential.

We firmly believe that anything is possible and that your desired business goals are
attainable if you want them badly enough. We can’t do the work for you, but we will do our
very best to ensure that we share everything we can from our personal and collective
experience so that you can create your digital lifestyle. Our commitment to your success is
unwavering and we will do our best to help you accomplish your dreams – as soon as
possible. We are your allies in this pursuit. We look forward to your participation and meeting
you at the next Momentum Day. See you on our leaderboards!

Sincerely, Stuart and Jay


Digital Experts, LLC

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 



The Power of the Spoken Word

Your power lies in your words. Language is about more than communicating facts and
figures. We manifest our lives through our thoughts, words and actions. Language is
therefore a powerful tool that we can use in creating the lives we desire.

Gaining Awareness

We must first examine how we use language to communicate. The next time you are having a
conversation with someone, notice the physical reactions that you have to the language
being used. For example, when I am speaking to someone and they say something that feels
less than supportive, I may feel a twinge in my solar plexus. This relates to the energy of the
third chakra, which is where we hold our personal power.

How do you feel after talking with someone? Do you feel drained, confused, excited? Look at
your reactions and what occurred to find out what triggered them. As you become more
aware, you can choose how to use empowering language as a tool.

Three Components of Empowering Language

1. Using the right words

We must learn to identify words that are disempowering and shift into using more
empowering words in their place. For example, if you consistently use the word
“maybe”, try moving to a word that is more empowering for you. Note that we are all
unique, a word that is empowering to one, may not be for another. Use words that
empower you.
2. Mean what you say and say what you mean
We examine the intentions of our communications to determine if they are coming
from a place of empowerment. If someone asks you to get together and you don't
want to, instead of accepting, then cancelling, you may find a more authentic way to
approach the topic.
3. Knowing when to speak
Thirdly, we learn the relationship between empowerment and silence. “Silence is
golden” and we can learn to temper our speech in order to regain our power. For
example, we sometimes believe we have to say something in order to make a point,
when in many cases, silence is the more empowering choice.

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 


Empowering Statements

The following statements are designed to be commitments that you make to yourself.
Commit to taking control of your language and see what happens!

I’m serious and ready to create my digital life.

I am committed to the process and I am willing to do whatever it takes to transform my
reality into the highest possible version of what it can be.

I do my absolute best at all times.

I strive at all times to do my best on a daily basis in working toward my goals.

I am open-minded.
I am receptive to new ideas and I am willing to make changes in order to make my life better.

I finish what I start.

I am committed to finishing what I start and completing tasks at hand.

I am ready to earn my way.

I am willing to do whatever it takes to earn my way. I am willing to invest in myself in order to
increase my value in society. I recognize that everything is earned, not given.

I am a leader.
I understand that leadership is the most valuable skill I can possibly learn – first, to lead
myself (my mind, health, and financial situation) and secondly, to be an example for others.

I always lead by example.

I act with integrity.

I am willing to be honest with myself and because of that I am also able to be honest with
others. I will be direct and authentic at all times. I speak to people directly and without
judgment. If I make a mistake, I own it confidently and do my best to make it right.

I am happy.
I am filled with gladness, pleasure and contentment. I build myself up, and those around me
to bring out the best in everyone.

I am grateful.
I take nothing for granted and I understand that at an energetic level, gratitude, abundance,
love, peace, and happiness are all the same vibration. I am committed to staying in a place of
gratitude, even when it is challenging.

Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 



Welcome to the Digital Lifestyle Blueprint! This blueprint is designed to guide you along your
journey to becoming a digital entrepreneur and creating your digital life!

An Overview of the Digital Lifestyle Blueprint

Orientation & 90 Day Blueprint Journey Workshop

Your first task will be to prepare for a live, online workshop (webinar) hosted by Jay. This
workshop is designed to help you begin to dream again! Things that you never once thought
possible will all of a sudden become a little more than another item to add to your bucket list!
Once this workshop is complete, you will once again feel like the world is your oyster and
you will have a clear sense of direction and purpose.

90 Day Blueprint Journey

After the workshop is complete, you will begin a breakthrough method called the Basic
Achievement Process by Stuart Lichtman and you will create blueprints (meta stories) for the
things you want to achieve in your life. It's important to know that without a clear sense of
purpose and defined goals to achieve, you'll continue to live a reactive vs. proactive life and
continue to repeat the same patterns over and over again.

90 Day Action Plan

Now that you know exactly what it is that you want to accomplish, you’re ready to start
putting things into motion. Your action plan clearly defines the steps that you are going to
have to take in order to achieve your goals.

Business Planning Consultation - ELITE Influence Product Owners Only

Every new ELITE Influencer is entitled to a one-to-one business planning session with DEA
Business Strategist Mark Hayes or one of his colleagues. They will personally review your
blueprints and action plan and help you create a bulletproof marketing and business plan
based on your budget, unique circumstances, and situation.


Copyright 2012  2018 | All rights reserved | Digital Experts, LLC 

Unauthorized duplication and distribution strictly forbidden | Version 01.07.14 
Product details, pricing, and terms subject to change without notice. 

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